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    7Z69501 Search Results

    7Z69501 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 4049bp
    Text: IN TE G R A TE D CIRCUITS HEF4049B buffers HEX inverting buffers Product specification File under Integrated C ircuits, IC04 Philips Semiconductors January 1995 PHILIPS PHILIPS Philips S e m ico nd uctors P ro d u c t specification H EF4049B H E X inverting buffers

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    HEF4049B EF4049B 4049B EF4049B 4049bt 4049bp PDF


    Abstract: HEF4052BD HEF4052BP HEF4052B HEF4052BPN
    Text: HEF4052B M SI DUAL 4-CHANNEL ANALOGUE MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER The HEF4052B is a dual 4-channel analogue m ultiplexer/dem ultiplexer w ith common channel select logic. Each m ultiplexer/dem ultiplexer has fo u r independent inputs/outputs Yg to Y 3 and a common

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    HEF4052B HEF4052BT HEF4052BD HEF4052BP HEF4052BPN PDF