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    7B1342 Price and Stock

    Cypress Semiconductor CY7B1342-25JC

    4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Rochester Electronics CY7B1342-25JC 30 1
    • 1 $8.88
    • 10 $8.88
    • 100 $8.35
    • 1000 $7.55
    • 10000 $7.55
    Buy Now

    7B1342 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 7C291 5962-8515505RX 27PC256-12 PAL164A 8464C 5C6408 72018 39C10B MACH110 cross reference
    Text: Product Line Cross Reference CYPRESS 2147-35C 2147-45C 2147-45C 2147-45M+ 2147-55C 2147-55M 2148-35C 2148-35C 2148-35M 2148-45C 2148-45C 2148-45M 2148-45M+ 2148-55C 2148-55C 2148-55M 2149-35C 2149-35C 2149-35M 2149-45C 2149-45M 2149-45M 2149-55C 2149-55C 2149-55M

    2147-35C 2147-45C 2147-45M+ 2147-55C 2147-55M 2148-35C 2148-35M 2148-45C 81c78 7C291 5962-8515505RX 27PC256-12 PAL164A 8464C 5C6408 72018 39C10B MACH110 cross reference PDF


    Abstract: CY7B135 CY7B135-35LMB 7B1342-35 7B135-25
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 4K x 8 DualĆPort Static RAMs and 4K x 8 DualĆPort Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional Description D 0.8Ćmicron BiCMOS for high performance D HighĆspeed access The CY7B134, CY7B135, and 7B1342 are highĆspeed BiCMOS 4K x 8 dualĆport

    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 CY7B1342 CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B135-35LMB 7B1342-35 7B135-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 C ’Y P R F R c ; Features Functional Description • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance The CY7B134, CY7B135, and CY 7B1342 are high-speed B iC M O S 4K x 8 d ual-port static R A M s. T h e 7B1342 includes sem aphores th a t provide a

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 CY7B134, CY7B135, 7B1342 CY7B1342 --00161--B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 _ 7B1342 Features Functional Description • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance • High-speed access — 20 ns commercial — 25 ns (military) • Automatic power-down • Fully asynchronous operation • 7B1342 includes semaphores

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B134, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 F# CYPRESS 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional D escription • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance T he CY7B134, CY7B135, and 7B1342 are high-speed BiCMOS 4K x 8 dual-port

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 CY7B134, CY7B135, CY7B1342 GD15bDfl PDF

    J69 Package

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional Description • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance • High-speed access — 15 ns commercial — 25 ns (military) • Automatic power-down

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B134, CY7B135, J69 Package PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 CYPRESS 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional Description • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance • High-speed access — 15 ns commercial — 25 ns (military) • Automatic power-down

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B1342 PDF

    ha 13525

    Abstract: ha 13525 b CY7B1342-25JI A7113 I342
    Text: Features CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 PRELIM INARY CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Functional Description The CY7B134, CY7BI35, and 7B1342 are high-speed BiCM OS 4K x 8 dual-port static RAMs. The 7B1342 includes

    OCR Scan
    7B1342 7B134 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 CY7B134, ha 13525 ha 13525 b CY7B1342-25JI A7113 I342 PDF

    ha 13525 b

    Abstract: ha 13525
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 ^ CYPRESS 7B1342 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional D escription • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high perform ance • H igh-speed access — 15 ns commercial — 25 ns (m ilitary)

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 7B134 48-pin CY7B134, CY7B135, CY7B1342 ha 13525 b ha 13525 PDF


    Abstract: CY7B1342 CY7B135
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 0 CYPRESS 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional Description • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high perform ance • High-speed access — 15 ns commercial — 25 ns (military) • Automatic power-down

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B134, CY7B135, CY7B1342 PDF

    sem 2106

    Abstract: sem 2105 sem 2105 16 pin sem 2107 sem 2106 24 pin sem 2106 data set 7B1342-25 7B135-35 Semaphore CY7B134
    Text: 25ê=lt.b2 0 0 0 b 3 t b 4bE D - -„ Æ a c v p CY7B134 CY7B135 SEMICONDUCTOR 7B1342 PRELIMINARY CYPRESS ‘> y , S ' T ' ' A * ' V h ~ \ 1 - CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional Description

    OCR Scan
    000b3tb CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin sem 2106 sem 2105 sem 2105 16 pin sem 2107 sem 2106 24 pin sem 2106 data set 7B1342-25 7B135-35 Semaphore PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SÔ*lbb2 ODDTÎbQ bIT «CVP b5E ]> CY7B134 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR CY7B135 _ 7B1342 Features Functional Description 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance High-speed access — 20 ns commercial — 25 ns (military) Automatic power-down

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B134, PDF

    b 1342

    Abstract: I342 I342 G 957b
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 '0 CYPRESS 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features F unctional D escription • 0.8-m icron B iC M O S for high perform ance • H igh-sp eed a ccess T h e C Y 7B 134, C Y 7 B 1 3 5 , a n d C Y 7 B 1 3 4 2

    OCR Scan
    135/7B CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 b 1342 I342 I342 G 957b PDF


    Abstract: CY7B135 7B135-35 f21l 48-pin TSOP I
    Text: CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 ¥ CYPRESS 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAMs and 4K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM with Semaphores Features Functional Description • 0.8-micron BiCMOS for high performance The CY7B134, CY7B135, and 7B1342 are high-speed BiCMOS 4K x 8 dual-port

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 7B1342 7B134 48-pin 7B135/7B1342 52-pin CY7B134, CY7B135, 7B135-35 f21l 48-pin TSOP I PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R ELIM IN A R Y CY7B134 CY7B135 7B1342 SEMICONDUCTOR 4K x 8 D ual-P ort Static R A M s and 4K x 8 D ual-Port Static R A M with Sem aph ores Features F unctional D escription • 0 . 8 - m ic r o n IU C M O S t o r h ig h p e r fo r m a n c e • H ig h -s p e e d a c c e s s

    OCR Scan
    CY7B134 CY7B135 CY7B1342 PDF