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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn 4 R M 4 5 2 -1 6 4 - 3 1 2 - 9 5 0 1 • ROW Daughterboard to Motherboard or Chassis . 075 " RM4 86 thru 404 Contacts .7 8 5 — .585 — -1 .4 0 0 |— .315 .200 .150 — # 2 - 5 6 * * * S.S. —' INSERT 3 PLCS A B .200 © © .3 2 0 * (2 PLCS)'

    OCR Scan
    67Y66) 86Ya5Ya4) 86X85X84) 76Y75) CTR048 R--54 PDF

    256 pin thru hole

    Abstract: RM412-164-522-9501 ctr042
    Text: ‘Air Born 4 • ROW Motherboard or Chassis to Daughterboard .075 " RM4 86 thru 404 Contacts — I .400 |— — .630 — .200 .315 I— £ .200 ~± .310 2 PLCS Jü .125 O.D. x T .088 I.D. TYP - .0 8 7 5 ROLL PIN TYP -080 ,075±.001 TYP .480 DIMENSIONS

    OCR Scan
    67Y66) 86X85X84) 76Y75) CTR048 256 pin thru hole RM412-164-522-9501 ctr042 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIMENSIONS SIZE A B C 86* 110* 164 196 204 220 250* 276 300 404 1.975 2.425 3.700 4.300 4.450 4.750 5.050 5.800 6.250 8.200 1.575 2.025 1.500 1.800 1.875 2.025 4.650 2.550 2.775 3.750 1.500 1.950 1.425 1.725 1.800 1.950 4.575 2.475 2.700 3.675 Air Born 4 • ROW

    OCR Scan
    4I0000000000000000000I4 CTR040 R--44 PDF


    Abstract: rm412 ctr042
    Text: ‘Air Born 4 • ROW Motherboard or Chassis to Daughterboard . 075 " RM4 86 thru 404 Contacts — I .400 |— — .630 — .200 .315 I— £ .200 ~± .310 2 PLCS Jü .125 O.D. x T .088 I.D. TYP - .0 8 7 5 ROLL PIN TYP -080 ,075±.001 TYP .480 DIMENSIONS

    OCR Scan
    86X85X84) 76Y75) CTR048 RM412-164-522-9501 rm412 ctr042 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn 4 R M 4 5 2 -1 6 4 - 3 1 2 - 9 5 0 1 • ROW Daughterboard to Motherboard or Chassis .075 " RM4 86 thru 404 Contacts .7 8 5 — .585 — -1 .4 0 0 |— .315 .200 .150 — # 2 - 5 6 * * * S.S. —' INSERT 3 PLCS A B .200 © © .3 2 0 * (2 PLCS)'

    OCR Scan
    86Ya5Ya4) 67Y66) 86X85X84) 25X24) 76Y75) CTR048 R--54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIMENSIONS SIZE A B C 86* 1.975 1.575 1.500 110* 2 .4 2 5 2 .0 2 5 1.950 164 3 .7 0 0 1.500 1.425 196 4 .3 0 0 1.800 1.725 204 4 .4 5 0 1.875 1.800 2 20 4 .7 5 0 2 .0 2 5 1.950 250* 5 .0 5 0 4 .6 5 0 4 .5 7 5 276 5 .8 0 0 2 .5 5 0 2 .4 7 5 3 00 6 .2 5 0 2 .7 7 5

    OCR Scan
    4I0000000000000000000I4 86Ya5Ya4) 67Y66) 86X85X84) 05lQ04) 76Y75) 78X177 CTR048 PDF

    airborn RM

    Abstract: P2430
    Text: AirBorn 4 R M 4 5 2 -1 6 4 - 3 1 2 - 9 5 0 1 • ROW Daughterboard to Motherboard or Chassis .075 " RM4 86 thru 404 Contacts .7 8 5 — .585 — -1 .4 0 0 |— .315 .200 .150 — # 2 - 5 6 * * * S.S. —' INSERT 3 PLCS A B .200 © © .3 2 0 * (2 PLCS)'

    OCR Scan
    R--57 CTR051 airborn RM P2430 PDF