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    74LS240 BUS TRANSFER SWITCH Search Results

    74LS240 BUS TRANSFER SWITCH Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCWA1225G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation High Power Switch / SPDT / WCSP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TBAW56 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.215 A, SOT23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    HN1D05FE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 400 V, 0.1 A, ES6 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    74LS240 BUS TRANSFER SWITCH Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ADC080X AN020 AN020 intersil MC6821 die cookbook approach microprocessors interfacing
    Text: ADC0803, ADC0804 Data Sheet April 2002 FN3094.3 Features 8-Bit, Microprocessor-Compatible, A/D Converters • 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible - No Interfacing Logic Required The ADC080X family are CMOS 8-Bit, successiveapproximation A/D converters which use a modified

    ADC0803, ADC0804 FN3094 ADC080X 80C48 80C80/85 mc6820 AN020 AN020 intersil MC6821 die cookbook approach microprocessors interfacing PDF


    Abstract: ADC080X mc6820 MC6821 mc6820 ic cmos ADC0804 74C32 ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM adc0804 datasheet AN016 intersil ttl cookbook
    Text: ADC0803, ADC0804 Data Sheet August 2002 8-Bit, Microprocessor-Compatible, A/D Converters FN3094.4 Features The ADC080X family are CMOS 8-Bit, successiveapproximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric ladder and are designed to operate with the

    ADC0803, ADC0804 FN3094 ADC080X MCS6520 mc6820 MC6821 mc6820 ic cmos ADC0804 74C32 ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM adc0804 datasheet AN016 intersil ttl cookbook PDF

    MC6821 mc6820

    Abstract: ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM ADC0804 PIN DIAGRAM ADC0804LCN AN020 mc6820 ADC0804 datasheet MC6820 PIA 80C48 ADC0802
    Text: ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0804 8-Bit, MicroprocessorCompatible, A/D Converters August 1997 Features Description • 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible - No Interfacing Logic Required The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-Bit, successive-approximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric

    ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0804 80C48 80C80/85 ADC0802 MC6821 mc6820 ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM ADC0804 PIN DIAGRAM ADC0804LCN AN020 mc6820 ADC0804 datasheet MC6820 PIA PDF

    ic cmos ADC0804

    Abstract: mc6820 MC6821 mc6820 ICL7104 cm Microprocessor Compatible 6800, 8085, Z80 ADC0804 datasheet 74c32 ADC0802 ADC0802LCD ADC0802LD
    Text: ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0804 S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8-Bit µP Compatible A/D Converters December 1993 Features Description • 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible - No Interfacing Logic Required The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-Bit successive approximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric

    ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0804 80C48 80C80/85 ADC0802 150pF MC6820 ic cmos ADC0804 MC6821 mc6820 ICL7104 cm Microprocessor Compatible 6800, 8085, Z80 ADC0804 datasheet 74c32 ADC0802LCD ADC0802LD PDF

    MC6821 mc6820

    Abstract: ADC0804 mc6820 ADC0802 ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM ADC0804 PIN DIAGRAM ADC0804 interfacing pia MC6820 74C32 ADC0804 datasheet
    Text: ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0804 S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8-Bit, MicroprocessorCompatible, A/D Converters August 1997 Features Description • 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible - No Interfacing Logic Required The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-Bit, successive-approximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric

    ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0804 80C48 80C80/85 ADC0802 150pF MC6820 MC6821 mc6820 ADC0804 ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM ADC0804 PIN DIAGRAM ADC0804 interfacing pia MC6820 74C32 ADC0804 datasheet PDF

    AN020 intersil

    Abstract: ADC0804 PIN DIAGRAM ADC0804 datasheet ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM MC6821 mc6820 MC6820 PIA mc6820 mcs6520 8085 microprocessor ic cmos ADC0804
    Text: ADC0802, ADC0803, ADC0804 TM Data Sheet 8-Bit, Microprocessor-Compatible, A/D Converters The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-Bit, successiveapproximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric ladder and are designed to operate with the 8080A control bus via three-state outputs. These converters

    ADC0802, ADC0803, ADC0804 ADC0802 AN020 intersil ADC0804 PIN DIAGRAM ADC0804 datasheet ADC0804 BLOCK DIAGRAM MC6821 mc6820 MC6820 PIA mc6820 mcs6520 8085 microprocessor ic cmos ADC0804 PDF

    Am29050 Microprocessor Users Manual

    Abstract: so do chan IC 74ls374 Am29202 AM29050 Users Manual AM29240 Users Manual IEEE-1284 PQB132 Am29240 IEEE-1284-COMPLIANT
    Text: Advance Information Am29202  Advanced Micro Devices Low-Cost RISC Microcontroller with IEEE-1284-Compliant Parallel Interface DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Completely integrated system for cost-sensitive embedded applications requiring high performance IEEE Std 1284-1994-compliant parallel port

    Am29202 IEEE-1284-Compliant 1284-1994-compliant 32-bit 22-bit Am29000 Fusion29K Am29005 Am29030 Am29050 Microprocessor Users Manual so do chan IC 74ls374 AM29050 Users Manual AM29240 Users Manual IEEE-1284 PQB132 Am29240 PDF

    IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: F9444 MSI IC 74138 decoder power control F9444 F9445 self-test 74138 FAIRCHILD f9445 Fairchild 9445 F9445-16DM 74ls240 bus transfer switch
    Text: FAIRCHILD A Schlumberger Company Preliminary Data Sheet April 1982 Description The F9445 is a 16-bit microprocessor implemented using Fairchild’s Isoplanar Integrated Injection Logic l3L technology. This bipolar technology and a sophisticated pipeline architecture combine to give the F9445 very fast

    OCR Scan
    F9445 16-Bit F9444 F9445-24 IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram MSI IC 74138 decoder power control F9444 F9445 self-test 74138 FAIRCHILD Fairchild 9445 F9445-16DM 74ls240 bus transfer switch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: d ì h a r r is ADC0802, ADC0803 S E M I C O N D U C T O R ^ 8-Bit |xP Compatible A/D Converters December 1993 Description Features • The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-Bit successive approxi­ mation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric ladder and are designed to operate with the 8080A control

    OCR Scan
    ADC0802, ADC0803 ADC0802 80C48 80C80/85 100ns 150pF MC6820 PDF

    MC6821 mc6820

    Abstract: mc6820 MC6820 PIA ADC0802-ADC0803 analog cookbook MOS 6502 cpu 80C48 ADC0802 ADC0802LD ADC0803
    Text: . Intersil High-Rellability Products ADC0802 - ADC0803 High Reliability 8-Bit juP-Compatible A /D Converters GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-bit successive approxi­ mation A /D converters which use a modified potentiometric ladder, and are designed to operate with the 8080A control

    OCR Scan
    ADC0802 ADC0803 150pF- MC6800 ADC0802-ADC0803 MC6821 mc6820 mc6820 MC6820 PIA ADC0802-ADC0803 analog cookbook MOS 6502 cpu 80C48 ADC0802LD ADC0803 PDF

    MC6821 mc6820

    Abstract: MC6820 PIA mcs6520 mc6820 80C48 ADC0802 ADC0802LCD ADC0802LCN ADC0802LD ADC0803
    Text: n n 1 ly y j ^ F t lS U L I S E M I C O N D U C T O R A D C 0 8 0 2 , A D C 0 8 0 3 Aifj^^sOSO^ 8-Bit, MicroprocessorCompatible, A/D Converters August 1997 Features Description • 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible - No Interfacing Logic Required The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-Bit, successive-approximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric

    OCR Scan
    ADC0802, ADC0803 80C48 80C80/85 ADC0802 MC6820 MCS6520) MC6820 MC6821 mc6820 MC6820 PIA mcs6520 ADC0802LCD ADC0802LCN ADC0802LD ADC0803 PDF

    cookbook approach

    Abstract: MC6820 PIA 0802a C0802 display 12 Volt, 10 Amp Switching Power Supply
    Text: Intersil Hlgh'Rellability Products ADC0802 - ADC0803 High Reliability 8-Bit juP-Compatible A/D Converters GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-bit successive approxi­ mation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric ladder, and are designed to operate with the 8080A control

    OCR Scan
    ADC0802 ADC0803 80C48 HDMM02 MC6800 ADC0802ADC0803 cookbook approach MC6820 PIA 0802a C0802 display 12 Volt, 10 Amp Switching Power Supply PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D C 0 8 0 2 -A D C 0 8 0 4 HB H V S E M I C O N D U C T O R r A R R ADC0Ö02 - ADC0804 I S 8-Bit /xP-Compatible A/D Converters GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-bit successive approxi­ mation A /D converters which use a modified potentiometric

    OCR Scan
    ADC0804 ADC0802 80C48 80C80/85 MC6800 ADC0802ADC0804 MC6620 MCS6520) PDF

    HD 0802 analog

    Abstract: MC6820 PIA ADC0802-ADC0804 mc6820 ADC0804N ADC0802ADC0804 4ADW ADC0804-N ic cmos ADC0804
    Text: ADC0802-ADC0804 f f i H A R R ADC0802 - ADC0804 I S S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8-Bit jixP-Compatible A /D Converters GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ADC0802 family are CMOS 8-bit successive approxi­ mation A /D converters which use a modified potentiometric

    OCR Scan
    ADC0802-ADC0804 ADC0802 ADC0804 80C48 80C80/85 C6800 ADC0802ADC0804 MC6820 MCS6520) HD 0802 analog MC6820 PIA ADC0802-ADC0804 mc6820 ADC0804N 4ADW ADC0804-N ic cmos ADC0804 PDF


    Abstract: 74ls244 latch ic Z8127 z80 multibus Am286
    Text: Am8163/Am8167 A m 816 3 /A m 816 7 Dynamic Memory Timing, Refresh and EDC Controllers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Complete CPU to dynamic RAM control interface • R A S /M S E L/C A S Sequencer to eliminate delay lines • Complete EDC/data path controls for W ord/Byte read

    OCR Scan
    Am8163/Am8167 Z8000, MC68000) Am8163 Am8167 Z8000* MOS67 1553A 2B0365 74ls244 latch ic Z8127 z80 multibus Am286 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am8163/Am8167 Am8163/Am8167 Dynamic Memory Timing, Refresh and EDC Controllers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • Complete CPU to dynamic RAM control Interface RAS/MSEL/óÀS Sequencer to eliminate delay lines Complete EDC/data path controls for Word/Byte read

    OCR Scan
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    str f 6167

    Abstract: amz8127 str 6167 supi 3 ls z80b Am8001 AM8163 IC HS 8167 z80 multibus 74LS240
    Text: Am8163/Am8167 A m 8 1 6 3 /A m 8 1 6 7 Dynamic Memory Timing, Refresh and EDC Controllers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS EDC error flag latches for error logging under software control Two timing configurations support a broad range of processors Z80, Z8000, 8086, 8088, MC68000

    OCR Scan
    Am8163/Am8167 Z8000, MC68000) Am8163 Am8167 1553A str f 6167 amz8127 str 6167 supi 3 ls z80b Am8001 IC HS 8167 z80 multibus 74LS240 PDF

    IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: f9444 74874 power control F9444 decoder 74138 have three enabled pin 74164 with ic PIN DIAGRAM F9444 power control 74164 counter pin diagram of ic 74164 Fairchild 9445
    Text: F9445 16-Bit Bipolar Microprocessor FAIRCHILD A Schlumberger Company M icroprocessor Products Pin Functions Description The F9445 is a 16-bit m icroprocessor im plemented using F airchild's Isoplanar Integrated Injection Logic l3L* technology. This bipolar technology and a sophisticated

    OCR Scan
    F9445 16-Bit F9444 -Hi25 40-Pln 40-pin IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram 74874 power control F9444 decoder 74138 have three enabled pin 74164 with ic PIN DIAGRAM F9444 power control 74164 counter pin diagram of ic 74164 Fairchild 9445 PDF


    Abstract: str f 6167 Amz8127 74LS240 MC68000 Z8000 Z80A Z80B 50lh 71p3ns
    Text: Am8163/Am8167 Am 8163/Am 8167 Dynamic Memory Timing, Refresh and EDC Controllers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS EDC error flag latches for error logging under software control Two timing configurations support a broad range of processors Z80, Z8000, 8086, 8088, MC68000

    OCR Scan
    Am8163/Am8167 Z8000, MC68000) Am8163 Am8167 1553A wf001790 am8160 str f 6167 Amz8127 74LS240 MC68000 Z8000 Z80A Z80B 50lh 71p3ns PDF

    en 586-3

    Abstract: Am29000 Users Manual Am29050TM AMD 29040
    Text: a Advance Information Am29202 Advanced Micro Devices Low-Cost RISC Microcontroller with IEEE-1284-Compliant Parallel Interface DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Completely integrated system for cost-sensitive embedded applications requiring high performance

    OCR Scan
    Am29202TM IEEE-1284-Compliant 32-bit 22-bit 104-Mbyte 20-MHz 1m29202 Fusion29K Am29030 en 586-3 Am29000 Users Manual Am29050TM AMD 29040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Advance Information Am29202 Advanced Micro Devices Low-Cost RISC Microcontroller with IEEE-1284-Compliant Parallel Interface DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Completely integrated system for cost-sensitive embedded applications requiring high performance

    OCR Scan
    Am29202 IEEE-1284-Compliant 32-bit 22-bit 104-Mbyte 20-MHz Am29000 Fusion29K Am29005 PDF

    Interfacing stepper motor using 8085

    Abstract: CY525 schematic diagram WELDER CY512 spot welder schematic capacitor electrical schematic diagram WELDER spot welder circuit diagram 7400 nand gate 8085 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS USERS MANUAL 74193
    Text: 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CY525 1 HISTORY OF STEPPER CONTROL Boxes to B oards to Chips The first stepper motor controllers consisted of bulky boxes controlled by switches and buttons. Step rates were set in hardware, as w e r e the a c c e l e r a t i o n a n d d e c e l e r a t i o n

    OCR Scan
    CY525 Interfacing stepper motor using 8085 schematic diagram WELDER CY512 spot welder schematic capacitor electrical schematic diagram WELDER spot welder circuit diagram 7400 nand gate 8085 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS USERS MANUAL 74193 PDF

    Intel 8008

    Abstract: design fire alarm 8088 microprocessor STR IC parallel bus arbitration RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF intel 8218 76381 intel 8274 heurikon intel 8080 microprocessor
    Text: The Multibus Design Guidebook W r it t e n f o r p r o fe s s io n a ls a n d s t u d e n t s a lik e , t h is v o lu m e c o n t a in s all th e in fo r m a t io n n e c e s sa ry t o e ffe c tiv e ly e v a lu a t e th e M u lt ib u s fa m ily : C o m p le te specifications fo r the M u ltib u s fam ily

    OCR Scan

    74LS189 equivalent

    Abstract: 74LS200 AmZ8036 Z8104 74LS300 AM9511 Am2505 27s13 54S244 27LS00
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Condensed Catalog 1981 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products without notice in order to improve design or performance characteristics. The company assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein.

    OCR Scan
    AMD-599 LM101 SN54LS01 132nd 74LS189 equivalent 74LS200 AmZ8036 Z8104 74LS300 AM9511 Am2505 27s13 54S244 27LS00 PDF