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    74LS AND GATE Search Results

    74LS AND GATE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ331KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    74LS AND GATE Datasheets Context Search

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    IC 74LS14

    Abstract: 74ls14 74LSxx ic 74ls13
    Text: M OTOROLA SN54/74LS13 SN54/74LS14 SCHMITT TRIGGERS DUAL GATE/HEX INVERTER The S N 54LS /74LS 13 and SN 54LS /74LS 14 contain logic gates/inverters which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of transforming slowly changing input signals into

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    /74LS SN54/74LS13 SN54/74LS14 IC 74LS14 74ls14 74LSxx ic 74ls13 PDF

    74LS14 not gate

    Abstract: 74LS14 74ls14 ttl ttl 74ls14 74LS14 DATA LS14 74LS13 TTL Schmitt-Trigger Inverters 751A-02 LS13
    Text: MOTOROLA SN54/74LS13 SN54/74LS14 SCHMITT TRIGGERS DUAL GATE/HEX INVERTER The SN 54LS /74LS 13 and S N 54LS /74LS 14 contain logic gates/inverters which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of transforming slowly changing input signals into

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    SN54LS/74LS13 SN54LS/74LS14 SN54/74LS13 SN54/74LS14 74LS14 not gate 74LS14 74ls14 ttl ttl 74ls14 74LS14 DATA LS14 74LS13 TTL Schmitt-Trigger Inverters 751A-02 LS13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA. SN54/74LS90 SN54/74LS92 SN54/74LS93 DECADE COUNTER; DIVIDE-BY-TWELVE COUNTER; 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER The SN 54/74LS 90, S N 54/74LS 92 and S N 54/74LS 93 are high-speed 4-bit ripple type counters partitioned into two sections. Each counter has a divide-by-two section and either a divide-by-five (LS90), divide-by-six (LS92) or

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    SN54/74LS90 SN54/74LS92 SN54/74LS93 54/74LS modulo-12, modulo-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AVG DDi Semiconductors Technical Data 192, 193 Synchronous Up/Down Decade and Binary Counters with CLEAR DV74LS192 DV74ALS192 DV74LS193 DV74ALS193 The 74LS/ALS192 is an UP/DOWN BCD Decade 8421 Counter and the 74LS/ALS193 is an UP/DOWN MODULO-16 Binary

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    DV74LS192 DV74ALS192 DV74LS193 DV74ALS193 74LS/ALS192 74LS/ALS193 MODULO-16 ALS192 LS192 PDF

    74ls48 PIN OUT

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <8> M OTOROLA D E S C R IP T IO N — The S N 54LS /74LS 48 and S N 54LS /74LS 49 are BCD to 7-Segm ent Decoders consisting of NAND gates, input buffers and seven AND-OR-INVERT gates. The LS49 offers active HIGH opencollector outputs for current-sourcing applications to drive logic circuits

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    /74LS 74ls48 PIN OUT PDF


    Abstract: 74ls155 74 ls 155 demultiplexer 74ls156
    Text: MOTOROLA SN54/74LS155 SN54/74LS156 DUAL 1-0F-4 DECODER/ DEMULTIPLEXER The SN 54/74LS 155 and S N 54/74LS 156 are high speed Dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexers. These devices have two decoders with common 2-bit Address inputs and separate gated Enable inputs. Decoder “a” has an

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    54/74LS LS156 LS155 74ls155 74 ls 155 demultiplexer 74ls156 PDF


    Abstract: IC 74LS192 LS192 ALS192 MODULO-16 DV74LS192 DV74LS192-93 LS193
    Text: AVG Semiconductors DDT Technical Data The 74LS/ALS192 is an UP/DOWN BCD Decade 8421 Counter and the 74LS/ALS193 is an UP/DOWN MODULO-16 Binary Counter. Separate Count Up and Count Down Clocks are used and in either counting mode the circuits operate synchronously. The out­

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    74LS192 74ALS192 74LS/ALS193 MODULO-16 clock92-93, DV74ALS192-93 1-800-AVG-SEMI LS192, ALS192, LS192 IC 74LS192 ALS192 DV74LS192 DV74LS192-93 LS193 PDF

    74LS90 pin configuration

    Abstract: configuration 74ls90
    Text: SPEED/PACKAGE AVAILABILITY 54 F,W S4LS F,W BLOCK DIAGRAM 54LS/74LS PIN CONFIGURATION 74 A,F 74LS A,F DESCRIPTION This monolithic counter contains four mas­ ter-slave flip-flops and additional gating to provide a divide-by-two counter and a three-stage binary counter for which the

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    54LS/74LS 54/74LS90 74LS90 pin configuration configuration 74ls90 PDF


    Abstract: M74LS37P
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M 74LS 37P Q U A D RU PLE 2-IN P U T P O S IT IV E NAND B U FFER DESCRIPTION The M 74LS 37P is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW containing four 2-in p u t positive N A N D and negative NOR buffer gates. FEATURES

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    M74LS37P M74LS37P b2LHfl27 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AVG DDi Semiconductors Technical Data DV74LS190 DV74ALS190 DV74LS191 DV74ALS191 Synchronous Up/Down Decade and Binary Counters The 74LS/ALS 190 is a synchronous UP/DOWN BCD Decade counter 8421 The 74LS/ALS 191 is a synchronous UP/DOWN Modulo-16 Binary Counter. State changes of the counters are

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    DV74LS190 DV74ALS190 DV74LS191 DV74ALS191 74LS/ALS Modulo-16 ALS190 LS190 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M 74LS 18P DUAL 4-IN P U T NAND SCHMITT TRIGGER DESCRIPTION The M 74LS 18P is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW containing tw o 4-input positive-logic N A N D gates having a schm itt trigger function and negative-logic N O R gates.

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    500ns, b2LHfl27 0013Sbl 74LS18P PDF


    Abstract: IC 74ls290
    Text: MOTOROLA SN54/74LS290 SN54/74LS293 DECADE COUNTER; 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER The SN 54/74LS 290 and S N 54/74LS 293 are high-speed 4-bit ripple type counters partitioned into two sections. Each counter has a divide-by-two sec­ tion and either a divide-by-five LS290 or divide-by-eight (LS293) section

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    SN54/74LS290 SN54/74LS293 54/74LS LS290) LS293) odulo-16 LS290 74ls290 IC 74ls290 PDF


    Abstract: 30132 10116
    Text: 190,191 AVG Semiconductors DDT Technical Data DV74LS190 DV74ALS190 DV74LS191 DV74ALS191 Synchronous Up/Down Decade and Binary Counters The 74LS/ALS 190 is a synchronous UP/DOWN BCD Decade counter 8421 The 74LS/ALS 191 is a synchronous UP/DOWN Modulo-16 Binary Counter. State changes of the counters are

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    74LS/ALS Modulo-16 varieS190-191 LS190 Ci-15pF ALS190 DV74LS190-191, DV74ALS190-191 30132 10116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g MOTOROLA SN54/74LS290 SN54/74LS293 DECADE COUNTER; 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER The S N 54/74LS 290 and S N 54/74LS 293 are high-speed 4-bit ripple type counters partitioned into two sections. Each counter has a divide-by-two sec­ tion and either a divide-by-five (LS290) or divide-by-eight (LS293) section

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    SN54/74LS290 SN54/74LS293 54/74LS LS290) LS293) odulo-16 LS290 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M 74LS 51P DUAL 2 -W ID E 2 -IN P U T /3 -IN P U T AND -O R -IN VER T GATE DESCRIPTION The M 74LS 51P is a semiconductor integrated PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW circuit containing dual 2-wide 2-in p u t/3 -in p u t A N D -O R -IN V E R T

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    500ns, 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN 74ls51p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h ftr e ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS x § # ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS Dual AND-OR-Invert Gates and Dual AND-OR Gates February 1985 OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • Function, pin-out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family The '51 performs the following Boolean functions:

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    Abstract: 74hctls
    Text: Z v t n ZX54HCTLS M ZX74HCTLS x February 1985 Quad 2-Input AND Gates with Open-Drain Outputs OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • Function, pin-out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family These devices contain four independent 2-Input AND

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    Abstract: 74HCTLS
    Text: Zvtrex ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS 266 Quad Exdusive-NOR Gates with Open-Drain Outputs February 1985 OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • Function, pin-out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family These devices contain four independent exclusive-NOR

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zytrex_ sags12 Triple 3-Input NAND Gates with Open-Drain Outputs February 1985 OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • Function, pin*out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family These devices contain three independent 3-input NAND

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    ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS 54/74LS 74HCTLS: 54HCTLS: 74hctls PDF


    Abstract: 20-PIN
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS09P QUADRUPLE 2-IN P U T POSITIVE AND GATES W ITH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION The M 74LS 09P is a semiconductor integrated circuit containing 4 dual-input positive A N D and negative OR gates w ith open collector output. FEATURES

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    M74LS09P M74LS09P 16-PIN 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zytrex ZXS4HCTLS ZX74HCTLS February 1985 11 Triple 3-Input AND Gates O BJECTIVE S P E C IF IC A TIO N S Features Description • Function, pin-out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family These devices contain three independent 3-input AND

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    Altera EP1800

    Abstract: EP1800 JEDEC FORMAT EP1800 altera logicaps TTL library SCHEMA PA BUILT UP EP1800 LOGIC DIAGRAM ep18001
    Text: EP1800 Erasable, User-Configurable LSI circuit capable of implementing 2100 equivalent gates of conventional and custom logic. Speed equivalent to 74LS TTL with 25 MHz clock rates. “Zero Power” typically 10/jA standby . Active power of 250 mW at 5 MHz.

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    EP1800 Altera EP1800 EP1800 JEDEC FORMAT EP1800 altera logicaps TTL library SCHEMA PA BUILT UP EP1800 LOGIC DIAGRAM ep18001 PDF

    Zytrex quad and gate

    Abstract: 74hctls
    Text: Z y tr c x _ February1985 08 Quad 2-Input AND Gâté# / OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • Function, pln-out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family These devices contain four independent 2-input AND gates. They perform the Boolean functions Y = A • B or

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    ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS 54/74LS 74HCTLS: 54HCTLS: Zytrex quad and gate 74hctls PDF

    Zytrex OR gate

    Abstract: 74HCTLS
    Text: Z v t r e ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS x Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates February 1985 OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • Function, pin-out, speed and drive compatibility with 54/74LS logic family These devices contain four independent 2-input Exclu­

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    54/74LS 74HCTLS: 54HCTLS: ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS Zytrex OR gate 74HCTLS PDF