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    7490 DECADE COUNTER Search Results

    7490 DECADE COUNTER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74574 7486 XOR GATE 7486 full adder latch 74574 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7490 Decade Counter 74373 cmos dual s-r latch 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop
    Text: Semiconductor Logic Device Cross-Reference Here is a comprehensive cross-reference of TTL and CMOS chips that are readily available over the counter from such places as Maplin Electronics in the UK . Tables of both TTL and CMOS devices are provided along with tables grouping chips with the same functionality together.



    Abstract: fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104
    Text: Digital I.C.s, 74INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIGITAL TTL, 74LS & 74HC Series Quad 2-input NAND gate Quad 2-input NAND gate, open collector Quad 2-input NOR gate Quad 2-input NOR gate, open collector Hex inverter Hex inverter, O/C collector Hex inverter, Buffer 30V O/P

    74INTEGRATED Line-to-10 150ns 16-DIL 150ns 18-pin 250ns 300ns FZH115B fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104 PDF

    IC 7408

    Abstract: IC 7812 REGULATOR IC 7812 IC TTL 7400 NEC d446c d446c data sheet IC 7408 ic 74151 IC 74153 REGULATOR IC 7912
    Text: 1 of 8 Home Up Hewlett-Packard Part Number to Industry Standard HP Part Number DESCRIPTION Equivalent Part Number 1810-0076 SIP Resistor Network, 1K8 x 8 no industry number 1810-0307 RESISTOR ARRAY 316-101 100 ohms AB 1816-1104 1K ROM HP1350 Char. Gen. no industry number

    HP1350 82S126 1818-0373B MK34127N D446C-2 NEC/AMNE592 IC 7408 IC 7812 REGULATOR IC 7812 IC TTL 7400 NEC d446c d446c data sheet IC 7408 ic 74151 IC 74153 REGULATOR IC 7912 PDF


    Abstract: TTL 7490 74LS90 equivalent 7490 bcd counter configuration 74ls90 7490 pin configuration internal diagram of 7490 10 pin TTL 7490 data 7490 LS90 7490 diagram
    Text: 7490, LS90 Sjgnetics Counters Decade Counter Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPE The '90 is a 4-bit, ripple-type Decade Counter. The device consists of four master-slave flip-flops internally connect­ ed to provide a divide-by-two section and

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500hs 500ns 7490 TTL 7490 74LS90 equivalent 7490 bcd counter configuration 74ls90 7490 pin configuration internal diagram of 7490 10 pin TTL 7490 data 7490 LS90 7490 diagram PDF

    internal diagram of 7490 decade counter

    Abstract: TTL 7490 7490 pin diagram 7490 truth table 7490 pin diagram of 7490 7490 bcd counter 7490 pin out diagram internal diagram of 7490 10 pin 7490 Decade Counter
    Text: TTL/MSI 9390/5490, 7490 DECADE COUNTER DESCRIPTION — The T T L /M S I 939 0/5 4 9 0 , 7490 is a Decade Counter w hich consists o f fo u r dual rank, master slave flip -flo p s in ternally interconnected to provide a divide-by-tw o counter and a divide-by-five counter. Count inputs are in h ibite d , and all outputs are returned to logical zero or a

    OCR Scan

    7490 pin configuration

    Abstract: TTL 7490 74LS90 pin configuration 7490 pin diagram 7490 Decade Counter internal diagram of 7490 decade counter 7490 LS 7490 signetics 7490 pin diagram of 7490
    Text: 7490, LS90 Signetìcs Counters Decade C ounter Product Specification L o g ic P rod ucts DESCRIPTION TYPICAL f MAx TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT 7490 30MHz 30mA 74LS90 42MHz 9mA TYPE T h e '9 0 is a 4-bit, rip p le -typ e D eca d e C ou n te r. T h e d e vice c o n sists o f fo u r

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 7490 pin configuration TTL 7490 74LS90 pin configuration 7490 pin diagram 7490 Decade Counter internal diagram of 7490 decade counter 7490 LS 7490 signetics 7490 pin diagram of 7490 PDF

    LS 7490

    Abstract: 7490 pin configuration 7490 decade counter-7490 7490 Decade Counter decade counter 7490 7490 bcd counter 7490 N 74LS90 equivalent N74LS90
    Text: 7490, LS90 Signetics Counters Decade Counter Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPICAL f MAX TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT 7490 30MHz 30mA 74LS90 42MHz 9mA TYPE T h e '9 0 is a 4-bit, rip p le -typ e D eca d e C ou n te r. T h e d e vice co n sists o f to u r

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns LS 7490 7490 pin configuration 7490 decade counter-7490 7490 Decade Counter decade counter 7490 7490 bcd counter 7490 N 74LS90 equivalent N74LS90 PDF

    LS 7490

    Abstract: internal diagram of 7490 decade counter TTL 7490 7490 pin diagram pin diagram of 7490 configuration 74ls90 7490 74LS90 pin configuration 7490 Decade Counter 7490 bcd counter
    Text: 7490, LS90 Signetics Counters Decade Counter Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPE T h e '9 0 is a 4-bit, ripple-type D ecade Counter. T h e device consists of four m aster-slave flip-flops internally connect­ ed to provide a divide-by-two section and

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns LS 7490 internal diagram of 7490 decade counter TTL 7490 7490 pin diagram pin diagram of 7490 configuration 74ls90 7490 74LS90 pin configuration 7490 Decade Counter 7490 bcd counter PDF

    7490 Decade Counter

    Abstract: 74490 counter 74490 ls 7490 ci 7490 7490 bcd counter 74290 Decade Counter 74290 Counter 74290 74390 Decade Counter
    Text: - 7490 79 - Decade Counter Qa Qp ONO Qg Oc o mm2m+ sm* -y > ? ì b c d ) v l- 9 omsm? 'i r "OHI "OHI_"9 11 n in in zriiJT ^ B "0(11 «Olii NC Vcc «9IU "9(21 ms nin fmax •in tw tw tw oin sin tree tpd tpd tpd Icc UH I IL uh K >! CK Ru A B - Il Xtt

    OCR Scan
    04tbm-7< 7490 Decade Counter 74490 counter 74490 ls 7490 ci 7490 7490 bcd counter 74290 Decade Counter 74290 Counter 74290 74390 Decade Counter PDF

    ic 7490 pin diagram decade counter

    Abstract: IC 7490 pin configuration ic 7490 circuit diagram IC 7490 ic 7490 pin diagram function of ic 7490 pin diagram of ic 7490 function of Set and Reset in ic 7490 LS 7490 IC 7490 pin configuration diagram
    Text: 7490, LS90 Signetics Counters Decade Counter Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPE T h e '9 0 is a 4 -bit, rip p le -typ e D ecade C ou n te r. T h e d e vice c o n s is ts o f fo u r m a s te r-sla ve flip -flo p s in te rn a lly c o n n e c t­

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns ic 7490 pin diagram decade counter IC 7490 pin configuration ic 7490 circuit diagram IC 7490 ic 7490 pin diagram function of ic 7490 pin diagram of ic 7490 function of Set and Reset in ic 7490 LS 7490 IC 7490 pin configuration diagram PDF


    Abstract: MC5490 motorola mc7490
    Text: M TTL Complex Functions MOTOROLA DECADE COUNTER 'U M C 5 4 9 0 • M C 7490 M C 93 9 0 • M C 83 9 0 A d d S u ffix F f o r T O - 8 6 c e r a m ic f l a t p a ck< u j‘: S u ffix iQe ¡Case L f o r T O -1 16 d u a l in - lin e c e ra t'i'c S u f f i x P f o r T O - 1 1 6 d u a l i n - l i n e p l a s t i c \ j c: k a t o < C a s e 6 4 0 ; M C ,‘ 4 4 0 , V U ' o

    OCR Scan
    MC5490 MC7490 MC9390 MC8390 MMD61 50-ohm 950-ohm MC5490 motorola mc7490 PDF

    TTL 7490

    Abstract: 7490 bcd counter 7490 Decade Counter 7493 4 bit binary counter ttl 7493 ic 7493 7493 decade counter schmitt trigger 7413 ttl 7442 TTL 74121
    Text: Digital Integrated Circuits T T L Complex functions A selection of T T L MSI and complex functions is offered by N K T to complement the ranges of gates and flip-flops. available as a direct replacement for the '7400 series' in plastic dual-in-line encapsulation.

    OCR Scan

    ic 7490 pin diagram

    Abstract: mh 7490 TTL 7490 MHz frequency counter MECL System Design Handbook ic 7490 truth table mc1004p MC4051 MC8601 motorola Motorola AN-581
    Text: AN-581 Application Note AN MSI 500 MHz FREQUENCY COUNTER USING MECL AND MTTL Prepared By Jon M . DeLaune Application Engineering The design of a MSI 8-digit LED read­ out 5 0 0 M H z counter using M E C L III , M E C L 10,000 and T T L is discussed. De­

    OCR Scan
    AN-581 LED-10A CL4317 ic 7490 pin diagram mh 7490 TTL 7490 MHz frequency counter MECL System Design Handbook ic 7490 truth table mc1004p MC4051 MC8601 motorola Motorola AN-581 PDF

    counter 74490

    Abstract: 74490 74290 74290 Decade Counter 74290 Counter 74390 Decade Counter DECADE 74490 LS 7490 7490 bcd counter 74*490
    Text: - 74490 239- Dual Decade Counters Vcc 2QA 2 2 OUT CLOCK CLEAR PUT 2 OUTPUTS SET' A TO-» ' 2Qg 2Qc 2Q o ' öl öl öl al~| -'- 1- CLEAR r CR - *-f 1— I I I 1 LEAR OA CK Ik t Qe CLOCK CLEAR SET TO» J PUT SET TO-» -| Qc Od 10c ’Op ,

    OCR Scan
    O7490 counter 74490 74490 74290 74290 Decade Counter 74290 Counter 74390 Decade Counter DECADE 74490 LS 7490 7490 bcd counter 74*490 PDF

    ls 7490

    Abstract: 7490 ci 7490 7490 N 74290 Counter 7490 Decade Counter 7490 counter 74290 Decade Counter 74290 of 7490
    Text: 74290 OUTPUTS o 7490en e > u -Í 7 ^ h£ k T ;ï, 11 A Q a J A t. CK K, j - I. '& z_ tz 9 j n X l B /' H. A a _ f — ]_ Q B 1 Qa L II L Qü h »1 L L L H L L LI1L H H L L L H >1 > CK CK X X - H L L H X X - L L L i. K « — Ko t u • H»<2) H a- Ho to - Ru c¿!

    OCR Scan

    7400 fan-out

    Abstract: 7402 nor 7491 8-bit 7490 Decade Counter TTL 7400 TTL 7400 AND propagation delay TTL 7400 propagation delay TTL 7475 TTL 7490 7402 J-K Flip-Flop
    Text: Logic Integrateci Circuits, MIC 7400 Series TTL G a te s in order of gates per package Type M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC M IC 7430 7453 7454 7420 7440 7450 7451 7460 7410 7400 7401 7402 Positive logic definition Gates per package

    OCR Scan

    internal diagram of 7490 decade counter

    Abstract: 7490 bcd counter 7490 Decade and Binary Counter internal diagram of 7490 10 pin 7490 pin diagram fairchild 7490 TTL 7490 data operation and applications of 7490 Decade Counter TTL 7490 7490 binary counter diagram
    Text: TTL/MSI 9350 DECADE COUNTER D E SC R IPTIO N — The T TL/M S I 9350 is a Monolithic Decade Counter. This multifunctional MSI building block is capable of being used as a divide-by-two, divide-by-five or divide-by-ten counter. It is useful in a large number of counting applications in digital computer systems, data handling

    OCR Scan
    14-LEAD internal diagram of 7490 decade counter 7490 bcd counter 7490 Decade and Binary Counter internal diagram of 7490 10 pin 7490 pin diagram fairchild 7490 TTL 7490 data operation and applications of 7490 Decade Counter TTL 7490 7490 binary counter diagram PDF

    7404 dip

    Abstract: 7493 4 bit binary counter 4 nand dip 16 74122 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator Noise immunity of 7408 7476 counter CI 7405 Noise immunity of 7486 decade counter 7492 7492 binary counter
    Text: BIPOLAR DIGITAL ICs continued TYPE T T L - T 7 4 , T 54 series" z o 1Q. C TJ a. 5 B O- OC O I=3 O z < ÜJ ID < u < Q- C/3 LU O Gates T 7400/5400 Quad 2-input N A N D 10 40 10 D IP H,P T 7401/5401 Quad 2-input open-collector N A N D 10 40 10 D IP H,P T 7402/5402

    OCR Scan
    P4/5484 16-bit Divide-by-12 7404 dip 7493 4 bit binary counter 4 nand dip 16 74122 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator Noise immunity of 7408 7476 counter CI 7405 Noise immunity of 7486 decade counter 7492 7492 binary counter PDF


    Abstract: 472EM cdb 400E CI 74151 CDB404E 4153E 7404 7408 7432 4121EM IC TTL 7460 446E
    Text: JBIGITAl_ _ INTEGRATED IK* m m X.X.L. . L 5400 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5413 5416 5417 5420 5430 5432 5437 5438 5440 5442 5446 5447 5450 5451 5453 X . X ROWER 74LS00 74LS02 74LS03 74LS04 74LS05 74LS08 74LS09 74'^SIO 74LS11 74LS12 74LS13

    OCR Scan
    74LS00 74LS02 74LS03 74LS04 74LS05 74LS08 74LS09 74LS11 74LS12 74LS13 400EM 472EM cdb 400E CI 74151 CDB404E 4153E 7404 7408 7432 4121EM IC TTL 7460 446E PDF


    Abstract: 7490 Decade Counter MK 50395 SN7490 MK5009 decode counter 7490 4 digit COUNTER LED bcd mk50396n MK50395 Two Digit counter diagram
    Text: MOSTEK SIX DECADE COUNTER / DISPLAY DECODER MK50395N/MK50396N / MK50397N FEATURES □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Single pow er supply S ch m itt-T rig ge r on th e c o u n t-in p u t Six decades o f synchronous u p /d o w n co un ting

    OCR Scan
    MK50395N MK50396N MK50397N 7490 Decade Counter MK 50395 SN7490 MK5009 decode counter 7490 4 digit COUNTER LED bcd MK50395 Two Digit counter diagram PDF

    IC 74390

    Abstract: ic 74393 74390 Decade Counter 74390 binary counter ic 7490 Decade Counter of 7490 IC decade counter SN74383 74LS380 ic ttl 7490 SN74LS383
    Text: _ TTL TYPES SNS4390, SNS4LS39D, SN54393. SN54LS393, SN74390, SN74LS390. SN74393, SN74LS393 DUAL 4-BIT DECADE AND BlNAltY COUNTERS SN S4390, SN 54LS390 . . . J O R W P A C K A G E • Dual Versions of the Popular '90A, 'LS90 and '93A, 'LS93 • '390, 'LS390. . .Individual Clocks for A and B

    OCR Scan
    SNS4390, SNS4LS39D, SN54393. SN54LS393, SN74390, SN74LS390. SN74393, SN74LS393 S4390, 54LS390 IC 74390 ic 74393 74390 Decade Counter 74390 binary counter ic 7490 Decade Counter of 7490 IC decade counter SN74383 74LS380 ic ttl 7490 SN74LS383 PDF

    pin diagram for IC cd 1619 fm receiver

    Abstract: ic 7490 pin diagram decade counter Multiplexer IC 74151 MK50395N MK5009 counter meter mk50395 pin configuration IC 74151 ic sn7490 pin diagram Decade Counter 7490 BCD to 7-Segment MULTIPLEXER IC SN74151
    Text: MQSTEK INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Six-Decade Counter/Display Decoder M K 5 0 3 9 5 /6 /7 N FEATURES PIN CONNECTIONS Figure 1 □ Single power supply □ Schmitt trigger on the count input v ss ' ►1C* □ 40- - U P /D O W N SËT- “ 2C 39- ►ZERO LZ B - ►3 C

    OCR Scan
    MK50395/6/7 MK50396 pin diagram for IC cd 1619 fm receiver ic 7490 pin diagram decade counter Multiplexer IC 74151 MK50395N MK5009 counter meter mk50395 pin configuration IC 74151 ic sn7490 pin diagram Decade Counter 7490 BCD to 7-Segment MULTIPLEXER IC SN74151 PDF

    sn7493 divide by 16 counter

    Abstract: SN7493 sn7493 binary counter SN7493 equivalent SN74LS90 Decade Counter texas instruments SN5492A SN5493A SN54LS92 SN54LS93 SN7490A
    Text: SDLS125 SN549DA, SN 5492A , SN5493A, SN54LS90, SN54LS92, SN54LS93, S N 7490A , SN 7492A , SN7493A, SN74LS9D, SN74LS92, SN74LS93 DECADE. DIVIDE-BYTWELVE AND BINARY COUNTERS MARCH 1974-REVISED MARCH 1988 '90A, 1 S 9 0 . ••Decade Counters '92A, LS92 . . .Divida By-Twelve Counters

    OCR Scan
    SN549QA, SN5492A, SN5493A, SN54LS9Q, SN54LS92, SN54LS93, SN7490A, SN7492A, SN7493A, SN74LS90, sn7493 divide by 16 counter SN7493 sn7493 binary counter SN7493 equivalent SN74LS90 Decade Counter texas instruments SN5492A SN5493A SN54LS92 SN54LS93 SN7490A PDF


    Abstract: 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC 17E H ^3125=1 G0G513S Q B - o S V. ! - TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC INCLUDES SERIES 74C CMOS NTE TYPE NO. •DESCRIPTION . 7214 7400 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 3-State Sel/Mlpx Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos

    OCR Scan
    G0G513S 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 74H01 74LS01 74C02 74LS02 74S02 74LS324 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent PDF