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    74 AG 541 Search Results

    74 AG 541 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74AC11086D Texas Instruments Quadruple 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates 16-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC11244DW Texas Instruments Octal Buffers/Drivers 24-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC11245DW Texas Instruments Octal Bus Transceivers 24-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC16244DGGR Texas Instruments 16-Bit Buffers And Line Drivers With 3-State Outputs 48-TSSOP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74ACT11000DR Texas Instruments Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND Gates 16-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    SF Impression Pixel

    74 AG 541 Price and Stock

    Glenair Inc 177-740-2-37P4J1-24MAG

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 177-740-2-37P4J1-24MAG
    • 1 $2253.77
    • 10 $2024.17
    • 100 $2024.17
    • 1000 $2024.17
    • 10000 $2024.17
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    Sensata Technologies IAGN66-40554-1

    Circuit Breakers Cir Brkr Hyd Mag
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics IAGN66-40554-1
    • 1 $155.52
    • 10 $155.52
    • 100 $155.52
    • 1000 $155.52
    • 10000 $155.52
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    74 AG 541 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS Product Profile 2014 MotorCap P2 S2 Aluminum Can AC Film Capacitors for Motor Run Applications MotorCap P2 (S2) Aluminum Can AC Film Capacitors for Motor Run Applications For film capacitors, the metalized technology is applied. An extremely thin metal film



    Abstract: c33840 transistor C639 c33725 c877 C63716 marking code 67a sot23 6 c878 c33740 F423
    Text: Marking Code Sorted by Type Type Package Marking Type Package Marking BA 582 BA 585 BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-1 BAR 15-1 BAR 16-1 BAR 17 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-05 BAR 63-06 BAR 64 BAR 64-03W BAR 64-04 BAR 64-05

    3-03W 4-03W 5-03W OD-123 OD-323 OT-23 c639 c33840 transistor C639 c33725 c877 C63716 marking code 67a sot23 6 c878 c33740 F423 PDF

    Yamatake honeywell

    Abstract: colour coms sensor ov 9712 MICRO MATE-N-LOK HUmiseal Honeywell CSNM191 ov 9712 CSNL181 s 9013 c 331 transistor EN50081-2
    Text: Interactive Catalog Replaces Catalog Pages Honeywell Sensing and Control has replaced the PDF product catalog with the new Interactive Catalog. The Interactive Catalog is a power search tool that makes it easier to find product information. It includes more

    r259-1966 100418-1-EN Yamatake honeywell colour coms sensor ov 9712 MICRO MATE-N-LOK HUmiseal Honeywell CSNM191 ov 9712 CSNL181 s 9013 c 331 transistor EN50081-2 PDF

    transistor C639

    Abstract: c639 transistor f423 F423 transistor f422 transistor f422 equivalent cx59 C640-10 f422 c640 transistor
    Text: Marking Code Sorted by Type Type Package Marking Type Package Marking BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BA 892 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-1 BAR 15-1 BAR 16-1 BAR 17 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-02W BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-04W BAR 63-05 BAR 63-05W BAR 63-06 BAR 63-06W

    3-02W 3-03W 3-04W 3-05W 3-06W 4-02W 4-03W 4-04W 4-05W 4-06W transistor C639 c639 transistor f423 F423 transistor f422 transistor f422 equivalent cx59 C640-10 f422 c640 transistor PDF

    sj 8207

    Abstract: pu 516 abb 8522-389 rectificadores Phoenix Contact 29 61 202 WiNEDGE ST 12107 New Age Electronics Aki Electronic
    Text: North and South American Distributors Distribution Catalog Sales: Digi-key Corporation 800-344-4539 218-681-6674 Alabama All American Huntsville, AL 205-837-1555 Future Electronics Huntsville, AL 205-971-2010 Nu Horizons Huntsville, AL 205-722-9330 Nu Horizons


    MARKING 68W SOT-23

    Abstract: marking code 67a sot23 6 sot143 Marking code 5B baw 92 SOT-363 marking CF 54 fk SOT-23 BAT 545 SOT-363 marking BF sot-89 MARKING CODE BN MARKING CODE DH SOT 23
    Text: Marking Sorted by Code Marking Type Package Marking Type Package 13 13s 14 14s 15 15s 16 16s 17 17s 1A 1A 1A 1As 1B 1B 1Bs 1Bs 1C 1D 1D 1Ds 1E 1Es 1F 1F 1Fs 1G 1G 1G 1Gs 1J 1J 1Js 1K 1K 1K 1K BAS 125 BAS 125W BAS 125-04 BAS 125-04W BAS 125-05 BAS 125-05W BAS 125-06

    25-04W 25-05W 25-06W 25-07W 3904S 846AT 846BW 846BT 847AT 847BW MARKING 68W SOT-23 marking code 67a sot23 6 sot143 Marking code 5B baw 92 SOT-363 marking CF 54 fk SOT-23 BAT 545 SOT-363 marking BF sot-89 MARKING CODE BN MARKING CODE DH SOT 23 PDF

    transistor Bc 540

    Abstract: 68W SOT marking codes transistors a1 sot-23 MARKING 68W SOT-23 sot 223 marking code AH dk marking code sot-89 MARKING CODE DH SOT 23 sot-89 MARKING CODE BN 1Bs sot-23 MY sot-89
    Text: Marking Code Sorted by Type Type Package Marking Type Package Marking BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BA 892 BA 895 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-1 BAR 15-1 BAR 16-1 BAR 50-02V BAR 50-03W BAR 50-05 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-02V BAR 63-02W BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-04W

    0-02V 0-03W 3-02V 3-02W 3-03W 3-04W 3-05W 3-06W 4-02V 4-02W transistor Bc 540 68W SOT marking codes transistors a1 sot-23 MARKING 68W SOT-23 sot 223 marking code AH dk marking code sot-89 MARKING CODE DH SOT 23 sot-89 MARKING CODE BN 1Bs sot-23 MY sot-89 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electronic C om ponents B— 8 Vertrieb Deutschland Ihm Ansprechpartner im Verkauf Vertrieb Deutschland Hersteller Verkauf: Anke Wolter Tel.: 0 23 51 / 5 54-114 Fax: 0 23 51 / 5 54-139 Customer Service: Beate Penninger Tel.: 0 23 51 / 5 54-115 Fax: 0 23 51 / 5 54-139

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SN74LS164 54164 SN74L164 equivalent 1N3064 LS164 SN54164 SN54LS164 SN74L164
    Text: TYPES SN54164, SN54L164, SN54LS164, SN74164,SN74LS164 8 - BIT PARALLEL-OUT SERIAL SHIFT REGISTERS M A R C H 19 74 —R E V IS E D D E C E M B E R 1983 • Gated Serial Inputs SN 54164, SN 54LS164 . . J OR W PA CKA G E SN 54L164 . . . J PACKAGE FuJly Buffered Clock and Serial Inputs

    OCR Scan
    SN54164, SN54L164, SN54LS164, SN74164 SN74LS164 LS164 LS164, 1N3064 54164 SN74L164 equivalent LS164 SN54164 SN54LS164 SN74L164 PDF


    Abstract: Motorola 54101
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M RW 54001 Series The RF Line Microwave Linear Power Transistors 10 TO 11 dB 1-4 GHz 0.5 WATT MICROWAVE LINEAR POWER TRANSISTORS . . d e s ig n e d p r im a r ily fo r la rg e -s ig n a l o u tp u t a n d d r iv e r a m p lifie r s ta g e s in th e 1 to 4

    OCR Scan
    MRW54001 RW54001 Motorola 54101 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc 1919 NEC NF 932 2sc 1915 TRANSISTOR 2SC 733
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC SILICON TRANSISTOR 2SC5009 NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR 3 PINS ULTRA SUPER MINI MOLD DESCRIPTION The 2SC5009 is an NPN epitaxial silicon transistor designed for use in low noise and small signal am plifiers from VHF band to L band. Low PACKAGE DIMENSIONS

    OCR Scan
    2SC5009 2SC5009 TRANSISTOR 2SC 2581 2sc 1919 NEC NF 932 2sc 1915 TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 PDF


    Abstract: hc541
    Text: HS-CMOS 0 - { ¿ A <-< INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ,/ , M54HC540/541 M74HC540/541 •=4l / r -PR E LIM IN A R Y D A TA HC540 OCTAL BUS BUFFER (INVERTING) (3-STATE) HC541 OCTAL BUS BUFFER (3-STATE) DESCRIPTION T h e M 5 4/74 H C 5 40/5 41 are high sp e e d C M O S O C ­

    OCR Scan
    M54HC540/541 M74HC540/541 HC540 HC541 M54/74HC540/541 M54/74HC540 M54/74HC541 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASSMANN Electronic C o m p o n e n ts Vertrieb Deutschland Vertretergebiete 1,2 und 7 Verkauf: Anke Wolter Tel. 02351/554-114 Kundendienst: Erika Kelleher Tel. 0 2351/5 54-110 Vertretergebiete 3, 4, 5 und 6 Verkauf: Ute Vasbender Tel. 02351/554-112 Kundendienst:

    OCR Scan
    Handler-8010 CH-6318 TR-06410 PDF

    transistor NEC B 617

    Abstract: nec. 5.5 473
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC SILICON TRANSISTOR 2SC5007 NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR 3 PINS ULTRA SUPER MINI MOLD DESCRIPTION The 2SC5007 is an NPN epitaxial silicon transistor designed for use in low noise and small signal am plifiers from VHF band to UHF band. Low noise figure, high gain, and high current capability achieve a very w ide dynam ic range

    OCR Scan
    2SC5007 2SC5007 transistor NEC B 617 nec. 5.5 473 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    2SC5011 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS541 equivalent 1N916 74LS 74LS540 N74LS540D N74LS540N N74LS541D N74LS541N signetics 74LS541
    Text: Signetics I 74LS540, 74LS541 Buffers/Drivers Octal Buffer/Line Driver 3-State Product Specification Logic Products T Y P IC A L PR O P A G A TIO N D E LA Y TY PE T Y P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T (T O T A L) 74LS540 9ns 22mA 74LS541 10ns 23mA ORDERING CODE

    OCR Scan
    74LS540, 74LS541 74LS540 74LS541 N74LS540N, N74LS541N SOL-20 N74LS540D, N74LS541D 30LSul 74LS541 equivalent 1N916 74LS N74LS540D N74LS540N N74LS541D N74LS541N signetics 74LS541 PDF

    information applikation

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik Heft CDB4151 mikroelektronik Heft 12 MH8475 MH7442 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation information applikation mikroelektronik CDB4153
    Text: ' 1 o lE h f c p o n ih Information Applikation s o c h a lH ü n o n il- c Information Applikation HEFT 25 I M P O R T - I S T E IL 1 Ivob Halbleiterwerk frankfurt/ader | b e trie b im m b kom binat m ikroelektronik ] KAMMER DER TECH N IK I Bezirksvorstand Frankfurt/O.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: C63716 C337 40 sot-23 MARKING 636 MARKING 68W SOT-23 C-639 F959 sot143 Marking code 5B B304A sot-89 MARKING CODE BN
    Text: SIEMENS Marking Code Sorted by Type Type Package Marking Type Package Marking BA 582 BA 585 BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-1 BAR 15-1 BAR 16-1 BAR 17 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-05 BAR 63-06 BAR 64 BAR 64-03W BAR 64-04

    OCR Scan
    3-03W 4-03W 5-03W OD-123 OD-323 OT-23 c639 C63716 C337 40 sot-23 MARKING 636 MARKING 68W SOT-23 C-639 F959 sot143 Marking code 5B B304A sot-89 MARKING CODE BN PDF


    Abstract: DM7406J DM7406N DM5406 DM5406J DM5416 DM5416J DM7406 DM5616
    Text: D M 5 4 0 6 /D M 7 4 06, DM5416/DM7416 NS Level Translators/B u ffers DM 5406/DM7406, DM 5416/D M7416 h ex in ve rte r b u ffe rs/ d riv e rs g e n e ra l d e sc rip tio n These T T L hex inverter b u ffers/d riv ers are fu lly co m p a tib le fo r use w ith T T L and D T L lo g ic c ir ­

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    DM5406/DM7406 DM5416/DM7416 DM5406, DM5416 DM7406, DM7416 5416/DM7416 DM7406J DM7406N DM5406 DM5406J DM5416J DM7406 DM5616 PDF

    Sloan Company

    Abstract: 74 AG 541 513-5X Sloan led
    Text: Brilliance by design SLOAN Precision Optoelectronics LED Replacement for Incandescent Lamps Model 513 . -22 {5.59 .763 19 4) i loi T-1 3/4 WEDGE BASE LED Available in Red, Green, Yellow, Amber, Ultra Bright Green, Ultra Bright Blue and Pure White. Voltages available range from 5 - 2 8 VDC.

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    14vdc 28vdc 513-205X* 513-5X 513-603X 513-14X 513-28X 541-5X 541-6X 541-603X Sloan Company 74 AG 541 Sloan led PDF

    philips if catv amplifier

    Abstract: MSA806 gt 6312 diagram tv Philips 14 sf 829 SF 829 B uhf tv booster circuit diagram
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Wideband amplifier module OM2082/60 DESCRIPTION A two-stage wideband amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit form on a thin-film substrate. The device is intended for use in mast-head booster amplifiers, as an amplifier in MATV and CATV systems and as a general purpose amplifier for VHF

    OCR Scan
    OM2082/60 MSA340 IS21I2 SCD24 7110A2L philips if catv amplifier MSA806 gt 6312 diagram tv Philips 14 sf 829 SF 829 B uhf tv booster circuit diagram PDF

    uhf tv booster circuit diagram

    Abstract: philips if catv amplifier 4894 gt 6312 diagram tv Philips 14
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Wideband amplifier module OM2081/60 DESCRIPTION A one-stage wideband amplifier in hybrid integrated circuit form on a thin-fiim substrate. The device is intended for use in mast-head booster amplifiers, as an amplifier in MATV and CATV systems and as a general purpose amplifier for VHF

    OCR Scan
    OM2081/60 MSA338 IS21I2 SCD24 711002b DDRM42Ã uhf tv booster circuit diagram philips if catv amplifier 4894 gt 6312 diagram tv Philips 14 PDF

    SFH 255 FA

    Abstract: LR 2703 LY3360K dl340m FP310L100-75 Q68000-A8452
    Text: AlphanumerischesTypenverzeichnis Alphanumeric Type Index Achtung: NeueTypenbezeichnungen bei Si-Fotodetektoren und Lichtwellenleitern Attention: New type designations for Si-Photodetectors and Fiber-Optic Systems type Bestellnummer Seite Type Bestellnummer Seite

    OCR Scan
    068000-A5018 Q68000-A5017 Q68000-A5707 Q62703-N26 Q62703-N51 Q62703-N52 Q68000-A7302 Q68000-A7303 Q68000-A7304 Q68000-A8086 SFH 255 FA LR 2703 LY3360K dl340m FP310L100-75 Q68000-A8452 PDF

    monostable multivibrator using 74121

    Abstract: TTL 74121 74121 74121 equivalent pin configuration of 74121 74121 ttl function table 74121 application as pulse generator Monostable multivibrator 74121 74121 SIGNETICS 74121 pin configuration
    Text: 74121 Signetics Multivibrator Monostable Multivibrator Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Very good pulse width stability • Virtually immune to temperature and voltage variations • Schmitt trigger input for slow input transitions • Internal timing resistor provided

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns monostable multivibrator using 74121 TTL 74121 74121 74121 equivalent pin configuration of 74121 74121 ttl function table 74121 application as pulse generator Monostable multivibrator 74121 74121 SIGNETICS 74121 pin configuration PDF