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    7207 IRC Search Results

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    CQ 1.000 crystal oscillator 1Mhz

    Abstract: CQ 1.000 crystal oscillator disadvantage of crystal oscillator ICM7207 1MHz crystal oscillator CIRCUIT 6.5536MHz Quartz oscillator 1MHz 1MHz crystal Oscillator 4 pin ICM7208 Quartz Crystals 1MHz
    Text: DIMUI^DIL IC M 7 2 0 7 /A CMOS Oscillator Controller FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Stable HF oscillator • Low power dissipation < 5mW with 5 volt: supply • Counter chain has outputs at + 212 and ^ 2" or * 2n x 10 ; n = 17 for 7207, and 20 for 7207A • Low impedance output drivers <100 ohms

    OCR Scan
    ICM7207/A 20/200ms 5536MHz 24288MHz ICM7208 CQ 1.000 crystal oscillator 1Mhz CQ 1.000 crystal oscillator disadvantage of crystal oscillator ICM7207 1MHz crystal oscillator CIRCUIT 6.5536MHz Quartz oscillator 1MHz 1MHz crystal Oscillator 4 pin Quartz Crystals 1MHz PDF


    Abstract: mPD1720 uP17207
    Text: NEC liP D17207 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER Tho nP17207 is a 4-bit single-chip microcontroller for infrared remote controller containing the LCD controller/driver, A/D converter, and the remote control carrier generator. The nPD17207 employs the 17K architecture. Therefore, data transfer or operation within the data memory or between the

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    D17207 uP17207 nPD17207 16-bit HPD17207 80-pin MPD17201A PD17P207 D17207 mPD1720 PDF

    Ta 7210 p

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary data SIEMENS BTS612 TWO CHANNEL PRO FET D e sc rip tio n P R O F E T R an in te llig e n t p o w e r sw itch w ith in te g ra te d T w o in d e p e n d en t high -side switches O verte m pe rature protection for each channel O verload p rotection fo r each channel

    OCR Scan
    BTS612 Ta 7210 p PDF

    ultrasonic generator schematic

    Abstract: ICM7208 ICM7208IPI ICM7209 intersil frequency counter 7207a 01SPLAY ICM72091 frequency COUNTER ICM7208/D
    Text: M -0 5 û fc | IC M 7208 CM O S 7 D ecade Counter FEATURES DESCRIPTION • » • • T h e IC M 72Q 8 is a fu lly integrated seven decade co u nterd e c o d e r-d riv e r and is m anu factured using Intersil's low voltage m etal g ate C -M O S process. •

    OCR Scan
    ICM7208 ICM7208 996-5C00. -5950li. ultrasonic generator schematic ICM7208IPI ICM7209 intersil frequency counter 7207a 01SPLAY ICM72091 frequency COUNTER ICM7208/D PDF

    LP 7510

    Abstract: Cordless Phone circuit diagram MC14516A GL 7815 MC14516 MC145166 MC145160 MC145160DW MC145160P MC145166DW
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D UC TO R TECHNICAL DATA MC145160 MC145166 MC145167 Advance Information Dual PLLs for 46/49 MHz Cordless Telephones CMOS P SUFFIX PLASflC DIP CASE 707 These devices are dual phase-locked loop frequency synthesizers intended for use primarily in 46/49 MHz cordless phones with up to 10 channels. These

    OCR Scan
    MC145160 MC145166. MC145167 MC145166 MC145167 LP 7510 Cordless Phone circuit diagram MC14516A GL 7815 MC14516 MC145160DW MC145160P MC145166DW PDF

    EC 9410 -F

    Abstract: ec 9410- f EC 9410 -1
    Text: 9410 r REGISTER STACK» 1 6 x 4 RAM WITH 3-STATE OUTPUT REGISTER „P FAIRCHILD TTL MACROLOGIC „ f! ' A c : r u tr D ESCR IPTIO N - The 9410 is a register oriented high speed 6 4 -b it Read/W rite M em ory organized as 16-words by 4-bits. A n edge triggered 4 -b it o u tp u t register allows new inpu t

    OCR Scan
    16-words 18-PIN EC 9410 -F ec 9410- f EC 9410 -1 PDF


    Abstract: 7B36 7815 CT motorola 145166P LT 7203
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information M C I 45166 M C 145167 Dual PLLs for 46/4 9 MHz Cordless Telephones P SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP CASE 648 CMOS These devices are dual p h a s e -lo c k e d loop PLL fre q u en cy syn th e size rs in ­ tended fo r use prim arily in 4 6/4 9 M Hz co rd le ss p hones w ith up to 10 channels.

    OCR Scan
    MC145166 MC145167 MPS9426C MC145166 1N5462A MC145166-MC145167 MPS9426C 7B36 7815 CT motorola 145166P LT 7203 PDF


    Abstract: motorola sc 7812 MPS9426 MC14516 7812 ck nte 7183 NTE 7803 CK 7815 ma 7812
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C I 45168 M C I 45169 Advance Information Dual PLLs for 46/49 MHz Cordless Telephones CMOS P SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP C ASE 648 T hese devices are dual p ha se-locked loop Ire q u en cy synthesizers intended fo r use prim a rily in 4 6/4 9 M H z co rdle ss p hones w ith up to 15 channels. These

    OCR Scan
    MC2831A MPS9426C 1N5462A MC145168 MC145169 510MHz 695MHz MPS9426C motorola sc 7812 MPS9426 MC14516 7812 ck nte 7183 NTE 7803 CK 7815 ma 7812 PDF

    7205 REGULATOR

    Abstract: sm 3316
    Text: ML4861 PIN CONNECTION ML4861-6/-5/-3 8-Pin SOIC S08 1 8 — 1 v re f nz 2 7 1 GND f~ T ~ 3 6 ~ 4 5 _ l _ 1 V O U T v in Q D ETECT I I T~ 1 PW RGN D 1 R ESET n v L T O P V IE W PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO. NAME 1 V|N 2 3 4 PIN NO. FUNCTION NAME FUNCTION Battery input voltage

    OCR Scan
    ML4861 ML4861-6/-5/-3 RAT365 7205 REGULATOR sm 3316 PDF


    Abstract: MPS9426C Cordless Phone circuit diagram CASE751G motorola cmos MC145168P MC145169DW 9942 sd 8 pin lr 7833 1N5462A
    Text: MOTOROLA • S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MC145168 MC145169 Advance Information Dual PLLs for 46/49 MHz Cordless Telephones E g POT 1 1 CMOS 19 T h e s a d e v ic e s a re d u a l p h a s e -lo c k e d lo o p fre q u e n c y s y n th e s iz e rs in te n d e d

    OCR Scan
    n-200 MC145168 MC145169 MPS9426C 1N5462A MPS9426 MPS9426C Cordless Phone circuit diagram CASE751G motorola cmos MC145168P MC145169DW 9942 sd 8 pin lr 7833 1N5462A PDF

    3-pin IC 7806

    Abstract: IC CD 4440 pin diagram motorola sc 7812 RA 8040 ta 9690 SE648 MCI4516 ci 9880 ite 8892
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizers MC145162 M C145162-1 P S U FF IX P L A S T IC DIP C A S E 648 CMOS T h e M C 1 4 5 1 6 2 is a d u a l p h a s e - lo c k e d lo o p P L L fre q u e n c y s y n th e s iz e r

    OCR Scan
    MC145162 MC145162-1 3-pin IC 7806 IC CD 4440 pin diagram motorola sc 7812 RA 8040 ta 9690 SE648 MCI4516 ci 9880 ite 8892 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19- 1155; Rev 1; 9/97 +2.7V, Low -Pow er, 12-B it S e ria l ADCs In 8-Pin SO Power consum ption is only 37mW Vd d = 3V at the 73ksps maximum sam pling speed. A 2 mA shutdown mode reduces power at slower throughput rates. The MAX1240 has an interna! 2.5V reference, while the

    OCR Scan
    MAX1240/MAX1241 10-bit AX1240 73ksps MAX1240 -403C -55aC MIL-STDS83. PDF

    CTU 7212

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4702B/4702BX PROGRAMMABLE BIT-RATE GENERATOR FAIRCHILD CM O S M AC ROL OG IC D E S C R IP TIO N — The 4 7 0 2 B /4 7 0 2 B X B it-R ate G enerator provides the necessary clock signals fo r d igital data transm ission systems, such as Universal A syn chro nous Receiver and T ra n s m itte r circuits

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    4702B/4702BX CTU 7212 PDF

    OZ 9972

    Abstract: OZ 9966 BD 4914 RTA 16065 LA 7809 ite 8892 BUL 380 SN 49710 LT 7207 IC 4081
    Text: M MOTOROLA M C 13109 Advance Information U niversal Cordless Telephone Subsystem 1C UNIVERSAL CT-1 SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T h e M C 1 3 1 0 9 in te g ra te s s e v e ra l o f th e fu n c tio n s re q u ire d fo r a c o rd le s s te le p h o n e in to a s in g le in te g ra te d c irc u it. T h is s ig n ific a n tly re d u c e s c o m p o ­

    OCR Scan

    SANSUI all circuit diagram

    Abstract: sansui tv diagram digital ic cd 4074 ic 7490 which divide by 2 SANSUI all tv circuit diagram ic 7490 which divide by 5 cd 4074 BD 4914 SANSUI diagram chip amp ba 4908
    Text: Order this docum ent by MC13108/D ^ MOTOROLA Advance Information Universal Cordless Telephone Subsystem 1C UNIVERSAL CT-1 SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT The MC13108 integrates several of the functions required for a cordless telephone into a single integrated circuit. This significantly reduces

    OCR Scan
    MC13108/D MC13108 1PHX33846-0 SANSUI all circuit diagram sansui tv diagram digital ic cd 4074 ic 7490 which divide by 2 SANSUI all tv circuit diagram ic 7490 which divide by 5 cd 4074 BD 4914 SANSUI diagram chip amp ba 4908 PDF

    intel 87C58

    Abstract: 270902 8051 dip 40 80C58 87C58 8XC58 MCS-51 270900
    Text: intel 87C58/80C58 CHMOS SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH 32K BYTES USER PROGRAMMABLE EPROM 8 7 C 5 8 /8 0 C 5 8 — 3.5 M H z to 12 M H z, VCc = 5V ± 2 0 % 8 7 C 5 8 /8 0 C 5 8 -1 — 3.5 M H z to 16 M H z, V Cc = 5V ± 2 0 % High P e rfo rm a n c e C H M O S EPR O M

    OCR Scan
    87C58/80C58 87C58/80C58â 87C58/80C58-1â 16-Bit MIL-STD-883 P80C58 80C58 LD80C58 intel 87C58 270902 8051 dip 40 87C58 8XC58 MCS-51 270900 PDF

    Silver mica capacitor

    Abstract: MC1403U MC145148 MC14069 MC14514B 14407a MC14407
    Text: MC14406 MC14407 MOTOROLA Advanced Information CMOS LSI LO W POW ER C O M P L E M E N T A R Y MOS PULSE CODE MODULATION (PCM) CODEC FULL DUPLEX 8-BIT COMPANDED PCM CODEC T h e M C 1 4 4 0 6 and M C 1 4 4 0 7 per channel PCM codecs are designed f o r 8000-sam ples-per-second, 8-b it-p e r-s a m p le voice c o d in g and de­

    OCR Scan
    MC14406 MC14407 8000-samples-per-second, 28-pln 24-pin MC3419 Silver mica capacitor MC1403U MC145148 MC14069 MC14514B 14407a PDF


    Abstract: jm 2468
    Text: SEC jiPD17P207 ,u P D 17P 20 7 is a model o f ¿ iP D l7 2 0 7 w hich is equipped w ith a one-time PRO M in place o f the /¿PD17207 internal mask R O M . Sice the user can w rite the program to ¡xP D 1 7 P 2 0 7 , the m icro controller is suitable for exp erim en tal or smafi-scale

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P207 PD17207 80-pin-plastic iPD17P207 1LG6 jm 2468 PDF

    tt 2232

    Abstract: cts knights 4000B 4702B 4702BX 93L34 9LS170 RS-404 9600 Fairchild msi 7209
    Text: 4702B/4702BX PROGRAMMABLE BIT-RATE GENERATOR FAI RCHI LD CMOS M A C R O L O G I C D E S C R IP TIO N — The 4 7 0 2 B /4 7 0 2 B X B it-R ate G enerator provides the necessary c lock signals fo r digital data transm ission systems, such as Universal A syn chro nous Receiver and T ra n s m itte r circuits

    OCR Scan
    4702B/4702BX 4702B /4702BX tt 2232 cts knights 4000B 4702BX 93L34 9LS170 RS-404 9600 Fairchild msi 7209 PDF


    Abstract: AD627
    Text: ANALO G D E V IC E S Micropower, Single and Dual Supply Rail-to-Rail Instrumentation Amplifier AD627 FEATURES M icropower, 85 jxA Max Supply Current W ide Power Supply Range +2.2 V to ± 1 8 V Easy to Use Gain Set with One External Resistor Gain Range 5 (No Resistor) to 1,000

    OCR Scan
    AD627A) AD627B) jc812 AD627 PDF

    OZ 9972

    Abstract: OZ 9966 Ba 5930 fp RA 8040 ba 3822 ls OZ 9998 RN OZ 9998 ST 9322 t 3866 48350 SCH
    Text: M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 145165 Advance Information L o w -V o ltag e 6 0 MHz Universal Program m able Dual PLL Frequency S ynthesizer S 1 P S U F F IX PLASTIC DIP CASE 648 CMOS T h e M C 1 4 5 1 6 5 is a lo w -vo ltag e dual p h a se -lo ck e d loop P L L freq u en cy

    OCR Scan
    MC145165 OZ 9972 OZ 9966 Ba 5930 fp RA 8040 ba 3822 ls OZ 9998 RN OZ 9998 ST 9322 t 3866 48350 SCH PDF

    relay ras 1210

    Abstract: asea RRME rrmh2 ASEA RMA16 RRMH RRME 1608 rrMH 2-107 MX 0842 RRMH ASEA rrme1
    Text: R K Ii E AUXILIARY RELAYS , . -v lp f f ig g , • several designs > ; .< -,v . • " : ^ • ¿ 5 | 8 ly • heavy-current design • plug-ln lypes i - • types for fixed mounting " - . • suitable fo r tropical conditions £•■■ , v . y ^ - -p * & p .

    OCR Scan
    RMX17 RRM17 relay ras 1210 asea RRME rrmh2 ASEA RMA16 RRMH RRME 1608 rrMH 2-107 MX 0842 RRMH ASEA rrme1 PDF


    Abstract: CD4013 UP DOWN COUNTER 2N6034 ICM7109 ICM7217IJI CD4069 design of the IC CD4013 HARRIS ICM7555 ICM7217 ICM7217A
    Text: ICM7217 Semiconductor 4-Digit LED Display, Programmable Up/Down Counter A ug ust 1997 Features Description • Four Decade, Presettable Up-Down Counter with Parallel Zero Detect The IC M 7217 is a four digit, presettable up/dow n counter with an onboard presettable register continuously com pared to the

    OCR Scan
    ICM7217 ICM7207A CD4011 ICM7217 400mV ICM7109 ICM72171 CD4013 UP DOWN COUNTER 2N6034 ICM7217IJI CD4069 design of the IC CD4013 HARRIS ICM7555 ICM7217A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION ^-LH540215/25 512 x 18 /1 0 2 4 x 18 Synchronous FIFO FEATURES FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Cycle Times: 15/20/25/35 ns • Pin-Compatible Drop-In Replacements for IDT72215A/25A FIFOs; Delault Operating Mode is Functionally IDT-Compatible

    OCR Scan
    -LH540215/25 IDT72215A/25A 16-mA-loL Oct91 PDF