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    7110FISB Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIP135 TIP136 TIP137 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 7110fiSb 0G43SÖÜ Tbl ■ P h T n r - 3 3 ' 3 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS P-N-P epitaxial-base transistors in m onolithic Darlington circuit fo r audio output stages and general

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    TIP135 TIP136 TIP137 7110fiSb 0G43SÖ 7110fl2L> TIP136 T-33-31 TIP137 PDF

    philips d8614

    Abstract: alps 103 b Mechan Controls triac BT 16 rating BT136F
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL hSE D • 7110fiSb DOLESM^ 7 7 e! BIPHIN BT136F SERIES FULL-PACK TRIACS Glass-passivated 4 ampere triacs in SOT-186 envelopes, which feature an electrically isolated m ounting base. They are intended fo r use in applications requiring high bidirectional transient and blocking

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    7110fiSb BT136F OT-186 BT136F- D8573 M81-1647/1 711002b philips d8614 alps 103 b Mechan Controls triac BT 16 rating PDF


    Abstract: BUK552-60A BUK552-60B T0220AB 42e0 TSLA
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL b SE ]> B 7110fiSb 00b421b Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS transistor Logic level FET_ GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode logic level field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in

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    BUK552-60A/B T0220AB BUK552 BUK552-60A BUK552-60B T0220AB 42e0 TSLA PDF


    Abstract: edal 4l PCFB TOP3 package 60C51 80C51 PCB80C851-2-16P PCB80C851-2-16WP PCB83C851-2P PCB83C851-2WP
    Text: 5bE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL • 7110fiSb 003^103 b^S H P H I N Philip* S em iconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip EEPROM DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Philips 80C851/83C851 is a high-performance microcontroller fabricated

    OCR Scan
    711D0Sb 80C851/83C851 80C851/83C851 60C51. 128x8 16-bit 7110fl2fa 00311flM SN40 edal 4l PCFB TOP3 package 60C51 80C51 PCB80C851-2-16P PCB80C851-2-16WP PCB83C851-2P PCB83C851-2WP PDF


    Abstract: BUK553-60B
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE D Bl 7110fiSb D0b4aEb T5b • P H I N Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor Logic level FET_ G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N N-cnannel enhancement mode logic level field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope.

    OCR Scan
    711002b 00b4E2b BUK553-60A/B -T0220AB BUK553 BUK553-60A BUK553-60B PDF

    philips d8614

    Abstract: D8614 BT136F A838
    Text: _ _ _ _ _ , PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL _ hSE D , • 1 1 _ - - _ — - _ 7110fiSb DOLESM^ 771 BIPHIN _ I ^ BT136F SERIES FULL-PACK TRIACS Glass-passivated 4 ampere triacs in SO T -1 8 6 envelopes, which feature an electrically isolated mounting

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    7110fiSb BT136F OT-186 BT136F- D8573 M81-1647/1 philips d8614 D8614 A838 PDF


    Abstract: bc107 curves BC17S BC178 BC178B BC179 Transistor BC177 BC179B transistor BC109 BC179 philips
    Text: BC177 to 179 T - z ï - i y PHILIPS INTERN A T I O N A L SbE D 7110fiSb D 0 4 n 7 G Tbl • PHIN A.F. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors in TO-18 metal envelopes with the collector connected to the case. The BC177 is a high-voltage type and primarily intended for use in driver stages of audio amplifiers

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    BC177to 7110fiSb D04117G BC177 BC178 BC179 BC107, BC108 BC17I -BC17 bc107 curves BC17S BC178B Transistor BC177 BC179B transistor BC109 BC179 philips PDF

    4558 Philips

    Abstract: NE4558 NE4558D 4558 dip 8 4558 equivalent d 4558 RS 4558 NE4558N SA4558N SE4558
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SfiE D 7110fiSb 005077b 52^ « P H I N proauci specification Philips Semiconductors-Signetlcs Linear Products Dual general-purpose operational amplifier NE/SA/SE4558 PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 4558 is a dual operational amplifier that

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA/SE4558 NE/SA/SE4558 RC/RM/RV4558. SE4558 NE4558 60dBf 4558 Philips NE4558 NE4558D 4558 dip 8 4558 equivalent d 4558 RS 4558 NE4558N SA4558N PDF


    Abstract: BGY47A
    Text: BGY47A _ UHF POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE A broadband UHF am plifier module prim arily designed fo r mobile communications equipment, operating directly from 7.5 V o r 9.6 V electrical systems. The module w ill produce a m inim um ou tput of 2.0 W or 3.2 W in to a 50 £2 load over the frequency range 400 to 470 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    BGY47A OT181 711Dfl2b DD7417Ã P435M BGY47A PDF


    Abstract: BUK104-50S BUK104-50US
    Text: PHILIPS bSE INTERNATIONAL D • 711002b D 0 b 3 f l43 Monolithic temperature and overloadprotected logic level power MOSFET in a 5 pin plastic envelope, intended as a general purpose switch for automotive systems and other applications. APPLICATIONS General controller for driving

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    711002b D0b3fl43 BUK104-50L/S BUK104-50LP/SP pK104-50L/S Ips/lps25 BUK104-60L/S BUK104-50L BUK104-50S BUK104-50US PDF


    Abstract: IT 331 CTS 10MHz oscillator MAB8048 PCF84C853AP PCF84C853AT
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 3ME D • 711005b GGllb23 Q ■ PCF84C853A SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH DERIVATIVE PORTS, TIMER/CAPTURE AND TIMER/COUNTER DESCRIPTION The PCF84C853A is a microcontroller with 33 quasi-bidlrectlonal I/O port lines. In addition to the shared features of the

    OCR Scan
    711005b GGllb23 pcf84c853a PCF84C853A PCF84C853A. PCF84CXX PCF84C853 84CXXX 16-bit ECMI IT 331 CTS 10MHz oscillator MAB8048 PCF84C853AP PCF84C853AT PDF


    Abstract: 16.8Mhz oscillator 4N24 80C51 83C751 87C751 8XC751 S87C751-1F24 S87C751-2F24 S87C751-4F24
    Text: • 7 1 1 0 8 2 b QObbflSl 4fil ■ PHIN philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Philips 83C751/87C751 offers the advantages of the 80C51 architecture in a

    OCR Scan
    711082b 83C751/87C751 83C751/87C751 80C51 8XC751 83C751) 87C751) 16-bit J027 16.8Mhz oscillator 4N24 83C751 87C751 S87C751-1F24 S87C751-2F24 S87C751-4F24 PDF

    P87C575EHAA I

    Abstract: P83C575EHPN 80C51 80C575 83C575 87C575 EC20D 2031h
    Text: Philips Semiconductora Microcontroller Product 7 1 1 □ fl 2 b 0□bbb03 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller Product specification PHIN 80C575/83C575/87C575 80C51 based architecture - 8k x 8 ROM 83C575) - 8k x 8 EPROM (87C575) - ROMIess (80C575)

    OCR Scan
    80C575/83C575/87C575 80C575/83C575/87C575 8XC575 83C575) 87C575) 16-bit 48tcucL 48tcLCL P87C575EHAA I P83C575EHPN 80C51 80C575 83C575 87C575 EC20D 2031h PDF

    philips blx15

    Abstract: BLX15 Philips Application BLX15 TRANSISTOR blx15 Blx15 philips 4312 020 36640 blx15 push pull PHILIPS 4312 amplifier carbon resistor CIL TRANSISTOR 188
    Text: PHI L IP S INTERNATIONAL bSE D m 7110fl2ki ODb3471 R74 BLX15 PHIN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR Silicon n-p-n power transistor for use in industrial and military s.s.b. and c.w. equipment operating in the h.f. and v.h.f. band:

    OCR Scan
    7110fl2ti ODb3471 BLX15 philips blx15 BLX15 Philips Application BLX15 TRANSISTOR blx15 Blx15 philips 4312 020 36640 blx15 push pull PHILIPS 4312 amplifier carbon resistor CIL TRANSISTOR 188 PDF


    Abstract: ic la 7840 generator belt MAB8048 PCD3344A PCD3344AP PCD3349A PCD3352A PCD3353A PCD33XXA
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3 ORDERING INFORMATION 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 PINNING INFORMATION 5.1 5.2 Pinning Pin description 6 FREQUENCY GENERATOR 6.1 6.2 6.3

    OCR Scan
    PCD3344A; PCD3349A 711002b 0CHb375 IC LA 7840 PIN DETAIL ic la 7840 generator belt MAB8048 PCD3344A PCD3344AP PCD3349A PCD3352A PCD3353A PCD33XXA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Military Logic Products Product specification 1-of-16 Decoder/Demultiplexer 54F154 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 16-line demultiplexing capability The 54F154 decoder accepts four active High binary address inputs and provides 16 mutually exclusive active Low outputs. The 2-input

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    -of-16 54F154 16-line 54F154 1-of-16 500ns PDF


    Abstract: D072 SCN26562 SCN26562C2N48 SCN26562C4A52 SCN26562C4N48 Dual Output Universal IR Remote Switch Chip rahr ICR1S
    Text: I ?110û2b GG72ÛBS bBT « P H I N Philips Semiconductors Data Communications Products Product specification Dual universal serial communications controller DUSCC DESCRIPTION SCN26562 • Parity and FC S (fram e check sequence LR C or C R C ) generation

    OCR Scan
    SCN26562 SCN26562 00720m 150pF 100pF SCN26562C2A52 D072 SCN26562C2N48 SCN26562C4A52 SCN26562C4N48 Dual Output Universal IR Remote Switch Chip rahr ICR1S PDF


    Abstract: Philips SAA1043 SAA1044 SAA1101 H318 S028 SAA1101P SAA1101T h523 Horizontal frequency kHz 15.625
    Text: Philips S em iconductors Video Products Prod uct specification Universal sync generator USG • Program m able to seven standards • A d ditional o u tputs to sim plify signal processing • Can be synchronized to an external sync, signal • O ption to select th e 524/624 line

    OCR Scan
    SAA1101 SAA1101 SAA1043 SAA1044 7110fiSb D07b337 Philips SAA1043 H318 S028 SAA1101P SAA1101T h523 Horizontal frequency kHz 15.625 PDF


    Abstract: BF751 t-31-21
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors NPN 6.5 GHz wideband transistor P H ILIP S IN T E R N A T IO N A L £ BF751 S b E D H 711D A E L . 004M R a bT T OWÊt P H IN PINNING FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High power gain PIN • Low noise figure 1 • Gold metallization ensures

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    BF751 711DflSb 004MRab BF751 MSB033 MBB479 7110flgb SS TRANSISTOR t-31-21 PDF

    TIP32 TI

    Abstract: TIP32 applications TIP32A TIP32 TIP31 TIP32B
    Text: TIP32; A TIP32B; C J^ PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE • T> 711QöBtj □ D M 3 4 T D TET ■ P H I N SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS PNP transistors in a plastic T 0 -2 2 0 envelope. They are intended for use in a wide range of power amplifiers and for switching applications. N PN complements are TIP31 series.

    OCR Scan
    TIP32; TIP32B; DM34TD T0-220 TIP31 TIP32 711002b DQ43MTb 7Z82913 TIP32 TI TIP32 applications TIP32A TIP32 TIP32B PDF


    Abstract: ha 13627 APC UPS CIRCUIT layout APC UPS WIRING DIAGRAM data ic ha 13627 MGA15 fm baby monitor transmitter fm baby monitor 80C51 P80CE598
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN 13.5.8 13.5.9 13.5.10 13.5.11 13.5.12 13.5.13 13.5.14 13.5.15 13.5.16 13.5.17 13.5.18 13.5.19

    OCR Scan
    P8XCE598 711062b APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ha 13627 APC UPS CIRCUIT layout APC UPS WIRING DIAGRAM data ic ha 13627 MGA15 fm baby monitor transmitter fm baby monitor 80C51 P80CE598 PDF


    Abstract: 74HL33646DB 74HL33646PW D100
    Text: 1 Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Octal bus transceiver/register; 3-state FEATURES 74HL33646 QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; T ^ = 25 °C; tr = t, = 2.0 ns Wide supply voltage range of 1.2 V to 3.6 V • In accordance with the JEDEC 3.3 V ±0.3 V supply

    OCR Scan
    74HL33646 74HL33646 74HL33646D 74HL33646DB 74HL33646PW D100 PDF


    Abstract: P87C528 fprog 2 80C51 80C52 87C528
    Text: Philips S em iconductors M ilita ry M icro co n tro lle r Products P roduct specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 87C528 DESCRIPTION The 87C528 single-chip 8-bit microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS process and is a derivative of the 80C51

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    87C528 80C51 512x8 16-bit 16MHz 87C528 48tcLCL 48tcuCL 1Ns4 P87C528 fprog 2 80C52 PDF

    Design and construction Wave FM radio transmitter

    Abstract: PCB80C552 LQFP32 S028 UMA1000LT UMA1002 UMA1002H UMA1002T UMF1000T
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Data processor for cellular radio DPROC2 _ UMA1002 FEATURES • Single chip solution to all the data handling and supervisory functions • Configuration to both AMPS and TACS • Additional JTACS option

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