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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TDA1519A _ 22 W BTL OR 2 x 11 WATT STEREO CAR RADIO POWER AMLIFIER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA1519A is an integrated class-B dual output am plifier in a 9-lead single in-line SIL plastic power package. The device is prim arily developed fo r car radio applications.

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    TDA1519A TDA1519A 7110fi2ti PDF

    BPSK demodulator

    Abstract: TDA8040T TDA8041H QFP44W Quadrature Demodulator AFC20 bpsk demodulation QD01
    Text: Prelim inary specification P h ilip s Sem iconductors TDA8041H Quadrature demodulator controller FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Generates all control signals for Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying Q PSK and Binary Phase-Shift Keying (B PSK) demodulation • Can be used in applications with low Eb/N0 and high

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    TDA8041H 01UX10 7110fl5t> BPSK demodulator TDA8040T TDA8041H QFP44W Quadrature Demodulator AFC20 bpsk demodulation QD01 PDF


    Abstract: tdd1742t hef4750 VMUX HEF4750V TDD1742 S028 TPD1742T
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low power fequency synthesizer LOPSY TDD1742T GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDD1742T is a low power, high-performance frequency synthesizer in local oxidation CMOS (LOCMOS) technology. The device is designed fo r use in channelized V H F /U H F applications especially

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    TDD1742T TDD1742T HEF4750V HEF4751 711QaSL, hef4751 hef4750 VMUX HEF4750V TDD1742 S028 TPD1742T PDF

    TEA 1091

    Abstract: BTS 3900 philips tea 1091 A1096 audio automatic gain control Automatic Voltage stabilizer dynamic microphone icp preamplifier transducer DIP28 S028
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Speech and listening-in 1C TEA1096; TEA1096A FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Line Interface with: • Line-powered telephone sets with listening-in/line monitoring function. - active set impedance adjustable - voltage regulator with adjustable DC voltage

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    TEA1096; TEA1096A TEA1096 7110A2ti A1096; TEA 1091 BTS 3900 philips tea 1091 A1096 audio automatic gain control Automatic Voltage stabilizer dynamic microphone icp preamplifier transducer DIP28 S028 PDF

    high frequency mixer

    Abstract: image rejection mixer UAA2073M
    Text: P hilips S em iconductors O bjective specification Image rejecting front-end for GSM applications UAA2073M FEATURES Image rejection is achieved in the internal architecture by two RF mixers in quadrature and two all-pass filters in I and Q IF channels that phase shift the IF by 45° and 135°

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    UAA2073M 7110A5ti high frequency mixer image rejection mixer PDF