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    Texas Instruments SN74LVC1G170DBVRQ1

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    2u2 k 305 v

    Abstract: ED1913 GC514 2u2 k EK3024 GS3011 VP10 capacitor 2u2 thd resistors 1k 58c7
    Text: DynamEQ I Dynamic Equalizer GS3011 - HYB DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • handles high input levels up to 100 mVRMS cleanly • low THD and IMD distortion • unique twin average detectors • dual channel signal processing The DynamEQ® I hybrid is a dynamically adaptive loudness

    GS3011 2u2 k 305 v ED1913 GC514 2u2 k EK3024 VP10 capacitor 2u2 thd resistors 1k 58c7 PDF


    Abstract: LA74308LP la*07L
    Text: 注文コード No. N A 0 8 9 8 A 半導体データシート No.NA0898 をさしかえてください。 LA74308LP モノリシックリニア集積回路 DSC用オーディオインタフェース 概要 LA74308LPはDSC用にスピーカーアンプ、マイクアンプを内蔵した、オーディオ信号入出力インタ

    NA0898 LA74308LP LA74308LPDSC 16kHzTRAP8kHz 16kHzCODEC REC/PB8kHz/16kHz) 20060927-S00005 A0898-1/16 A0898-15/16 EVR16 LA74308LP la*07L PDF


    Abstract: RF4A GA3206 and/diode gp523
    Text: Programmable AGC-O CIC-size Hybrid - GA3206 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • 6 programmable parameters • 38dB maximum system gain • 8:1 compression ratio The GA3206 programmable hybrid is composed of an AGC amplifier and the GP523 controller memory chip. The hybrid

    GA3206 GA3206 GP523 530Hz C-101, RF4A and/diode gp523 PDF


    Abstract: ELL80 ASC-50
    Text: ASC-50 Operation Manual ASC-50 OPERATION MANUAL September 2001 25 Locust St, Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel: 800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX: 978/521-1839 e-mail: • Web Address: ASC-50 Operation Manual

    ASC-50 ASC-50 ASC50 ELL80 PDF


    Abstract: hi-fi system BA7755 BA7755AF BH7779K QFP-A64 W1D-2
    Text: Video ICs VCR audio signal processing system BH7779K The BH7779K is an audio signal processing system IC that includes a peak-noise reduction processor, an FM modulator / demodulator circuit, an input / output switcher, an automatic FM detector circuit, an FM band-pass filter, a normal-audio circuit and a regulator circuit.

    BH7779K BH7779K QFP-A64 IN6121 hi-fi system BA7755 BA7755AF QFP-A64 W1D-2 PDF


    Abstract: 6 a 10 mic IC WITH ALC mic detection fc4k
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1180 LA74302FN Monolithic Linear IC Audio Interface for DSC Overview The LA74302FN is a SPEAKER AMP and MIC AMP built-in audio interface for DSC. Functions • Three-wire type SERIAL communications, MIC AMP • MIC power supply provided

    ENA1180 LA74302FN LA74302FN A1180-12/12 la74302 6 a 10 mic IC WITH ALC mic detection fc4k PDF

    karaoke mixer circuit diagram

    Abstract: audio input mic mixer echo mixer circuit diagram multimedia POWER AMPLIFIERS CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS BA7725FS BA7725S BA7726AFS BA7726AS BA7760 BA7760F
    Text: Multimedia ICs Microphone Amplifier BA7760 / BA7760F The BA7760 and BA7760F are dual microphone amplifiers designed for audio signal amplification. These are low noise amplifiers with a low -122dBV typically equivalent input noise voltage. Each IC has an internal mixer buffer

    BA7760 BA7760F BA7760F -122dBV BA7725S BA7725FS, BA7726AS BA7726AFS BU9252S karaoke mixer circuit diagram audio input mic mixer echo mixer circuit diagram multimedia POWER AMPLIFIERS CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS BA7725FS PDF


    Abstract: BA3308F BA5406 TREBLE
    Text: BA3308 / BA3308F Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308 / BA3308F The BA3308 and BA3308F are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in compact 9-pin SIP BA3308 and 14-pin MF (BA3308F)

    BA3308 BA3308F BA3308F BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) BA3308 BA5406 TREBLE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA3308 / BA3308F Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308 / BA3308F The BA3308 and BA3308F are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in compact 9-pin SIP BA3308 and 14-pin MF (BA3308F)

    BA3308 BA3308F BA3308F BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) PDF


    Abstract: ALC Automatic Level Control DIODE MARKING GV nab preamplifier tape marking ALC NAB preamplifier
    Text: S4308 Semiconductor ◈ Audio IC Description The S4308 is a single preamplifier IC with built-in ALC circuit, and has been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. The preamplifier has high gain and low distortion, and can be directly coupled to the tape head without coupling capacitors. This prevents tape head magnetization

    S4308 S4308 KSD-I5P010-000 ALC Automatic Level Control DIODE MARKING GV nab preamplifier tape marking ALC NAB preamplifier PDF

    GENNUM dynameq III

    Abstract: GP523
    Text: GA3203 Programmable DynamEQ III PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • • The GA3203 programmable hybrid is composed of a DynamEQ®III Wide Dynamic Range Compression signal processor and the GP523 controller memory chip. low & high frequency gain adjustment

    GA3203 24dB/octave GA3203 GP523 C-101, GENNUM dynameq III PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA-, ELECTRONIC DE 9097247 T O S H IB A . T lec T D Ë | TOT7247 00171.73 7 | ~ r o n 'i c 02E 17673 _ T -7 7 -2 1 ITA7797P DUAL PRE-AMPLIFIER IC FOR DOUBLE CASSETTE TAPE PLAYER Unit in mm This is an IC designed for the double cassette tape player of the low-end class to the middle class.

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    OT7247 ITA7797P TA7784P. TA7797P TA7784P TA7784P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEIMIMUM c o r p o r a t i di m AGC-0 w ith A ctive Low C ut F ilte r i n a C I C Size Hybrid GS3044 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION FEATURES • CIC suitable package size T h e G S 3 0 4 4 C IC h y b rid fe a tu re s A G C - 0 c a p a b ility fo r lo w

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    GS3044 RL-998 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs BH7777AK The B H 7777A K is a HiFi audio signal processing system 1C comprised of a p eak-no ise reduction PNR processor, an FM modulator/demodulator circuit, an input/output switch circuit, an automatic FM detector circuit, an FM b an d-p ass

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    BH7777AK 2237M PDF

    2 pin mic J60

    Abstract: j60 microphone j60 mic 2SA1362GR microphone j60 mic J60 BA3612AKV BA3641FV VN03 VN02M
    Text: Audio ICs Recording amplifier with built-in ALC for headphone stereos The BA3641 FV is an o p tio n IC d e v e lo p e d fo r th e p u rp o s e o f a d d in g a re c o rd in g fu n c tio n to 1 -c h ip p la y b a c k syste m ICs BA3612AKV, etc. fo r h e a d p h o n e stereos.

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    BA3641FV BA3641FV BA3612AKV, 2 pin mic J60 j60 microphone j60 mic 2SA1362GR microphone j60 mic J60 BA3612AKV VN03 VN02M PDF


    Abstract: BA7755AF BH7779K 3Mhz FM IC transistor s71 7020 52PIN
    Text: Vìdeo ICs VCR audio signal processing system BH7779K The BH7779K is an audio signal processing system 1C that includes a peak-noise reduction processor, an FM modu­ lator/demodulator circuit, an input/output switcher, an automatic FM detector circuit, an FM band-pass filter, a normalaudio circuit and a regulator circuit

    OCR Scan
    BH7779K BH7779K 0G22M0S 00224Gt BA7755 BA7755AF 3Mhz FM IC transistor s71 7020 52PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Vìdeo ICs VCR audio signal processing system BH7779K The BH7779K is an audio signal processing system 1C that includes a peak-noise reduction processor, an FM modu­ lator/demodulator circuit, an input/output switcher, an automatic FM detector circuit, an FM band-pass filter, a normalaudio circuit and a regulator circuit

    OCR Scan
    BH7779K BH7779K G0224D3 00224QI. PDF


    Abstract: VGA TO AV CONVERTER circuit compressor limiter ic audio compressor expander IC audio compressor expander IC 8 pin AV to VGA converter VGA TO AV CONVERTER audio compressor expander IC, 8 pin SSM2120 SSM-2120
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-133 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 A High-Performance Compandor for Wireless Audio Systems Wireless audio systems are finding increasing use in live performances, as well as in communications equipment where

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    AN-133 -50dBu) 10kil 15kii Fc-90Hz -70dBV 20kHz) 100dB 15Vdc AV TO VGA CONVERTER circuit VGA TO AV CONVERTER circuit compressor limiter ic audio compressor expander IC audio compressor expander IC 8 pin AV to VGA converter VGA TO AV CONVERTER audio compressor expander IC, 8 pin SSM2120 SSM-2120 PDF


    Abstract: BA3306 jpw 45 lba3 450J BA3308 BA3308F PCB layout Potentiometers
    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308/BA3308F The BA3308 and BA3308F are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in com pact 9-pin SIP BA3308 and 14-pin MF

    OCR Scan
    BA3308/BA3308F BA3308 BA3308F BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) BA3308 ba330bf BA330BF BA3306 jpw 45 lba3 450J PCB layout Potentiometers PDF


    Abstract: 3CL10 51141P M51141
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs ! M 51141P I RECORDING AMPLIFIER, ALC CIRCUIT, PLAYBACK ! PREAMPLIFIER. VOLTAGE DETECTOR, ELECTRONIC SWITCH DESCRIPTION The M 51141P is a recording and playback preamplifier fo r portable tape recorders. The IC’s built-in preamplifiers fo r recording and playback, electronic switches fo r recording

    OCR Scan
    51141P control10 S710k M51141P M51141P 3CL10 M51141 PDF

    karaoke mixer circuit diagram

    Abstract: karaoke CIRCUIT BU9252 Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit echo mixer circuit diagram karaoke mixer
    Text: Multimedia IC s Microphone Amplifier BA7760/BA7760F The BA7760 and BA7760F are dual microphone amplifiers designed for audio signal amplification. These are low noise amplifiers with a low -1 2 2 dBV typically equivalent input noise voltage. Each 1C has an internal mixer buffer

    OCR Scan
    BA7760/BA7760F BA7760 BA7760F BA7725S BA7725FS, BA7726AS BA7726AFS BU9252S BU9252F, A7760/BA7760F karaoke mixer circuit diagram karaoke CIRCUIT BU9252 Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit echo mixer circuit diagram karaoke mixer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs VCR Hi-Fi audio signal processing system BH7777AK FM modulator/demodulator circuit, an input/output switch circuit, an automatic FM detector circuit, an FM b an d-p ass a regulator circuit. The 1C runs of a dual ± p o w e r supply which allows a large reduction In the number of e-

    OCR Scan
    BH7777AK BH7777AK PDF

    IC AL 6001

    Abstract: 20 pin IC AL 6001 tb31301
    Text: 1 CHIP IC FOR TELEPHONE SET TENTATIVE DATA VOICE PROCESSING 1CH1P IC FOR CORDLESS TELEPHONE TB 31301F is in clu d ed speech n e tw o rk, crosspoint sw itch 9 x 7 serial d ata co n tro l , S P E A K E R A M P, M IC AM P, a n sw e rin g te le p h o n e set voice processing in

    OCR Scan
    31301F TB31301F-22 TB31301F-23 IC AL 6001 20 pin IC AL 6001 tb31301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multimedia ICs Microphone Amplifier BA7760/BA7760F The BA7760 and BA7760F are dual microphone amplifiers designed for audio signal amplification. These are low noise amplifiers with a low -1 2 2 dBV typically equivalent input noise voltage. Each IC has an internal mixer buffer

    OCR Scan
    BA7760/BA7760F BA7760 BA7760F BA7725S BA7725FS, BA7726AS BA7726AFS BU9252S BU9252F, DQ5H143 PDF