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    Abstract: wifi antenna schematic QFN-20 RF6505 Murata WiFi
    Text: RF6505 3.3V, 2.4GHz FRONT END MODULE    ZigBee 802.15.4 Based Systems for Remote Monitoring and Control WiFi 802.11b/g 17 ANT2_EN ANT1_EN VCCLNA 18 16 RFN 1 15 ANT2 GND 2 14 GND RFP 3 13 ANT1 VCC 4 12 GND TX_EN 5 11 N/C BALUN Applications 19 7 PDET

    RF6505 20-Pin, 27dBm 11b/g RF6505 DS110620 wifi antenna schematic QFN-20 RF6505 Murata WiFi PDF

    ESDA 0402

    Abstract: wifi tdd Transceiver
    Text: RFFM6201 RFFM6201 2.0V TO 3.6V, 2.4GHZ FRONT END MODULE 24 Features ANTSEL CE 2 18 GND GND 3 17 ANT2 CT 4 16 GND RFN 5 15 ANT1 14 RFP 6 GND GND 7 13 GND Voltage range=2.0 to 3.6V. 9 10 11 12 GND 8 N/C Single Bidirectional Differential Transceiver interface.

    RFFM6201 24-Pin, 23dBm DS130327 ESDA 0402 wifi tdd Transceiver PDF


    Abstract: DIVERSITY MODULE MURATA wifi antenna schematic
    Text: RF6505 3.3V, 2.4GHz FRONT END MODULE    ZigBee 802.15.4 Based Systems for Remote Monitoring and Control WiFi 802.11b/g 17 ANT2_EN ANT1_EN VCCLNA 18 16 RFN 1 15 ANT2 GND 2 14 GND RFP 3 13 ANT1 VCC 4 12 GND TX_EN 5 11 N/C BALUN Applications 19 7 PDET

    RF6505 20-Pin, 27dBm 11b/g RF6505 DS110728 DIVERSITY MODULE MURATA wifi antenna schematic PDF

    Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA1045 Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 2003 Jun 26 2003 Dec 01 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications

    TZA1045 SCA75 R04/04/pp21 Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD PDF

    photodiode dvd cd

    Abstract: Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD RFP 350 90 dvd photodiode dvd circuit diagram dvd optical pickup PHILIPS CD 245 photodiode amplifier AN01026 TZA1045
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA1045 Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 2002 Nov 27 2003 Jun 26 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications

    TZA1045 TZA1045ail SCA75 753503/03/pp20 photodiode dvd cd Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD RFP 350 90 dvd photodiode dvd circuit diagram dvd optical pickup PHILIPS CD 245 photodiode amplifier AN01026 TZA1045 PDF

    photodiode dvd cd

    Abstract: dvd photodiode AN01026 TZA1045 TZA1045TS Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA1045 Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 2002 Mar 26 2002 Nov 27 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications

    TZA1045 TZA1045ail SCA74 753503/02/pp20 photodiode dvd cd dvd photodiode AN01026 TZA1045 TZA1045TS Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Welcome to OK International - Soldering, Rework and Fume Extraction System Home Literature Where to Buy Page 1 of 7 Languages >> Home > Products & Applications > Soldering/Desoldering > MFR-2200 Series > MFR-2211 MFR-2210, MFR-2220, MF

    MFR-2200 MFR-2211 MFR-2210, MFR-2220, 183cm 122cm mfr2200/mfr2211 PDF

    photodiode dvd cd

    Abstract: CD/DVD pickup TBF-22 TZA1045 TZA1045TS philips OPTICAL PICK-UP dvd-rw flex Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA1045 Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications Objective specification 2002 Mar 26 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications TZA1045 FEATURES The device contains eight RF amplifiers for the central and

    TZA1045 TZA1045 SCA74 753503/01/pp16 photodiode dvd cd CD/DVD pickup TBF-22 TZA1045TS philips OPTICAL PICK-UP dvd-rw flex Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD PDF


    Abstract: HA17741 datasheet HA17008RFP HA17008RP Hitachi DSA0047
    Text: HA17008RP/RFP 8-Bit Multiplying Digital to Analog Converter Description The HA17008R series are 8-bit monolithic D/A converters which have built in, a reference current amplifier, an R-2R ladder resistor, and 8 high speed current switches. By setting the reference voltage and resistance, the maximum output current can be freely varied in

    HA17008RP/RFP HA17008R ha17741 HA17741 datasheet HA17008RFP HA17008RP Hitachi DSA0047 PDF


    Abstract: HA17741 datasheet Hitachi stepping motor HA17008RFP HA17008RP Hitachi DSA00218
    Text: HA17008RP/RFP 8-Bit Multiplying Digital to Analog Converter ADE-204-060 Z Rev. 0 Dec. 2000 Description The HA17008R series are 8-bit monolithic D/A converters which have built in, a reference current amplifier, an R-2R ladder resistor, and 8 high speed current switches.

    HA17008RP/RFP ADE-204-060 HA17008R ha17741 HA17741 datasheet Hitachi stepping motor HA17008RFP HA17008RP Hitachi DSA00218 PDF

    f antenna balun 2.4ghz

    Abstract: RFFM6201 wifi tdd Transceiver ESDA 0402
    Text: RFFM6201 RFFM6201 3.3V, 2.4 GHz Front End Module 2.0V TO 3.6V, 2.4GHZ FRONT END MODULE 24 23 22 21 ANTSEL N/C VCCLNA C_RX_TX Package Style: Laminate, 24-Pin, 5mm x 5mm x 1mm 20 GND 1 19 GND CE 2 18 GND GND 3 17 ANT2 CT 4 16 GND RFN 5 15 ANT1 14 RFP 6 GND GND

    RFFM6201 RFFM6201 24-Pin, 23dBm DS130222 f antenna balun 2.4ghz wifi tdd Transceiver ESDA 0402 PDF

    DVD optical pick-up assembly

    Abstract: photodiode dvd cd DVD pickup assembly PHILIPS CD 245 DVD RW circuit diagram dvd circuit diagram dvd optical pickup MDB575 dvd photodiode Photodiode-Array
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA1046 Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications Preliminary specification 2004 May 04 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Photodiode and amplifier IC for CD and DVD applications TZA1046 CONTENTS 13

    TZA1046 SCA76 R04/01/pp24 DVD optical pick-up assembly photodiode dvd cd DVD pickup assembly PHILIPS CD 245 DVD RW circuit diagram dvd circuit diagram dvd optical pickup MDB575 dvd photodiode Photodiode-Array PDF

    blu-ray OPTICAL PICK-UP

    Abstract: blue optical pickup head PDIC blue blu-ray pick-up bluray opu blu-ray PDIC a/S3C9004/P9004/C9014/PDIC dvd cd
    Text: MLX75012 10-Channel High-Speed Universal PDIC Features Triple wavelength 405nm, 650nm and 780nm 120MHz bandwidth high speed RF-Channels 8 selectable gain modes, sleep mode Tristate inputs for gain mode selection Two PD-pattern design Low noise design Integrated test mode for easy pick-up

    MLX75012 10-Channel 405nm, 650nm 780nm 120MHz 20-pin 49Bit MLX75012 ISO14001 blu-ray OPTICAL PICK-UP blue optical pickup head PDIC blue blu-ray pick-up bluray opu blu-ray PDIC a/S3C9004/P9004/C9014/PDIC dvd cd PDF


    Abstract: hp 8656a 8656B Transformer MCL 303 VP179 MIXER MCL power combiner 4 watt VHF AD831 top octave generator AD831AP
    Text: a APPLICATIONS High Performance RF/IF Mixer Direct to Baseband Conversion Image-Reject Mixers I/Q Modulators and Demodulators PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD831 is a low distortion, wide dynamic range, monolithic mixer for use in such applications as RF to IF down conversion

    AD831 AD831 20-Lead P-20A) C1879a mclt4-1h hp 8656a 8656B Transformer MCL 303 VP179 MIXER MCL power combiner 4 watt VHF top octave generator AD831AP PDF


    Abstract: dcf77 antenna dcf77 feature of ic UM 66 dcf77 receiver receiver wwvb AM-receiver dcf77 ferrite antenna dcf77 AM RECEIVER MAS1016B
    Text: DA9178.001 10 Dec, 2003 MAS9178 AM Receiver IC • • • • • • • High Sensitivity Very Low Power Consumption Wide Supply Voltage Range Power Down Control Control for AGC On High Selectivity by Crystal Filter Fast Startup Feature DESCRIPTION The MAS9178 AM-Receiver chip is a highly

    DA9178 MAS9178 MAS9178 wwvb dcf77 antenna dcf77 feature of ic UM 66 dcf77 receiver receiver wwvb AM-receiver dcf77 ferrite antenna dcf77 AM RECEIVER MAS1016B PDF


    Abstract: RFL1N12L RFL1N15L RFP2N12L TA9529 TA9528 rfp1n12
    Text: Logic-Level Power MOSFETs RFL1N12L, RFL1N15L, RFP2N12L, RFP2N15L File Number N-Channel Logic Level Power Field-Effect Transistors L2 FET o 1 and 2 A, 120 V and 150 V rDs(on): 1.750 and 1.90 Feature*: • Design optimized for 5 volt gate drive ■ Can be driven directly from Q-MOS, N-MOS, TTL Circuits

    OCR Scan
    RFL1N12L, RFL1N15L, RFP2N12L, RFP2N15L 92CS-337 RFL1N12L RFL1N15L RFP2N12L TA9529 TA9528 rfp1n12 PDF


    Abstract: RFP mosfets RFL1N12 RFL1N15 RFP2N12 RFP2N15 rfp1n12 ta9196 TA921
    Text: Standard Power MOSFETs RFL1N12, RFL1N15, RFP2N12, RFP2N15 File N um ber 1444 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 1 and 2 Amperes 120 V — 150 V ro s o n : 1.75fi and 1.90 Features: • SOA is power-dissipation lim ited m Nanosecond sw itching speeds

    OCR Scan
    RFL1N12, RFL1N15, RFP2N12, RFP2N15 RFL1N12 RFL1N15 RFP2N12 RFP2N15* AN-7254 AN-7260. 5Q07 RFP mosfets RFP2N15 rfp1n12 ta9196 TA921 PDF

    Anaren rfp 50 ohm resistor

    Abstract: 4y25 marking code 4n 4Y15 4Y12
    Text: NOTES: 1. OPERATING TEM PERATURE: -5 5 °C TO + I2 5 °C . SEE CHART 2. DESIGNED PORTIONS 3. TAPE AND (SEE TAPE ï 0 100Q. REVISIONS Q 75- P < 01 5 0 Li. 2 5 o ss 0 TO MEET OR EXCEED AP P LIC A B LE OF M IL -E -5 4 0 0 & M IL -R -5 5 3 4 2 . REEL SIZE 12 MM.

    OCR Scan
    100200-4Y Anaren rfp 50 ohm resistor 4y25 marking code 4n 4Y15 4Y12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b?E J> m 7 ^ 4 1 4 2 QGlS2ba 07S KMM5364100/G DRAM MODULES 4M X 36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: I rac tcAC I rc 60ns 15ns 110ns KMM5364100-7 70ns 20ns 130ns KMM5354100-8 80ns 20ns 150ns

    OCR Scan
    KMM5364100/G 110ns KMM5364100-7 130ns KMM5354100-8 150ns KMM5364100-6 KMM5364100 cycies/32ms G01S273 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: intei  im r a ig i 225636 256K x 36-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MEMORY MODULE WITH PAGE MODE Performance Range Parameters 225636-08 225636-10 Units Access Time from RAS tRAc 80 100 ns Access Time from CAS (tcAC) 20 25 ns 150 180 ns Read Cycle Time (tRc) 256K x 36-Bit Organization

    OCR Scan
    36-BIT 72-Pin PDF


    Abstract: TA940 RFL1P08 RFL1P10 RFP2P08 RFP2P10
    Text: SOLI» STATE 3875Ö81 DE§3Ö7S0Ö1 01 G E SÒL I D STATE Standard Power MOSFETs Q01ÛE17 1 | 0 1E 1 8 2 1 7 _ RFL1P08, RFL1P10, RFP2P08, RFP2P10 File N um ber 1535 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors TERM INAL DIAGRAM P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors

    OCR Scan
    RFL1P08, RFL1P10, RFP2P08, RFP2P10 RFL1P08 RFL1P10 RFP2P08 RFP2P10 PMP411A. 92CS-37569 TA9401 TA940 PDF


    Abstract: RFL1N12L RFL1N15L RFP2N15L rfp1n12
    Text: 387SÓ81 G E S O L I D S T A T e 'd Ï » F | 3 ö 7 S D f l l DDlfl4Sfl 3 l ~ D Logic-Level Power MOSFETs RFL1N12L, RFL1N15L, RFP2N12L, RFP2N15L File Number 1513 N-Channe Logic Level Power Field-Effect Transistors L2 FET)

    OCR Scan
    0Dlfl42fl RFL1N12L, RFL1N15L, RFP2N12L, RFP2N15L CS-53741 RFL1N12L RFL1N15L RFP2N12L RFP2N15L rfp1n12 PDF


    Abstract: RFL1N10 RFP2N08 RFP2N10 92CS-W528 S4352
    Text: Standard Power MOSFETs RFL1N08, RFL1N10, RFP2N08, RFP2N10 File N um ber 1385 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 1 and 2 A, 80 and 100 V rDs on : 1.05CÎ and 1.2fi Features: • SOA is power-dissipation lim ited m Nanosecond sw itching speeds

    OCR Scan
    RFL1N08, RFL1N10, RFP2N08, RFP2N10 RFL1N08 RFL1N10 RFP2N08 RFP2N10 92CS-W528 S4352 PDF

    transistor N342

    Abstract: TC1-C RFL1N08L RFL1N10L TA9525 RFP2N08L RFP2N10L RFP mosfets
    Text: 38 75081 =01 G E SOL ID S T A TE Logic-Level Power MOSFÉTs T e 1 3 ö 7 5 0 ö 1 0 0 1 0 4 2 4 t, 01E18424 D 'T ~ '~ ^ 7~ ' RFL1N08L, RFL1N10L, RFP2N08L, RFP2N10L File Number 1510 N-Channel Logic Level

    OCR Scan
    RFL1N08L, RFL1N10L, RFP2N08L, RFP2N10L RFL1N08L RFL1N10L RFP2N08L transistor N342 TC1-C TA9525 RFP mosfets PDF