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    Pulse Electronics Corporation W1696-MW

    ANT EXT 0.617-3.8GHZ SMA IP68
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey W1696-MW Tray 1
    • 1 $7.89
    • 10 $7.89
    • 100 $3.84771
    • 1000 $3.325
    • 10000 $3.325
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    Mouser Electronics W1696-MW
    • 1 $6.02
    • 10 $5.59
    • 100 $3.7
    • 1000 $3.32
    • 10000 $3.32
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    TURCK Inc VIS 2-B669-6M-WS 5.3T

    Vbi |Turck VIS 2-B669-6M-WS 5.3T
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark VIS 2-B669-6M-WS 5.3T Bulk 1
    • 1 $89.1
    • 10 $89.1
    • 100 $89.1
    • 1000 $89.1
    • 10000 $89.1
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    696MW Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLC5940-EP SLVSA51D – MARCH 2010 – REVISED MAY 2010 16-CHANNEL LED DRIVER WITH DOT CORRECTION AND GRAYSCALE PWM CONTROL Check for Samples: TLC5940-EP FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • 1 2 • • • • • • • • 16 Channels

    TLC5940-EP SLVSA51D 16-CHANNEL 12-Bit 30-MHz PDF


    Abstract: Si9433DY MAX793 MAX794
    Text: 19-0366; Rev 6; 3/10 3.0V/3.3V Adjustable Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits The MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 microprocessor µP supervisory circuits monitor and control the activities of +3.0V/+3.3V µPs by providing backup-battery switchover, among other features such as low-line indication, µP

    MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 MAX793/MAX795 MAX794 MAX795 Si9433DY MAX793 PDF

    Duracell dr17

    Abstract: motorola LM317 MAX2003A lm317 5V bq2003 MAX2003 MAX2003ACPE MAX2003CPE MAX2003CSE MAX2003CWE
    Text: 19-0371; Rev 3; 5/97 L MANUA ION KIT HEET T A U L EVA TA S WS DA FOLLO NiCd/NiMH Battery Fast-Charge Controllers _Features The MAX2003/MAX2003A are fast-charge battery chargers with conditioning for NiCd (nickel cadmium) or NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable batteries. The

    MAX2003/MAX2003A MAX2003A MAX2003 261mm) 184mm) MAX2003/MAX2003A Duracell dr17 motorola LM317 lm317 5V bq2003 MAX2003ACPE MAX2003CPE MAX2003CSE MAX2003CWE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI-8190, HI-8191, HI-8192 12W, Quad, SPST, 3.3V / 5.0V compatible Analog Switch December 2011 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The HI-8190 is a quad analog CMOS switch fabricated with Silicon-on-Insulator SOI technology for latch-up free operation and maximum switch isolation. The switch voltages can range

    HI-8190, HI-8191, HI-8192 HI-8190 HI-819001) 16-PIN DS8190 PDF


    Abstract: 8201
    Text: HI-8200, HI-8201, HI-8202 Quad 10 Ohm +/-12V outside-the-rails Analog Switch with Open Circuit when Power Off October 2012 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HI-8200 is a quad analog CMOS switch fabricated with Silicon-on-Insulator SOI technology for latch-up free operation

    HI-8200, HI-8201, HI-8202 /-12V HI-8200 16-PIN V01u 8201 PDF


    Abstract: MAX4051 MAX4051A MAX4053A MAX4053ESE MAX4052CPE
    Text: 19-0463; Rev 2; 10/05 Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers/Switches _Features ♦ Pin Compatible with Industry-Standard 74HC4051/74HC4052/74HC4053 The MAX4051/MAX4052/MAX4053 and MAX4051A/ MAX4052A/MAX4053A are low-voltage, CMOS analog

    74HC4051/74HC4052/74HC4053 MAX4051/MAX4052/MAX4053 MAX4051A/ MAX4052A/MAX4053A MAX4051/A) MAX4052/A) MAX4053/A) MAX4051A MAX4053A) MAX4051 no3b MAX4053A MAX4053ESE MAX4052CPE PDF

    step up DC DC converter out 9V

    Abstract: fet mbc PFM DC/DC Converter PFM Step-up DC/DC Converter MBC 100 MAX1677 MAX1677EEE
    Text: 19-1403; Rev 0; 11/98 NUAL KIT MA ATION U EET L H A S V E S DATA W O L L FO Compact, High-Efficiency, Dual-Output Step-Up and LCD Bias DC-DC Converter The MAX1677 is a compact, high-efficiency, dual-output boost converter for portable devices needing two regulated supplies, typically for logic and liquid crystal

    MAX1677 350mA MAX1677 step up DC DC converter out 9V fet mbc PFM DC/DC Converter PFM Step-up DC/DC Converter MBC 100 MAX1677EEE PDF

    Current Monitors

    Abstract: MAX4004 MAX4004EUT-T MAX4006 MAX4006EUT-T MAX4008
    Text: 19-2742; Rev 1; 5/03 High-Accuracy, High-Side Current Monitors in SOT23 Applications Photodiode Current-Monitoring Systems Features ♦ Wide Reference Current Dynamic Range Guaranteed 250nA to 2.5mA with 5% Accuracy Extended 10nA to 10mA with 10% Monitor Accuracy

    250nA MAX4004) MAX4006) MAX4004EUT-T OT23-6 MAX4006EUT-T MAX4004/MAX4006 OT-23, Current Monitors MAX4004 MAX4004EUT-T MAX4006 MAX4006EUT-T MAX4008 PDF


    Abstract: MAX487 MAX1480Epi max1480cpi MAX1480CEPI 74HC123 timing MAX1490BCPG MAX490 equivalent MAX1480BCPI MAX488 equivalent
    Text: 19-0259; Rev 2a; 2/98 Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data Interface _Features The MAX1480A/MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490A/ MAX1490B are complete, electrically isolated, RS-485/ RS-422 data-communications interface solutions in a hybrid microcircuit. Transceivers, optocouplers, and a

    RS-485/RS-422 MAX1480A/MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490A/ MAX1490B RS-485/ RS-422 MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490B 250kbps. MAX1480A/MAX1490A MAX845 MAX487 MAX1480 MAX487 MAX1480Epi max1480cpi MAX1480CEPI 74HC123 timing MAX1490BCPG MAX490 equivalent MAX1480BCPI MAX488 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: DG408 MAX308CPE DG409 DG508A DG509A MAX308 MAX308CSE MAX309 MAX308/MAX309
    Text: 19-0271; Rev 0; 7/94 Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, High-Performance, CMOS Analog Multiplexers _Applications Sample-and-Hold Circuits Automatic Test Equipment Heads-Up Displays Guidance and Control Systems Military Radios Communications Systems

    DG408/DG409/DG508A/DG509A MAX308ESE DG408 MAX308CPE DG409 DG508A DG509A MAX308 MAX308CSE MAX309 MAX308/MAX309 PDF

    T2D 78 diode

    Abstract: T2D DIODE T2D DIODE 46 595D LTC1629-6 LTC1736 LTC3719 LTC3719EG MBRS340T3 Si4420DY
    Text: LTC3719 2-Phase, High Efficiency, Step-Down Controller for AMD Hammer CPUs U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • Output Stages Operate Antiphase Reducing Input and Output Capacitance Requirements and Power Supply Induced Noise Dual Input Supply Capability for Load Sharing

    LTC3719 150kHz 300kHz 550kHz LTC3729 12-Phase LTC3732 600kHz T2D 78 diode T2D DIODE T2D DIODE 46 595D LTC1629-6 LTC1736 LTC3719 LTC3719EG MBRS340T3 Si4420DY PDF


    Abstract: MAX3095 MAX3095CEE MAX3095CPE MAX3095CSE MAX3095EPE MAX3095ESE MAX3096 MAX3095-06
    Text: 19-0498; Rev 3; 1/10 ±15kV ESD-Protected, 10Mbps, 3V/5V, Quad RS-422/RS-485 Receivers _Features The MAX3095/MAX3096 are rugged, low-power, quad, RS-422/RS-485 receivers with electrostatic discharge ESD protection for use in harsh environments. All

    10Mbps, RS-422/RS-485 MAX3095/MAX3096 MAX3095 MAX3096 MAX3095/MAX3096 26LS32 MAX3095CEE MAX3095CPE MAX3095CSE MAX3095EPE MAX3095ESE MAX3095-06 PDF


    Abstract: MAX3232 MAX3237 Logitech mouse ic MAX232 MAX242 MAX3222 MAX3241 MAX3232EUE T MAX3232CPE
    Text: 19-0273; Rev 7; 1/07 3.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors _Next Generation Device Features The MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 transceivers have a proprietary low-dropout transmitter output stage enabling true RS-232 performance from a

    RS-232 MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 RS-232 MAX3222, MAX3232, MAX3241 120kbps MAX3237 250kbps MAX32221 MAX3232 Logitech mouse ic MAX232 MAX242 MAX3222 MAX3232EUE T MAX3232CPE PDF


    Abstract: MAX794 MAX795 Si9433DY
    Text: 19-0366; Rev 6; 3/10 3.0V/3.3V Adjustable Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits The MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 microprocessor µP supervisory circuits monitor and control the activities of +3.0V/+3.3V µPs by providing backup-battery switchover, among other features such as low-line indication, µP

    MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 MAX793/MAX795 MAX794 MAX793 MAX795 Si9433DY PDF


    Abstract: MAX768EEE
    Text: 19-1174; Rev 0; 12/96 Low-Noise, Dual-Output, Regulated Charge Pump for GaAsFET, LCD, and VCO Supplies _Features ♦ Dual Positive/Negative Regulated Outputs: ±5VOUT from 3VIN ♦ Output-Ready Indicator to Protect GaAsFET PAs ♦ 2.5V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range

    16-Pin MAX768 MAX768 MAX768EEE PDF

    MARKING c1s SOT23-6

    Abstract: S4 SOT-23-6 1F MARKING SOT23-6 Matsuo Electric G5930 G5930TBU IN25V
    Text: G5930 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. Switched Capacitor Voltage Inverter with Shutdown Features „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ General Description Inverts Input Supply Voltage 25mA Output Current with a Voltage Drop of 250mV 0.45mA Quiescent Current at 3.3V Supply Voltage

    G5930 250mV OT-23 G5930 OT-23-6 MARKING c1s SOT23-6 S4 SOT-23-6 1F MARKING SOT23-6 Matsuo Electric G5930TBU IN25V PDF


    Abstract: DG409 DG408CJ DG408CY DG408DJ DG408DK DG408DY
    Text: 19-4725; Rev 2; 6/99 Improved, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, CMOS Analog Multiplexers _Applications Sample-and-Hold Circuits _Features ♦ Pin-Compatible Plug-In Upgrades for Industry Standard DG408/DG409 ♦ Guaranteed Matching Between Channels, 8Ω Max

    DG408/DG409 DG408CJ Guid45mm) DG408 DG409 DG408CJ DG408CY DG408DJ DG408DK DG408DY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0478; Rev 0; 3/96 > k ly a x i> k l Dual-Output C h a rg e Pum p w ith Sh u td o w n The M AX864 CMOS, c h a rg e -p u m p , D C -D C vo lta g e converter p ro du ces a positive and a negative o utp ut from a sin g le p o sitive inp ut, and re q u ire s o nly fo u r

    OCR Scan
    AX864 185kHz, MAX864 1-0055A PDF


    Abstract: max712
    Text: 19-0100; Rev 3; 1/97 j v w \ y L w v \ NiCd/NiMH B a tte ry Fast-Charge Controllers The MAX712/MAX713 fast charge Nickel Metal Hydride NiMH and Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries from a DC source at least 1.5V higher than the maximum battery voltage. 1 to 16 series cells can be charged at rates up

    OCR Scan
    MAX712/MAX713 MAX713 max712 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS SIE D 19-3967; Rev 0; 6/92 • Sfl7bbSl 000b23b Ü77 ■ yi/iyjxiyi/i tixn High-Speed, Threshold-Programmable Voltage Comparators The com parator threshold level, set b y the DAC, has 10mV or 20mV pin-selecta ble resolution a full-sca le range o f either

    OCR Scan
    000b23b MAX910/MAX911 MAX911CWG MAX911C/D MAX911EÃ MAX911ENG MAX911EWG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1198; Rev0; 4/97 JV Y A Y A JV X / « to 3 -C ell, H ig h -C u rren t, Lo w -N o ise , S te p -U p D C -D C C o n v e rte rs w ith L in e a r R e g u la to r The MAX1705/MAX1706 are high-efficiency, low-noise, step-up DC-DC converters with an auxiliary linearregulator output. These devices are intended for use in

    OCR Scan
    MAX1705/MAX1706 MAX1705 MAX1706 200mA. 537bb51 705/M PDF


    Abstract: MAX791CPE
    Text: y i/ i> jx iy y i 19-0075; Re v. 3; 3/94 M icroprocessor Supervisory C ircuit _ Applications Critical nP Power Monitoring Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment Computers Controllers Intelligent Instruments _Features ♦ Precision 4.65V Voltage M onitoring

    OCR Scan
    AX791 5fl7bb51 MAX791 MAX791CPE PDF

    analog switch SPDT DIP-8

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0391; Rev 0; 5/95 Low-Voltage, Quad, SPDT, CMOS Analog S w itch _ Features Low On-Resistance, < 17£2 Typical 35fl max Guaranteed Matched On-Resistance Between Channels, < 2i2 Guaranteed Flat On-Resistance over Analog Signal Range, A 4 0 Max

    OCR Scan
    MAX333, MAX333A 20LOG 567bfci51 analog switch SPDT DIP-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4611; Rev 1; 4/94 > k l > J X I > k l Improved, Quad, SPST Analog Switches _ N e w Features 4 Plug-In Upgrades for Industry-Standard DG441/DG442 The DG441/DG442 are quad, single-pole/single-throw SPST analog switches. The DG441 has 4 normally closed

    OCR Scan
    DG441/DG442 DG441/DG442 DG441 DG442 250ns 20log DG441CJ PDF