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    640X480XRGB Search Results

    640X480XRGB Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: HX7027 LCOS LCOS pico projector LCOS panel PROJECTOR 10w led pico projector 1.5W LED led 2w
    Text: LCOS Panel 0.44” HX7027 640x480xRGB 3-5W LED 40mil 10-20 cc (60cc) 10-20 lm both 0.59” HX7015 800x600xRGB 10W LED (2x2 dies) 30-50 cc (200cc) 30-50 lm standalone Pico Projector Solution 40 cc engine 120 cc projector 3W LED 9 lm Film PBS Hybrid lens Toys, video accessory

    HX7027 640x480xRGB 40mil) HX7015 800x600xRGB 200cc) HX7015 HX7027 LCOS LCOS pico projector LCOS panel PROJECTOR 10w led pico projector 1.5W LED led 2w PDF