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    63421M Search Results

    63421M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RTC63421A 6051A RTC63421 RTC-63423 RTC-63423A RTC-63421 RTC-63421M 11RDE 63421MA
    Text: 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-63421/63421M/63423 • • • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Provided with microcomputer compatible bus interface.

    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63423 RTC63423 RTC63421 RTC63423A RTC63421A 6051A RTC-63423 RTC-63423A RTC-63421 RTC-63421M 11RDE 63421MA PDF


    Abstract: RTC-6242 RY20
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-63421/63421M/63423 • • • • • Built-in crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024 Hz.

    RTC-63421/63421M 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 RTC-6242 RY20 PDF


    Abstract: TED120 AH-10 6051A DIP18 Ic as20
    Text: Real time clock 4bit多機能リアルタイムクロックモジュール RTC-63421/63421M/63423 ●水晶振動子内蔵で無調整合理化可能 ●秒~月、曜日のアラーム割り込み ●基準信号出力10分∼1024Hz迄の設計可能

    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 101024Hz START/STOP30 ICRTC-63423 RTC-63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 RTC-63421 cs168 TED120 AH-10 6051A DIP18 Ic as20 PDF


    Abstract: RTC63423A amo1 RTC-63423 SMD h10 RTC-63421 RTC-63421M rtc6242
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-63421/63421M/63423 • • • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Provided with microcomputer compatible bus interface.

    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) -MI10 a-S40 a-mi40 RTC-6242 RTC63421 RTC63423A amo1 RTC-63423 SMD h10 RTC-63421 RTC-63421M rtc6242 PDF


    Abstract: RTC63421A RTC63423 RTC63421 RTC-63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 RTC-63423A RTC-6242 6051A
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-63421/63421M/63423 • • • • • Built-in crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10 min to 1024 Hz.

    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 RTC-63423) RTC-63421/63421M RTC-63421 -MI10 a-S40 a-mi40 -MO10 RTC63423A RTC63421A RTC63423 RTC63421 RTC-63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 RTC-63423A RTC-6242 6051A PDF


    Abstract: SG-8002JF TE1612L SG-8002JA IC 406 IC 555 VG-1011JA VSOJ20 VG4-000 MC-206
    Text: Applications guide PACKING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Cylinder Cylinder products are packed in vinyl bags per lot of 250 to 1,000pcs. From 5 to 20 bags are then placed in inner boxes to make a lot. Inner boxes are then placed in cartons for shipment. the quantity varies with the model.

    000pcs. 100pcs. SG-531 SG-8002DC HG-8002DC MG-3510DC SG-51 SG-8002DB MG-3020 RTC-58321/62421 VSOJ20-pin SG-8002JF TE1612L SG-8002JA IC 406 IC 555 VG-1011JA VSOJ20 VG4-000 MC-206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE KTC-63421/63421M/63423 • B u ilt - in q u a r t z c r y s t a l a llo w s a d ju s t m e n t - fr e e a n d e f f ic ie n t o p e ra tio n • A la r m in te rru p tio n o f s e c . - m o n th a n d d a y o f w e e k p o s s ib le

    OCR Scan
    KTC-63421/63421M/63423 -MI10 -MG10 PDF


    Abstract: RTC4513 4553 B SOP2
    Text: Applications guide s ’M 0 ?' #$£ Hü • m ^ \ . fi H I fc'v v k; Characteristics Item A c c e s s tim e s y n c h ro n o u s s ig n a l c y c le C o u n te r P a cka g e Model itime coiirtingi R T C -4 5 1 3 SO P 1 4 -p in R T C -4 5 4 3 SA SO P 1 4 -p in

    OCR Scan
    325ns 14-pin RTC-4513/4543SA/4553/8583/8593) 18-pin RTC-62421/72421/63421/63421M) 16-pin RTC-58321) 24-pin RTC-64611) RTC-4513 RTC4513 4553 B SOP2 PDF

    smd DA RN

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Real time clock module 4-teit MiiUlFUNCnONAL R&U. TiMSaOCKMOSUU: RTC-63421/63421 M/63423 • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustm ent-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of w eek possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024 Hz.

    OCR Scan
    RTC-63421/63421 M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) 3000Gx 63421B/63421M TC63421 6Q51A smd DA RN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-63421/63421 M/63423 • • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustm ent-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of w eek possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024 Hz.

    OCR Scan
    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 RTC-63421/63421 RTC-6342 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • PACKING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Cylinder C ylin d e r p ro du cts are pa cked in vinyl ba gs in lots of 250 to 1,000 pcs. From 5 to 20 ba gs are then placed in in ner bo xes to m ake a lot. Inner bo xe s are then placed in ca rto n s fo r shipm ent. 2. SIP SIP p ro du cts are pa cked in in n e r b o xe s in lots of 100 pcs. T h e y are the n placed on to the co n d u ctive foa m and placed for

    OCR Scan
    SG-531 SG-51 MG-3020 RTC-58321/62421 72421/63421/63421M RTC-64611 RTC-65271 SG-615 SG-636 TE2412L PDF


    Abstract: RTC63421 RTC-63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 63421a
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-6342163421 M/63423 • • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustm ent-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of w e e k possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1 0 2 4 Hz.

    OCR Scan
    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 RTC-63421M CL-150pF) RTC-6242 33b4134 G0D27SLj RTC63421 RTC-63423 63421a PDF


    Abstract: AH81 RTC-6242
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTG-63421 /63421 M/63423 • • • • • Built-in crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024 Hz.

    OCR Scan
    RTG-63421 M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 -63421M AMO10 AH81 RTC-6242 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL REAL TIME CLOCK MODULI RTC-63421/63421IW63423 • • • • • • Builtin quartz crystal allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Provided with microcomputer compatible bus interface.

    OCR Scan
    RTC-63421/63421IW63423 10min. RTC-63423) -MO10 10-sec. 10-min. RTC-6242 PDF

    aj smd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Real time clock module 4HMtMULTIFIJMIinilMNUyLBEMLTHMEI9LO€!^CMCIEKIiJE RTC-63421/63421NV63423 • • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024 Hz,

    OCR Scan
    RTC-63421/63421NV63423 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 RTC-63423 aj smd PDF


    Abstract: RTC-63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 rtc6242 63421a smd ae2 EA1 SMD sot-23
    Text: Real time clock module 4-bit MULTIFUNCTIONAL BEAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-63421/63421 M/63423 • • • • • Builtin crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. Alarm interruption of sec. to month and day of week possible. Standard signal output selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024 Hz.

    OCR Scan
    RTC-63421/63421M/63423 10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 RTC-63421 150pF) RTC-6242 33bm34 RTC63421 RTC-63421M RTC-63423 rtc6242 63421a smd ae2 EA1 SMD sot-23 PDF


    Abstract: RTC4513 RTC-4513
    Text: Applications guide TABLE OF REAL TIME CLOCK MODULES I Characteristics "" - . Item C o u n te r P a ckage Model A c c e s s tim e time counting R T C -4 5 1 3 SOP 1 4 -p in R T C -4 5 4 3 SA SOP 1 4 -p in R T C -4 5 4 3 SB SO P 1 8 -p in R T C -4 5 5 3

    OCR Scan
    1/100sec. 63SA/8583/8593) 18-pin RTC-62421 /63421M) 24-pin RTC-64611) 16-pin RTC-58321) 28-pin 8563S RTC4513 RTC-4513 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M UUlFUrCTiONAL REALTISi EOX3CK MODULE * Buittin crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. * Alarm interruption of sec, to month and day of week possible. • . Standard signal output.selectable in a range of 10min. to 1024.Hz.

    OCR Scan
    10min. RTC-63423) RTC-63421 /63421M RTC-63421M RTC-03423 10-monthdigil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1. Cylinder Cylinder products are packed in vinyl bags per lot of 250 to 1,000pcs. From 5 to 20 bags are then placed in inner boxes to make a lot. Inner boxes are then placed in cartons for shipment, the quantity varies with the model. 2. SIP SIP products are packed in inner boxes per lot of 10Opcs. They are then placed onto the conductive foam and placed in cartons

    OCR Scan
    000pcs. 10Opcs. SG-531 SG-8002DC 8002DC MG-3510DC. SG-51 SG-8002DB MG-3020 RTC-58321/62421 PDF