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    625 GFG Search Results

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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 25 Miniature coax 20/220 series, bnc bulkhead jacks BJ26-1 Shown 1.626 BJ226-001 Shown 1.000 .790 .096 1.000 .790 .437 HEX .830 DIA MAX Insulated Bulkhead Cable Jack .437 HEX .830 DIA MAX .625-24UNEF-2A 50Ω .750 HEX NUT BJ27 Shown BJ26- 1 UBJ26- 1 75Ω

    BJ26-1 BJ226-001 625-24UNEF-2A UBJ26- BJ226- UBJ226- 500-28UNEF-2A UBJ27 375-32UNEF-2A B229UBJ229- PDF


    Abstract: BJ226-001
    Text: 25 Miniature coax 20/220 series, bnc bulkhead jacks BJ26-1 Shown 1.000 .790 1.626 BJ226-001 Shown .096 1.000 .790 .437 HEX .830 DIA MAX Insulated Bulkhead Cable Jack .437 HEX .830 DIA MAX .625-24UNEF-2A .750 HEX NUT 50Ω BJ26- 1 UBJ26- 1 75Ω Wrench Crimp, Rear mount

    BJ26-1 BJ226-001 625-24UNEF-2A UBJ26- BJ226- UBJ226- UBJ27 BJ229UBJ229- UBJ24 500-28UNEF-2A D3218 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 25 Miniature coax 20/220 series, bnc bulkhead jacks BJ26-1 Shown .500-28UNEF-2A 1.000 .790 .562 HEX NUT .096 .510 .505 Ø.380 TYP .448 .443 .060 .584 Insulated Bulkhead Cable Jack .437 HEX .830 DIA MAX .625-24UNEF-2A .750 HEX NUT BJ26UBJ26- 50Ω 75Ω Wrench Crimp, Rear mount

    BJ26-1 500-28UNEF-2A 625-24UNEF-2A BJ26UBJ26- BJ29-1 UBJ27 UBJ20 BJ20SL UBJ20SL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT CATALOG Military, Space and Testing Equipment Emerson Network Power Connectivity Solutions has a wide range of cable assemblies and connectors suited for RF, Microwave and Fiber Optic signal transmission. Connectivity Solutions is a vertically integrated supplier of custom, fixed

    TEI-T24, LPLTRA-50 PDF

    983-495 thermax

    Abstract: bj3450 PL75C-201 m27500-22rc2s06 PL155AC-201 305-0042-1 EPD22030F M27500-26RC2S06 PL75MC ASNE 0094
    Text: PRODUCT CATALOG Military, Space and Testing Equipment Emerson Network Power Connectivity Solutions has a wide range of cable assemblies and connectors suited for RF, Microwave and Fiber Optic signal transmission. Connectivity Solutions is a vertically integrated supplier of custom, fixed

    TEI-T24, 983-495 thermax bj3450 PL75C-201 m27500-22rc2s06 PL155AC-201 305-0042-1 EPD22030F M27500-26RC2S06 PL75MC ASNE 0094 PDF

    bj3157f 4t

    Abstract: TROMPETER Assembly Instructions PL75c-302 PL155AC-201
    Text: PRODUCT CATALOG Military, Space and Testing Equipment Emerson Network Power Connectivity Solutions has a wide range of cable assemblies and connectors suited for RF, Microwave and Fiber Optic signal transmission. Connectivity Solutions is a vertically integrated supplier of custom, fixed

    TEI-T24, bj3157f 4t TROMPETER Assembly Instructions PL75c-302 PL155AC-201 PDF

    ericsson RBS 2964 series document

    Abstract: COAXIAL CABLE ERICSSON TZC 500 97 RBS 6201 ericsson ERICSSON TZC 500 97 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 2116 Ericsson rbs 2964 manual ERICSSON rbs 2409 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6201 ERICSSON rbs 3101 ERICSSON tzc 500 32
    Text: 1 Contents RF Interconnect Products Introduction . 2 Trompeter Quality ISO 9001 Registration . 3 Warranty Information . 3

    Mil-Std-1553B MIL-C-49142 PL375 PL375C PL380 PL455AC PL803 PL3155 PL3155AC ericsson RBS 2964 series document COAXIAL CABLE ERICSSON TZC 500 97 RBS 6201 ericsson ERICSSON TZC 500 97 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 2116 Ericsson rbs 2964 manual ERICSSON rbs 2409 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6201 ERICSSON rbs 3101 ERICSSON tzc 500 32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29 Miniature coax threaded 40/240 series, tnc bulkhead jacks BJ41 Shown BJ40 Shown 1.060 Bulkhead Jack 1.058 .757 .046 .425 Solder Pot BJ40 50Ω 75Ω UBJ40 w/ Solder Lug BJ40SL 50Ω 75Ω UBJ40SL Mounting Hole: D5.125 SOLDER POT ACCEPTS .060 DIA CONDUCTOR

    UBJ40 BJ40SL UBJ40SL 4375-28UNEF-2A 375-32UNEF-2A 500-28UNEF-2A UBJ41 BJ46-1 BJ49UBJ49- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29 Miniature coax threaded 40/240 series, tnc bulkhead jacks BJ41 Shown BJ40 Shown Bulkhead Jack 1.058 .046 .425 1.060 Solder Pot BJ40 50Ω 75Ω UBJ40 w/ Solder Lug BJ40SL 50Ω 75Ω UBJ40SL Mounting Hole: D5.125 SOLDER POT ACCEPTS .060 DIA CONDUCTOR .757

    UBJ40 BJ40SL UBJ40SL 375-32UNEF-2A 4375-28UNEF-2A 500-28UNEF-2A UBJ41 BJ46-1 CBBJR46 BJ246-001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 35 Miniature coax threaded 40/240 series, tnc bulkhead jacks BJ41 Shown BJ40 Shown Bulkhead Jack 1.058 1.060 .046 .425 .757 Solder Pot BJ40 50Ω 75Ω UBJ40 w/ Solder Lug 50Ω BJ40SL 75Ω UBJ40SL Mounting Hole: D5.125 SOLDER POT ACCEPTS .060 DIA CONDUCTOR

    UBJ40 BJ40SL UBJ40SL 375-32UNEF-2A 4375-28UNEF-2A 500-28UNEF-2A UBJ41 BJ46-1 CBBJR46 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 24 Miniature coax 20/220 series, bnc plugs & jacks UPL220 Shown .997 .096 1.132 , , , , , , , , .632 CONTACT PIN CRIMP SLEEVE .500 FLATS .600 DIA MAX .593 DIA MAX Cable Plug PL20-1 Shown PL220UPL220- 50Ω 75Ω Tool Crimp 50Ω 75Ω CJ20UCJ20-

    UPL220 PL20-1 PL220UPL220- CJ220UCJ220- CJ220-001 PL20UPL20- PL21-1 UPL21 PL21SL UPL21SL CBBJR29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 28 Miniature coax threaded 40/240 series, tnc PL40-1 Shown CJ40-1 Shown .437 OR .500 WRENCH FLATS AND NUT , , , , , , , , , , , .997 , , , , , .4375-28UNEF-2A .645 DIA MAX .960/1.001 .437 HEX

    PL40-1 CJ40-1 4375-28UNEF-2A PL40UPL40- CJ40UCJ40- CJ240-001 PL240UPL240- 500-28UNEF-2A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 28 Miniature coax threaded 40/240 series, tnc PL40-1 Shown CJ40-1 Shown .437 OR .500 WRENCH FLATS AND NUT , , , , , , , , , , , .997 , , .096 Cable Plug PL40UPL40- 50Ω 75Ω Wrench Crimp

    PL40-1 CJ40-1 PL40UPL40- 4375-28UNEF-2A CJ40UCJ40- CJ240-001 500-28UNEF-2A UBJ48 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 34 Miniature coax threaded 40/240 series, tnc PL40-1 Shown CJ40-1 Shown .437 OR .500 WRENCH FLATS AND NUT ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; .997 ; ; .096 Cable Plug PL40UPL40- 50Ω 75Ω Wrench Crimp

    PL40-1 CJ40-1 PL40UPL40- 4375-28UNEF-2A CJ40UCJ40- CJ240-001 500-28UNEF-2A UBJ48 PDF


    Abstract: UJT-2N2646 1N5844 transistor GDV 64A motorola diode marking 925b Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 1N4042A Motorola 1n4504 1N5856B 1n5844 diode
    Text: Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data Alphanumeric Index of Part Numbers 1 Cross Reference and Index 2 Selector Guide for Transient Voltage Suppressors and Zener Diodes 3 Transient Voltage Suppressors Axial Leaded Data Sheets 4 Transient Voltage Suppressors Surface Mounted Data Sheets



    Abstract: J310 equivalent J310 J310G J309-J310 J309 MMBFJ309 MMBFJ310 fr 309 625 GFG
    Text: J309 / J310 / MMBFJ309 / MMBFJ310 MMBFJ309 MMBFJ310 J309 J310 G S G S TO-92 SOT-23 D D Mark: 6U / 6T NOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeable N-Channel RF Amplifier This device is designed for VHF/UHF amplifier, oscillator and mixer applications. As a common gate amplifier, 16 dB at 100 MHz and

    MMBFJ309 MMBFJ310 MMBFJ309 OT-23 ua309 J310 equivalent J310 J310G J309-J310 J309 MMBFJ310 fr 309 625 GFG PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J309 / J310 / MMBFJ309 / MMBFJ310 N-Channel RF Amplifier Features • • • • This device is designed for VHF/UHF amplifier, oscillator and mixer applications. As a common gate amplifier, 16 dB at 100 MHz and 12 dB at 450 MHz can be realized. Sourced from Process 92.

    MMBFJ309 MMBFJ310 MMBFJ309 OT-23 PDF


    Abstract: j310 equivalent J310 applications J309 MMBFJ310 rf fairchild transistor 100mhz amplifier MMBFJ309 J310G N-CHANNEL dual gate ultra low noise vhf LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER J-310
    Text: J309 / J310 / MMBFJ309 / MMBFJ310 N-Channel RF Amplifier Features • • • • This device is designed for VHF/UHF amplifier, oscillator and mixer applications. As a common gate amplifier, 16 dB at 100 MHz and 12 dB at 450 MHz can be realized. Sourced from Process 92.

    MMBFJ309 MMBFJ310 MMBFJ309 OT-23 J310 j310 equivalent J310 applications J309 MMBFJ310 rf fairchild transistor 100mhz amplifier J310G N-CHANNEL dual gate ultra low noise vhf LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER J-310 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1080 Johnson Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 C h ic a g o M in ia t u r e 708-459-3400 Fax 708-459-2708 W HERE INNOVATION COM ES TO LIG H T T-1 S u per Brite B i-C olor LED Lam ps D E S C R I P T I O N A N D F E A T U R E S These T-1 Bi-Color LED tamps provide exceptional light out­

    OCR Scan
    I--------------100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M in ia t u r e c o a x 20/220 s e r ie s , b n c b u l k h e a d j a c k s BJ226-001 Shown - 1.000 - - .7 9 0 - i .830 DIA MAX a 750 W R E N C H C R IM P , R E A R m o u n t BJ26- A U B J26-A Mounting Hole: D2.187 GF-Ground filter version page 31.

    OCR Scan
    BJ226-001 J26-A BJ226- UBJ226- UBJ27 375-32UNEF-2A UBJ20 BJ20SL UBJ24 500-28UNEF-2A PDF


    Abstract: Scans-001804
    Text: TELE F U N K E N RV 2 P 45 P en to d e m it R a u m la d e g itte r fü r HF- und N F - V e r s tä r k u n g Vorläufige techniich« Daten und Strsu w ert« 1. A llgem eine Datan H eizung: U , = l,9 V. Ij, ca. 95 mA Oxydkithode, direkt gehetzt Kapazitäten: C E ;n ga n q . 6,5 ± 1,5 pF

    OCR Scan
    RV2P45 Scans-001804 PDF


    Abstract: 02102 229R GF-323 g4008 gf 824 GF-1123
    Text: Slide Switch-Standard GF-323 S IN G L E P O LE /SIN G LE THRO W with detent GF-324 S IN G L E PO LE/D O U BLE THRO W (with detent) TYPE E L E C T R IC A L R A T IN G L IS T IN G GF-323 GF-G23 GF-823 GF-1123 GF-1323 GF-1623 GF-324 GF-624 GF-824 GF-1124 GF-1324

    OCR Scan
    GF-323 GF-324 GF-623 GF-823 GF-1123 GF-1323 GF-1623 GF-624 02102 229R g4008 gf 824 PDF


    Abstract: smd-7 segment display
    Text: CEÌLED SMD 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 7 mm DIGIT HEIGHT PRELIMINARY ED 07. Series < ► -►j V NC B * A F G • B rilliant light output , 0,97 • Only 4mm total height unit I E3 10/97 • withstands high solder treatm ent • for all m iniature applications m m J

    OCR Scan
    940nm) /10sec DISTANCE MEASUREMENT smd-7 segment display PDF