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    WEE G6K-6040M

    Telecom Relay DPDT Through Hole
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    DigiKey G6K-6040M 914 50
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $3.21
    • 1000 $2.75
    • 10000 $2.75
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    IXYS Corporation Q6040M4TP

    40 Amp Standard TRIAC-TO218AC
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    DigiKey Q6040M4TP Tube 250 1
    • 1 $11.13
    • 10 $7.706
    • 100 $7.706
    • 1000 $11.13
    • 10000 $11.13
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    Ruland Manufacturing Co Inc VMT60-40-M10-55-S

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    DigiKey VMT60-40-M10-55-S Bag 1
    • 1 $35.63
    • 10 $35.63
    • 100 $35.63
    • 1000 $35.63
    • 10000 $35.63
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    DigiKey 806-040-ME10C-1SCC 1
    • 1 $3999.99
    • 10 $3999.99
    • 100 $3999.99
    • 1000 $3999.99
    • 10000 $3999.99
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    Circular connector
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    DigiKey 806-040-ME10D-1SCB 1
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    • 10 $3999.99
    • 100 $3999.99
    • 1000 $3999.99
    • 10000 $3999.99
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    6040M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF1195 SP10T SWITCH FILTER MODULE WITH INTEGRATED GSM RECEIVE FILTERS Package Style: Module, 28-pin, 4.5mmx4.5mmx1.2mm RF1195 GSM Rx1 Dual Band SAW GSM Rx2 GSM Rx3 Features        Integrated GSM RX SAW Filters for Ease of Implementation

    RF1195 SP10T 28-pin, 28-Pin DS110330 PDF


    Abstract: CXG1213XR
    Text: High Power DPDT Switch with Logic Control CXG1213XR Description This CXG1213XR can be used in wireless communication systems, for example, W-CDMA handsets. The IC has on-chip logic for operation with 2 CMOS control inputs. The Sony JPHEMT process is used for low insertion loss and on-chip logic circuit.

    CXG1213XR CXG1213XR 12-pin 5980MHz 880MHz, 835MHz 23dBm) 15dBm, 12GHz, 93GHz SMIQ06B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP9T/10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA Dual Mode Handset CXM3519ER Description The CXM3519ER is a SP9T/SP10T antenna switch module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA dual-mode handset. This IC has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.

    SP9T/10T CXM3519ER CXM3519ER SP9T/SP10T SP10T) VQFN-26P PDF


    Abstract: CXM3553ER jammer gsm SP12T RF pcb antenna for GSM VQFN-30P 4090MHz 900rx
    Text: SP12T Antenna Switch Module for 6TRx/2Tx/4Rx CXM3553ER Description The CXM3553ER is a SP12T anntena switch module for GSM/UMTS/CDMA multi-mode handset. The CXM3553ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder. The Sony GaAs Junction gate pHEMT JPHEMT MMIC process is used for low insertion loss and high

    SP12T CXM3553ER CXM3553ER VQFN-30P VQFN-30P RX318 jammer gsm RF pcb antenna for GSM 4090MHz 900rx PDF

    jammer gsm

    Abstract: CXM3555ER TRX ESD SP10T
    Text: SP10T Antenna Switch Module for 5TRx/2Tx/3Rx CXM3555ER Description The CXM3555ER is a SP10T antenna switch module for GSM/UMTS/CDMA/LTE multi-mode handset. The CXM3555ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder. The Sony GaAs Junction gate pHEMT JPHEMT MMIC process is used for low insertion loss and high

    SP10T CXM3555ER CXM3555ER 68dBm VQFN-26P VQFN-26P jammer gsm TRX ESD PDF


    Abstract: cxm3520BER SP10T jammer gsm
    Text: GSM, UMTS/CDMAマルチモードハンドセット用SP10Tアンテナスイッチモジュール CXM3520BER 概要・用途 CXM3520BERは,GSM, UMTS/CDMAマルチモードハンドセット用SP10Tアンテナスイッチモジュールです。 CXM3520BERは,デュアルローパスフィルタと+1.8V CMOSコンパチブルデコーダを内蔵しています。

    UMTSCDMASP10T CXM3520BER CXM3520BERGSM, CXM3520BER SP10T) 16481830MHz 34203820MHz VQFN-26P J09218 CXM3520 SP10T jammer gsm PDF


    Abstract: ant2 0.3 23 CXM3525ER VQFN-30P
    Text: DP10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM/UMTS Dual Mode Phones Preliminary Preliminary CXM3525ER Description The CXM3525ER is a DP10T anntena switch module for GSM/UMTS dual mode handset. The CXM3525ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.

    DP10T CXM3525ER CXM3525ER 1648-1830MHz 3420-3820MHz ant2 0.3 23 VQFN-30P PDF


    Abstract: PJ 900 SP10T GSM900 NJG1670LG3 GSM1800 GSM1900 TORX1
    Text: NJG1670LG3 SP10T ANTENNA SWITCH GaAs MMIC ! GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJG1670LG3 is a GaAs SP10T antenna switch IC designed for GSM/CDMA/UMTS multimode handsets. This switch features very small package size 3.2mmx2.5mmx0.85mm , high linearity, low insertion loss and high isolation. The NJG1670LG3 contains a switch

    NJG1670LG3 SP10T NJG1670LG3 LCSP20-G3 imd2 PJ 900 GSM900 GSM1800 GSM1900 TORX1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP9T/10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA Dual Mode Handset CXM3519ER Description The CXM3519ER is a SP9T/SP10T antenna switch module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA dual-mode handset. This IC has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.

    SP9T/10T CXM3519ER CXM3519ER SP9T/SP10T SP10T) VQFN-26P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA Multi Mode Handset CXM3520BER Description The CXM3520BER is a SP10T antenna switch module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA multi-mode handset. The CXM3520BER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP10T Antenna Switch Module for 5TRx/2Tx/3Rx CXM3555ER Description The CXM3555ER is a SP10T antenna switch module for GSM/UMTS/CDMA/LTE multi-mode handset. The CXM3555ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder. The Sony GaAs Junction gate pHEMT JPHEMT MMIC process is used for low insertion loss and high

    SP10T CXM3555ER CXM3555ER 68dBm VQFN-26P VQFN-26P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA Multi Mode Handset Preliminary Preliminary CXM3520BER Description The CXM3520BER is a SP10T antenna switch module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA multi-mode handset. The CXM3520BER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.



    Abstract: CXM3520BER jammer gsm SP10T ATT 20DBM RF
    Text: SP10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA Multi Mode Handset CXM3520BER Description The CXM3520BER is a SP10T antenna switch module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA multi-mode handset. The CXM3520BER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.

    SP10T CXM3520BER CXM3520BER SP10T) VQFN-26P CXM3520 jammer gsm ATT 20DBM RF PDF


    Abstract: cxm3519 CXM3519ER
    Text: SP9T/10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA Dual Mode Handset CXM3519ER Description The CXM3519ER is a SP9T/SP10T antenna switch module for GSM and UMTS/CDMA dual-mode handset. This IC has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder.

    SP9T/10T CXM3519ER CXM3519ER SP9T/SP10T SP10T) VQFN-26P SP10T cxm3519 PDF

    ptx 1000

    Abstract: TX RF IC GSM1800 GSM1900 GSM900 NJG1673LG3 PJ 75
    Text: NJG1673LG3 SP9T アンテナスイッチ GaAs MMIC • 概要 NJG1673LG3 は GSM/CDMA/UMTS マルチモードの携帯電話・デー タ通信モデムを主用途とする SP9T アンテナスイッチです。小型 3.2mmx2.5mmx0.85mm 高線形性、低挿入損失および高アイソレー

    NJG1673LG3 LCSP20-G3 -110dBm 20dBm, -15dBm ptx 1000 TX RF IC GSM1800 GSM1900 GSM900 NJG1673LG3 PJ 75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF1193A SP10T ANTENNA SWITCH MODULE QUADBAND GSM, QUADBAND UMTS Package Style: QFN, 26-pin, 3.0mm x 3.8mm x 0.85mm GSM Rx1 GSM Rx2 Features          GSM Rx3 Very Low Insertion Loss Best in Class Harmonic Attenuation with Integated

    RF1193A SP10T 26-pin, 26-Pin 1980MHz) DS111104 PDF


    Abstract: to1910MHz
    Text: RF1193A SP10T ANTENNA SWITCH MODULE QUADBAND GSM, QUADBAND UMTS Package Style: QFN, 26-pin, 3.0mmx3.8mmx0.85mm GSM Rx1 GSM Rx2 Features          GSM Rx3 Very Low Insertion Loss Best in Class Harmonic Attenuation with Integated LPF:

    RF1193A SP10T 26-pin, 26-Pin Cellula1940 1910-1980MHz) DS110330 R0400 to1910MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DP10T Antenna Switch Module for GSM/UMTS Dual Mode Phones CXM3525ER Description The CXM3525ER is a DP10T antenna switch module for GSM/UMTS dual mode handset. The CXM3525ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder. The Sony GaAs junction gate pHEMT JPHEMT MMIC process is used low insertion loss and high linearity.

    DP10T CXM3525ER CXM3525ER 1648-1830MHz 3420-3820MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Power Dual Path Simultaneous DP3T Switch with Control Logic CXM3544XR Description The CXM3544XR can be used in wireless communication systems, for example, dual-band/triple-band and antenna diversity CDMA handsets. This CXM3544XR has an integrated decoder 4 CMOS control inputs. The

    CXM3544XR CXM3544XR 900MHz, 65dBm 100pF) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP12T Antenna Switch Module for 6TRx/2Tx/4Rx CXM3553ER Description The CXM3553ER is a SP12T anntena switch module for GSM/UMTS/CDMA multi-mode handset. The CXM3553ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder. The Sony GaAs Junction gate pHEMT JPHEMT MMIC process is used for low insertion loss and high

    SP12T CXM3553ER CXM3553ER VQFN-30P VQFN-30P E10303 PDF


    Abstract: CXM3555ER
    Text: SP10T Antenna Switch Module for 5TRx/2Tx/3Rx CXM3555ER Description The CXM3555ER is a SP10T antenna switch module for GSM/UMTS/CDMA/LTE multi-mode handset. The CXM3555ER has a built-in dual low pass filter and a +1.8V CMOS compatible decoder. The Sony GaAs Junction gate pHEMT JPHEMT MMIC process is used for low insertion loss and high

    SP10T CXM3555ER CXM3555ER 68dBm VQFN-26P VQFN-26P M3555 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Power Dual Path Simultaneous DP3T Switch with Control Logic CXM3544XR Description The CXM3544XR can be used in wireless communication systems, for example, dual-band/triple-band and antenna diversity CDMA handsets. This CXM3544XR has an integrated decoder 4 CMOS control inputs. The

    CXM3544XR CXM3544XR 900MHz, 65dBm M3544 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF1193A SP10T ANTENNA SWITCH MODULE QUADBAND GSM, QUADBAND UMTS Package Style: QFN, 26-pin, 3.0mmx3.8mmx0.85mm GSM Rx1 GSM Rx2 Features          GSM Rx3 Very Low Insertion Loss Best in Class Harmonic Attenuation with Integated LPF:

    RF1193A SP10T 26-pin, Footp20 19101980MHz) DS101214 HDR2X3 PDF


    Abstract: SP10T tx2-rx2
    Text: GSM/UMTSデュアルモードハンドセット用SP9T/10Tアンテナスイッチモジュール CXM3519ER 概要・用途 CXM3519ERは,GSM4バンドとUMTS/CDMA 4バンドのデュアルモード携帯電話用SP9T/10Tアンテナス イッチモジュールです。

    GSMUMTSSP9T10T CXM3519ER CXM3519ERGSM4UMTSCDMA 4SP9T10T SP10T) 1830MHz 3820MHz VQFN-26P J07Y05C86 CXM3519ER SP10T tx2-rx2 PDF