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    60395 XICOR Search Results

    60395 XICOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: CM28C010-250 5962-3826707MUA QML-38535 5962-3826718QMC 28C010T 60395 xicor 5962-3826716Q6C CM28C010-120 CM28C010-200
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Add packages T and W. Add vendor CAGE 60395 as source of supply. Increase data retention to 20 years, minimum. Redrawn with changes. 93-06-29 M. A. Frye B Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R139-94. 94-03-29

    5962-R139-94. 5962-R278-94. 5962-R163-96. 0EU86 1FN41 0EU86 AT28C010-20BM CM28C010-250 5962-3826707MUA QML-38535 5962-3826718QMC 28C010T 60395 xicor 5962-3826716Q6C CM28C010-120 CM28C010-200 PDF

    60395 xicor

    Abstract: 1fn41 60395 5962-8852503YX 5962-8852503XX MIL-STD-481 Instructions 5962-8852515ZX 22202 8852506YX TM28C256-350/60395 xicor
    Text: 1. DATE YYMMDD NOTICE OF REVISION (NOR) This revision described below has been authorized for the document listed. 95-02-14 Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data

    toB-15 AT28C256E-15FM/883 X28C256FMB-15 1FN41 60395 xicor 1fn41 60395 5962-8852503YX 5962-8852503XX MIL-STD-481 Instructions 5962-8852515ZX 22202 8852506YX TM28C256-350/60395 xicor PDF


    Abstract: X24C16DMB 5962-8751403 Xicor 5962-8852506 X24C16DM 5962-8852506 smd code marking yx 60395 xicor 5962-8959001PX X24C16D
    Text: Military Program Overview Xicor Military Program Overview cost to the customer and to assure full compliance with the requirements of MIL-STD-883, Xicor will, on occasion, respond with waiver requests. Xicor must review and accept a customer source control drawing prior to

    MIL-STD-883, X28C513EMB-25 X28C513EMB-20 X28C513EMB-15 X28C513EMB-12 5962-9552504MRX X24C04DMB X24C16DMB 5962-8751403 Xicor 5962-8852506 X24C16DM 5962-8852506 smd code marking yx 60395 xicor 5962-8959001PX X24C16D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION A DATE YR-MO-DA Update drawing to reflect current MIL-PRF-38535 requirements. glg 13-02-21 APPROVED Charles Saffle REV SHEET REV A A A A A A SHEET 15 16 17 18 19 20 REV STATUS REV A A A A A A A A A A A A A A OF SHEETS SHEET 1 2

    MIL-PRF-38535 X9241WDMB PDF


    Abstract: 5962-8751403XA Xicor 5962-87514 5962-8751410XA 5962-8751404XA at28pc64 SMD MARKING CODE sdp 5962-8751406XA AT28HC64B-70DM 5962-8751410
    Text: REVISIONS APPROVED DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION LTR Add case outline letter U. Add vendor CAGE number 60395 to drawing. Editorial changes throughout._ _ _ 89-08-07 M. A. Frye Add device type 28 to drawing. Editorial changes throughout.

    OCR Scan
    DD2fl50G 1FN41 0G470fl 5962-8751425XA 5962-8751403XA Xicor 5962-87514 5962-8751410XA 5962-8751404XA at28pc64 SMD MARKING CODE sdp 5962-8751406XA AT28HC64B-70DM 5962-8751410 PDF

    60395 xicor

    Abstract: QML-38535 5962-3826705MXA AT28C010 5962-38267 5962-3826703MXA 5962-3826703 5962-3826701 CQCC1-N44
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION APPROVED A Add packages T and W. Add vendor CAGE 60395 as source of supply. Increase data retention to 20 years, minimum. Redrawn with changes. 93-06-29 M. A. Frye B Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R139-94. 94-03-29

    OCR Scan
    5962-R139-94. 5962-R278-94. 5962-R163-96. 0EU86 1FN41 60395 xicor QML-38535 5962-3826705MXA AT28C010 5962-38267 5962-3826703MXA 5962-3826703 5962-3826701 CQCC1-N44 PDF


    Abstract: X2864AEMB25 X2864AEMB-25 X2864ADMB-25 X2864AEMB X2864AEMB-35 X2864ADMB 60395 X2864ADMB-35 DM2864H-250
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-OA LTR DESCRIPTION A Editorial changes throughout. Table I changes include: V jh change, regrouped devices to different limits. Table II, subgroups changed. Figures have been combined, some deleted. Quality Assurance and Quality conformance inspection paragraphs

    OCR Scan
    5962-8683010XX 5962-8683010YX 5962-8683010ZY M38510/228XXBXX. X2864AD X2864AEMB25 X2864AEMB-25 X2864ADMB-25 X2864AEMB X2864AEMB-35 X2864ADMB 60395 X2864ADMB-35 DM2864H-250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-QA LTR DESCRIPTION A E d ito ria l changes throughout. Table I changes include: Vjh change, regrouped devices to d ifferen t lim its . Table I I , subgroups changed. Figures have been combined, some deleted. Quality Assurance and Quality conformance inspection paragraphs

    OCR Scan
    M38510/228XXBXX. 5SO-547 M38510 PDF


    Abstract: X2864ADMB-25 74K-IM-W9U 20/AM2864A-25/BXA X2864ADMB35 X2864AD m2864 x2864aemb35 X2864AEMB25 WF vqe 24 e
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-OA LTR DESCRIPTION A E d ito r ia l changes th ro ug h ou t. Table I changes in c lu d e : Vjh change, regrouped devices to d if f e r e n t lim it s . Table I I , subgroups changed. Figures have been combined, some d e le te d . Q u a lity Assurance and Q u a lity conformance in s p e c tio n paragraphs

    OCR Scan
    M38510/228 5962-8683010XX 5962-8683010YX 5962-8683010ZY M38510/228XXBXX. M11pitas, X2864Aemb-25 X2864ADMB-25 74K-IM-W9U 20/AM2864A-25/BXA X2864ADMB35 X2864AD m2864 x2864aemb35 X2864AEMB25 WF vqe 24 e PDF

    wf vqe 24 d

    Abstract: tr 13001 WF VQE 13 X2816A 60395 xicor WE VQE 11 E WE VQE 24 E wf vqe 24 f WF VQE 22 c WF VQE 11 E
    Text: 1 MIL-M-38510/227 27 MARCH 1987 M IL IT A R Y S P E C IF IC A T IO N M IC R O C IR C U IT S , D I G I T A L , NMOS, 16,384 B I T , E L E C T R IC A L L L Y E R A S A B L E , PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY E E P R O M , MONOLITHIC S IL IC O N T h is s p e c i f i c a t i o n is

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/227 MIL-M-38510, MIL-M-38510 MIL-M-38510. X2816A-45/XIC0R X2816A-35/XIC0R X2816A-30/XICOR X2816A-25/XIC0* IL-M-38510/227 wf vqe 24 d tr 13001 WF VQE 13 X2816A 60395 xicor WE VQE 11 E WE VQE 24 E wf vqe 24 f WF VQE 22 c WF VQE 11 E PDF

    FLUKE 8840a specification

    Abstract: FLUKE 8840a 700013 Y8101 capacitor IH 104j FLUKE 83RF PROBE FLUKE 79 series II multimeter diagram 40 HMR 20 EQUIVALENT 40 RB 120 8840A instruction manual U804
    Text: DIGITAL MULTIMETER Instruction Manual FLUKE. 8840A DIGITAL MULTIMETER Instruction Manual PN 879304 December 1991 Rev. 2, 4/94 1994 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies FLUKE

    OCR Scan
    U101-24 U101-25 FLUKE 8840a specification FLUKE 8840a 700013 Y8101 capacitor IH 104j FLUKE 83RF PROBE FLUKE 79 series II multimeter diagram 40 HMR 20 EQUIVALENT 40 RB 120 8840A instruction manual U804 PDF