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    Abstract: a0202 3016B FM if amplifier
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0202 Monolithic Linear IC LA1150 FM IF Amplifier and Detector IC Overview The LA1150 is an FM IF amplifier and detector IC. Features • FM IF amplifier and limiter. • Demodulated output : 600mVrms maximum . • Total harmonic distortion : 0.3% (maximum).

    ENA0202 LA1150 LA1150 600mVrms A0202-4/4 a0202 3016B FM if amplifier PDF


    Abstract: NTE154
    Text: NTE1541 Integrated Circuit FM IF Amp & Detector for Car Radio Features: D FM IF amplifier and limiter D Demodulated output: 600mVrms Max. D Total harmonic distortio: 0.3% (Max.) Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified) Maximum Supply Voltage, VCCmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16V

    NTE1541 600mVrms 400mW 400Hz NTE1541 NTE154 PDF


    Abstract: NJW1140GK1
    Text: NJW1140 オーディオプロセッサ •概 要 NJW1140はTV用SRS付きオーディオプロセッサで、入力セ レクタ、トーンコントロール、バランス、ボリューム、ミュー ト、AGC機能を内蔵しています。 2 各種モード切り替え及び、定数の設定はI Cバスインターフェ

    NJW1140 NJW1140TVSRS NJW1140SRS NJW1140GK1 OP40-K1 NJW1140 NJW1140GK1 PDF


    Abstract: NJW1139AGK1
    Text: NJW1139A BBE&TruSurround付 付きオーディオプロセッサ • 概 要 NJW1139AはTV用BBE&TruSurround付きオーディオプロ セッサでトーンコントロール、バランス、ボリューム、ミ ュート、AGC、バスブースト機能を内蔵しています。

    NJW1139A NJW1139ATVBBE NJW1139ABBE NJW1139AGK1 OP40-K1 NJW1139ATruSurroundSRS NJW1139ASRS NJW1139A NJW1139AGK1 PDF


    Abstract: SDIP30 SDMP30 NJW1142L NJW1142M
    Text: NJW1142 AUDIO PROCESSOR ! GENERAL DESCRIPTION ! PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1142 is a sound processor includes all of the functions required to process the audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions. Also the NJW1142 performs NJRC Surround "eala" which

    NJW1142 NJW1142 NJW1142L NJW1142M SDIP30, SDMP30 SDIP30 SDMP30 NJW1142L NJW1142M PDF


    Abstract: NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30 SDMP30
    Text: NJW1141 AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1141 is a sound processor includes all of the functions required to process the audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions. All of the internal status and variables are controlled by

    NJW1141 NJW1141 SDIP30, SDMP30 NJW1141L NJW1141M NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30 SDMP30 PDF

    4ch sub woofer

    Abstract: NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS33
    Text: NJW1149 TruSurround 5.1chバーチャライザー&BBE付きオーディオプロセッサ •概要 概要 ■外形 外形 NJW1149はTruSurround 5.1chバーチャライザー&BBE付きオーディオプ ロセッサで、ボリューム、バランス、トーンコントロール、NJRCサラウ

    NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 0-80dB, 33dB/step) 0-30dB, QFP64-C2 4ch sub woofer NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS33 PDF

    passive subwoofer circuit diagram

    Abstract: 4ch sub woofer passive subwoofer subwoofer filter circuit diagram subwoofer filter circuit passive subwoofer low pass filter tone control subwoofer circuit diagram NJW1149 NJW1149A NJW1149AFH1
    Text: NJW1149A Audio Processor with Sound Enhancement and TruSurround 5.1ch Virtualizer • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJW1149A is an audio processor with BBE sound enhancement and SRS Labs' TruSurround 5.1 channel virtualizer. It includes all of functions processing audio signal for TV, such as volume, balance, mute,

    NJW1149A NJW1149A NJW1149 NJW1149AFH1 passive subwoofer circuit diagram 4ch sub woofer passive subwoofer subwoofer filter circuit diagram subwoofer filter circuit passive subwoofer low pass filter tone control subwoofer circuit diagram NJW1149AFH1 PDF


    Abstract: NJW1145GK1 ST 09 61
    Text: NJW1145 AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1145 is a audio processor with sound enhancement BBE . It includes all of the functions processing audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions.

    NJW1145 NJW1145 NJW1145GK1 NJW1145GK1 ST 09 61 PDF

    14pin sda scl

    Abstract: 4ch sub woofer NJW1180 NJW1180FP1 QFP48-P1
    Text: NJW1180 Audio Processor with SRS WOW Q GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJW1180 is an audio processor with SRS WOW. It includes all of functions processing audio signal for TV, such as volume, balance, tone control and 4ch input selector. All of internal status and variables are controlled by I2C BUS.

    NJW1180 NJW1180 -80dB -30dB -15dB QFP48-P1 NJW1180FP1 14pin sda scl 4ch sub woofer NJW1180FP1 QFP48-P1 PDF


    Abstract: 14pin sda scl NJW1183L SDIP42 srs wow
    Text: NJW1183 Audio Processor with SRS WOW • PACKAGE OUTLINE ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJW1183 is an audio processor with SRS WOW. It includes all of functions processing audio signal for TV, such as volume, balance and tone control. All of internal status and variables are

    NJW1183 NJW1183 NJW1183L -80dB -30dB SDIP42 14pin sda scl NJW1183L SDIP42 srs wow PDF


    Abstract: NJW1144GK1
    Text: NJW1144 AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1144 is a sound processor includes all of the functions required to process the audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions. Also the NJW1144 performs BBE sound enhancement

    NJW1144 NJW1144 NJW1144GK1 NJW1144GK1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    50hz passive low pass filter

    Abstract: sub-woofer with 5.1 amp circuit diagram NJW1149A 5.1 sub woofer amp passive surround sound circuits TS33 passive subwoofer i2c bass mid treble volume balance NJW1149 NJW1149AFH1
    Text: NJW1149A Audio Processor with Sound Enhancement and TruSurround 5.1ch Virtualizer • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJW1149A is an audio processor with BBE sound enhancement and SRS Labs' TruSurround 5.1 channel virtualizer. It includes all of functions processing audio signal for TV, such as volume, balance, mute,

    NJW1149A NJW1149A NJW1149 NJW1149AFH1 50hz passive low pass filter sub-woofer with 5.1 amp circuit diagram 5.1 sub woofer amp passive surround sound circuits TS33 passive subwoofer i2c bass mid treble volume balance NJW1149AFH1 PDF


    Abstract: NJW1144GK1
    Text: NJW1144 オーディオプロセッサ •概 要 NJW1144はTV用BBE&SRS付きオーディオプロセッサで、 入力セレクタ、トーンコントロール、バランス、ボリューム、 ミュート、AGC機能を内蔵しています。 2

    NJW1144 NJW1144TVBBE NJW1144BBE NJW1144GK1 SoundNJW1144BBE NJW1144 NJW1144GK1 PDF

    tone control 2.1

    Abstract: NJW1141 NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30 SDMP30
    Text: NJW1141 AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1141 is a sound processor includes all of the functions required to process the audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions. All of the internal status and variables are controlled by

    NJW1141 NJW1141 SDIP30, SDMP30 NJW1141L NJW1141M tone control 2.1 NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30 SDMP30 PDF

    subwoofer amp

    Abstract: 4ch sub woofer subwoofer amp circuit NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS33
    Text: NJW1149 暫定仕様 TruSurround 5.1chバーチャライザー&BBE付きオーディオプロセッサ •概要 概要 ■外形 外形 NJW1149はTruSurround 5.1chバーチャライザー&BBE付きオーディオプ ロセッサで、ボリューム、バランス、トーンコントロール、NJRCサラウ

    NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 0-80dB, 33dB/step) 0-30dB, QFP64-C2 subwoofer amp 4ch sub woofer subwoofer amp circuit NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS33 PDF

    bbe sound

    Abstract: NJW1145 NJW1145GK1
    Text: NJW1145 AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1145 is a audio processor with sound enhancement BBE . It includes all of the functions processing audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions.

    NJW1145 NJW1145 NJW1145GK1 bbe sound NJW1145GK1 PDF


    Abstract: NJW1141 NJW1141L SDIP30 SDMP30
    Text: NJW1141 オーディオプロセッサ •概 要 NJW1141はTV用オーディオプロセッサで、入力セレクタ、 トーンコントロール、バランス、ボリューム、ミュート、AGC 機能を内蔵しています。 2 各種モード切り替え及び、定数の設定はI Cバスインターフェ

    NJW1141 NJW1141TV NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30, SDMP30 20pin NJW1141M NJW1141 NJW1141L SDIP30 SDMP30 PDF


    Abstract: NJW1135G 6.1 surround sound circuits
    Text: NJW1135 TENTATIVE AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1135 is a audio processor with sound enhancement BBE . It includes all of the functions processing audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions.

    NJW1135 NJW1135 NJW1135G NJW1135G 6.1 surround sound circuits PDF


    Abstract: NJW1149FC2 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS33
    Text: 暫定仕様 NJW1149 TruSurround 5.1chバーチャライザー&BBE付きオーディオプロセッサ •概要 概要 ■外形 外形 NJW1149はTruSurround 5.1chバーチャライザー&BBE付きオーディオプ ロセッサで、ボリューム、バランス、トーンコントロール、NJRCサラウ

    NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 0-80dB, 33dB/step) 0-30dB, QFP64-C2 NJW1149 NJW1149FC2 TS11 TS12 TS13 TS14 TS33 PDF

    bass treble control circuit

    Abstract: digital BASS BOOST TREBLE NJW1141 NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30 SDMP30
    Text: NJW1141 AUDIO PROCESSOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJW1141 is a sound processor includes all of the functions required to process the audio signal for TV, such as tone control, balance, volume, mute, and AGC functions. All of the internal status and variables are controlled by

    NJW1141 NJW1141 SDIP30, SDMP30 NJW1141L NJW1141M bass treble control circuit digital BASS BOOST TREBLE NJW1141L NJW1141M SDIP30 SDMP30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Atmel M90E25 Single-Phase High-Performance Wide-Span Energy Metering IC PRELIMINARY DATASHEET FEATURES Metering Features • Metering features fully in compliance with the requirements of IEC62052-11 and IEC62053-21; applicable in class 1 or class 2 single-phase watt-hour meter.

    M90E25 IEC62052-11 IEC62053-21; PDF


    Abstract: SFH- SONY
    Text: SONY CXA2053Q US Audio Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2053Q is an 1C designed as a decoder for th e Z enith T V M u lti-c h a n n e l System and also corresponds with |2C BUS. Functions include stereo dem odulation, S A P S e p a ra te Audio Program

    OCR Scan
    CXA2053Q CXA2053Q A3A23fl3 48PIN QFP-48P-L04 QFP048-P-1212-B COPPER/42 SFH- SONY PDF