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    Microchip Technology Inc MIC2009A-1YM6-TR

    Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution Adjustable Current Limiting Power Distribution Switch
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MIC2009A-1YM6-TR 31,103
    • 1 $0.55
    • 10 $0.545
    • 100 $0.43
    • 1000 $0.43
    • 10000 $0.418
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    Microchip Technology Inc MIC2005A-2YM6-TR

    Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution Low and Active High Current Limiting, High Side Power Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MIC2005A-2YM6-TR 20,111
    • 1 $0.37
    • 10 $0.359
    • 100 $0.27
    • 1000 $0.27
    • 10000 $0.263
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    Microchip Technology Inc MIC2019A-2YM6-TR

    Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution Adjustable Current Limiting Power Distribution Switch
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MIC2019A-2YM6-TR 16,033
    • 1 $0.62
    • 10 $0.609
    • 100 $0.48
    • 1000 $0.478
    • 10000 $0.448
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    Microchip Technology Inc MIC2026A-1YM-TR

    Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution Dual USB High-Side Power Switch
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MIC2026A-1YM-TR 14,597
    • 1 $0.9
    • 10 $0.893
    • 100 $0.706
    • 1000 $0.639
    • 10000 $0.616
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    Microchip Technology Inc MIC2019A-1YM6-TR

    Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution Adjustable Current Limiting Power Distribution Switch
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MIC2019A-1YM6-TR 11,453
    • 1 $0.63
    • 10 $0.63
    • 100 $0.48
    • 1000 $0.48
    • 10000 $0.48
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    6 A 8 MIC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS5505/6/7/8 CS5505/6/7/8 CS5505/6/7/8 CDB5505/6/7/8 Evaluation Very Low-power, Board16-Bit for 16-bit CS5505/6/7/8 & 20-bit Series Converters of ADCs Very Low Power, and 20-BitA/D A/D Converters Features Description l Very The CS5505/6/7/8 are a family of low power CMOS A/D

    CS5505/6/7/8 CDB5505/6/7/8 CS5505/6/7/8 16-bit 20-Bit 16-Bit and20-bit LT1019 PDF


    Abstract: CS5506-BSZ CS5507-AP Taiwan Xtal cs5506-bp VA-25 3,3V CDB5508 IPC 9703
    Text: CS5505/6/7/8 CS5505/6/7/8 CS5505/6/7/8 CDB5505/6/7/8 Evaluation Very Low-power, Board16-Bit for 16-bit CS5505/6/7/8 & 20-bit Series Converters of ADCs Very Low Power, and 20-BitA/D A/D Converters Features Description l Very The CS5505/6/7/8 are a family of low power CMOS A/D

    CS5505/6/7/8 CDB5505/6/7/8 CS5505/6/7/8 16-bit 20-Bit 16-Bit and20-bit LT1019 CS5506-BSZ CS5507-AP Taiwan Xtal cs5506-bp VA-25 3,3V CDB5508 IPC 9703 PDF


    Abstract: d 78040 18 pin 12 channel ir decoder ic FPT-16P-M06 MB4053 MBL8048
    Text: DS04–13103–5E DATA SHEET LINEAR IC 6-CHANNEL 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER MB4053 6-CHANNEL 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER SUBSYSTEM The Fujitsu MB4053 is 6-channel, 8-bit, single-slope A/D converter subsystem designed to be used in a microprocessor based data control system. This device provides the analog functions

    MB4053 MB4053 MB8840/50, MBL8048, MBL6801. 16-pin DIP-16C-F02 I9412 MBL6801 d 78040 18 pin 12 channel ir decoder ic FPT-16P-M06 MBL8048 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 T M ATERIAL NO. o z d 6 PLA TIN G S P E C IF IC A T IO N SU B -A S S 'Y 6 T 2 2 6 -8 0 0 0 8 9 4 8 5 -8 0 0 0 GOLD FLASH 6 T 2 2 6 -8 0 0 1 8 9 4 8 5 -8 0 0 1 30 6 T 2 2 6 -8 0 0 2 8 9 4 8 5 -8 0 0 2 GOLD FLASH 6 T 2 2 6 -8 0 0 3 8 9 4 8 5 -8 0 0 3 30 MICRO INCH GOLD

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    SD-67226-003 PDF

    tl 8819

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR SALES OFFICES - U.S.A. Northwest Southwest Memory products Southwest (Microproducts) 2 2 8 3 7 Ventura Blvd. Suite 305 W oodland Hills, C A 913 6 7 (8 1 8 )3 4 6 -6 4 1 6 FAX: (8 1 8 )3 4 6 -6 6 2 1 2 1 0 2 Business Center Drive Suite 169

    OCR Scan
    124th 275-6391X22 tl 8819 PDF

    1024x8 PROM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: c, MmoHMb m Memories High Performance 1024x8 PROM 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 0 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 1 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 1 A / / / / / / / / / ////////////////////////////////////A DVA NCE INFORMATION Features/ Benefits Applications • 8192-blt memory • Microprogram control stores

    OCR Scan
    1024x8 8192-blt 128x64 1024x8 PROM PDF


    Abstract: HD46508P HD46508P-1 HD46508P1
    Text: H D 4 6 5 0 8 , H D 4 6 5 0 8 - 1 , -H D 4 6 5 0 8 A , H D 4 6 5 0 8 A -1 A D U Analog Data Acquisition Unit The HD46508 is a monolithic NMOS device with a 10-bit analog-to-digital converter, a programmable voltage comparator, a 16-channel analog multiplexer and HMCS6800 microprocessor

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    ID46508P, HD46508P-1, HD46508PA, HD46508 10-bit 16-channel HMCS6800 HD46508PA HD46508P HD46508P-1 HD46508P1 PDF


    Abstract: TMPZ84CO TMPZ84C00AP-6 TMPZ84C00AM-6 MPUZ80-40 84c00a Sx09Sx TMPZ84C20
    Text: T O S H IB A TMPZ84C00A TMPZ84C00AP-6 /TMPZ84C00AM-6 /TMPZ84C00AT-6 TMPZ84C00AP-8 / TMPZ84C00AM-8 /TM PZ84C00AT-8 TLCS-Z80 MPU : 8-BIT MICROPROCESSOR 1. OUTLINE AND FEATURES T h e T M P Z 84C 00A is a n 8-b it m icroprocessor h ere in a fter referred to a s M P U , w hich

    OCR Scan
    TMPZ84C00A TMPZ84C00AP-6 /TMPZ84C00AM-6 /TMPZ84C00AT-6 TMPZ84C00AP-8 TMPZ84C00AM-8 PZ84C00AT-8 TLCS-Z80 MPUZ80-58 TMPZ84C10A TMPZ84CO TMPZ84C00AM-6 MPUZ80-40 84c00a Sx09Sx TMPZ84C20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMITRON 85 Flagship Drive North Andover, M A 01845 Email: sales@ am itron.c om Tel: 978 6 8 6 -1 8 8 2 x14 FAX: (978) 6 8 6 -0 6 2 2 Web: h t tp ://w w w .a m itr o n .c o m THICK FILM MICROWAVE ATTENUATORS I/O E L E C T R IC A L S P E C IF IC A T IO N S

    OCR Scan
    16-OdB 2311-Slaadard 092x0 S-J00PPM PDF

    StR 40000

    Abstract: com8116 74385 COM8136 T-7-T-33-0 H 528 ir receiver 8116 AY-5-8136 16x baud rate oscillator
    Text: MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC 22E D • blG32Gl 000415=1 a T ' 7 S - 3 ? 'Q i A Y 5 8 1 1 6 / 8 1 1 6 T 8 1 3 6 T Z Microchip A Y 5 8 1 3 6 / Dual Baud Rate Generator FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS 18 LEAD DUAL INLINE • Single +5V power supply • On-chip crystal oscillator 8116/8136 or external

    OCR Scan
    blD32Dl GDa41Sc! AY58116/8116T AY58136/8136T 8116/8116T/8136/8136T 8136/8136T) AY58116/8136 Baud30 DS700Q4C-1 StR 40000 com8116 74385 COM8136 T-7-T-33-0 H 528 ir receiver 8116 AY-5-8136 16x baud rate oscillator PDF


    Abstract: PAL16R8A PAL16RP8A PAL16RP8ACN 16RP4A PAL16P8A PAL16R8 PAL16RP6A PAL16RP8
    Text: ADV MICRO P L A / P L E / A R R AY S Tb 0257526 ADV M I C R O P L A / P L E / A R R A Y S P A L I 6 R P 8 A S e r i e s 1 6 P 8 A , D E J 02S7S5L. 0 0 27 0 7 5 96D 2 70 75 D ' 1 6 R P 8 A 1 6 R P 6 A , 1 6 R P 4 A Ordering Information Features/Benefits • Programmable polarity

    OCR Scan
    DG2707S 16P8A, 16RP8A 16RP6A 16RP4A PAL16RP8A PAL16R8Â PAL16R8A 121314IS PAL16RP PAL16RP8ACN 16RP4A PAL16P8A PAL16R8 PAL16RP6A PAL16RP8 PDF


    Abstract: Z84C00AP TMPZ84C00AP-8 TMPZ84C 00AP-8 6bx8
    Text: TOSHIBA TMPZ84C00A TM P Z84C 00AP-6 / T M P Z 8 4C 00 A M -6 /T M P Z 8 4 C 0 0 A T -6 TM P Z84C 00AP-8 /T M P Z 8 4 C 0 0 A M -8 /T M P Z 8 4 C 0 0 A T -8 TM P Z84C 00A P -10 / T M P Z 8 4 C 0 0 A M -1 0 / TM P Z84C 00A T-10 TLCS-Z80 MPU : 8-BIT MICROPROCESSOR

    OCR Scan
    TMPZ84C00A 00AP-6 00AP-8 TLCS-Z80 PZ84C00A MPUZ80-58 TMPZ84C10A Z84C00AP TMPZ84C00AP-8 TMPZ84C 6bx8 PDF

    marking WR6

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O S H IB A T M PZ84C40 A/41 A/42 A/43A/44A TMPZ84C40AP-6 / 41AP-6 / 42AP-6 / 43AF-6 / 44AT-6 TMPZ84C40AM-6 / 41 AM-6 / 42AM-6 TMPZ84C40AP-8 / 41AP-8 / 42AP-8 TLCS-Z80 SIO: SERIAL INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROLLER 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES The TMPZ84C40A SIO/O , TMPZ84C41A (SIO/1), TMPZ84C42A (SIO/2),

    OCR Scan
    PZ84C40 /43A/44A TMPZ84C40AP-6 41AP-6 42AP-6 43AF-6 44AT-6 TMPZ84C40AM-6 42AM-6 TMPZ84C40AP-8 marking WR6 PDF


    Abstract: MB8416A-12L 24LAA tc5517 B8416A-16 MB8416A MB8416A-12/15
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS 7fl D Ë J 37MT7L.2 00033D2 3 | ~ - 3749762 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS M O S • M e m 78C 03302 D< T-46-23-12 FU JITSU o r ie s M B 8 4 1 6 A - 1 2 , M B 8 4 1 6 A - 1 2 L , M B 8 4 1 6 A - 1 5 , M B 8 4 1 6 A - 1 5 L CM OS 16,384-Bit

    OCR Scan
    37MT7L 00033D2 --78C T-46-23-12 384-Bit MB8416A 2048-word B8416A-12 B8416 MB8416A-15 MB8416A-12L 24LAA tc5517 B8416A-16 MB8416A-12/15 PDF


    Abstract: 196KR 512X6 196EA
    Text: MCS 96 MICROCONTROLLER PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE Automotive Device 8 XC 19 6 EA 8XC 19 6 C 8 8XC 196C A 8XC196JV 8XC196KT 8XC196JT 8 X C 19 6 K S 8 XC 196KR 8XC 196JR 8XC 19 6 K Q 8XC 196JO 8X C 19 6 K D 8XC 19 6 K C 8XC 196KB Internal M m o iy But Bus Speed

    OCR Scan
    56Kx8 32Kx8 48Kx8 24Kx8 16Kx8 12Kx8 512x6 16a8 196KR 196EA PDF


    Abstract: 68hc68 3771 80C51 CDP68HC05C4 CDP68HC05C8 CDP68HC05D2 CDP68HC68R1 CDP68HC68R2
    Text: 33 C D P 68H C 68R 1 H a rris CD P 6 8 HC68R2 C M O S 1 2 8 W o rd C D P 6 8 H C 6 8 R 1 and 2 5 6 W o rd (C D P 6 8 H C 6 8 R 2 ) by 8 -B it S tatic RAMs J a n u a ry 1991 P in o u t F e a tu re s • PACKAGE TYPE E TOP VIEW Fully S tatic O p eratio n

    OCR Scan
    cdp68hc68r1 CDP68HC68R2 CDP68HC68R1) CDP68HC68R2) CDP68HC68R1 CDP68HC68R2 CDP68HC68R1, 92CS-377I4 68hc68r2 68hc68 3771 80C51 CDP68HC05C4 CDP68HC05C8 CDP68HC05D2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: cP DS04-13103-5E FUJITSU DATA SHEET LINEAR IC 6-CHANNEL 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER MB4053 6-CHANNEL 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER SUBSYSTEM The Fujitsu MB4053 is 6-channel, 8-bit, single-slope A/D converter subsystem designed to be used in a microprocessor based data control system. This device provides the analog functions

    OCR Scan
    DS04-13103-5E MB4053 MB4053 MB8840/50, MBL8048, MBL6801. 16-pin DIP-16C-F02 374T75LI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FU JIT S U 6-CHANNEL 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER SUBSYSTEM MB 4053 MB 4063 August 1984 Edition 2.0 6-CHANNEL 8-BIT A/D CONVERTER SUBSYSTEM The Fujitsu MB 4053 and MB 4063 are 6-channel, 8 -b it, single-slope A /D converter subsystem designed to be used in a microprocessor based data con­

    OCR Scan
    16-pin PDF


    Abstract: NL C6J 68000 mmu 68451 scc68 scc681 D-10 PA21 J10H "memory access controller" and signetics and 68000
    Text: Signetics SCC68905 Basic Memory Access Controller BMAC Preliminary Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION T h e Signetics S C C 6 8 9 0 5 Basic Mem ory A ccess Controller (B M A C ) is designed for the S 6 8 0 0 0 family (6 80 0 0 , 6 8 0 1 0 and

    OCR Scan
    SCC68905 S68000 24bit 24-bit SCC68905 SCC68910 NL C6J 68000 mmu 68451 scc68 scc681 D-10 PA21 J10H "memory access controller" and signetics and 68000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F SAiYO i l 6 6 5 0 6 c a , 6 6 5 0 8 A CMOS LSI 6K-BYTE/8K -BYTE ROM-CONTAINED SINGLE-CHIP 4-B IT MICROCOMPUTER FOR CO NTRO L-O R IENTED APPLICATIONS / / T E N T A T IV E General Description '•Æ The L C 6 6 5 0 6 A , 6 6 5 0 8 A are 64-pin package type CMOS 4-b it single-chip microcomputers. | | # f y ç o n tlin a PGÍA,

    OCR Scan
    64-pin S10PD LC66516A PDF


    Abstract: HD68B21P PIA 6821 68A21 HD68A21P 6821 HD6821 HD68A21 HD68B21 pia 68b21 MC6821 MC6821 PIA
    Text: H D 6 8 2 1 , H D 6 8 A 2 1 , H D 6 8 B 21 P I A Peripheral Interface Adapter The HD6821 Peripheral Interface Adapter provides the universal means of interfacing peripheral equipment to the HD6800 Microprocessing Unit (MPU). This device is capable of interfacing the MPU to peripherals through two 8-bit

    OCR Scan
    HD6821, HD68A21, HD68B21 HD6821 HD6800 68B21 HD68B21P PIA 6821 68A21 HD68A21P 6821 HD6821 HD68A21 HD68B21 pia 68b21 MC6821 MC6821 PIA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET \ | P f " / / M O S IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT k P D 1 7 8 0 0 4 A , 1 7 8 0 0 6 A , 1 7 8 0 1 6 A , 1 7 8 0 1 8 A 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The /xPD178004A, 178006A, 178016A and 178018 A a re 8-bit single-chip CMOS m icrocontrollers that incorporate

    OCR Scan
    uPD178004A 78006A, 78016A 78K/0 PD178004A 78006A PD178004A, 78016A, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 13 HOUSING S IZ E 12 CIRCUIT S IZ E 10 DIM. A DIM. B 6 6 .5 2 0 13.21 .2 5 0 (6 .3 5 ) 6 4 .5 2 0 (13.21) .150 (3.81) 6 2 .5 2 0 (13.21) .0 5 0 (1.27) 8 8 .6 0 0 (15.24) .3 5 0 (8 .8 9 ) 8 6 .6 0 0 (15.24) .2 5 0 (6 .3 5 ) 43743 TYP. • 6 CIRCUIT A S S E M B L Y

    OCR Scan
    PK-70873-7001 PK-70873-7002 SDA-43743-* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 13 HOUSING S IZ E 12 CIRCUIT S IZ E 10 DIM. A DIM. B 6 6 .5 2 0 13.21 .2 5 0 (6 .3 5 ) 6 4 .5 2 0 (13.21) .150 (3.81) 6 2 .5 2 0 (13.21) .0 5 0 (1.27) 8 8 .6 0 0 (15.24) .3 5 0 (8 .8 9 ) 8 6 .6 0 0 (15.24) .2 5 0 (6 .3 5 ) 43743 TYP. • 6 CIRCUIT A S S E M B L Y

    OCR Scan
    SDA-43743-* PDF