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    Abstract: MC68705K1 jp1.4 5,9904 MHz CS8412 DSP56007 HC11 MC68HC711E9 SPDIF specification JP36
    Text: SECTION 3 EVALUATION MODULE THEORY OF OPERATION Refer to Section 7, 56007EVM Schematics, for reference to pinouts and jumper configurations. 3.1 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Analog signals connected to the Evaluation Module inputs are converted to 20 bitdata at the ADC. U19 and U20 attenuate the signal and convert it to balanced mode.

    56007EVM 68705K1 MC68705K1 jp1.4 5,9904 MHz CS8412 DSP56007 HC11 MC68HC711E9 SPDIF specification JP36 PDF

    MAX232 G4

    Abstract: sc937-02 MAX232 G3 ferrite 4F4 MC68705K1 CS5390 EPM7032 MA10 MA11 MA13
    Text: +5V 53 28 9 52 29 10 DSP_RST 3-B4, 2-G3, 4-F3 56007EVM User’s Guide 36 37 38 39 DSP_MODA 3-B3 DSP_MODB 3-B3 DSP56007 EXTAL QVCC2 QVCC1 QVCC0 QGND2 QGND1 QGND0 PVCC PCAP PINIT PGND RESET MODA/IRQA MODB/IRQB MODC/NMI +5V 70 DSP_MODC 3-B3 MRD 77 78 2 79 80

    56007EVM DSP56007 MC7805 MC7905 MAX232 G4 sc937-02 MAX232 G3 ferrite 4F4 MC68705K1 CS5390 EPM7032 MA10 MA11 MA13 PDF


    Abstract: CS5390-KS Hitachi LM052L SC937-02 LM052L, LCD STK1068-S45 hitachi lcd lm052l CRCW1206102JRT1 MAX232CSE 4w resistor
    Text: Evaluation Module Parts List Parts Listing SECTION 8 EVALUATION MODULE PARTS LIST 8.1 PARTS LISTING The following four pages contain, in table form, information on the parts and devices on the Evaluation Module. Contact information for suppliers of key devices, as

    56007EVM DSP56007EVM DSP56007 MC68HC711E9 MC68HC705K1 CS5390-KS CS4331-K-1 HLMP1790 HLMP1700 LM052L CS5390-KS Hitachi LM052L SC937-02 LM052L, LCD STK1068-S45 hitachi lcd lm052l CRCW1206102JRT1 MAX232CSE 4w resistor PDF


    Abstract: sc937-02 68HC705K1 "30 pin simm" SC937-02 spdif CS5390 CS3310 30 pin SIMM socket schematics rca to optical 30-pin SIMM
    Text: SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT The following section gives a brief summary of the equipment required to use the Evaluation Module, some of which is supplied with the Evaluation Module, and some of which will have to be supplied by the user. 2.1 WHAT YOU GET WITH THE EVALUATION MODULE

    DSP56000 DSP56007 DSP56007EVM RS-232 56007EVM sc937 sc937-02 68HC705K1 "30 pin simm" SC937-02 spdif CS5390 CS3310 30 pin SIMM socket schematics rca to optical 30-pin SIMM PDF

    30 pin simm

    Abstract: "30 pin simm" MC68HC11 MC68HC11E9 52 pin spdif to analog outputs circuit diagrams MC68HC11E9 68HC11 30-pin SIMM keypad matrix MC68HC11 interface board
    Text: SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes the basic structure, theory, and operation of the 56007EVM Evaluation Module Evaluation Module , the equipment required to use the Evaluation Module, and the specifications of the key components on the Evaluation Module. Code samples and self-test code are provided on the

    DSP56007EVM 24-bit DSP56007 bytesSPDIF/CP340 50-pin MC68HC11E9 52-pin 68HC11 MC68HC11 30 pin simm "30 pin simm" MC68HC11E9 52 pin spdif to analog outputs circuit diagrams MC68HC11E9 68HC11 30-pin SIMM keypad matrix MC68HC11 interface board PDF


    Abstract: 74393 EPM7032 EQ007 EQ012 12MHZ lc001 LC026 LC027 x001
    Text: EPM7032 PLD Equations SECTION 5 EPM7032 PLD EQUATIONS The following data represents the PLD equations for the 56007EVM: ACK_RST : INPUT; ClkSelA : INPUT; CLKSELB : INPUT; CNTL_MUTE : INPUT; DSO : INPUT; DSP_RST : INPUT; EMI_MRD : INPUT; EXP2_~WSR : INPUT;

    EPM7032 DSP56007EVM: LC031 EQ001 56007EVM LC006 EQ002 74393M 74393 EQ007 EQ012 12MHZ lc001 LC026 LC027 x001 PDF


    Abstract: CS5390 tone control subwoofer circuit diagram ISO2969 4-2 pin audio transformer sc937 simple subwoofer circuit diagram CS8412 CS3310 CS4331
    Text: SECTION 4 PERIPHERAL SPECIFICATIONS The following section describes the various peripheral devices used on the 56007EVM and includes any necessary equations and information. Contact information for the manufacturers of significant peripheral devices is included along

    DSP56007EVM 56007EVM CS5390 20-bit sc937-02 tone control subwoofer circuit diagram ISO2969 4-2 pin audio transformer sc937 simple subwoofer circuit diagram CS8412 CS3310 CS4331 PDF


    Abstract: DSP56000 DSP56000 Family DSP56000 users manual addressing modes of dsp processors 56002EVM DSP56300 DSP56600 DSP56L002 DSP96002
    Text: DSP Technical Documentation Main Menu New Product Families DSP Portfolio Technical Documentation Application Samples Develoment Tools Contact Information DSP New Product Families DSP56300 Family Overview Technical Documentation DSP56600 Family Overview Technical Documentation

    DSP56300 DSP56600 DSP56800 16-Bit DSP56100 24-Bit DSP56000 DSP96000 DSP56000 Family DSP56000 users manual addressing modes of dsp processors 56002EVM DSP56L002 DSP96002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Introduction to the GUI Starting the GUI SECTION 6 INTRODUCTION TO THE GUI This section will give an introduction to the Graphical User Interface GUI , detailing only that which is required to work through the brief example below. Full details of the GUI can be found in the Debug - Evaluation Module manual.

    evm56K' 56007EVM PDF


    Abstract: Hitachi LM052L LM052L, LCD MAX232 G4 CS5390 LM052L audio isolation transformer hitachi lcd lm052l evm56k CS8412
    Text: 56007EVM 24-BIT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR EVALUATION MODULE USER’S GUIDE Motorola, Inc. Semiconductor Products Sector DSP Division 6501 William Cannon Drive, West Austin, Texas 78735-8598 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

    DSP56007EVM 24-BIT SC937-02 Hitachi LM052L LM052L, LCD MAX232 G4 CS5390 LM052L audio isolation transformer hitachi lcd lm052l evm56k CS8412 PDF