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    550 WG9 Search Results

    550 WG9 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 550 WG9 550 hall HALL 550 sensor hall effect sensor 550 EW550 ASAHI EW-450 450 sensor hall signal hall sensor 550 wg9
    Text: EW-450, EW-550 20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE DERATING CURVE 15 UNIPOLAR HALL EFFECT SWITCHES Vcc V (Fig. 1) 10 5 EW-550 –40 ASAHI HALL EFFECT ICs –20 20 40 60 80 100 120 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature. Ta(˚C) ASAHI KASEI ELECTRONICS Hall Effect ICs are composed of a Ultla-high sensitive InSb Hall element and a signal processing IC

    EW-450, EW-550 EW-450 10Gauss EW-450 EW-550 550 WG9 550 hall HALL 550 sensor hall effect sensor 550 EW550 ASAHI 450 sensor hall signal hall sensor 550 wg9 PDF

    80 L hall effect sensor ic

    Abstract: HALL 550 sensor hall effect sensor 550 550 hall 80 L hall effect sensor EW-550 hall sensor 80 L EW-400 EW-450 EW-500
    Text: EW-450, EW-550 UNIPOLAR HALL EFFECT SWITCHES ASAHI HALL EFFECT ICs ASAHI KASEI ELECTRONICS Hall Effect ICs are composed of a Ultla-high sensitive InSb Hall element and a signal processing IC chip in a package. ASAHI KASEI ELECTRONICS Hall Effect ICs have high sensitivity and good stability.

    EW-450, EW-550 EW-450 EW-550 500pcs EW-450 5000pcs EW-400 EW-500 80 L hall effect sensor ic HALL 550 sensor hall effect sensor 550 550 hall 80 L hall effect sensor hall sensor 80 L PDF

    HALL 550

    Abstract: 550 WG9 signal hall sensor 550 wg9
    Text: EW-450, EW-550 UNIPOLAR HALL EFFECT SWITCHES Note : It is requested to read and accept "IMPORTANT NOTICE" written on the back of the front cover of this catalogue. ASAHI HALL EFFECT ICs ASAHI KASEI ELECTRONICS Hall Effect ICs are composed of a Ultla-high sensitive InSb Hall element and a signal processing IC

    EW-450, EW-550 EW-450 EW-550 500pcs EW-450 5000pcs HALL 550 550 WG9 signal hall sensor 550 wg9 PDF


    Abstract: WG1 smd
    Text: Hebei I.T. Shanghai Co., Ltd SMD SPECIFICATION Part No./型号 PLCC2835-W3-1W 1Features/特 征: z Emitting Color/发光颜色:White/白色 z Lens Type/封装特性:Yellow Diffused/黄色散射 z Device Outline/外形特征:3.5x2.8×0.8(unit:mm)

    PLCC2835-W3-1W PLCC2835-W3-1W WG1 smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hebei I.T. Shanghai Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No./型号: ¾ Features/特征: 59 9 PWO4 C ¾ Descriptions/描述: z Single color/特征 z Dice material/芯片材质:InGaN z High bright output/高亮度输出 z Emitting Color/发光颜色:

    25mmunless 03752 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hebei I.T. Shanghai Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No./型号: 550PWO4 C ¾ Features/特征: z Single color/特征 z High bright output/高亮度输出 z Low power consumption/低功耗 z High reliability and long life/可靠性高寿命长 ¾ Descriptions/描述:

    550PWO4 25mmunless PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hebei I.T. Shanghai Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No./型号: 51 5PWO4 C ¾ Features/特征: z Single color/特征 z High bright output/高亮度输出 z Low power consumption/低功耗 z High reliability and long life/可靠性高寿命长 ¾ Descriptions/描述:

    25mmunless PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hebei I.T. Shanghai Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION 330PWO4 C 3.0±0.1 3.9±0.1 Part No./型号: ¾ Features/特征: z Single color/特征 z High bright output/高亮度输出 z Dice material/芯片材质:InGaN 1.5±0.5 z Emitting Color/发光颜色:

    330PWO4 25mmunless PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hebei I.T. Shanghai Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No./型号: 53 0PWO4 C ¾ Features/特征: z Single color/特征 z High bright output/高亮度输出 z Low power consumption/低功耗 z High reliability and long life/可靠性高寿命长 ¾ Descriptions/描述:

    25mmunless PDF


    Abstract: MS3116E-10-6S WR340 flange dimensions
    Text: Back to Amplifier Home Page AMF SATCOM AMPLIFIERS Introduction S-Band C-Band X-Band Ku-Band Ka-Band 40 – 60 GHz Low Noise Outline Drawings 100 Davids Drive • Hauppauge, NY 11788 • 631-436-7400 • Fax: 631-436-7430 • TABLE OF CONTENTS

    2002/96/EC 2002/96/EC C-39B WR284* ISOLATOR MS3116E-10-6S WR340 flange dimensions PDF


    Abstract: EM 4093 007 EFM32WG942
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG942 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4F CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG942 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG942FXX EFM32WG942F256-QFP64 EM 4093 007 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG940 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4F CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG940 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG940FXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG942 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4 CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG942 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG942FXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG940 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4 CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG940 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG940FXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG940 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4 CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG940 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG940FXX PDF


    Abstract: CL1252
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG990 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4F CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG990 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG990FXX USART2 CL1252 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG940 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4 CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG940 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG940FXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG995 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4F CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG995 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG995FXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary .the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers EFM32WG980 DATASHEET F256/F128/F64 Preliminary • ARM Cortex-M4F CPU platform • High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 48 MHz • DSP instruction support and floating-point unit • Memory Protection Unit

    EFM32WG980 F256/F128/F64 32-bit EFM32WG980FXX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Gate T u rn -o ff T hyristors ~ All types Symmetrical Types ^DRM V gk= -2V ^RRM V GK Note 1 (Note 1) (Note 2) (V) (V) (V) 1200-2500 100-2000 600-1800 100-1400 Type WG5012Rxx to 25Rxx WG6006RXX to 18Rxx WG9006Rxx to 14Rxx WG10026Rxx to 36Rxx WG10037Rxx to 45Rxx

    OCR Scan
    WG5012Rxx 25Rxx WG6006RXX 18Rxx WG9006Rxx 14Rxx WG10026Rxx 36Rxx WG10037Rxx 45Rxx PDF


    Abstract: WG12020 WG6018F WG12020FR westcode wg WG5020F WG50 SM-CXC170 WG6018 WG6018FR
    Text: ÜIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE T e s t c o n d it io n s All figures in tables are for Tj = 125°C unless otherwise indicated. Standard test conditions for all devices. D • «HO W S DODSMSÖ 1 ■ ÜIESBT'O.S'-Ol di/dt of I qm > 15A//uS V D = 0.5 V DRM ti ^ 10nS

    OCR Scan
    10jiS WG100 WG120 WG140 WG5020 SM-CXC134t SM-CXC624 SM-CXC170 jsmk WG12020 WG6018F WG12020FR westcode wg WG5020F WG50 SM-CXC170 WG6018 WG6018FR PDF


    Abstract: 45SP 18Rxx
    Text: Gate T urn-off Thyristors ~ All ty p e s Symmetrical Types V DRM Type V RRM V GK ^TGQM @ cs ^T AV ^T(RMS) TSINk =55°C W 2 5 ° C VaK= -2V •^TSM(l) ■^TSM(2) 10ms 2m s I 2t (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 4) (V) (V) (V) (A)

    OCR Scan
    G5012RXX 25RXX G6006RXX 18Rxx WG5026 WG7008 WG8026 WG8046 WG10008 WG10026 wg5026s 45SP 18Rxx PDF


    Abstract: WG5018 WG5026S westcode wg WG15026R WG6006RXX WG7008S Diode Westcode Gate Turn-Off Thyristors all types of thyristors
    Text: Gate Turn-off Thyristors ~ All types Symmetrical Types V DRM Type V RRM V6K ^TGQM @ CS Note 1 WG5012Rxx to 25Rxx T(AV) t V GK = -2V (Note 1) (Note 2) -w r (Note 3) I 2t •^T(RMS) ■^TSM(l) ^TSM(2) Tmse = 25°C 10ms 2 ms (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 4) (A2s)

    OCR Scan
    WG5012Rxx 25Rxx WG6006RXX 18Rxx WG9006Rxx 14Rxx WG10026RXX 36Rxx WG10037Rxxto 45Rxx WG25008SM WG5018 WG5026S westcode wg WG15026R WG7008S Diode Westcode Gate Turn-Off Thyristors all types of thyristors PDF

    8-12 GHz Yig Tuned Oscillator

    Abstract: PM7015X yig oscillator hp electromagnetic pulse generator jammer SIVERS yig PM7892 PM7288X 8-12 GHz Yig Tuned filter PM7101X x-band waveguide isolators
    Text: PHILIPS & Microwave Products s iv a ts a m The Company SIVERS IMA In January 1984 the two microwave companies Sivers Lab est. 1951 and I.M.A. (est. 1975) were merged into one of the leading European supplier of microwave products: SIVERS IMA AB. The main product lines are Switches, Rotary Joints,

    OCR Scan
    MIL-C-45662) S-126 17173-SILAB-S S-163 8-12 GHz Yig Tuned Oscillator PM7015X yig oscillator hp electromagnetic pulse generator jammer SIVERS yig PM7892 PM7288X 8-12 GHz Yig Tuned filter PM7101X x-band waveguide isolators PDF