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    54AC00 SEU Search Results

    54AC00 SEU Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 54HCT374 54AC00 seu boron rods 54AC04 seu 54AC374 p-channel mosfet 9240 54AC00 54ALS374/BRAJC 54AC04
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 925 M C Maher January 1994 ABSTRACT Radiation test data is presented for different radiation environment as performed on National Semiconductor’s FACTTM Advanced CMOS microcircuit family Over twenty device types have been evaluated by independent investigators users and by National

    n-type-k100l 20-3A 54ALS374 54HCT374 54AC00 seu boron rods 54AC04 seu 54AC374 p-channel mosfet 9240 54AC00 54ALS374/BRAJC 54AC04 PDF

    pinout information of CMOS 4001, 4011, 4070

    Abstract: 54C922 CGS3301 54HC123A F100K ECL 300 series and design guide 4060 counter 4029 counter MM54HC245 MM54C76 4081 AND gate
    Text: N National Semiconductor offers a broad selection of advanced logic and interface families. Each family uniquely combines certain process and design techniques to address their evolving roles in system design. System & Board Test Products SCAN National’s portfolio of SCAN test products lowers a system’s cost of ownership over the course of its life cycle.

    Spectrum/STV/5M96/Printed pinout information of CMOS 4001, 4011, 4070 54C922 CGS3301 54HC123A F100K ECL 300 series and design guide 4060 counter 4029 counter MM54HC245 MM54C76 4081 AND gate PDF


    Abstract: 5962F8762401vxc 5962F8776003VXA RHFAC164245 RHFAC2525K01V 54ac164245 5962F8761401VXC 5962F8760901VXA 5962F8755201VXC 5962R9858008VYC
    Text: 54ACxxxx 54ACTxxxx Rad-hard advanced high-speed 5 V CMOS logic series Data brief Features • 2 to 6 V operating voltage ■ High speed TPD = 4.5 ns typ ■ Low DC power dissipation: 8 µA max ■ Symmetrical 24 mA outputs characteristics ■ High noise immunity: 28% of min VCC

    54ACxxxx 54ACTxxxx Mil1019 Flat-14 DIL-14y 5962F8762401VXA 5962F8762401vxc 5962F8776003VXA RHFAC164245 RHFAC2525K01V 54ac164245 5962F8761401VXC 5962F8760901VXA 5962F8755201VXC 5962R9858008VYC PDF


    Abstract: SMD IC TL 431 RHFAC14D03V RHFAC74K01V RHFAC2525K01V 5962F8761501VXA 5962F8870601VXA RHFAC32 5962F8762401VXA Flat-14
    Text: 54ACxxxx 54ACTxxxx Rad-hard advanced high-speed 5 V CMOS logic series Data brief Features • 2 to 6 V operating voltage ■ High speed TPD = 4.5 ns typ ■ Low DC power dissipation: 8 µA max ■ Symmetrical 24 mA outputs characteristics ■ High noise immunity: 28% of min VCC

    54ACxxxx 54ACTxxxx Mil1019 Flat-20 DIL-20 Flat-16 DIL-16 Flat-14 DIL-14 54ACT 5962F8761401VXA SMD IC TL 431 RHFAC14D03V RHFAC74K01V RHFAC2525K01V 5962F8761501VXA 5962F8870601VXA RHFAC32 5962F8762401VXA PDF


    Abstract: 5962F8762401VXA 5962F8762403VXC RHFAC2525K02V RHFAC14AK1
    Text: 54ACxxxx, 54ACTxxxx Rad-hard advanced high-speed 5 V CMOS logic series Data brief Features • AC: 2 to 6 V operating voltage • ACT: 4.5 to 5.5 V operating voltage • High speed TPD = 4.5 ns typ. • Low DC power dissipation: 8 µA max. Flat-14 • Symmetrical 24 mA output characteristics

    54ACxxxx, 54ACTxxxx Flat-14 DIL-14 Flat-16 DIL-16 Mil1019 Flat-20 DocID17352 5962F8776003VXA 5962F8762401VXA 5962F8762403VXC RHFAC2525K02V RHFAC14AK1 PDF


    Abstract: 5962F8754901VXA 5962F87549 CDFP2-F14 01cx SMD 3014 smd F8859 qml-38535 RHFAC00K01V 01CX
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Change AC limits in table I. Add vendor CAGE 18714 to device type 01CX. Editorial changes throughout. 87-11-16 R. R. Evans B Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R100-93. 93-03-23 Monica L. Poelking C Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R181-93.

    5962-R100-93. 5962-R181-93. F8859. MIL-PRF-38535 F8859 BP4199 5962F8754901 5962F8754901VXA 5962F87549 CDFP2-F14 01cx SMD 3014 smd F8859 qml-38535 RHFAC00K01V 01CX PDF


    Abstract: RHFAC2525K01V 5962F8762401VXC SMD IC TL 431 5962F8754901 RHFAC164245 5962F8776003VXA 5962F8762401VXA 5962F8766303VXA RHFAC138
    Text: 54ACxxxx, 54ACTxxxx Rad-hard advanced high-speed 5 V CMOS logic series Data brief Features • 2 to 6 V operating voltage ■ High speed TPD = 4.5 ns typ. ■ Low DC power dissipation: 8 µA max. ■ Symmetrical 24 mA output characteristics ■ High noise immunity: 28% of min. VCC

    54ACxxxx, 54ACTxxxx Mil1019 Flat-20 DIL-20 Flat-16 DIL-16 Flat-14 DIL-14 54ACT rhfac14k1 RHFAC2525K01V 5962F8762401VXC SMD IC TL 431 5962F8754901 RHFAC164245 5962F8776003VXA 5962F8762401VXA 5962F8766303VXA RHFAC138 PDF

    smd TRANSISTOR code marking w2t

    Abstract: MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR w2t w2t smd transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a SMD TRANSISTOR w2w smd marking e2w smd code W2W transistor e2w lm1455 marking code w2T
    Text: N Table of Contents QML Certification .1 National’s Space-Level Product Families .1

    1-800-52-HI-REL 1-800-52-HI-REL. smd TRANSISTOR code marking w2t MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR w2t w2t smd transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a SMD TRANSISTOR w2w smd marking e2w smd code W2W transistor e2w lm1455 marking code w2T PDF


    Abstract: 38510R75001 ASTM-F1892 54AC14 MDS 54AC00 seu 54AC00 Fairchild 54ac14 54ACTQ574 54AC14 seu 54AC08
    Text: N RADIATION OWNER’S MANUAL Logic Table of Contents Page Glossary of Logic-Specific Terms Radiation Results – Logic Summary FACT AC/ACT Advanced CMOS Logic FACT Quiet Series™ (ACQ/ACTQ) FACT FCT F100K 300 Series ECL Total Dose Degradation of the Device’s Switchpoint

    F100K 61E-05 00E-08 64E-05 51E-05 50E-03 06E-06 01E-06 ASTM-F-1892 38510R75001 ASTM-F1892 54AC14 MDS 54AC00 seu 54AC00 Fairchild 54ac14 54ACTQ574 54AC14 seu 54AC08 PDF

    Semiconductor Nuclear Radiation Detector

    Abstract: fabrication GAMMA Radiation Detector 54AC00 seu Upset 54AC00 54AC245 AN-926 C1995 JM38510 nuclear radiation detector
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 926 Michael Maher January 1994 INTRODUCTION Today’s rapidly changing global political climate is significantly impacting the military strategies of Free World countries Important decisions are being made regarding each

    20-3A Semiconductor Nuclear Radiation Detector fabrication GAMMA Radiation Detector 54AC00 seu Upset 54AC00 54AC245 AN-926 C1995 JM38510 nuclear radiation detector PDF