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    512KX72 Search Results

    512KX72 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K7Z327285M Preliminary 512Kx72 DLW Double Late Write RAM Document Title 512Kx72 DLW(Double Late Write) RAM Revision History Rev. No. 0.0 0.1 History Draft Date Remark 1. Initial document. 1. Device name change from Double Late Write SigmaRAM to Double Late Write RAM

    K7Z327285M 512Kx72 512Kx72 11x19 00x10 00x18 K7Z327285M PDF


    Abstract: K7N327249M
    Text: Preliminary 512Kx72 Pipelined NtRAMTM K7N327245M Document Title 512Kx72-Bit Pipelined NtRAM TM Revision History Rev. No. 0.0 0.1 History Draft Date Remark 1. Initial document. 1. Speed bin merge. From K7N327249M to K7N327245M 2. AC parameter change. tOH min /tLZC(min) from 0.8 to 1.5 at -25

    512Kx72 K7N327245M 512Kx72-Bit K7N327249M 11x19 K7N327245M PDF


    Abstract: CYM52KNP72V33A-10BBC CYM52KNP72V33A-13BBC CYM52KNP72V33A-15BBC
    Text: PRELIMINARY CYM52KNP72AV33 512Kx72 Pipelined MCM with NoBL Architecture Features • No Bus Latency, no dead cycles between write and read cycles • Internally synchronized registered outputs eliminate the need to control OE • Single 3.3V –5% and +5% power supply VDD

    CYM52KNP72AV33 512Kx72 CYM52KNP72AV33 BB209 CYM52KNP72V33A-10BBC CYM52KNP72V33A-13BBC CYM52KNP72V33A-15BBC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary 512Kx72 Pipelined NtRAM TM K7N327245M Document Title 512Kx72-Bit Pipelined NtRAMTM Revision History History Draft Date Remark 0.0 0.1 1. Initial document. 1. Speed bin merge. From K7N327249M to K7N327245M 2. AC parameter change. tOH min /tLZC(min) from 0.8 to 1.5 at -25

    K7N327245M 512Kx72-Bit 512Kx72 K7N327249M K7N327245M 11x19 00x10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WEDPZ512K72V-XBX HI-RELIABILITY PRODUCT 512Kx72 Synchronous Pipeline Burst ZBL SRAM ADVANCED* FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast clock speeds: 166, 133, 100MHz The WEDPZ512K72V-XBX employs high-speed, low-power CMOS designs that are fabricated using an advanced CMOS process. The

    WEDPZ512K72V-XBX 512Kx72 100MHz WEDPZ512K72V-XBX C50456 C50456 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary 512Kx72 Pipelined NtRAMTM K7N327245M 512Kx72-Bit Pipelined NtRAM TM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 2.5V ±5% Power Supply. • Byte Writable Function. • Enable clock and suspend operation. • Single READ/WRITE control pin. • Self-Timed Write Cycle.

    512Kx72 K7N327245M 512Kx72-Bit 209BGA 11x19 K7N327245M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary 512Kx72 Pipelined NtRAMTM K7N327249M 512Kx72-Bit Pipelined NtRAM TM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 2.5V ±5% Power Supply. • Byte Writable Function. • Enable clock and suspend operation. • Single READ/WRITE control pin. • Self-Timed Write Cycle.

    512Kx72 K7N327249M 512Kx72-Bit 209BGA 11x19 K7N327249M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WEDPZ512K72V-XBX HI-RELIABILITY PRODUCT 512Kx72 ZBT Synchronous Pipeline SRAM ADVANCED* FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fast clock speeds: 166, 133, 100MHz The WEDPZ512K72V-XBX employs high-speed, low-power CMOS designs that are fabricated using an advanced CMOS process. The

    WEDPZ512K72V-XBX 512Kx72 100MHz WEDPZ512K72V-XBX C50456 C50456 PDF


    Abstract: K7N327245M K7N327249M
    Text: Preliminary 512Kx72 Pipelined NtRAM TM K7N327245M Document Title 512Kx72-Bit Pipelined NtRAMTM Revision History History Draft Date Remark 0.0 1. Initial document. May. 10. 2001 Advance 0.1 1. Speed bin merge. From K7N327249M to K7N327245M 2. AC parameter change.

    512Kx72 K7N327245M 512Kx72-Bit K7N327249M 11x19 NtRAM K7N327245M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W2Z512K72SJ 36Mb, 512Kx72 Synchronous Pipeline Burst NBL SRAM Preliminary* FEATURES DESCRIPTION n Fast clock speed: 225, 200, 166 and 150MHz The WEDC SyncBurst - SRAM family employs highspeed, low-power CMOS designs that are fabricated using an advanced CMOS process. WEDC’s 72Mb

    W2Z512K72SJ 512Kx72 150MHz 512Kx36 W2Z512K72SJ35ES W2Z512K72SJ38ES W2Z512K72SJ28BC W2Z512K72SJ30BC W2Z512K72SJ35BC W2Z512K72SJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K7N323601M K7N321801M 1Mx36 & 2Mx18 Pipelined NtRAMTM Document Title 1Mx36 & 2Mx18-Bit Pipelined NtRAMTM Revision History Rev. No. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.0 History Draft Date Remark 1. Initial document. 1. Add 165FBGA package 1. Update JTAG scan order 2. Speed bin merge.

    K7N323601M K7N321801M 1Mx36 2Mx18-Bit 2Mx18 165FBGA K7N3236 PDF


    Abstract: CY7C1463V25 CY7C1465V25
    Text: CY7C1461V25 CY7C1463V25 CY7C1465V25 PRELIMINARY 1M x 36/2M x 18/512K x 72 Flow-Thru SRAM with NoBL Architecture Features • Zero Bus Latency, no dead cycles between Write and Read cycles •Supports 133-MHz bus operations •1M x 36/2M × 18/512K × 72 common I/O

    CY7C1461V25 CY7C1463V25 CY7C1465V25 36/2M 18/512K 133-MHz 36/2M 18/512K 150-MHz CY7C1461V25 CY7C1463V25 CY7C1465V25 PDF


    Abstract: CYD18S18V18 CYD09S36V18 CYD18S36V18 SKR 175 FullFlex36
    Text: FullFlex FullFlex Synchronous SDR Dual Port SRAM Features Functional Description • True dual port memory enables simultaneous access to the shared array from each port ■ Synchronous pipelined operation with Single Data Rate SDR operation on each port



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FullFlex FullFlex Synchronous DDR Dual-Port SRAM Features • True dual-ported memory allows simultaneous access to the shared array from each port • Synchronous pipelined operation with selectable Double Data Rate DDR or Single Data Rate (SDR) operation on each port

    36-Gb/s 484-ball 256-ball FullFlex72 CYDD36S72V18) CYDD18S72V1t 27mmx27mmx2 36Mx36 36Mx18 FullFlex36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FullFlex FullFlex Synchronous DDR Dual-Port SRAM Features • True dual-ported memory allows simultaneous access to the shared array from each port • Synchronous pipelined operation with selectable Double Data Rate DDR or Single Data Rate (SDR) operation on each port

    36-Gb/s 484-ball 256-ball FullFlex72 CYDD36S72V18) CYDD18S72V1mation 27mmx27mmx2 36Mx36 36Mx18 FullFlex36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C1440V33 CY7C1442V33 CY7C1446V33 PRELIMINARY 1M x 36/2M x 18/512K x 72 Pipelined SRAM Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fast clock speed: 250, 200, and 167 MHz Provide high-performance 3-1-1-1 access rate Fast access time: 2.7, 3.0 and 3.5 ns

    CY7C1440V33 CY7C1442V33 CY7C1446V33 36/2M 18/512K CY7C1440V33/CY7C1442V33/CY7C1446V33 CY7C1440V33 PDF


    Abstract: K7N323645M
    Text: K7N323645M K7N321845M Preliminary 1Mx36 & 2Mx18 Pipelined NtRAMTM Document Title 1Mx36 & 2Mx18-Bit Pipelined NtRAMTM Revision History Rev. No. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 History Draft Date Remark 1. Initial document. 1. Add 165FBGA package 1.Update JTAG scan order

    K7N323645M K7N321845M 1Mx36 2Mx18 2Mx18-Bit 165FBGA K7N3236 165FBGA K7N321845M K7N323645M PDF


    Abstract: K7M323625M
    Text: K7M323625M K7M321825M Preliminary 1Mx36 & 2Mx18 Flow-Through NtRAMTM Document Title 1Mx36 & 2Mx18-Bit Flow Through NtRAMTM Revision History Rev. No. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 History Draft Date Remark 1. Initial document. 1. Add 165FBGA package 1. Update JTAG scan order

    K7M323625M K7M321825M 1Mx36 2Mx18 2Mx18-Bit 165FBGA 165FBGA x18/x36 K7M321825M K7M323625M PDF

    250ac to 30 v ac

    Abstract: CY7C1462V25 CY7C1464V25 CY7C1460V25
    Text: CY7C1460V25 CY7C1462V25 CY7C1464V25 PRELIMINARY 1M x 36/2M x 18/512K x 72 Pipelined SRAM with NoBL Architecture Features • Zero Bus Latency, no dead cycles between write and read cycles • Fast clock speed: 250, 200, and 167 MHz • Fast access time: 2.7, 3.0 and 3.5 ns

    CY7C1460V25 CY7C1462V25 CY7C1464V25 36/2M 18/512K CY7C1460V25 CY7C1462V25 250ac to 30 v ac CY7C1464V25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WPY512K72V-XMDC M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 4MByte 512Kx72 Flow Through Synchronous SRAM Module ADVAN CED * FEATURES • Fast A c c e s s Tim es: 8, 10ns ■ Byte W rite and Global W rite C ap ab ilitie s ■ Fast OE A c c e s s Tim e of 4ns ■ Flo w th ro u gh Data Bus (2-1-1-1 burst)

    OCR Scan
    WPY512K72V-XMDC 512Kx72) 256Kx18 168-pin 512Kx72; 256Kx72 256Kx36. 512KX72 256Kx36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WPY512K72V-XMDC M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 4MByte 512Kx72 Flow Through Synchronous SRAM Module A DVA N CED * FEATURES • Fast A cce ss Tim es: 8 , 1 0ns ■ Byte W r i t e and Global W r i t e C ap a b ilities ■ Fast OE A cce ss Tim e o f 4ns ■ F lo w t h r o u g h Data Bus (2-1-1 -1 burst)

    OCR Scan
    WPY512K72V-XMDC 512Kx72) 256Kx18 168-pin 512Kx72; 256Kx72 256Kx36. 512KX72 256Kx36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS W PY512K72V-XMDC 4MByte 512Kx72 Flow Through Synchronous SRAM Module A D VAN CED * FEATURES • Fast A c c e s s T im e s : 8, 10ns ■ Byte W r i t e a n d G lo b a l W r i t e C a p a b i lit i e s ■ Fast OE A c c e s s T i m e o f 4 ns

    OCR Scan
    PY512K72V-XMDC 512Kx72) 512Kx72 PDF


    Abstract: CYM9260 CYM9263 PM44 9261
    Text: fax id: 2042 3g~ yr pyprfs^ PRELIMINARY CYM9260 CYM9261A/B CYM9262A/B CYM9263 64K x 72 SRAM 128K x 72 SRAM 256K x 72 SRAM 512K x 72 SRAM Features Module Module Module Module 9262B, 9263 SRAM’s in plastic surface mount packages on an epoxy laminate board with pins. The modules are designed

    OCR Scan
    CYM9260 CYM9261A/B CYM9262A/B CYM9263 18/128K 168-position CYM9260, CYM9261, CYM9262 CYM9263 9261A PM44 9261 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 2042 3g~ yr pyprfs^ PRELIMINARY CYM9260 CYM9261A/B CYM9262A/B CYM9263 64K x 72 SRAM 128K x 72 SRAM 256K x 72 SRAM 512K x 72 SRAM Features • Operates at 50 MHz. • Uses 64K x 1 8 /1 28K x 18 or 256K x 18 high perform ance synchronous SRAMs. • 168-position Angled DIMM from Amp p/n 179508-2

    OCR Scan
    CYM9260 CYM9261A/B CYM9262A/B CYM9263 168-position CYM9260, CYM9262 CYM9263 9262B, 9261A PDF