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    5 LEAD PLASTIC DD PAK JC Search Results

    5 LEAD PLASTIC DD PAK JC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AXL-A Coilcraft Inc Test fixture for axial lead components Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    LPD5030V-154MR Coilcraft Inc Transformer, SMT, RoHS, lead-free, halogen-free Visit Coilcraft Inc
    LPD5030V-333MR Coilcraft Inc Transformer, SMT, RoHS, lead-free, halogen-free Visit Coilcraft Inc
    LPD5030V-682MR Coilcraft Inc Transformer, SMT, RoHS, lead-free, halogen-free Visit Coilcraft Inc
    LPD5030V-224MR Coilcraft Inc Transformer, SMT, RoHS, lead-free, halogen-free Visit Coilcraft Inc

    5 LEAD PLASTIC DD PAK JC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 97458A AUIRF1010Z AUIRF1010ZS AUIRF1010ZL AUTOMOTIVE GRADE Features ● ● ● ● ● ● ● HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance 175°C Operating Temperature Fast Switching Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax

    7458A AUIRF1010Z AUIRF1010ZS AUIRF1010ZL SL5000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r ru v m TECHNOLOGY _ LT1271/LT1269 4A High Efficiency Switching Regulators D C S C R IP T IO n F€RTU R€S The LT 1271 and LT1269 are monolithic high power switching regulators. Identical to the popular LT1070, except for switching frequency LT1271 = 60kHz, LT1269

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    LT1271/LT1269 LT1269 LT1070, LT1271 60kHz, LT1269 100kHz) O-220 T0-220 T0-96, PDF

    1271 regulator

    Abstract: Linear Technology Voltage Regulator Transconductance current source LT1271
    Text: r r ir n _ LT1271/LT1269 m TECHNOLOGY 4A High E fficiency S w itching Regulators D C S C R IP T IO n F€RTU R€S The LT 1271 and LT1269 are monolithic high power switching regulators. Identical to the popular LT1070, except for switching frequency LT1271 = 60kHz, LT1269

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    LT1271/LT1269 LT1269 LT1070, LT1271 60kHz, LT1269 100kHz) LT1171 LT1370 LT1371 1271 regulator Linear Technology Voltage Regulator Transconductance current source LT1271 PDF


    Abstract: l0134 CU904 CASE221D-02
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R 4bE F b3b7aS4 D 0 Ü T3 5 MS 7 IMOTb Order this data sheet by MTA30N05EUD MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer's Data Sheet MTA30N05EL Full Pak Isolated TMOS E-FET High Energy Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate

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    MTA30N05EUD MTA30N05EL CU904 MTP50N05 l0134 CU904 CASE221D-02 PDF


    Abstract: lt 7550
    Text: / T U LT1587-1.5 i m TECHNOLOGY Fixed 1,5V, 3A Low D ropout Fast Response GTL+ R eg ulato r F C f lT U R C S D C S C R IC T IO n • Fast Transient Response ■ Guaranteed Dropout Voltage at Multiple Currents ■ Load Regulation: 0.05% Typ ■ Trimmed Current Limit

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    LT1587-1 LT1085, LTC1430 LTC1472 LT1580 C1213C lt 7550 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rrunm LT1587-1.5 TECHNOLOGY Fixed 1.5V, 3A Low D ro p o u t Fast Response GTL+ R egulator D C S C R IP TIO n F € R T U R € S • Fast Transient Response ■ Guaranteed Dropout Voltage at Multiple Currents ■ Load Regulation: 0.05% Typ ■ Trimmed Current Limit

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    LT1587-1 LT1085, LTC1430 LTC1472 LT1580 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i T u n m _ LT1086 Series TECHNOLOGY 1.5A Low D ro p o u t Positive R egulators A d ju s ta b le a n d Fixed 2.85V 3.3V, 3 .6 V 5V 12V FCRTURCS D C S C R IP TIO n • 3-Terminal Adjustable or Fixed 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 5V, 12V ■ Output Current of 1.5A, 0.5A for LT1086H

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    LT1086 LT1086H) loa-220 O-220 T0-220 T0-96, T0-99, T0-100 T0-101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y j x i y n CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACs The AD7545A/MAX7645 are loaded by a single 12-bit wide word when CS and WR are both low. The CS and WR inputs can be connected low making the input data latches transparent and allowing unbuffered operation of these DACs.

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    12-Bit AD7545A/MAX7645 12-bit AD7545A MAX7645 AD7545 AD75455) PDF

    LT 7228

    Abstract: 7228 sbr6100ctl diodes ibc datasheets MX7228KN icl7660 sunny 24v MX7228 MX7228BQ MX7228KCWG MX7228KP
    Text: > k i y j x i y k i CMOS Octal 8 -B it D /A Converter _ Features M axim 's MX7228 contains e ig h t 8 -b it voltage o u tpu t d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g converters DACs w ith separate in p u t latches and o u tpu t buffers fo r sim ple m icro ­

    OCR Scan
    MX7228 24-Pin LT 7228 7228 sbr6100ctl diodes ibc datasheets MX7228KN icl7660 sunny 24v MX7228BQ MX7228KCWG MX7228KP PDF


    Abstract: AD7228KN AD7228LN AD7228 AD7228KP AD7228CQ AD7228KCWG AD7228LCWG AD7228LP DAC8M
    Text: y k i y j x i y k i CMOS O ctal Q -B it D /A C onverter _ Features M a xim ’s AD7228 contains eig h t 8 -b it voltage o u tp u t d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g co n ve rte rs DACs w ith separate in p u t latches and o u tpu t b u ffers fo r sim ple m icro ­

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    AD7228 POM-D01? AD7228BQ AD7228KN AD7228LN AD7228KP AD7228CQ AD7228KCWG AD7228LCWG AD7228LP DAC8M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > k i y j x i y k i CMOS O ctal 8 -B it D /A C onverter _Features M axim 's MX7228 contains e ig h t 8 -b it voltage o u tpu t d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g converters DACs w ith separate in p u t latches and o u tpu t buffers fo r sim ple m icro ­

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    MX7228 MX7228 MX7228KN PDF

    LT 7228

    Abstract: MX7228KN sunny 24v MX7228 MX7228BQ MX7228KCWG MX7228KP MX7228LCWG MX7228LN MX7228LP
    Text: > k iy j x iy k i CMOS Octal 8 -B it D /A Converter _ Features M axim 's MX7228 contains e ig h t 8 -b it voltage o u tpu t d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g converters DACs w ith separate in p u t latches and o u tpu t buffers fo r sim ple m icro ­

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    MX7228 24-Pin LT 7228 MX7228KN sunny 24v MX7228BQ MX7228KCWG MX7228KP MX7228LCWG MX7228LN MX7228LP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > k iy j x iy k i CMOS Octal 8 -B it D /A Converter _ Features M axim 's MX7228 contains e ig h t 8 -b it voltage o u tpu t d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g converters DACs w ith separate in p u t latches and o u tpu t buffers fo r sim ple m icro ­

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    MX7228 MX7228 MX7228KN PDF


    Abstract: LT1086CT12 LT1086-5 ct LT1086CT5 12V 20A isolated regulators LT1086IT LT1083 CT t039 package transistor pin mount dual 1038 Transistor LT1086-5
    Text: r r w m _ LT1086 Series TECHNOLOGY i,5 A Low D ro p o u t Positive R egulators A d ju s ta b le a n d Fixed 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 5V, 12V KOTURCS D C S C R IP T IO n • 3-Terminal Adjustable or Fixed 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 5V, 12V ■ Output Current of 1.5A, 0.5A for LT1086H

    OCR Scan
    LT1086 LT1086H) O-220 LT1528 LT1587 434-0507-TELEX: 1086fe LT1086H LT1086CT12 LT1086-5 ct LT1086CT5 12V 20A isolated regulators LT1086IT LT1083 CT t039 package transistor pin mount dual 1038 Transistor LT1086-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i T u n m _ LT1086 Series TECHNOLOGY 1.5A Low D ro p o u t Positive R egulators A d ju s ta b le a n d Fixed 2.85V 3.3V, 3 .6 V 5V 12V FCRTURCS D C S C R IP TIO n • 3-Terminal Adjustable or Fixed 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 5V, 12V ■ Output Current of 1.5A, 0.5A for LT1086H

    OCR Scan
    LT1086 T0-220 LT1528 LT1587 1086fe LT1086IT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / H y j x i y n CMOS Octal 8 -B it D /A Converter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Features General Description Maxim’s MX7228 contains eight 8-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converters DACs with separate input latches and output buffers for simple micro­

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    MX7228 24-Pin MX722B PDF


    Abstract: one chip 9381 SSI201 MX7538JN 74HC MX7538 MX7538JCWG MX7538JEWG MX7538JP MX7538KCWG
    Text: JV\Æ XASV\ 19-2307;Rev1;7/95 jjP C om patible CMOS 1 4 -B lt D /A C onverter _Fmaturms The Maxim MX7538 is a high performance m onolithic 14-bit m ultiplying digital-to-analog converter DAC . ♦ 14-Blt Monotonic Over Full Temperature Rang*

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    14-Btt MX7538 14-bit MC6900 one chip 9381 SSI201 MX7538JN 74HC MX7538JCWG MX7538JEWG MX7538JP MX7538KCWG PDF


    Abstract: 8088A 74HC MX7538 MX7538JCWG MX7538JP MX7538KCWG MX7538KN MX7538KP
    Text: /V \JT A \/V \ 19-2307; Rev 1; 7/95 fjP Compatible CM OS 14-Blt D/A Converter _ Fmaturam The Maxim MX7538 is a high performance monolithic 14-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converter DAC . The MX7538 operates with a 14-bit data bus using

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    14-Blt MX7538 14-bit 581mm) MX7538JN 8088A 74HC MX7538JCWG MX7538JP MX7538KCWG MX7538KN MX7538KP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Final Electrical Specifications r r u n m TECHNOLOGY LTC1753 5-Bit P ro g ra m m a b le S ynchronous S w itching R egu lator C o n tro ller for Pentium II Processor S e p te m b e r 1998 K R T U IK S D C S C R IP TIO n • 5-Bit Digitally Programmable 1.3V to 3.5V Fixed

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    LTC1753 LTC1553L LTC1706-19 LTC1435A 1753i PDF


    Abstract: 4SP820M T
    Text: Final E le ctrica l S p e c ific a tio n s r r u n m TECHNOLOGY LTC1753 5-Bit P ro g ra m m a b le S ynchronous S w itching R egu lator C o n tro lle r for Pentium II Processor S e p te m b e r 1998 K R T U IK S D C S C R IP TIO n • 5-Bit Digitally Programmable 1.3V to 3.5V Fixed

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    LTC1753 LTC1435A LTC1553L LTC1435 LTC1148 1753i K2108 4SP820M T PDF


    Abstract: 8086 applications
    Text: 19-0/12. HevO 1/89 y n y j x i > n f iP Com patible 1 4 -B it D /A C o n verter _ General Description _ The M X7536 is a high p e rfo rm a n ce C M O S m o n o lith ic 14-bit d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g co n ve rte r DAC th a t is o p ti­

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    X7536 14-bit 45cC/W D3S60 8086 applications PDF

    LT1587-3.3 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r LT1584/LT1585/LT1587 TECHNOLOGY 7A, 4.6A, 3A Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Regulators Adjustable and Fixed w m . F€fflUR€S D€SCRIPTK>n • Fast Transient Response ■ Guaranteed Dropout Voltage at Multiple Currents The LT 1584/LT1585/LT1587 are low dropout threeterminal regulators with 7A, 4.6A and 3A output current

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    LT1584/LT1585/LT1587 1584/LT1585/LT1587 LT1083/4/5 LT1083/84/85 LT1086 LT1521 300mA 12jaA LT1529 LT1580 LT1587-3.3 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: MAX7645 MX7545 MX7545A MX7545AKCWP MX7545ALCWP MX7545ALN mx7545akewp
    Text: ykiyjxiyki 19-0878: Rev 1; 8/96 CMOS 12-Bit Buffered M ultiplying DACs T he M X7545A and M AX7645, 12-bit C M O S multiplying digital-to-analog converters D AC with internal data latches, are improved versions of the industry stand­ ard MX7545. T h e MX7545A features a 100ns max write

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    12-Bit MX7545A MAX7645, MX7545. 100ns 150ns MAX7645) 16-bit i2048 MAX7645 MX7545 MX7545AKCWP MX7545ALCWP MX7545ALN mx7545akewp PDF

    6p buck

    Abstract: x1la laser flyback converter 3316p diode
    Text: r r i m _ LT1371 m TECHNOLOGY 500kHz High Efficiency 3A Switching Regulator F€RTUR€S D C S C R IP TIO n • Faster Switching with Increased Efficiency ■ Uses Sm all Inductors: 4 .7 |iH The LT 1371 is a monolithic high frequency current mode

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    LT1371 500kHz LT1371 600mA 6p buck x1la laser flyback converter 3316p diode PDF