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    4E752S Search Results

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    Abstract: KS1160 DH 7177 lf324 upd1714 EVAKIT-1700 RN3A
    Text: ~ NE C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl d F | L4275E5 QQ173SÌ. 3 | T~77'0$-0$ V UPD1714G Internal Prescaler, PLL synthesizer, and LCD driver Microcontroller The UPD1714G is a 4-bit CMOS microcontroller with prescaler t hat can input up to 150 MHz, PL L synthesizer, and 1/2 duty, 1/2

    OCR Scan
    QQ173S4. upd1714g UPD1714G 16-bit IEM-1095 -27-HPK KS1160 DH 7177 lf324 upd1714 EVAKIT-1700 RN3A PDF


    Abstract: motor jun tuo 2T825 LM 3177 switching reg stepping motor EM 58b d70433gd d70433 uPD70433 PD70433 TFK 601
    Text: DATA SHEET N E MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT C ¿ ¿ P D 7 4 3 3 V55PI 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The ¿iPD70433 V55P0 is a m icroprocessor in which a 16-bit CPU, RAM, serial interface, parallel interface, A/D converter, tim ers; DMA controller, interrupt controller, etc., are integrated

    OCR Scan
    V55PITM 16-BIT uPD70433 V55P0 V55PI /iPD70320 V25TM V35TM) 15Z1 motor jun tuo 2T825 LM 3177 switching reg stepping motor EM 58b d70433gd d70433 PD70433 TFK 601 PDF

    stepping motor EM 323

    Abstract: PD78213 em 154* "stepping motor" ZPD78213GQ-36 d78214 10000H D7821 PD78212 1NTC0 BT 815 transistor
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD78212, 78213, 78214 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The //PD78212,78213 and 78214 are 78K/H series products. The 78K/II series is an 8-bit single chip microcomputer which can access the memory space o f 1M byte with an external expansion.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78212 uPD78213 uPD78214 //PD78212 78K/H 78K/II PD78214 IEM-1236 iPD78212 stepping motor EM 323 PD78213 em 154* "stepping motor" ZPD78213GQ-36 d78214 10000H D7821 PD78212 1NTC0 BT 815 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C E LECTRONI CS INC • fc.7E D fc.427555 QQ3T5Q3 7 2R * N E C E fiPD78002Y Family pPD78001 BY/002BY/P014Y 8-Bit, K-Series Microcontrollers General Purpose With I2C Bus NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary_ September 1993 Description

    OCR Scan
    fiPD78002Y pPD78001 BY/002BY/P014Y) JUPD78001BY juPD78002BY /JPD78P014Y* jjPD78002Y PD78002 pPD78P014Y /UPD78014Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC l ^ |e = < — l\ llZ Z ^ _ NEC Electronics Inc. b7E D • 1^27525 DDBimfl TDb M N E C E VR4400MC fiPD30412 64-Bit R IS C M icroprocessor: Prim ary/Secondary C ache; M ultiprocessing Preliminary Information_

    OCR Scan
    VR4400MC fiPD30412) 64-Bit VR4400MCâ R4000 VR4400MC VR4400PC1 VR4400SCâ 4400MCâ PDF


    Abstract: synchronous counter and clock generator by 555 ti k4 cdu
    Text: jÜ N E C "ELECTRONICS INC b 45752S 0030iag H • MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿ ¿ P D 9 3 2 5 C C L O C K G EN ER A TO R LSI CKG FOR IM PRO VED D EFIN ITIO N T V D E S C R IP T IO N The p P D 9 3 2 5 C is the clock generator (C K G ) L S I for the improved definition T V (ID T V ). T his L S I generates the clock

    OCR Scan
    45752S 0030iag 100PIN 14X20) 100GF-65-3 M57776 synchronous counter and clock generator by 555 ti k4 cdu PDF


    Abstract: NEC V25 70320 PD70320L PD70320 nec 70320 T7335
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Î/P D 7 0 3 2 0 ,7 0 3 2 0 A V25 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¿PD70320(A) is the product to which more strict quality assurance program than the program with the ¿/PD70320 (Standard) is applied. (This is called the "Special" in the quality grade at NEC).

    OCR Scan
    V25TM 16/8-BIT uPD70320 /PD70320 //PD70320 16-bit tPD7Q320 8/16-bit //PD70108/70116 V20TM/V30TM) MPD70320 NEC V25 70320 PD70320L PD70320 nec 70320 T7335 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET PHOTO DIODE NDL5131P Series 1 300 nm OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS ^30 fim GERMANIUM AVALANCHE PHOTO DIODE MODULE WITH SMF DESCRIPTION NDL5131P Series is a Germanium avalanche photo diode module with singlemode fiber. It is designed for long wavelength transmission systems, and features small dark current and high speed response due to 30 //m detecting

    OCR Scan
    NDL5131P SM-9/125) NDL5131P SM-9/125 NDL5131P1 NDL5131P2 SM-9/125 4E752S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 12 INSTRUCTIONS Table 12-1 Operand Type Identifier reg,reg' reg8 regi 6 mem mem 8 mem 16 mem32 dmem imm imm3 inun4 imm8 imml6 acc sreg src-table src-block dst-block near-proc far-proc near-label short-label far-label Description 8 - or 16-bit general-purpose register

    OCR Scan
    mem32 16-bit 32-bit 256-byte PDF


    Abstract: 2G7 socket RA78K3 78366 uPD78P368A uPD78356 NEC M PD78366A M275E
    Text: • b427S25 00040^3 370 ■ DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPD78363A,78365A,78366A 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION /¿PD78366A is provided with a high-speed, high-performance CPU and powerful operation functions. Unlike the existing /xPD78328, ¿¿PD78366A is also provided with a high-resolution PWM signal output function which substantially

    OCR Scan
    b427S25 uPD78363A uPD78365A uPD78366A 16/8-BIT PD78366A /xPD78328, PD78P368A, IP368 2G7 socket RA78K3 78366 uPD78P368A uPD78356 NEC M M275E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b427525 0042323 TbS » N E C E f MOS INTEGRATED C IR CU IT H / P D 4 2 S 1 6 1 6 L , 4 2 S 1 7 1 6 L , 4 2 S 1 8 1 6 L 16 M BIT D Y N A M IC RAM 3 .3 V FAST PAGE M O D E & BYTE R E A D /W R IT E M O DE -P R E L IM IN A R Y -D ESCRIPTIO N

    OCR Scan
    b427525 PD42S16160L, PD42S17160L /zPD42S18160L P32VF-100-475A PDF

    nec CCD LINEAR SENSOR 22-pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b4a?SSS 0030775 i • t - H-I-s v ■TV.1'*, '»í> ' ' ‘ v . 'dâS^Î^BdàfiSâ^iSfeVteOifizî&inâàiîjilii i n *\ ~ . MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MP D3574 2 592-BIT CCD LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR The ¿¿PD3574 is a 2 592-bit linear image sensor consisting of charge coupled devices CCDs , which convert light to voltage.

    OCR Scan
    D3574 592-BIT uPD3574 296-bit pPD3570D) b427525 T-41-55 nec CCD LINEAR SENSOR 22-pin PDF

    SAS 251 B427

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC JHPD482444, 482445 4M Video RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary Information_ September 1994 Description The pPD482444 fast-page and pPD482445 hyper-page video RAMs have a random access port and a serial read/write port. The serial read/write port is connected

    OCR Scan
    uPD482444 uPD482445 pPD482444 pPD482445 8192-bit 16-bit bM5752S pPD482444, jiPD482444, SAS 251 B427 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI b427S2S 0042010 1GB B N E C E . |\|E C NEC Electronics Inc. A/PD78014 Family |tfPD78011 B/012B/013/014/P014 8 ' Bit»K-Series Microcontrollers General Purpose With A/D Converter September 1993 Description The/¿PD78011B, /JPD78012B, /L/PD78013, //PD78014, and

    OCR Scan
    b427S2S /PD78014 tfPD78011 B/012B/013/014/P014) PD78011B, /JPD78012B, /L/PD78013, //PD78014, pPD78P014 h427525 PDF


    Abstract: P0350 PD50H
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS 7 Y * » e | b457SSS DGlBSSfl 4 INC 980 13558 //PD80C40H/50H, //PP50H HIGH-SPEED, 8-BIT, SINGLE-CHIP c m o s m ic r o c o m p u t e r s NEC Electronics Inc. “7 - ¥ ? w ? ~ o s r Pin Configurations Description

    OCR Scan
    b457SSS uPD80C40H uPD80C50H uPD50H mPD80C50H //PD80C40H/50H, //PP50H 40-Pin P0350 PD50H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿ PD784020, 784021 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The /¿PD784021 is a product of the ¿¿PD784026 sub-series in the 78K/IV series. It contains various peripheral hardware such as RAM, I/O ports, 8-bit resolution A/D and D/A converters, timers, serial interface, and interrupt

    OCR Scan
    PD784020, 16/8-BIT PD784021 PD784026 78K/IV JPD784025 /jPD784026. PD784020 /iPD784021 PDF


    Abstract: 78P312ADW IEM-5086 78P312AGF-3BE MANUAL ANDO AF-9704 EPROM PROGRAMMER 78P312 PD78P312 ANDO AF-9704 EPROM PROGRAMMER Crystal oscillator MEC 12 MHz 64-PIN PLASTIC QFP 14x20
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ j u P D 7 8 P 3 1 2 A 16-/8- BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION ¿ iP D 7 8P 3 12A is a 1 6 -/8 -b it s in g le - c h ip m ic r o c o m p u t e r h a v in g th e s a m e fu n c tio n s a s /iP D 7 8 3 1 2 A , e x c e p t

    OCR Scan
    PD78P312A tPD78P312A 16-/8-bit /iPD78312A, PD78312A IEM-5086 jupp78p312a b427525 d78p312acw 78P312ADW IEM-5086 78P312AGF-3BE MANUAL ANDO AF-9704 EPROM PROGRAMMER 78P312 PD78P312 ANDO AF-9704 EPROM PROGRAMMER Crystal oscillator MEC 12 MHz 64-PIN PLASTIC QFP 14x20 PDF


    Abstract: nec 14t t4 bst 1046 xrba IC-3394 ba6x PD4516421 D4516821 nec 44pin SN1049
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT fd>D4516421, 4516821, 4516161 16M-bit Synchronous DRAM Description The jiPD4516421, 4516821, 4516161 are high-speed 16,777,216-bit synchronous dynam ic random-access memories, organized as 2,097,152x4x2, 1,048,576x8x2 and 524,288x16x2 wordxbitxbank , respectively.

    OCR Scan
    D4516421, 16M-bit uPD4516421 uPD4516821 uPD4516161 216-bit 152x4x2, 288x16x2 44-pin 50-pin D4516821G5-A12 nec 14t t4 bst 1046 xrba IC-3394 ba6x PD4516421 D4516821 nec 44pin SN1049 PDF

    V20 NEC

    Abstract: PD70108 nec v20 PD70108C-8 nec V20 70108 uPD70108 14953 V20 70108 PD72091 stm cl-110
    Text: E C ELECTRONICS 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tô D Ëf| t>427Sa5 O D m ci4E I NC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. 9 8D □ | 14942 ¿/PD70108 V 20 8 /1 6 -B IT HIGH-PERFORM ANCE CMOS M ICRO PRO CESSO R 7 Description The/yPD70108 (V20) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    427Sa5 uPD70108 16-bit The/uPD70108 the//PD8086/8088; /PD70108 /I/PD70108 /PD70116 V20 NEC PD70108 nec v20 PD70108C-8 nec V20 70108 14953 V20 70108 PD72091 stm cl-110 PDF