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    490 ECM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ECM004
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET ECM004 U.S. PCS CDMA 3.5V POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE Description Features The ECM004 is a PCS power amplifier module at 3.5Volts Vcc with high efficiency. This device was developed using EiC’s own InGaP Gallium Arsenide Heterojunction Bipolar

    ECM004 ECM004 AP-000513-000 AP-000516-000 SS-000371-000 315oC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET ECM004 U.S. PCS CDMA 3.5V POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE Description Features The ECM004 is a PCS power amplifier module at 3.5Volts Vcc with high efficiency. This device was developed using EiC’s own InGaP Gallium Arsenide Heterojunction Bipolar

    ECM004 ECM004 AP-000513-000 AP-000516-000 SS-000371-000 PDF


    Abstract: Ferrite Inductor ECM Electronics EC1008 EC1008A-010 EC1008A-012 EC1008A-015 RH20
    Text: ECM 1008 Ceramic / Ferrite Inductor EC1008 Series § § § § § § Standard EIA 1008 package Wire-wound Construction Ceramic Core High ‘Q’ High SRF Typical Reel Size 2000pcs The EC1008 range of chip coils remains the most popular type of 1008 coil . Available with either a

    EC1008 2000pcs 50MHz 25MHZ Ferrite Inductor ECM Electronics EC1008A-010 EC1008A-012 EC1008A-015 RH20 PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?



    Abstract: jd 1803 jd 1803 data jd 1803 19 B EPF8125S BCM5201 jd 1803 4 pin EPG4000S EPA1885-6 EPE6119G
    Text: Networking Contents 10Base-T Networking PCA Part No. OCL µH EPA1829C EPA1990A 200 EPA2013D Turns Ratio Package Style Length Width Height 1:1/1:1 16 Pin DIP 1.00 .400 .350 1:1/1:1 16 Pin DIP 1.00 .280 .300 1:1/1:1 16 Pin DIP 1.00 .280 .310 EPE6009S

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    BLD Amphenol

    Abstract: PEP Modular Computers holit data systems SA14 SA15 SA16 SA17 SA18 vga connector 30 pin lcd DB-9 DB25
    Text: The Company Embedded Computer Module ECM Embedded Computer Boards ECB Customized Embedded Computers CEC Computer Systems Technical 61 CS Information Digital-Logic Solution Guide 2002 Technical Information RS232C Cables PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Cable Serial Adapter Connector: Male 25-Pin D-Sub

    RS232C 25-Pin SE-436 UA-49044 UA-03056 Kiev-56 CH-4542 BLD Amphenol PEP Modular Computers holit data systems SA14 SA15 SA16 SA17 SA18 vga connector 30 pin lcd DB-9 DB25 PDF


    Abstract: PK0406-100 pkb0865 PK0406 PK0810 PK1012 RH20 Radial Bobbin Inductors
    Text: ECM Radial Leaded Inductors PK Series ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Radial Bobbin 7 Standard Core Sizes Fixed Pin Construction Low PCB Area Required Typical Pack Size 2000pcs The PK range of radial peaking coils from ECM are available in many sizes and configurations, the

    2000pcs PK0406 PK0608 3000pcs PK0406 PK0608 150mH PK0810 PK1012 100mH PK0406-100 pkb0865 PK0810 PK1012 RH20 Radial Bobbin Inductors PDF


    Abstract: PK1012-473 PKB0809-223
    Text: ECM Radial Leaded Inductors PK Series § § § § § Radial Bobbin 7 Standard Core Sizes Fixed Pin Construction Low PCB Area Required Typical Pack Size 2000pcs The PK range of radial peaking coils from ECM are available in many sizes and configurations, the details

    2000pcs PK0406 PK0608 3000pcs 150mH PK0810 PK1012 100mH PK0810-332 PK1012-473 PKB0809-223 PDF


    Abstract: PAM 120
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET ECM008 Korean PCS CDMA 3.5V POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE Description Features The ECM008 is a Korean Band Personal Communications Service PCS power amplifier housed in a 6-pin, 6 X 6mm Land Grid Array, surface mounted module. The RF input

    ECM008 ECM008 28dBm SS-000372-000 PAM 120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET ECM008 Korean PCS CDMA 3.5V POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE Description Features The ECM008 is a Korean Band Personal Communications Service PCS power amplifier housed in a 6-pin, 6 X 6mm Land Grid Array, surface mounted module. The RF input

    ECM008 ECM008 28dBm AP-000513-000 AP-000516-000 SS-000372-000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L9914 All silicon voltage regulator Datasheet - production data • Field driver short circuit protection  RVC interface  Overvoltage protection  Complex diagnostics  Load response control – LRC rate 2.5 s L9914A, L9914C – LRC rate 5.0 s (L9914B)

    L9914 L9914A, L9914C) L9914B) L9914 DocID12353 PDF

    NXP PN544 user manual

    Abstract: PN544 user manual NXP PN544 NFC nfc PN544 application note
    Text: NXP NFC controller PN544 for mobile phones and portable equipment Industry-leading, 2nd- generation NFC controller This high-quality, high-performance NFC controller enables a new range of contactless applications for improved on-the-go experiences. It complies with all released NFC and ETSI/SCP SWP and HCI

    PN544 TFBGA64 NXP PN544 user manual PN544 user manual NXP PN544 NFC nfc PN544 application note PDF

    NXP PN544

    Abstract: NXP PN544 user manual NXP PN544 NFC PN544 PN544 user manual nfc PN544 NXP NFC board pn544 HT80C51MX nxp pn544 antenna design PN544 NFC controller
    Text: NXP NFC controller PN544 for mobile phones and portable equipment Industry-leading, 2nd- generation NFC controller This high-quality, high-performance NFC controller enables a new range of contactless applications for improved on-the-go experiences. It complies with all released NFC and ETSI/SCP SWP and HCI

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    Abstract: 2R2 choke MF1302 MF1303 MF1304 MF1501 RH20
    Text: ECM Axial Molded Choke MF Series § § § § High Temperature Tolerance High Solvent Resistance Low EMI Typical Reel Size 1500pcs The MF range of encapsulated axial chokes from ECM have been especifically designed to cope with high current at temperatures up to 125oC, with minimum ppm / oC losses.

    1500pcs 125oC, MIL-STD-202F-213B MF1303 MF1304 MF1501 MF1302 MF1309 MF1309T-822 MF1309T-103 MIL-STD-202F-213B 2R2 choke MF1302 MF1303 MF1304 MF1501 RH20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NXP LO generators TFF11xxxHN, TFF1003HN & TFF1007HN Low-noise LO generators for microwave radios Manufactured in NXP’s breakthrough QUBiC4X SiGe:C process technology, these highly integrated, alignment-free LO generators are low-power, low-spurious solutions that simplify design-in and

    TFF11xxxHN, TFF1003HN TFF1007HN TFF11xxxHN TFF1003HN: TFF1007HN: IESS-308 OT616 PDF


    Abstract: SOT616 TFF1007HN tff1003hn IESS-308 TFF11077HN VCO 24 GHz TFF1006HN QUBiC4X
    Text: NXP LO generators TFF11xxxHN, TFF1003HN, TFF1006HN & TFF1007HN Ultra-low-noise LO generators for microwave radios Manufactured in NXP’s breakthrough QUBiC4X SiGe:C process technology, these highly integrated, alignment-free LO generators are low power consumption and low-spurious solutions that simplify

    TFF11xxxHN, TFF1003HN, TFF1006HN TFF1007HN FF11xxxHN FF1003HN: FF1006HN: FF1007HN: IESS-308F1007HN OT616 TFF1007 SOT616 TFF1007HN tff1003hn IESS-308 TFF11077HN VCO 24 GHz TFF1006HN QUBiC4X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High performance aerospace and defense solutions Introduction NXP Semiconductors has been a trusted source and a leading provider of components to the Aerospace and Defense market for over 30 years. NXP’s components are applied in a wide array of Aerospace and Defense systems including Radar, SDR Software Defined Radio , ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) and

    JESD204A PDF


    Abstract: encoder ROD 431 ASD-BM-50A ASD-A1021-AB ASD-A1521 Delta ac servo motor LG direct drive motor ECM 258 MOTOR ASD-CAEN0000 ASD-CARS0003
    Text: ¿3 DELTA E Ê ^hE U A DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. w w w .d 8 lta .c o m .tw /ln d u s tr la la u to m a tlo n IA B U H e a d q u a r te r s D e lta E le c tro n ic s , Inc. T ao yuanl 31-1, X ingbang Road, G uishan Industrial Zone, Taoyuan C ounty 33370, Taiwan, R.O.C.

    OCR Scan
    BB6-3-362-7267 2-1-14sions ASD-A0721 ASD-A1021-AB ASD-A1521 ASD-A2023 ASD-A3023 ASD-A0421 encoder ROD 431 ASD-BM-50A ASD-A1021-AB Delta ac servo motor LG direct drive motor ECM 258 MOTOR ASD-CAEN0000 ASD-CARS0003 PDF


    Abstract: ASD-B0721-A 2KW DC motor 24V ASD-B0221-A Delta ac servo motor ECMA-C30807 ASD-B0121-A AC3101 ASDBCAEN0005 ASD-B0221
    Text: DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. w w w .d e lta .c o m .tw /ln d u s tr la la u to m a tlo n IA B U H e a d q u a r te r s Delta E lectronics, Inc. Taoyuanl 3 1 -1 , X in g b a n g R o a d , G u is h a n In d u s tr ia l Z o n e , T a o y u a n C o u n ty 3 3 3 7 0 , T a iw a n , R .O .C .

    OCR Scan
    ASD-B0121 ASD-B0221 ASD-B0421 ASD-B0721 VPT5T71 ASD-B0421-A ASD-B0721-A 2KW DC motor 24V ASD-B0221-A Delta ac servo motor ECMA-C30807 ASD-B0121-A AC3101 ASDBCAEN0005 PDF


    Abstract: C4201H00-2 ASD-CNSC0050 ASD-A0421 resistencia 220 Ohm ASD-ABEN0000 ASD-CARS0003 ECMA-C30401 ECMA-E31310 ASD-A2023-AB
    Text: DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. w w w .d e lta .c o m .tw /in d u s tria la u to m a tio n IA B U H e a d q u a rte rs Delta Electronics, Inc. Taoyuanl 31-1, Xingbang Road, Guishan Industrial Zone, Taoyuan County 33370, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-362-7267

    OCR Scan
    86-512-6340-3008/FAX: 021-58635678/FAX: 2-1-14aai ASD-A2023 ASD-A0421-AB C4201H00-2 ASD-CNSC0050 ASD-A0421 resistencia 220 Ohm ASD-ABEN0000 ASD-CARS0003 ECMA-C30401 ECMA-E31310 ASD-A2023-AB PDF


    Abstract: DVP28SV11T ASD-CARS0003 ASD-ABEN0005 encoder for PLC DELTA ASD-ABEN0003 34703237XX Delta ac servo motor ASD-ABPW0005 c10602
    Text: iá k fc E L T il DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. w w w .d e lta .c o m .tw /ln d u s tr la la u to m a tlo n IA B U H e a d q u a r te r s Delta E lectronics, Inc. Tao yuanl 31-1, X ingbang Road, G uishan Industrial Zone, Taoyuan C o unty 33370, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886 -3-362-726 7

    OCR Scan
    EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-8 EN61000-4-5 EN550011 2006/95/EC 2004/108/EC. IEC/EN50178, ASD-A2-0421 DVP28SV11T ASD-CARS0003 ASD-ABEN0005 encoder for PLC DELTA ASD-ABEN0003 34703237XX Delta ac servo motor ASD-ABPW0005 c10602 PDF


    Abstract: imt 9010 microwave associates isolator ferrite TRANSISTOR D1959 Schematic diagram of DRO attenuator 329-6-80 general microwave F9120 ups PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram F9120AH M862B
    Text: GENERAL ¥ ] MICROWAVE FULL LI NE C A T A L O G C O M P O N E N T S AND I N S T R U M E N T S Ordering Information 1. Please order by model number, option number where applicable , and product name. Telephone orders for standard catalog products will be accepted and

    OCR Scan
    S-162 H9130H imt 9010 microwave associates isolator ferrite TRANSISTOR D1959 Schematic diagram of DRO attenuator 329-6-80 general microwave F9120 ups PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram F9120AH M862B PDF


    Abstract: CM06FD F0131 DM15 equivalent fd111 CM12FD303JP3 E0360 ec680 dm15 capacitor F9214
    Text: Dipped Mica Capacitors Part Number Construction DM 15 Type1 Size2 6. 510 TR Capacitance3 Packaging6 Tolerance4 Type: DM Size: 05; 10; 15; 19; 20; 30 Capacitance: The first two digits are significant, the last digit indicates the number of zeros. Tolerance: D=±0.5pF; E=±'A%; F=±1%;

    OCR Scan
    50VDC FD261 CM06FD F0131 DM15 equivalent fd111 CM12FD303JP3 E0360 ec680 dm15 capacitor F9214 PDF


    Abstract: DVP28SV11T TAP-CB04 ASD-BM-50A servo motor AL 85 SEN0003 ecma-c10604 ES ASD-A2-0421 S512 ASD-CARS0003
    Text: JO .fŒ LT/1 DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. w w w .d e lta .c o m .tw /ln d u s tr la la u to m a tlo n lA B U H e a d q u a r te r s D e l t a E l e c t r o n i c s , In c . Taoyuanl 3 1 - 1 , X in g b a n g R o a d , G u is h a n In d u s tr ia i Z o n e , T a o y u a n C o u n t y 3 3 3 7 0 , T a iw a n , R .O .C .

    OCR Scan
    EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-8 EN61000-4-5 EN550011 2006/95/EC 2004/108/EC. IEC/EN50178JEC/EN600028-2-27 IEC/EN50178. IEC/EN600028-2-27. ECMA-C10604 DVP28SV11T TAP-CB04 ASD-BM-50A servo motor AL 85 SEN0003 ecma-c10604 ES ASD-A2-0421 S512 ASD-CARS0003 PDF