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    Wakefield-Vette 433K

    Heat Sink Passive TO-3 Stud Mount Aluminum Alloy 0.28°C/W Black Anodized
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy 433K 56
    • 1 $29.33
    • 10 $27.56
    • 100 $19.46
    • 1000 $17.26
    • 10000 $17.26
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    433K U Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ltp: - version 1.0 09.02.2001 VI TELEFILTER Application Note TFS 433K 1/1



    Abstract: 433K A
    Text: Ltp: -09.02.2001 version 1.0 _ VI TELEFILTER Application Note TFS 433K 1/1

    598E-Mail: 433k 433K A PDF

    lm 3178

    Abstract: 433k 02A4 A02A dxo-1 ba 4818 fm TBA 315 kd 617
    Text: 7591 -HOA06DD0K. 0BA=;=A8C4 ?4:0E 5JGTURJS z 48? jn`kZ_`e^ ZXgXY`c`kp z QlYd`e`Xkli\/ jkXe[Xi[ NA@ cXpflk z 4 Dfid ? , 4 Dfid A ZfekXZk XiiXe^\d\ek z UXj_ k`^_k Xe[ Dclo giff]\[ kpg\j XmX`cXYc\ z PfFQ , CJT Zfdgc`Xek AWQLHGM 0QQMLHGTLPOS ?ek`0k_\]k cfZb/ A\ekiXc [ffi cfZb

    -HOA06DD0K. 583dT 63TBA 418dd 4t438 lm 3178 433k 02A4 A02A dxo-1 ba 4818 fm TBA 315 kd 617 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Table Top Rack Cabinets Heavy Duty - Ventilated RCHV Series Path: Home > Rack Index > Table Top Racks - Ventilated (RCHV Series) Features: z z z z click to enlarge z z z z z z z z z z Heavy duty, 16-gauge steel, 19” rack mount - table top cabinet. Ventilated on both sides & optimized per size to allow

    16-gauge 14ves PDF


    Abstract: Wakefield Engineering eX 433 Wakefield 537-95ab 435AAAA wakefield 1244 Heatsinks 302M 303M 435aA
    Text: Extruded Heat Sinks EXTRUDED HEAT SINKS FOR POWER SEMICONDUCTORS 621/623 SERIES Footprint Dimensions in. mm Height in. (mm) Mounting Hole Pattern 4.750 (120.6) x 1.500 (38.1) 4.750 (120.6) x 1.500 (38.1) 4.750 (120.6) x 3.000 (76.2) 4.750 (120.6) x 3.000 (76.2)

    O-220 O-218 MM486 Wakefield Engineering eX 433 Wakefield 537-95ab 435AAAA wakefield 1244 Heatsinks 302M 303M 435aA PDF

    wakefield 1371

    Abstract: wakefield extrusion 1371 MM486 106 35K 528 rectifier 6u s4 302M 303M 392-180AG wakefield 1244 Wakefield 641A
    Text: Extruded Heat Sinks EXTRUDED HEAT SINKS FOR POWER SEMICONDUCTORS 621 AND 623 SERIES Standard P/N 621A 621K 623A 623K Low-Profile Heat Sinks for All Metal-Case Power Semiconductors Footprint Dimensions in. mm Height in. (mm) Mounting Hole Pattern 4.750 (120.6) x 1.500 (38.1)



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WTS001_p26-49 6/14/07 10:56 AM Page 45 Extruded Heat Sinks EXTRUDED HEAT SINKS FOR POWER SEMICONDUCTORS 621/623 SERIES Footprint Dimensions in. mm Height in. (mm) Mounting Hole Pattern 4.750 (120.6) x 1.500 (38.1) 4.750 (120.6) x 1.500 (38.1) 4.750 (120.6) x 3.000 (76.2)

    WTS001 p26-49 392-120AB 392-120AG 392-180AB 392-180AG 392-300AB 392-300AG PDF

    BlueGiga 2022-1

    Abstract: Bluelab SDK casira csr casira iWRAP CSR BLUECORE VIRTUAL MACHINE 2022-1-B2B bluetooth transmitter receiver circuit diagram CSR BLUECORE at command bluegiga
    Text: WRAP THOR 2022-1 D a t a S h e e t V e r s i o n M o n d a y , 2 . 0 J u n e 0 6 , 2 0 0 5 Copyright 2000-2005 Bluegiga Technologies All rights reserved. Bluegiga Technologies assumes no responsibility for any errors, which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, Bluegiga Technologies reserves the right to alter the hardware,

    O2630 BlueGiga 2022-1 Bluelab SDK casira csr casira iWRAP CSR BLUECORE VIRTUAL MACHINE 2022-1-B2B bluetooth transmitter receiver circuit diagram CSR BLUECORE at command bluegiga PDF


    Abstract: MB15H121 S29GL064N90 s29gl256p90 S29GL01GP13 S29GL128P90 MB86A20 S29AL008J55 S29AL016J55 s29gl128p11
    Text: 1 ページ 2007年5月10日 木曜日 午前11時29分 For further information please contact: Japan FUJITSU LIMITED Electronic Devices Business Unit Shinjuku Dai-Ichi Seimei Bldg. 7-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku,

    covPG00-00071e PG00-00071-2E s29gl032n90 MB15H121 S29GL064N90 s29gl256p90 S29GL01GP13 S29GL128P90 MB86A20 S29AL008J55 S29AL016J55 s29gl128p11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCT GUIDE 2009.10 Product Guide [ ASSP•Memory•ASIC ] PG00-00091-3E Technical Documentation of Electronic Devices DATA BOOK PRODUCT GUIDE DVD (GENERAL) DATA SHEET MANUAL FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET Semiconductor Data Book

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    85713 B

    Abstract: cir 2272 2N3456 nf 922 disadvantages of Single-Slope 022d 2N3456 transistor 85713 LM134 334 AN611
    Text: M AN611 Resistance and Capacitance Meter Using a PIC16C622 Author: This family of devices also introduce on-chip brown-out reset circuitry and a filter on the reset input MCLR to the PIC16CXXX mid-range microcontrollers. Brown-out Reset holds the device in reset while VDD is below the

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    nf 922

    Abstract: 1E86 2N3456 equivalent 2N3456 transistor 2N3456 2N3456 2n2219 FLUKE 79 -3 -3001 royal ohm chip resistor 0603 LM134 334 cm 0565
    Text: AN611 Resistance and Capacitance Meter Using a PIC16C622 Author: This family of devices also introduce on-chip brown-out detect circuitry and a filter on the reset input MCLR to the PIC16CXX mid-range microcontrollers. Brown-out Detect holds the device in reset while VDD is below the

    AN611 PIC16C622 PIC16CXX PIC16C62X DS00611A-page nf 922 1E86 2N3456 equivalent 2N3456 transistor 2N3456 2N3456 2n2219 FLUKE 79 -3 -3001 royal ohm chip resistor 0603 LM134 334 cm 0565 PDF

    capacitor 391k

    Abstract: GSP 2e ASY 22 SERVO flowchart 10K22 S1L9226 capacitor 106 35K LD 8105 S1L9226X01 S1L9226X
    Text: PRELIMINARY RF AMP & SERVO SIGNAL PROCESSOR S1L9226X INTRODUCTION 48-LQFP-0707 As a pre-signal & servo signal processor for the DISC-MAN, S1L9226X is a low voltage, low consumption current IC that can read CD-RW, and CD-R discs and can be applied to various products, such as the CDP/VCD/CDMP3 for the DISC-MAN. It is a hard-wired free-adjustment servo, which

    S1L9226X 48-LQFP-0707 S1L9226X capacitor 391k GSP 2e ASY 22 SERVO flowchart 10K22 S1L9226 capacitor 106 35K LD 8105 S1L9226X01 PDF

    mlt 22

    Abstract: apc es 525 circuit focus servo capacitor 106 35K CD Pick-Up head servo amp 811b tzc 500 32 resistance 8002 op amp ic 433k laser diode vcd
    Text: RF AMP & SERVO SIGNAL PROCESSOR S1L9225X INTRODUCTION 64-LQFP-1010 As a pre-signal & servo signal processor for the DISC-MAN, S1L9225X is a low voltage, low consumption current IC that can read CD-RW, and CD-R discs and can be applied to various products, such as the CDP/VCD/CD-MP3 for the

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    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
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    OCR Scan
    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF


    Abstract: 2T602 2T907A KT604 1HT251 1T813 2t903 KT920A PO6 115.05 KT117
    Text: nojiyriPOBOflHHKOBblE nPHBOPbl: TpaH3HCTOpbI CnpaBOHHHK rioa oGmea peaaKUHen H. H. TOPIOHOBA EB MOCKBA 3HEPrOATOMH3AAT 1983 BEK 32.852 n 53 y ^ K . 621.282.3 035 P e n e H 3 e H T b i : E. 14. KpbiJioB, B. B. I1aB;ioB AB T o p b i : B. Jl. ApoHOB, A. B. E bkikob, A. A. 3aiineB,

    OCR Scan
    T-0574D. 30Eiaa Coi03nojiH 2T908A 2T602 2T907A KT604 1HT251 1T813 2t903 KT920A PO6 115.05 KT117 PDF