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    4203 IDT Search Results

    4203 IDT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    82V3380APFG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet IDT WAN PLL™ Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    82V3399BNLG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet IDT WAN PLL™ Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    82V3380AEQG Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet IDT WAN PLL™ Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    82V3399BNLG Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet IDT WAN PLL™ Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    82V3390BEQG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Synchronous Ethernet IDT WAN PLL™ Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    4203 IDT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIL-PRF-38534 CERTIFIED M.S.KENNEDY CORP. 75 VOLT 10 AMP H-BRIDGE PWM MOTOR DRIVER/AMPLIFIER 4 7 0 7 Dey Road Liverpool, N.Y. 1 3 0 8 8 4203 3 1 5 7 0 1-6 7 5 1 FEATURES: 7 5 V olt, 1 0 A mp C apability Self-Contained Smart Lo w side/Highside Drive Circuitry

    IL-PRF-38534 PDF


    Abstract: GC2011 GC4114 QS3357 Graychip GC2011
    Text: SLWA018 APPLICATION NOTE GC2011-AN9804 Upconverting Signals With The GC2011 For Easier Digital To Analog Conversion December 20, 1998 Revision 0.0 This application note describes how signals sampled at a rate of Fin and centered from 0 to Fin/2 can be upconverted to be centered from Fin/4 to 3Fin/4 and output

    SLWA018 GC2011-AN9804 GC2011 GC4114 15MHz BI10 QS3357 Graychip GC2011 PDF


    Abstract: GC2011 Graychip GC2011 BI10 GC4114 GC2011-AN9804 QS3357
    Text: SLWA018 APPLICATION NOTE GC2011-AN9804 Upconverting Signals With The GC2011 For Easier Digital To Analog Conversion December 20, 1998 Revision 0.0 This application note describes how signals sampled at a rate of Fin and centered from 0 to Fin/2 can be upconverted to be centered from Fin/4 to 3Fin/4 and output

    SLWA018 GC2011-AN9804 GC2011 GC4114 15MHz Graychip Graychip GC2011 BI10 GC2011-AN9804 QS3357 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF2365 Preliminary             • DCS GSM • 2.4GHz Systems • PCS CDMA • General Purpose Amplification • PCS TDMA • Commercial and Consumer Systems     4 .004 .000 .020 .014 .122 .106 1 .083 .067 .118 .102

    RF2365 RF2365 OT23-5 PDF

    Burr-Brown 4203

    Abstract: Burr-Brown 4205 burr-brown Model 4203

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM11M1640L 1M X 64 DRAM MODULE Features • 168 Pin JEDEC Standard, 8 Byte Dual In-line Memory Module • Optimized for byte-write non-parity applications • System Performance Benefits: -Buffered inputs except RAS, Data -Reduced noise (32 VSsA /cc P^s)

    OCR Scan
    IBM11M1640L 110ns 130ns PDF

    DM 4203

    Abstract: ns 4203
    Text: s z JO I. 0 ß E d 9 6 /2 1- pssjAay f0 "£ I-VS SOSt'HOS ;u0 ujnoop s|L|; jo pu0 0 4 ; ;e suoiswoja 0 4 ; o; poiqns j 0 i|ijn|. s| 0 sn P0/U0S0J sm&j uv uo^EJodjoQ iMai S 3 1- VZY U7 Ot? 991 *8 S6 H. n n iin n n n n n n ^ O t?6 H S8 I- (>|OBg ( lu o jj)

    OCR Scan
    90UELUJ0jJ9d d-891. DM 4203 ns 4203 PDF


    Abstract: ns 4203 AX4202 X4202 s 4200E
    Text: >kiyixi>ki 19-1338; Rev 1; 10/98 U l t r a - H i g h - S p e e d , L o w -Noi se, Low -Pow er, S O T 2 3 O p e n - L o o p Buf f er s _ F e a t u r e s ♦ 2.2mA Supply Current The MAX4200-MAX4205 use a proprietary architecture to achieve up to 780M H z -3dB b a n d w id th , 280M H z

    OCR Scan
    780MHz MAX4201/MAX4202) 280MHz MAX4200/MAX4203) AX4200-M AX4205 x4202 ns 4203 AX4202 X4202 s 4200E PDF

    hp 5082 4204 pin photodiode

    Abstract: HP 5082-4220 HP 5082-4203 5082-4207 5082-4220 hp pin diode 5082-4200 series 5082-4204 HP 4220 pin photodiode HP 5082 4207 HP 5082-4207
    Text: Ü3 HEWLETT-PACKARD-. CMPNTS 4 4 4 7 5 8 4 H E W L E T T - P AC KA RD . m ^^4447504 8 3 D 0 4 41 8 C M PNTS HEW LETT PACKARD DDOMMlö S D f ' <J{ -_£l PIN PHOTODIODES 5082-4200 SERIES TECHNICAL DATA Features JANUARY 1986 Active area: 1mm Dlam 5082-42071 T a|

    OCR Scan
    5082-4204J L5082-4220 T0-46) 25fim 400nm 400nm, 300ns. hp 5082 4204 pin photodiode HP 5082-4220 HP 5082-4203 5082-4207 5082-4220 hp pin diode 5082-4200 series 5082-4204 HP 4220 pin photodiode HP 5082 4207 HP 5082-4207 PDF


    Abstract: MM4028A MM4208 MM4208A MM4209A MSD6100
    Text: MM4208, MM4028A, MM4209, MM4209A continued E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S <TA = 25 °C unless otherwise noted) _ . . Ch*ract*ri*tic . - Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OFF C H A R A C TER ISTIC S Co'lsctof.Emitter Breakdown V o ltage^ I dC • 3.0 mAdc, lg • 0

    OCR Scan
    MM4208, MM4028A, MM4209, MM4209A MM4203 MM4209 MM4208A MM4209A MM4208 MM4028A MSD6100 PDF


    Abstract: njm4558a equivalent integrated njm4556a
    Text: NJM4556A DUAL HIGH CURRENT OPERATIONAL AM PLIFIER • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE The N JM 4556A integrated circuit is a high-gain, high output current dual operational amplifier capable of driving ± 70m A into 150 n loads ± 10.5V output voltage , and operating low supply voltage

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    NJM4556A NJM4556A NJM4558 NJM4558AD NJM4558AD njm4558a equivalent integrated njm4556a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Na t i o n a l May 1996 Sem iconductor" NDS9955 Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology.

    OCR Scan
    NDS9955 bSD1130 NDS9955 PDF


    Abstract: ns 4203 74F299
    Text: 299 54F/74F299 C onnection Diagrams 8-lnput Universal S hift/S torage Register W ith Com m on Parallel I/O Pins 20I Vcc s o [T 0 I1 [7 751 si Description 0E2 [3 Til ds7 The ’F299 is an 8-bit universal shift/sto rag e reg ister w ith 3-state outputs. F our m odes o f operation are possible: hold store , s h ift left, s h ift right

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F299 54F/74F F299 ns 4203 74F299 PDF


    Abstract: MM4028A MM4208 MM4209 MM4209A MM4028
    Text: MM4208, MM4208A SILICON MM4209, MM4209A PNP SILICON SWITCHING TRANSISTORS PNR SILICON ANNULAR TRANSISTORS . . . designed fo r applications requiring very high-speed switching at low voltage fo r com puter logic circuits. Fast Switching Tim es - @ l c * 5 0 m Adc

    OCR Scan
    MM4208, MM4208A MM4209, MM4209A MM4208 MM4209 MM4208A MM4209A Ta-25Â 50mAdc. MM4028A MM4209 MM4028 PDF

    LA 5530

    Abstract: la 5531 SP353 4201 display pin diagram 4030
    Text: W fipl HEW LETT m L ftm P A C K A R D Seven Segm ent Displays for High Light Ambient Conditions Technical Data HDSP-3530/-3730/-5530/ -3900 Series HDSP-4030/-4130/-5730/ -4200 Series Features Description • High Light Output The HDSP-3530/-3730/-5530/ -3900 and HDSP-4030/-4130/

    OCR Scan
    HDSP-3530/-3730/-5530/ HDSP-4030/-4130/-5730/ HDSP-4030/-4130/ mm/14 mm/20 HDSP-4030 LA 5530 la 5531 SP353 4201 display pin diagram 4030 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S3 CD22101, CD22102 CMOS 4 x 4 x 2 Crosspoint Switch with Control Memory J a n u a ry 1997 Features Description 75£i Typ at Vpp = 12V • "Built - In” Latched Inputs • Large Analog Signal Capability. i^oc/2 • Switch Bandw

    OCR Scan
    CD22101, CD22102 PDF


    Abstract: LS-168a LS168A 74LS168AN 54LS169A 74LS168A 74LS169A DM74LS168A 74ls* Ripple Carry Binary Counter
    Text: DM54LS168A/DM74LS168A National Semiconductor DM54LS168A/DM74LS168A, DM54LS169A/DM74LS169A Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Counters General Description These synchronous presettable counters feature an inter­ nal carry look-ahead for cascading in high-speed counting

    OCR Scan
    DM54LS168A/DM74LS168A, DM54LS169A/DM74LS169A LS169A 74ls169an LS-168a LS168A 74LS168AN 54LS169A 74LS168A 74LS169A DM74LS168A 74ls* Ripple Carry Binary Counter PDF


    Abstract: LS196 LS197
    Text: <8> MOTOROLA SN54LS/74LS196 SN54LS/74LS197 DESCRIPTION - The SN54LS/74LS196 decade counter is partitioned into divide-by-two and divide-by-five sections which can be combined to count either in BCD 8 .4,2,1} sequence or in a bi-quinary mode producing a 50% duty cycle output. The SN54LS/74LS197

    OCR Scan
    SN54LS/74LS196 SN54LS/74LS197 modulo-16 54LS/74LS196 74LS196 LS196 LS197 PDF

    irf*234 n

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 40E » • 430 2 2 7 1 GOBM'RQH b « H A S 33 HARRIS IR F234, IRF235 IR F236, IR F237 August 1991 N-Channel Power MOSFETs Avalanche-Energy Rated l\ Features Package T 0 -2 0 4 A A • 8.1A and 6 .SA, 2 7 5 V - 2 5 0V • rD S o n =

    OCR Scan
    IRF235 IRF234, IRF235, IRF236, IRF237 RF234, irf*234 n PDF

    12v 10A electronic transformer

    Abstract: ER 35 e transformer 4616-00 transformer IP20 lm 338 h EN61047
    Text: terminated electronic transformers E L E C T R O N IC T R A N S F O R M E R In sta lla tio n le a fle t C€ 0 W # @ RANGE: 50V A - 60V A - 80VA 105VA -150VA - 210VA in sta C C a tio n Check suitability of intended transformer position, free of any insulating material, where the ambient

    OCR Scan
    105VA -150VA 210VA 230/12V 210VA) H03VVH2-F 2192Y EN60147 20-60VA 12v 10A electronic transformer ER 35 e transformer 4616-00 transformer IP20 lm 338 h EN61047 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD22101, CD22102 Semiconductor OBSOLETE Ï’^PLACEM EN'T l CMOS 4 x 4 x 2 Crosspoint Switch NO RECOMMENDED 1.80o-442-7747 with Control Memory February 1999 Ca i,C enW lfeP P ^^p@ harris:c ^ - _ Features1 Description • Low ON Resistance. 75£2 Typ at VDD = 12V

    OCR Scan
    CD22101, CD22102 CD22101 CD22102 16-line 77VRMS 1XKA PDF


    Abstract: 9614D 9614DM 9614X 1n3h
    Text: Am9614 Dual Differential Line Driver Distinctive Characteristics • Dual d iffe re n tia l line driver w ith com plem entary o u t­ puts • Single 5-vo lt supply • D T L, T T L com patible • S ho rt-circuit protected outputs • Able to drive 50f2 term inated transmission lines

    OCR Scan
    Am9614 AM9614 9614D 9614DM 9614X 1n3h PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: |V M = R O N 2 MEG □RAM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MODULE •■ ■ V W w U MT24D236 36, 4 MEG x 18 DRAM M ODULE X 2 MEG x 36’ 4 MEG x 18 FAST-PAGE-MODE MT24D236 LOW POWER, P EXTENDED Y T P M n r n RREFRESH F (MT24D236 L) ^ FEATURES • Industry-standard p in o u t in a 72-pin single-in-line

    OCR Scan
    MT24D236 MT24D236) 72-pin 024-cycle 128ms T24D236 PDF


    Abstract: PT 4207 MCP-0101-5-12 EJ34 HNCP10 DSP-0770
    Text: HEXADECIMAL AND NUMERIC DISPLAYS FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS HIGH EFFICIENCY RED LOW Power High Brightness YELLOW GREEN HDSP-0760/0761/0762/0763 HDSP-0770/0771/0772/077J HDSP-0860/0861 /0862/0863 HDSP-0960/0961 /0962/0963 Features • TH R E E CO LO R S H igh-Efficiency Red

    OCR Scan
    HDSP-0760/0761/0762/0763 HDSP-0770/0771/0772/077J HDSP-0860/0861 HDSP-0960/0961 SP-0770 PT 4207 MCP-0101-5-12 EJ34 HNCP10 DSP-0770 PDF