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    Abstract: clcc44 SO53 material declaration semiconductor package FDIP28 schottky diode sb 5400 CLCC68 CLCC52 smd transistor marking 7622 DIP40 weight

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    Westinghouse SCR handbook

    Abstract: General electric SCR SCR Applications Handbook General electric SCR manual "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th SCR Handbook, rca INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER scr WESTINGHOUSE scr rca thyristor manual voltrap
    Text: Introduction to Solid State Power Electronics Editor: John William Motto, Jr. Semiconductor Division Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 Acknowledgement February 1977 The material for this updated text was originally written by Dr. William E. Newell, a noted authority


    UJT 2N2646 specification

    Abstract: GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual Triac motor speed control UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS marking dp U1 sot363 UJT pin identification TO-220 MOS UJT 2N2646 DO41 PACKAGE diode marking S6 sine wave UPS inverter circuit diagram
    Text: 1N6373 - 1N6381 Series ICTE-5 - ICTE-36, MPTE-5 - MPTE-45 1500 Watt Peak Power Mosorb Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors Unidirectional* Mosorb devices are designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high–energy transients. They have

    1N6373 1N6381 ICTE-36, MPTE-45) UJT 2N2646 specification GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual Triac motor speed control UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS marking dp U1 sot363 UJT pin identification TO-220 MOS UJT 2N2646 DO41 PACKAGE diode marking S6 sine wave UPS inverter circuit diagram PDF

    UJT 2N2646

    Abstract: UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS UJT pin diagram 2N2646 UJT 2N2646 specification diode zener BZX 61 C 10 UJT 2N2646 PIN VIEW pin diagram of UJT-2N2646 varistor pdz 320 BZX 460 zener diode 1N4742A 12 volt zener diode
    Text: BZX85C3V3RL Series 1 Watt DO-41 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators This is a complete series of 1 Watt Zener diodes with limits and excellent operating characteristics that reflect the superior capabilities of silicon–oxide passivated junctions. All this in an axial–lead

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    UJT 2N2646 specification

    Abstract: UJT 2N2646 5000 watts PURE SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS Diode SOT-23 marking 15d UJT 2N2646 ratings 10kw inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR ge digital energy match ups 2-GND MARKING QV sot23
    Text: 1SMA5.0AT3 Series 400 Watt Peak Power Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors Unidirectional* The SMA series is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high energy transients. They have excellent clamping capability, high surge capability, low zener


    GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual

    Abstract: diode 930 6V8A 2n2646 practical application circuits UJT 2N2646 Transient Voltage Suppression Manual Bidirectional Diode Thyristors 1.5ke 30A Zener Diode SOD323 pdz 4 .7b 919b diode varistor SVC 471 14 melf diode marking code
    Text: DL150/D Rev. 2, May-2001 TVS/Zener Device Data PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION NORTH AMERICA Literature Fulfillment: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 Toll Free USA/Canada

    DL150/D May-2001 no422-3781 r14525 DL150/D GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual diode 930 6V8A 2n2646 practical application circuits UJT 2N2646 Transient Voltage Suppression Manual Bidirectional Diode Thyristors 1.5ke 30A Zener Diode SOD323 pdz 4 .7b 919b diode varistor SVC 471 14 melf diode marking code PDF


    Abstract: UJT-2N2646 1N5844 transistor GDV 64A motorola diode marking 925b Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 1N4042A Motorola 1n4504 1N5856B 1n5844 diode
    Text: Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data Alphanumeric Index of Part Numbers 1 Cross Reference and Index 2 Selector Guide for Transient Voltage Suppressors and Zener Diodes 3 Transient Voltage Suppressors Axial Leaded Data Sheets 4 Transient Voltage Suppressors Surface Mounted Data Sheets


    orient 817b

    Abstract: UJT-2N2646 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS L 1011 817B CI 817b MDA2500 UJT 2N2646 Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 2N2646 pin diagram diode 913b
    Text: DL150/D Rev. 2, May-2001 TVS/Zener Device Data PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION NORTH AMERICA Literature Fulfillment: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 Toll Free USA/Canada

    DL150/D May-2001 r14525 DLD601 orient 817b UJT-2N2646 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS L 1011 817B CI 817b MDA2500 UJT 2N2646 Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 2N2646 pin diagram diode 913b PDF

    relay 12 volts ras 1210

    Abstract: GE-MOV 275L40B MOV GE V150 LA10 275l40b Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 hahn transformer VDE 0551 ge 130l10 c106d spice HARRIS V481DB40 G1 capacitor 275L20
    Text: $5.00 Technical Assistance Transient Voltage Suppression Technical Assistance Electronic Technical Support Ask our experienced staff of engineers for assistance with: Electronic services from Littelfuse offer you the most current information possible. • Device Selection


    TRIAC zo 607 MA

    Abstract: ZO 607 TRIAC Westinghouse SCR handbook tl-130 transformer BRX49 equivalent 800w class d circuit diagram schematics triac MAC 97 AB triac MAC 97 A6 ZO 103 TRIAC 1N5760
    Text: DL137/D Rev. 7, May-2000 Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers ON Semiconductor Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers DL137/D Rev. 7, May–2000  SCILLC, 2000 Previous Edition  1995 “All Rights Reserved’’

    DL137/D May-2000 r14525 TRIAC zo 607 MA ZO 607 TRIAC Westinghouse SCR handbook tl-130 transformer BRX49 equivalent 800w class d circuit diagram schematics triac MAC 97 AB triac MAC 97 A6 ZO 103 TRIAC 1N5760 PDF

    triac with snubber

    Abstract: RF transistor W2W TRIAC RCA Westinghouse SCR handbook BATTERY CHARGER SCR ZO 607 TRIAC 11Z13 TRIAC zo 607 MA AC 220v fan motor speed control triac bt136 220v dimmer light bt139
    Text: DL137/D Rev. 7, May-2000 Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers ON Semiconductor Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers DL137/D Rev. 7, May–2000  SCILLC, 2000 Previous Edition  1995 “All Rights Reserved’’

    DL137/D May-2000 r14525 DL137/D triac with snubber RF transistor W2W TRIAC RCA Westinghouse SCR handbook BATTERY CHARGER SCR ZO 607 TRIAC 11Z13 TRIAC zo 607 MA AC 220v fan motor speed control triac bt136 220v dimmer light bt139 PDF

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    Abstract: 3302 81A ir 3302 81A alcan joint compound snapdragon AKO 546 687 burglar alarm system abstract walkie talkie circuit diagram ZENER DIODES DZ 8407 tea 1601 t
    Text: December 19, 2000 Preface to the 13th Edition The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes HTS 2001 is being published pursuant to section 1207 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (P.L.

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    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik DDR a211d B109D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" VEB Kombinat zf filter VEB Kombinat halbleiterwerk
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors 1981 D ie vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn daten der in der D D R gefertigten H albleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anw ender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl d er jew eils in Frage kommenden

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    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik vqb 71 A910D VQB71 "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" diode sy-170 VQB 37 u112d
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors Die vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn­ daten der in der DDR gefertigten Halbleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anwender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jeweils in Frage kommenden

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    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft GWS servo VEB Kombinat zf filter lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator E355D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft U706D VQB71
    Text: H albleiter-B auelem ente Semiconductors D ie vorliegend e Übersicht en th ält in g ed rä n g te r Form d ie wichtigsten G renz- und Kenn­ d aten d e r in d er D D R g efertigten H a lb le ite rb au e le m e n te . Dem A n w en der soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jew eils in Frage kom menden

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    Text: EUROPEAN CATALOGUE CATALOGO EUROPEO EUROPAISCHER KATALOG CATALOGUE EUROPEEN In tro d u c tio n The products specified in this shortform catalogue have been selected from the comprehensive range manufactured by the International Rectifier group of Companies.

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    triac zd 607

    Abstract: hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p
    Text: & SEM ICO N DU CTO R This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Professional service techni­ cian. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published

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    Abstract: diode E1110 CK705 ecg semiconductor replacement guide CS1237 ME1120 TE1088 1N942 1N733A Delco DTG-110B transistor
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    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
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    General Electric SCR Manual, Fifth Edition, 1972

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc tny 227 pn 270v varistor d - 302 Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual General Electric 250L40 GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor varistor xf 030 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C
    Text: TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSION DEVICES 1995 ATVf\D\Ai A R R O W E L E C T R O N IC S , INC. A R R O W E L E C T R O N IC S C A N A D A LTD. 1 09 3 M E Y E R S ID E D R IV E M IS S IS S A U G A , O N TA R IO L5T 1M 4 905-670-7769 800-387-3962 FAX: 905-670-77P1

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    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

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    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF