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    413B APPLICATION Search Results

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    P8800-001NDGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDG Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    P8800-001NDGI Renesas Electronics Corporation PMIC for NVDIMM Application Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RNA52A10MMEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Application Specified Reset IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    413B APPLICATION Datasheets Context Search

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    diode cc 3053

    Abstract: cc 3053 2n3771 equivalent cc 3053 diode 2N3771 equivalent transistor 2n3772 EQUIVALENT 2n3771 2N3772 K 3053 TRANSISTOR MIL-PRF19500
    Text: This documentation process conversion measures necessary to comply with this revision shall be completed by 30 September 1999 INCH-POUND MIL-PRF-19500/413C 30 July 1999 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/413B 24 March 1993 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION SHEET SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, NPN, SILICON, HIGH-POWER

    MIL-PRF-19500/413C MIL-S-19500/413B 2N3771 2N3772, MIL-PRF-19500. diode cc 3053 cc 3053 2n3771 equivalent cc 3053 diode 2N3771 equivalent transistor 2n3772 EQUIVALENT 2N3772 K 3053 TRANSISTOR MIL-PRF19500 PDF

    ML-1 94V-0

    Abstract: E-36952 TSE397C-333ML MIL-A-46106 str 6709 MIL-A-46146 str 6708 Mil-S-46163A semiconductors cross index semiconductors cross reference
    Text: Why MG Chemicals? At MG Chemicals, we realize that our number one asset is you, our customer. ISO Quality Standards. Since 1955, M.G. Chemicals has provided the North American electronics industry with a full line of high performance chemicals and accessories. The M.G. Chemicals manufacturing facility operates

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    aero-motive series 6000 festoon

    Abstract: PAL330 trolleys HW100 PBL300 HW334 HW344 PBL450 GFCI transistor CR 7724
    Text: Woodhead Woodhead ® Industrial Electrical Selection Guide Balancers Electric Reels Hose Reels Mobile Electrification Can’t find what you need or need assistance in configuring your system? Please contact our tech support team at 800-225-7724.  Woodhead

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    Abstract: 000-3FF EM78447SAM EM78447SAP EM78447SAS EM78447SBP EM78447SBWM EM78447
    Text: EM78447S 8-Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM Product Specification DOC. VERSION 1.2 ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. February 2010 Trademark Acknowledgments: IBM is a registered trademark and PS/2 is a trademark of IBM. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

    EM78447S 28-Lead 32-Lead 02rr 000-3FF EM78447SAM EM78447SAP EM78447SAS EM78447SBP EM78447SBWM EM78447 PDF


    Abstract: NS32AM162-20 NS32AM163-20 FFFFA000 NS32AM160
    Text: December 1992 NS32AM162-20 NS32AM163-20 Voice Processor with Serial CODEC Interface General Description The NS32AM162 and the NS32AM163 are integrated 32 bit members of the Series 32000 EP family of National’s Embedded System ProcessorsTM tuned for the Digital tapeless Answering Machine (DAM) market These processors

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    Ablebond 71-1

    Abstract: Nitto bimetal ABLEBONd 84-1 FR4 epoxy dielectric constant 4.4 thermal analysis on pcb tungsten slug glass diode Ablebond 71 IC Packages cpu fan pin data circuit in mother board
    Text: CHAPTER 4 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF IC PACKAGES IC PACKAGE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The following parameters are provided for Intel packages  DC resistance R of leads or pins  Capacitance (C) including lead-to-lead and loading capacitances  Inductance (L) including only self-inductance values for pins traces and wires (PGA) or

    93-WA-EEP-6 91-WA-EEP-27 91-WA-EEP-31 pp1059-1070 pp357-366 Ablebond 71-1 Nitto bimetal ABLEBONd 84-1 FR4 epoxy dielectric constant 4.4 thermal analysis on pcb tungsten slug glass diode Ablebond 71 IC Packages cpu fan pin data circuit in mother board PDF

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    Abstract: pronic t85 eaton T85 rotary Switch pronic r13 t85 55 pronic r13 SS510 MST205N MST105D pronic 2GK54-73
    Text: Product Numerical Index NTE Page Type No. No. Description NTE Page Type No. No. Description NTE Page Type No. No. Description 54−001 54−002 54−003 54−004 54−005 1 1 5 5 2 Toggle, SPST, 15A, 125VAC Toggle, SPDT, 15A, 125VAC Toggle, DPDT, 15A, 125VAC

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    Abstract: rtd pt-100 amplifier circuit bel 187 transistor npn pnp transistor data sheet bel 188 pt100 temperature sensor schematic msp430 pt100 temperature sensor schematic bel 187 NPN TRANSISTOR 43a Hall Effect Magnetic Sensors circuit diagram of wireless door lock system amplifier 5.1 surrounding system circuit diagram
    Text: TEAM LRN Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System Applications TEAM LRN Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System Applications Using the TI MSP430 Microcontroller by Jerry Luecke AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON

    MSP430 M430F1232 rtd pt-100 amplifier circuit bel 187 transistor npn pnp transistor data sheet bel 188 pt100 temperature sensor schematic msp430 pt100 temperature sensor schematic bel 187 NPN TRANSISTOR 43a Hall Effect Magnetic Sensors circuit diagram of wireless door lock system amplifier 5.1 surrounding system circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: M21097 dupont 9450 AMP 11392 plug MIL-22759 Catalog 1308940 revised 5-03 3-582307-1 MIL-C-22759 AMP 11392 mil-m-24519 GLCP-30F
    Text: Printed Circuit Board Connectors Table of Contents MICRODOT Rectangular .050 [1.27] Connectors Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6003 Twist Pin 24 Gauge Contact Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6004


    8355 8755 intel microprocessor block diagram

    Abstract: MCS-48 8755 intel microprocessor block diagram MCS48 instruction set intel 8755 USART 8251 expanded block diagram MCS-48 Manual The Expanded MCS-48 System mcs48 internal architecture of 8251 USART
    Text: in t e i # ° r <p r?> > V 9 Intel C o rp o ra tio n , 1977 98-413B Price S1 .OO Related Intel Publications “MCS-48 Microcomputer User's Manual" "Using the 8251 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous “8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Applications"

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    Abstract: nte29 nte32 nte30
    Text: Maximum Breakdown Voltage Maximum Collector Power Dissipation Watts Diag. No. Maximum Collector Current (Amps) Collector to Base (Volts) Collector to Emitter (Volts) Emitter to Base (Volts) •c BVcbo BV ceo BV ebO hFE Pd fT T092 9b 0 .0 7 25 12 2.5 40 Min

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    Abstract: NTE18 nte30 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS NTE11 NTE16 NTE17 NTE19 NTE20 NTE21
    Text: BI-POL AR TRANSISTORS Maximum Breakdown Voltage » Maximum Collector Power Dissipation Watts Diag. No. Maximum Collector Current (Amps) Collector to Base (Volts) Collector to Emitter (Volts) Emitter to Base (Volts) lc BVcbo B V ceo BVEbo h FE Pd »T T092

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LtfMOS Precision Quad SPST Switches ADG411/ADG412/ADG413 ANALOG DEVICES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS FEATURES 44 V Supply Maximum Ratings ±15 V Analog Signal Range Low On Resistance <35 il Ultralow Power Dissipation (35 (jiW) Fast Switching Times t 0N <175 ns

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    DG411/DG412/DG413 ADG411/ADG412/ADG413 16-Lead RU-16) 1748a-3-2/98 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Octal differential line receiver NE5180/NE5181 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The N E 5180 and NE5181 are octal line receivers designed to interface data term inal equipm ent w ith data com m unications

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    NE5180/NE5181 NE5181 RS-232C, S-423A, RS-422A, NE5180. 500mV 1200m NE5180: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ / / P D 4 8 5 5 0 5 LINE BUFFER 5K-WORD BY 8-BIT Description The iiPD485505 is a 5,048 words by 8 bits high speed FIFO First In First Out line buffer. Its CMOS static circuitry provides high speed access and low power consumption.

    OCR Scan
    iiPD485505 fiPD485505 PD485505 iPD485505 035-o PD485505 mPD485505. /JPD485505G: 24-pin D485505 PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

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    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: December 1991 Semiconductor NS32 AM 16 0 -2 0 /N S 3 2 A M 161 -20 Voice P rocessor • 25 Kbyte Internal ROM 32 Kbyte in the NS32AM161 General Description The NS32AM160 and the NS32AM161 are integrated 32 bit members of the Series 32000^/EP family of National’s Em­

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    NS32AM161) NS32AM160 NS32AM161 PDF


    Abstract: hall marking code A04 68B50 MCM6830A motorola application note 6809 6844 MADT 68A09 mcm6830 68A21 MC6854
    Text: m icrocom puter com ponents M otorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve re lia b ility, fu n ctio n or design. M otorola does not assume any lia b ility arising o u t o f the application or use o f any product or c irc u it described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of

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    K-2800 mc6821 hall marking code A04 68B50 MCM6830A motorola application note 6809 6844 MADT 68A09 mcm6830 68A21 MC6854 PDF

    ha 117324

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY Semiconductor December 1992 NS32 AM 162-20/NS32 AM 163-20 Voice Processor with Serial CODEC Interface General Description The NS32AM162 and the NS32AM163 are integrated 32 bit members of the Series 32000 /EP family of National’s Em­ bedded System Processors , tuned for the Digital tape­

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    162-20/NS32 NS32AM162 NS32AM163 ha 117324 PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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    triac zd 607

    Abstract: hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p
    Text: & SEM ICO N DU CTO R This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Professional service techni­ cian. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published

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    thT404 ZV15A ZY33A ZT696 ZV15B ZY33B ZT697 ZT706 ZV27A ZY62A triac zd 607 hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p PDF

    TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946

    Abstract: transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16
    Text: Typeniibersicht Selection Guide Bestellnummern Ordering Codes Bestempelung Marking Catalog Technische Angaben « Technical Information Qualitatsangaben Quality Specification Gehause Package Outlines Verarbeitungshinweise Mounting Instructions Verpackungshinweise

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    B3-B3715 B3715-X-X-7600 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946 transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16 PDF

    2N2222A 338

    Abstract: TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U p date One London: NEW YORK

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    2CY17 2CY18 2CY19 2CY20 2CY21 500MA 500MA 2N2222A 338 TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931 PDF

    transistors BC 557C

    Abstract: BF366 SMD code 307C F199 transistor 2N5793 BC413 motorola ZENER diode marking code z7 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 bc107c motorola 2n555
    Text: S e le c to r G u id e s 1 M e ta l-C a n T ra n s is to rs 3 F ie ld -E ffe c t T ra n s is to rs 4 S m a ll-S ig n a l T u n in g , S w itc h in g and Z e n e r D io d e s 5 T a p e a n d R eel S p e c ific a tio n s P a ck ag e O u tlin e D im e n s io n s and

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