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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DAC1653Q/DAC1658Q Quad 16-bit DAC: 10 Gbps JESD204B interface: x2, x4 and x8 interpolating Advance data sheet Revision 2.3.1 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION DAC1653Q and DAC1658Q are high-speed, high-performance 16-bit quad channel Digital-to-Analog Converters DACs .

    DAC1653Q/DAC1658Q 16-bit JESD204B DAC1653Q DAC1658Q DAC165xQ. DAC165xQ DAC1653Q; PDF


    Abstract: NR3015 XC6601 XC9235 XCM519 XCM519A XCM519B
    Text: XCM519 Series ETR2421-004a 600mA Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter + Low Voltage Input LDO •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XCM519 series is a multi combination module IC which comprises of a 600mA driver transistor built-in synchronous step–down DC/DC converter and a low voltage input LDO regulator. The device is housed in small USP-12B01 package which

    XCM519 ETR2421-004a 600mA USP-12B01 XC9236A NR3015 XC6601 XC9235 XCM519A XCM519B PDF


    Abstract: XC6219 xc6219bxxxmx
    Text: XC6219 Series High Speed LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible, ON/OFF Switch October 4, 2004 V5 CMOS Low Power Consumption Dropout Voltage 60mV @ 30mA 200mV @ 100mA Output Current 150mA VOUT<1.75V 240mA (VOUT>1.8V) (300mA limit) Highly Accurate + 2% (+30mV when VOUT>1.5V)

    XC6219 200mV 100mA 150mA 240mA 300mA 40usec/div) XC6219x182 XC6219B xc6219bxxxmx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSN2-T/22-D12 Non-isolated, DOSA-SIP, 22A Selectable-Output DC/DC Converters OBSOLETE PRODUCT Last time buy: August 31, 2014. Click Here For Obsolescence Notice of February 2014. ORDERING GUIDE SUMMARY Model VOUT Range IOUT Range VIN Range

    LSN2-T/22-D12 35mVpk-pk LSN2-T/22-D12 PDF


    Abstract: 28V-5V
    Text: SC414/SC424 6A Integrated FET Regulator with 5V LDO POWER MANAGEMENT Features Description „ The SC414/SC424 is a stand-alone synchronous buck power supply. It features integrated power MOSFETs, a bootstrap switch, and a 5V LDO in a space-saving MLPQ4x4mm 28-pin package. The device is highly efficient and

    SC414/SC424 SC414/SC424 28-pin MLPQ-4x4-28 sc414evb 28V-5V PDF


    Abstract: MOSFET MARK H1
    Text: SC414/SC424 6A Integrated FET Regulator with 5V LDO POWER MANAGEMENT Features Description „ The SC414/SC424 is a stand-alone synchronous buck regulated power supply. It features integrated power MOSFETs, a bootstrap switch, and a 5V LDO in a space-saving MLPQ4x4mm 28-pin package. The device is highly efficient and

    SC414/SC424 SC414/SC424 28-pin SC414 MOSFET MARK H1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Qwik Connect GLENAIR n J an u ar y 2 0 13 n V o l u m e 17 n N u m b er 1 QwikConnect insulation, open-ended wire splices vulnerable to moisture, non-compliant repairs, deteriorated wiring, corrosion, improper installation, and contamination by metal shavings, dust, and flammable fluids.



    Abstract: gsr 600
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK2301] AK2301 3.3V シングルチャネル PCMコーデック LSI 概 特 要 長 単チャンネル・PCMコーデック/フィルタ内蔵 設定可能な機能; ・ ミュート ・ A-law, -lawの圧伸則選択 • PCMデータインタフェース

    AK2301] AK2301 642048kHz AK23018kHz8bit 16TSSOP 600Drive MS0416-J-01> AK2301 gsr 600 PDF

    IC 723 voltage regulator

    Abstract: ceramic capacitor, 1uF XC6401 XC6401FF37 xc6401ffxx
    Text: XC6401 Series ETR0309_005 Dual LDO Regulators, Low ESR Cap. Compatible •GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC6401 series are highly accurate, Dual, low noise, CMOS LDO voltage regulators. Performance features of the series includes low output noise, high ripple rejection ratio, low dropout and very fast turn-on times.

    XC6401 ETR0309 IC 723 voltage regulator ceramic capacitor, 1uF XC6401FF37 xc6401ffxx PDF

    "saturation instruction"

    Abstract: "saturation" "instruction"
    Text: Blackfin Embedded Processor ADSP-BF561 a Silicon Anomaly List ABOUT ADSP-BF561 SILICON ANOMALIES These anomalies represent the currently known differences between revisions of the Blackfin ADSP-BF561 product and the functionality specified in the ADSP-BF561 data sheets and the Hardware Reference books.

    ADSP-BF561 ADSP-BF561 0x005 0x003 0x000* NR002863L "saturation instruction" "saturation" "instruction" PDF


    Abstract: PA035C P30B06040 P50B0400 p50b07040 RS1A03 Q2AA10150
    Text: M0007902B TYPE S RS485 GA1060 Serial Interface For Rotary Motor Instruction Manual EN GL I SH No Text on This Page. Preface ÌShipping the product This product in this instruction manual corresponds with the shipping regulations given in the Export Trade Control Ordinance Table 1, item 16 . When these products are exported by

    M0007902B RS485 GA1060 4-03A/04 R2AA04005F PA035C P30B06040 P50B0400 p50b07040 RS1A03 Q2AA10150 PDF

    power off delay timer circuit diagram

    Abstract: PI2122
    Text: PI2122 Cool-ORing Series 12Amp Active ORing Solution With Load Disconnect Description Features The Cool-ORing PI2122 is a complete full-function Active ORing solution with a high-speed ORing MOSFET controller and a very low on-state resistance Dual MOSFETs designed for use in

    PI2122 12Amp PI2122 power off delay timer circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: USP-6B XC6404 LDO marking 04B
    Text: ◆Low Power Consumption : 35 A TYP. ◆Dropout Voltage : 200mV @ 100mA •APPLICATIONS : 400mV @ 200mA ●CD-ROM, CD-R / RW drive ◆Maximum Output Current: More Than 500mA ●DVD drive (600mA limit, 2.5V≦VROUT≦4.9V) ●HDD drive ◆Highly Accurate

    200mV 100mA 400mV 200mA 500mA 600mA XC6403] XC6404] XC6403/04 XC6403 USP-6B XC6404 LDO marking 04B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC6601 シリーズ JTR0335_007 ソフトスタート機能付き低入力電圧動作対応 LDO レギュレータ •概要 XC6601 シリーズは低出力電圧でも超低 ON 抵抗での動作が実現でき電流を高効率に出力することが可能なため、低入力

    XC6601 JTR0335 PDF


    Abstract: MCR03 RSX501L-20 VQFN032V5050
    Text: Single-chip Type with Built-in FET Switching Regulators Output 2A or More High Efficiency Step-down Switching Regulator with Built-in Power MOSFET BD95514MUV No.10027EAT53 ●Description BD95514MUV is a switching regulator capable of supplying high current output up to 4A at low output voltages (0.7V~5.0V)

    BD95514MUV 10027EAT53 BD95514MUV VQFN032V5050 2500pcs 4TPE220MF MCR03 RSX501L-20 VQFN032V5050 PDF

    CYPRESS an2233a

    Abstract: AN2292 AN2233 AN2318 CYPRESS an2233 dac 89 DAC-89 bUTTON PCB an2233a Cypress Capsense
    Text: PSoC CapSense 的布局指南 AN2292 ZH 作者:Ryan SeguineMark Lee 相关项目:否 相关器件系列:CY8C21x34CY8C24794 相关应用手册:AN2233aAN2277AN2293AN2318 摘要 本应用手册将从 PCB 布局、覆盖物厚度、材料选择和底板设计方面来介绍 PSoC CapSense 应用的布局指南。

    AN2292 CY8C21x34CY8C24794 AN2233aAN2277AN2293AN2318 AN2233a CYPRESS an2233a AN2292 AN2233 AN2318 CYPRESS an2233 dac 89 DAC-89 bUTTON PCB Cypress Capsense PDF


    Abstract: diode FBL 030 EEFUE0J221R GRM32DR71E106KA12L IHLP4040DZER1R0M11 SC417 SC427 SC417MLTRT LX28
    Text: SC417/SC427 10A Integrated FET Regulator with Programmable LDO POWER MANAGEMENT Features Description „ The SC417/SC427 is a stand-alone synchronous buck power supply. It features integrated power MOSFETs, a bootstrap switch, and a programmable LDO in a spacesaving MLPQ-5x5mm 32-pin package. The device is highly

    SC417/SC427 150mA SC417) SC427) MPC1040LR88 diode FBL 030 EEFUE0J221R GRM32DR71E106KA12L IHLP4040DZER1R0M11 SC417 SC427 SC417MLTRT LX28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD7004NUX CMOS LDO Regulator for Portable Equipments Dual, Low-Dropout Linear Regulator BD7003NUX, BD7004NUX No.12020ECT09 ●Descriptions The BD7003NUX, BD7004NUX are dual channels, 300mA low-dropout voltage regulator output at each channel. The output voltage range is from 1.2V to 3.3V by operating range from 2.5V to 5.5V. The output voltages, VOUT1 and VOUT2, are

    BD7004NUX BD7003NUX, 12020ECT09 BD7004NUX 300mA PDF

    ultrasonic generator 20khz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC493 Step-down Controller with I2C Interface POWER MANAGEMENT Features Description „ The SC493 is a synchronous buck power supply controller. It features an I2C interface and a bootstrap switch in a spacesaving MLPQ 3X3-20 pin package. The SC493 is highly efficient

    SC493 ultrasonic generator 20khz PDF


    Abstract: 433.92 Antenna design "rf transmitter 433" RF transmitter 315 RF transmitter 433.92 4 pin 12v 315 MHz square antenna 433 MHz SAW AM RF Transmitter 433 transmitter pcb layout 433.92 transmitter, pcb layout "Rf Transmitter"
    Text: Revision 1.4.0 RCT-433-AS DATASHEET RCT-433-AS DATASHEET RADIOTRONIX, INC. RCT-433-AS DATASHEET Radiotronix 905 Messenger Lane Moore, Oklahoma 73160 Phone 405.794.7730 • Fax 405.794.7477 1 RCT-433-AS DATASHEET Document Control SIGNED

    RCT-433-AS RCT-433-AS 433.92 Antenna design "rf transmitter 433" RF transmitter 315 RF transmitter 433.92 4 pin 12v 315 MHz square antenna 433 MHz SAW AM RF Transmitter 433 transmitter pcb layout 433.92 transmitter, pcb layout "Rf Transmitter" PDF


    Abstract: JN5148-001 jn5148 industrial automation using cellphone NXP receiver 125KHz 1N4007 MIC Digital Weighing Scale PCB layout DIODE 1N4007 MAKE MIC JN-DS-JN5148-001 IC JN5148
    Text: Data Sheet: JN5148-001 IEEE802.15.4 Wireless Microcontroller Features: Transceiver Overview The JN5148-001 is an ultra low power, high performance wireless microcontroller targeted at JenNet and ZigBee PRO networking applications. The device features an enhanced 32-bit RISC processor

    JN5148-001 IEEE802 128kB 128-bit 667kbps 100nA JN-DS-JN5148-001 x32m000000s025 JN5148-001 jn5148 industrial automation using cellphone NXP receiver 125KHz 1N4007 MIC Digital Weighing Scale PCB layout DIODE 1N4007 MAKE MIC IC JN5148 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet: JN5148-001 IEEE802.15.4 Wireless Microcontroller Features: Transceiver Overview The JN5148-001 is an ultra low power, high performance wireless microcontroller targeted at JenNet and ZigBee PRO networking applications. The device features an enhanced 32-bit RISC processor

    JN5148-001 IEEE802 128kB 128-bit 667kbps 100nA JN-DS-JN5148-001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet PT8R1002 CMOS Zero-IF Radio Transceiver IC for Bluetooth |

    PT8R1002 PT0124 PDF


    Abstract: lc5813
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 7b LC581 3C ' De | TITPDTfc. ODD1Ô1Ô c - m o s LS I 4 |j° 7s C IR C U IT D R A W IN G N o .lO O B S I N G L E -C H IP 4 -B IT M I C R O C O M P U T E R W IT H L C D D R IV ER 3026B The LC5813C is a C MOS 4-bit microcomputer that operates on low voltage, low current and contains an

    OCR Scan
    7TT707t, LC5813C 3026B LC5813C 768kHz ports/12 2048x 152x4 40usec. QIP64 lc5813 PDF