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    3M MHW-40-NI (ALTERNATE: 00051131218055)

    NexcareMax Hold Waterproof Bandages, Assorted, Value Pack | 3M MHW-40-NI
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    RS MHW-40-NI (ALTERNATE: 00051131218055) Package 2 Weeks 24
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    Abstract: STK0040 40w amplifier STK00
    Text: POWER AMPLIFIER 40W Vcc m a x = ± 48V Vcc TiP = ± 3 3 V VCC RNG = PO M O W R l = 8 Ohm TÜH =0,1% z 40niA loci} MAX =80mA I MAX = 5A Ic c o T ïP INPUl R in = Gain = 40dB Noise = R thj- c = 2C/W C ase H01

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    STK0040 z40rnA STK-0040 STK0040 40w amplifier STK00 PDF


    Abstract: TA78L005P TA78L015P TA78L012P EDKC TA78L015AP TA78L009P TA78L TA78L015 vu meter toshiba
    Text: TA78L005AP ~ TA78L015AP BIPOLAR LIN E A R INTEG RATED CIRCUIT SILICON M ONOLITHIC Unit in mm THREE TERMINAL POSITIVE REGULATORS 5V, 9 V , 12V, 15V . Suitable for TTL, DTL, HTL, C-MOS Power Supply . Internal S h o r t -Circuit Current Limiting . Internal Thermal Overl o a d P r o t e c t i o n

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    TA78L005AP TA78L015AP 150mA O-92MOD V-15V) 92M0D TA78L005AP TA78L005P TA78L015P TA78L012P EDKC TA78L015AP TA78L009P TA78L TA78L015 vu meter toshiba PDF


    Abstract: ha 1166 x
    Text: PCI LM 78L00 Series 3-Term inal Low C urrent Positive Voltage R egulators Semiconductor J T H R E E -T E R M IN A L L O W C U R R E N T P O S IT IV E V O L T A G E R E G U L A T O R S The positive LM78LOO voltage Series cousins, these regulators feature These

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    LM78L00 LM78LOO LM7800 ha 1166 x PDF


    Abstract: LM78L00 Series
    Text: iJfQ rnN|M LM78L00 Series 3-Terminal Low Current Positive Voltage Regulators required with the LM78L00 devices in many applications. These devices offer a substantial performance advantage over the traditional zener diode-resistor combination, as output impedance and quiescent

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    LM78L00 LM7800 LM79L00 LM78L05CTAGE -40mA LM78L05CT LM78L00 Series PDF


    Abstract: LM78L05S LM7800 LM78L00 LM78L05 LM78LXX LM79L00 LM78* voltage regulators LM79L
    Text: PCI LM78L00 Series 3-Terminal Low Current Positive Voltage Regulators 1Semiconductor t h r e e -t e r m i n a l l o w c u r r e n t p o s i t i v e v o l t a g e r e g u l a t o r s The LM78L00 Series of cousins, these regulators These feature devices offer

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    LM78L00 LM7800 VI-10V LM78L12S LM78L05S LM78L05 LM78LXX LM79L00 LM78* voltage regulators LM79L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA 2SC4684 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL TYPE 2SC4684 STROBE FLASH APPLICATIONS. U n it in mm MEDIUM POWER AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. • H igh D C C urrent G ain ' h F E 1 = 800—3200 (V c e = 2V, I c = 0.5A) : hF E (2) —250 (M in .) (V CE = 2V, I C = 4A)

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    2SC4684 40niA) 95MAX 961001EAA2' PDF

    "Positive Voltage Regulators"

    Abstract: bsk 45 LM7800 LM7800 SMD Series LM78L05S 33MF LM78L00 LM78L05 LM78LXX LM79L00
    Text: PCI LM 78L00 Series 3-Term inal Low C urrent Positive Voltage R egulators Semiconductor J T H R E E -T E R M IN A L L O W C U R R E N T P O S IT IV E V O L T A G E R E G U L A T O R S The of cousins, these regulators feature are internal current limiting and thermal

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    LM78L00 LM78LOO LM7800 "Positive Voltage Regulators" bsk 45 LM7800 SMD Series LM78L05S 33MF LM78L05 LM78LXX LM79L00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilips S e m io o n d u c to rs -S ig n e tic s Linear Products P ro du ct sp ecifica tio n Quad high-speed differential line driver PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The AM26LS31 is a quad differential line driver, designed for digital data transmission

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    AM26LS31 AM26LS31 RS-422 40niA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI LM78L00 Series 3-Terminal Low Current Positive Voltage Regulators 1Semiconductor t h r e e -t e r m i n a l l o w c u r r e n t p o s i t i v e v o l t a g e r e g u l a t o r s The LM78L00 Series of cousins, These these regulators feature I devices offer

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    LM78L00 LM78L00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: È HITACHI 2 S B 1 7 2 L , 2 S B 1 7 2 S SILICON PNP TRIPLE DIFFUSED MEDIUM S P iiE O ^ “ COMPLEMENTARY PAIR WITH 2SD1520 /© Rn <S>Type Î.4 I »3«* 2 . C o ita 'lo c V ÜmtiK-r 4 Coiteci«* iOimeaA.ioni. in mm DPAK) • ABSO LUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25'‘0

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    2SD1520 2SfN072C> 2SB1072CaSBi072 PDF

    ic c22a 6 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low-Noise, Low-S at ulati on Three-Pin Regulator M M 1 1 8 0 ,1181 Monolithic IC M M 1180,1181 MM1180 series is high withstand voltage, low noise stabilized power supply with reduced reactive current at low input voltage and small input / output differential voltage 0.2V at 40mA output current. The output current

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    MM1180 100mA. 100pVRMstyp 100mA ic c22a 6 pin PDF


    Abstract: 2151B 2SA1527 2SC3921 2S3921 2SA15 PNP
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2151B 2SA1527/2SC3921 N0.2151B i PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAmYO Switching Applications with Bias Resistance i Applications . Switching circuit, inverter circuit, interface circuit, driver circuit Features . On-chip bias resistance (Ri=4.7kto, R2=4.7kft)

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    2151B 2SA1527/2SC3921 500mA) 2SA1527 2SA15 2151B 2SC3921 2S3921 2SA15 PNP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8V/5V Low Dropout Dual Regulator with ENABLE D escription T h e C S - 8 1 6 7 is a 8 V / 5 V d u a l n u t put lin ear reg u lato r. T h e H V ± 5 % o u tp u t so u rc e s 5 0 0 m A a n d the 5V ± 3 ‘v outp u t sources 70m A . The s e c o n d a r y o u t p u t is i n h e r e n t l y s t a ­

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    S-8167T PDF