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    40N60 SNUBBER Search Results

    40N60 SNUBBER Result Highlights (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TK040N60Z1 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 600 V, 52 A, 0.04 Ω@10 V, TO-247 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    40N60 SNUBBER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    BTS 3900 a

    Abstract: BTS 3900 12N60 BTS 3900 l 35N120U1 24n60 52N60A IXSH 35N120AU1 35n120u 35N120AU1
    Text: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors IGBT The IGBT is a com bination of bipolar and MOS technologies. The best features of bipolar transistors are merged with the voltage-controlled properties of M OSFETs. A dvantages to the user: • rugged, short-circuit-proof device

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    T-227B BTS 3900 a BTS 3900 12N60 BTS 3900 l 35N120U1 24n60 52N60A IXSH 35N120AU1 35n120u 35N120AU1 PDF

    40n60 transistor

    Abstract: MTE40N60 40n60 40N60 snubber 72SM MTE40N55 belleville washer T-39-15 diode n55 H3677
    Text: n O T O K O L A SC -CXSTRS/R F > ~ b4 -T-'iy-lü D T | t . 3 b 7 2 S 4 DDtflllB Ö MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR S É IS Â S lf TECHNICAL DATA Designer's Data Sheet M TE40N55 M TE40N60 If Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement Mode Silicon Gate TMOS

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    MTE40N55 MTE40N60 MQ-040AA HP202NF MTE40N55 LIT30 C3I755 H3677 40n60 transistor MTE40N60 40n60 40N60 snubber 72SM belleville washer T-39-15 diode n55 PDF

    mte maxim

    Abstract: GM 950 motorola 40n60 transistor
    Text: nOTOKOLA SC -CXSTRS7R F> b4 D T | t,3 b 7 E S 4 □ D t.a n a - T - 'iy - iü a MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MTE40N55 MTE40N60 Designer's Data Sheet P o w e r Field E ffe ct T ra n sisto r N-Channel Enhancement Mode Silicon Gate TMOS These TM O S Power FETs are designed for high

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    MTE40N55 MTE40N60 HP202NF MTE40IM55 LIT30 C3I755 mte maxim GM 950 motorola 40n60 transistor PDF