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    4016 FY5 Search Results

    4016 FY5 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R1EX24016ATAS0G#U0 Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM, TSSOP, /Embossed Tape Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD70F4016M2GJA-GAE-G Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers (Non Promotion), , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD70F4016M2GJA9-GAE-G Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers (Non Promotion), , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1EX24016ASAS0A#U0 Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM, SOP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1EX24016ASAS0I#U0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Two-wire serial interface 16k EEPROM (2-kword × 8-bit) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    4016 FY5 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    4016FY5 Microtune MultiMedia, RF Tuner Modules Original PDF

    4016 FY5 Datasheets Context Search

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    front-end 4006 fn5

    Abstract: Tuner 4046 FM5 microtune 4006 fn5 4036 fy5 tuner 4006 fh5 microtune FM5 microtune 4016 fy5 microtune 4066 fy5 tv tuner microtune 4016 fh5 tv tuner microtune
    Text: M I C R O T U N E PC/TV MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS 40X6 SERIES RF TUNER MODULES APPLICATIONS • Multimedia PCs • TV Receivers FEATURES • Input frequency range: 45 MHz to 868 MHz • Standards options include: PAL B, G PAL D, K NTSC/PAL M, N PAL I SECAM L, L`

    PB-00017 front-end 4006 fn5 Tuner 4046 FM5 microtune 4006 fn5 4036 fy5 tuner 4006 fh5 microtune FM5 microtune 4016 fy5 microtune 4066 fy5 tv tuner microtune 4016 fh5 tv tuner microtune PDF

    TRIAC 97A6

    Abstract: S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. Represented iSIGNTBOHICS B y: TORONTO I Regan Road, Unit 13, Bram pton, O ntario L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-846-1100 Fax:905-846-7116 E -m a il: d e s ig n tr< a id ire c t.c o m OTTAW A 21 Pine Bluff Trail, Stittsville, O ntario K2S 1E1

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 OD-323 OT-23 OT-89 OT-143 OT-223 OT-323 TRIAC 97A6 S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C PDF

    stepping motor EPSON EM - 234

    Abstract: EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A
    Text: Issued March 1988 8773 Data Library Contents list and semiconductor device type index Data library contents Subject Title Number Communications Equipment B. T. telephone connection system Digital compact paging system Escort 2 + 6 telephone switching system

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    RS232 RS232C stepping motor EPSON EM - 234 EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A PDF

    BF195 equivalent

    Abstract: bf197 2N3680 BF173 transistor bf 175 BC413 BFY39 BF256 transistor bf194 ke4416
    Text: Introduction This is N ational S em iconducto r's latest handbook on discrete sem i­ co nd u ctor devices. Y o u w ill notice th at the co m p any has added more than 350 transistor part numbers and three p ro d u ct fam ilies since pub lication o f the last handbook in 1971. M any o f these new products

    OCR Scan

    transistors BC 557C

    Abstract: BF366 SMD code 307C F199 transistor 2N5793 BC413 motorola ZENER diode marking code z7 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 bc107c motorola 2n555
    Text: S e le c to r G u id e s 1 M e ta l-C a n T ra n s is to rs 3 F ie ld -E ffe c t T ra n s is to rs 4 S m a ll-S ig n a l T u n in g , S w itc h in g and Z e n e r D io d e s 5 T a p e a n d R eel S p e c ific a tio n s P a ck ag e O u tlin e D im e n s io n s and

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