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    12 SQ 045 JF

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r u n e A ß TECHNOLOGY LT1129/LT1129-3.3/LT1129-5 M ic ro p o w e r L o w D ro p o u t R e g u la to rs w ith S h u td o w n KRTUIKS DCSCRIPTIOn • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1129/LT1129-3.3/LT 1129-5 are micropower low dropout regulators with shutdown. The devices are ca­

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    LT1129/LT1129-3 3/LT1129-5 3/LT1129-5 700mA 16joA TQ-220 12 SQ 045 JF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1529 r r u n LT1529-3.3/LT 1529-5 m TECHNOLOGY 3A Low D ro p o u t R egulators w ith M ic ro p o w e r Q u ie s c e n t C urrent a n d S hutdow n K R T U IK S DCSCRIPTIOn • Dropout Voltage: 0.6V at Iout = 3A ■ Output Current: 3A ■ Quiescent Current: 50uA

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    LT1529 LT1529-3 1529/LT1529-3 3/LT1529-5 O-220 T0-220 T0-100 T0-101 PDF

    Diode LT 4104

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: liim LT1529 LT 1529-3.3/LT 1529-5 TECHNOLOGY 3A Low D ropout Regulators with M icro p o w e r Q u ie sce n t Current a n d Shutdow n K A T U IK S DCSCRIPTIOn • Dropout Voltage: 0.6V at I out = 3A ■ Output Current: 3A ■ Quiescent Current: 50juA ■ No Protection Diodes Needed

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    LT1529 50juA 1529/LT1529-3 3/LT1529-5 LT1120A 125mA 425mA LT1303 LT1376 500kHz Diode LT 4104 PDF


    Abstract: 12 SQ 045 JF 2224B 121AI5 IS833 LT1121C-X LT11211 loa sot-223
    Text: r r i m m TECHNOLOGY LT1121/LT1121-3.3/LT1121-5 M icropower Low Dropout Regulators with Shutdown F€RTU R€S D C S C R IP T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1121/LT1121 -3.3/LT1121 -5 are micropower low dropout regulators with shutdown. These devices are

    OCR Scan
    LT1121/LT1121-3 3/LT1121-5 LT1121/LT1121 3/LT1121 150mA OT-223 ltc1121 12 SQ 045 JF 2224B 121AI5 IS833 LT1121C-X LT11211 loa sot-223 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r u n e A ß TECHNOLOGY LT1121/LT1121-3.3/LT1121-5 M ic ro p o w e r Low D ro p o u t R egulators w ith S hu tdow n F€RTU R€S D C S C R IP T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1121/LT1121 -3.3/LT1121 -5 are micropower low

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    LT1121/LT1121-3 3/LT1121-5 LT1121/LT1121 3/LT1121 150mA PDF

    80286 schematic

    Abstract: lp9 pinout fe3031 FE3021A 8042 "Keyboard Controller" A1981 8042 keyboard controller LIM EMS 4.0 tl982 c3fff
    Text: FE3021 DESCRIPTION 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 The FE3021 is a 16 MHz AT address buffer and memory controller in a 132-pin JEDEC package. Chip count is significantly reduced by integrating the memory controller, AT bus address buffers, and I/O into one chip. The memory controller is a

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    FE3021 FE3021 132-pin FE3021. FE3600B aS5S23s36S3 0io10 Tl982 132POSN 80286 schematic lp9 pinout fe3031 FE3021A 8042 "Keyboard Controller" A1981 8042 keyboard controller LIM EMS 4.0 c3fff PDF


    Abstract: 5 lead plastic dd pak
    Text: LT1529 r r u n LT1529-3.3/LT 1529-5 m TECHNOLOGY 3A Low D ro p o u t R egulators w ith M ic ro p o w e r Q u ie s c e n t C urrent a n d S hutdow n FCRTURCS D C S C R IP TIO n • Dropout Voltage: 0.6V at I o u t = 3A ■ Output Current: 3A ■ Quiescent Current: 50|j A

    OCR Scan
    LT1529 LT1529-3 16joA 1529/LT1529-3 3/LT1529-5 DesignT1303 LT1376 LT1521 125mA 425mA lt1529 5 lead plastic dd pak PDF