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    400HZ SINE OSCILLATOR Search Results

    400HZ SINE OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5)

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    TC78B011FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=30/Square, Sine Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MK3200SILFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52 Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HSP45116AVC-52Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Numerically Controlled Oscillator/Modulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK3200SLF Renesas Electronics Corporation 32.768KHz Clock Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    400HZ SINE OSCILLATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    400hz sine oscillator

    Abstract: 125OC RMS-10
    Text: DQXO-3 OSCILLATOR 1 Hz to 10 kHz* Low Power Crystal Oscillator DESCRIPTION The DQXO-3 oscillator has very high accuracy, stability and low current. The design consists of a CMOScompatible hybrid circuit, packaged in a hermetically sealed standard TO-39 metal package. Permanent,

    400Hz aging70OC -40OC -55OC 125OC 400Hz 400hz sine oscillator RMS-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DQX O-3 OSCILLATOR 1 Hz to 10 kHz* Low Power Crystal Oscillator DESCRIPTION The DQXO-3 oscillator has very high accuracy, stability and low current. The design consists of a CMOScompatible hybrid circuit, packaged in a hermetically sealed standard TO-39 metal package. Permanent,

    400Hz Low85OC -55OC 125OC 400Hz PDF

    50hz sine generator using crystal

    Abstract: 400hz sine oscillator HC165 HC4060 crystal nymph 4060 4081 4024 50 Hz Crystal oscillator 74HC4060 application note 4.194304 crystal oscillator 50hz sine oscillator ML2035
    Text: June 1996 Application Note 42025 Generating Fixed Frequency Sine Waves with ML2035 Jon Klein The ML2035 Programmable Sine Wave Generator is a convenient solution for generating accurate sine waves. Often an accurate fixed sine wave reference is required in

    ML2035 ML2035 50hz sine generator using crystal 400hz sine oscillator HC165 HC4060 crystal nymph 4060 4081 4024 50 Hz Crystal oscillator 74HC4060 application note 4.194304 crystal oscillator 50hz sine oscillator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA2202N EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2202N, is a bipolar IC designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual discrimination display , mode

    CXA2202N CXA2202N, 24PIN SSOP-24P-L01 P-SSOP24-7 CXA2202N PDF


    Abstract: led stereo sound level indicator 952HZ
    Text: CXA2202M EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2202M, is a bipolar IC designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual discrimination display , mode

    CXA2202M CXA2202M, sound300 28PIN OP-28P-L04 OP028-P-0375 42/COPPER CXA2202M led stereo sound level indicator 952HZ PDF


    Abstract: CXA2020S FM stereo MPX Decoder 16 lead PIN-20 IC DIAGRAM
    Text: CXA2020M/S EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2020M/S, is a bipolar IC designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual discrimination display , mode

    CXA2020M/S CXA2020M/S, 520mVrms CXA2020S 22PIN SDIP-22P-01 SDIP022-P-0300 CXA2020M CXA2020S FM stereo MPX Decoder 16 lead PIN-20 IC DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: CXA2020S
    Text: CXA2020M/S EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2020M/S, is a bipolar IC designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual discrimination display , mode

    CXA2020M/S CXA2020M/S, 520mVrms OP-28P-L04 OP028-P-0375-D CXA2020S 22PIN SDIP-22P-01 SDIP022-P-0300 CXA2020M CXA2020S PDF

    400hz sine oscillator

    Abstract: rvdt operation rvdt Digital to RVDT converter SWR200
    Text: SWR200 SWR200 SWR200 Precision Sine Wave Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION SWR200 is a Precision Sine Wave Reference providing an ultra stable sine wave output of +7.071 V at ±0.5% initial accuracy and temperature coefficient as low as 20 ppm/°C over the full military temperature

    SWR200 SWR200 ppm/1000 14-pin SWR200DS SWR200DS 400hz sine oscillator rvdt operation rvdt Digital to RVDT converter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SWR200 SWR200 SWR200 Precision Sine Wave Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION SWR200 is a Precision Sine Wave Reference providing an ultra stable sine wave output of +7.071 V at ±0.5% initial accuracy and temperature coefficient as low as 20 ppm/°C over the full military temperature

    SWR200 SWR200 SWR200DS SWR200DS PDF


    Abstract: 400hz sine oscillator LT1068 design a 40khz notch filter CD4520 low pass filter 400hz schematic DATA SHEET OF CD4520 OF CD4520 lowpass filter 20khz 400Hz converter schematic
    Text: DESIGN FEATURES Clock-Tunable, High Accuracy, Quad 2nd Order, Analog Filter Building Blocks by Philip Karantzalis LTC1068-200 Ultralow The LTC1068 product family consists ware for Windows . The internal sam- Frequency Linear-Phase of four monolithic, clock-tunable filter pling rate of all the LTC1068 devices Lowpass Filter

    LTC1068-200 LTC1068 LTC1068-200, LTC1068-25 LTC1068-50 LT1068-25 400hz sine oscillator LT1068 design a 40khz notch filter CD4520 low pass filter 400hz schematic DATA SHEET OF CD4520 OF CD4520 lowpass filter 20khz 400Hz converter schematic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ToùJMAR/üIHITE TECHNOLOGY Mb D E * ISbBbTÔ OOOOlflT D WWhite " J> - - — - •— T-50-ol3 PRECISION OSCILLATOR y 6002 SERIES , Inc. éHêm FEATURES Precision Frequency 10Hz to 100kHz Very Stable Output Voltage vs. Temperature (0.5% Typ.) Wide Supply Range (18—50V)

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    T-50-ol3 100kHz) 400Hz PDF

    20109 sony

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXA2020M/S EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2020M/S, is a bipolar 1C designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual

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    CXA2020M/S, 520mVrms CXA2020M 28PIN 375mil CXA2020M/S OP026-P-0375-D CXA2020S 22PINSDIP 022-P-0300 20109 sony PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXA2020M/S EIAJ Sound Multiplexing Decoder Description The CXA2020M/S, is a bipolar 1C designed as EIAJ TV sound multiplexing decoder, provides various functions including sound multiplexing demodulation, broadcast mode identification stereo/bilingual discrimination display , mode

    OCR Scan
    CXA2020M/S CXA2020M/S, 520mVrms CXA2020M 28PIN 375mil OP028-P-0375-D CXA2020S 22PIN PDF


    Abstract: 400hz sine oscillator Linear inductosyn inductosyn IRDC1731 Dtm 1716 schematic IRDC1730 RESOLVER API1620 resolver 90
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ 12-Bit, Tracking Inductosyn / Resolver-to-Digital Converters IRDC1730/1733 FEA TU RES Uses Ratiometric Amplitude Measurement Principle Can Be Used with Inductosyns or Resolvers 12-Bit Parallel Word Representing Resolver Shaft Angle or

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    12-Bit, 12-Bit 400Hz, 10kHz) c1730 400hz sine oscillator Linear inductosyn inductosyn IRDC1731 Dtm 1716 schematic IRDC1730 RESOLVER API1620 resolver 90 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D DC SDC-14600/05 SERIES ¡»t « 1 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION!_ TWO CHANNEL 14 & 16 BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES DESCRIPTION The SDC-14600/05 Series are small low cost dual Synchro- or Resolver-toDigital Converters. The SDC-14600 Series is fixed at 14 bits, the SDC-14605

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14600/05 SDC-14600 SDC-14605 option02, -9/91-5M PDF

    400hz sine oscillator

    Abstract: radar position control servo motor
    Text: □□□ SDC-14600/05 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION _ TWO CHANNEL 14 & 16 BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fixed 14 or 16 Bit Resolution The SDC-14600/05 Series are small low cost dual Synchro- or Resolver-toDigital Converters. The SDC-14600

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14600/05 SDC-14600 SDC-14605 400Hz 400hz sine oscillator radar position control servo motor PDF

    400hz sine oscillator

    Abstract: radar position control resolver servo motor synchro resolver application note
    Text: BBS SDC-14570/75 SERIES IUC DATA DEVICI CORPORATION- 14 & 16 BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES • Fixed 14 o r 14/16 B it Program able DESCRIPTION The SDC-14570/75 Series are small low cost Synchro- or ResoIver-to-Digital Converters based upon a single chip

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14570/75 16-bit SDC14570 SDC-14575 400Hz 400hz sine oscillator radar position control resolver servo motor synchro resolver application note PDF

    400hz sine oscillator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QQQ SDC-14570/75 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION_ 14 & 16 BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES • F ixed 14 o r 14/16 B it Program able DESCRIPTION The SDC-14570/75 Series are small low cost Synchro- or Resolver-to-Digital Converters based upon a single chip

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    SDC-14570/75 16-bit SDC14570 SDC-14575 range22 400Hz 400hz sine oscillator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0Q 0 SDC-14570/75 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICE _ _ CORPORATION_ 14 & 16 BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES • Fixed 14 o r 14/16 B it Programable DESCRIPTION The SDC-14570/75 Series are small low cost Synchro- « Resolver-to-Digital Converters based upon a single chip

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    SDC-14570/75 16-bit SDC14570 SDC-14575 400Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 000 SDC-14610/15 SERIES ILC DATA DEVICI CORPORATION_ THREE CHANNEL 14 & 16 BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fixed 14 or 16 Bit Resolution The SDC-14610/15 Series are small low cost triple Synchro- or Resolverto-Digital Converters. The SDC-14610

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14610/15 SDC-14610 theSDC-14615 400Hz SDC-14615 PDF


    Abstract: 10v 10KHz resolver
    Text: AN ALO G D E V IC E S □ FEATURES Low C ost H ig h T r a c k in g R a t e R e fe re n c e F re q u e n c y 4 0 0 H z t o 1 0 kH z H y b rid C o n s t r u c t io n T r i- S ta t e D ig it a l O u t p u t N o E x te rn a l A d ju s t m e n t Hybrid, Tracking Inductosyn /

    OCR Scan
    IRDC1732 C1732 IRDC1732 12-bit 1732atN 400Hz 10kHz HY32B 10v 10KHz resolver PDF

    inductosyn farrand 21

    Abstract: inductosyn irdc 460 HY32B inductosyn farrand
    Text: ANALO G D E V IC E S Hybrid, Tracking Inductosyn / Resoh/er-to-DigitaI Converter IRDC1732 FEATURES Low Cost High Tracking Rate Reference Frequency 400H z to 10kHz Hybrid Construction T ri-S ta te D igital O u tpu t No External A dju stm en t IRD C1732 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM

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    IRDC1732 400Hz 10kHz 12-bit IRDCI732atNaval inductosyn farrand 21 inductosyn irdc 460 HY32B inductosyn farrand PDF

    ic 4026 use in digital pulse counter

    Abstract: ic 4026 down counter SCHEMATIC 3 PHASE 400Hz 115v programmable oscillator for resolver 400Hz converter schematic synchro to digital converter 115v 400Hz circuit diagram
    Text: BOB' SDC-14560 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION _ SYNCHRO TO DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION The SDC-14560 is a series of high relia­ bility synchro or resolver to digital con­ verters with user programmable resolu­ tion of 10, 12, 14, or 16 bits. Other fea­

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    SDC-14560 SDC-14560 10VDC 36-PIN ic 4026 use in digital pulse counter ic 4026 down counter SCHEMATIC 3 PHASE 400Hz 115v programmable oscillator for resolver 400Hz converter schematic synchro to digital converter 115v 400Hz circuit diagram PDF

    E128 transformer

    Abstract: 400hz sine oscillator SDC-14700 DC891 E128 transformer e128
    Text: SECTION E SYNCHRO AND RESOLVER TO DIGITAL S/D, R/D CONVERTERS PRODUCT SUMMARY TABLE • SINGLE-SPEED TRACKING RESOLUTION ACCURACY TRACKING RATE HS DC-8915 Monobrid Sotos 14 Bit to ± 2.6' 10 rps RDC-19200 Monobrid Series 10, 12, 14, or 16 Bit ± 10' to ±2'

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    DC-8915 RDC-19200 400Hz 20kHz) OSC-15801 OSC-15802 REF-15001 10kHz 10kHz E128 transformer 400hz sine oscillator SDC-14700 DC891 E128 transformer e128 PDF