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    4 FLIP FLOP Search Results

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    TC4013BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, D-Type Flip-Flop, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WZ74FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-505 (SM8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WZ74FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH74FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-505 (SM8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH74FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    4 FLIP FLOP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74LS377 74LS174 74LS175 74LS378 74LS379
    Text: SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 SN54/74LS379 OCTAL D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; HEX D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; 4-BIT D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE The SN54 / 74LS377 is an 8-bit register built using advanced Low Power Schottky technology. This register consists of eight D-type flip-flops with a

    SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 SN54/74LS379 74LS377 74LS378 74LS174, 74LS379 74LS175 74LS379 ls378 74LS174 PDF


    Abstract: 74ls175 pin diagram 74LS174 74LS175 74LS378 74LS379 motorola ceramic dual in-line case 74ls377 motorola
    Text: SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 SN54/74LS379 OCTAL D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; HEX D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; 4-BIT D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE The SN54 / 74LS377 is an 8-bit register built using advanced Low Power Schottky technology. This register consists of eight D-type flip-flops with a

    SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 SN54/74LS379 74LS377 74LS378 74LS174, 74LS379 74LS175 74ls175 pin diagram 74LS174 motorola ceramic dual in-line case 74ls377 motorola PDF


    Abstract: MC10E131 DL140 MC100E131
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4ĆBit D FlipĆFlop MC10E131 MC100E131 The MC10E/100E131 is a quad master-slave D-type flip-flop with differential outputs. Each flip-flop may be clocked separately by holding Common Clock CC LOW and using the Clock Enable (CE) inputs for

    MC10E131 MC100E131 MC10E/100E131 MC10E131/D* MC10E131/D DL140 DRS12 MC10E131 MC100E131 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK10/100E131 4-Bit D Flip-Flop HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Description Features The SK10/100E131 is a Quad master-slave D-type flip-flop with differential outputs. Each flip-flop may be clocked separately by holding Common Clock CC LOW and using the Clock Enable (CE*) inputs for

    SK10/100E131 SK10/100E131 SK10E131PJ 28-PLCC SK10E131PJT SK100E131PJ SK100E131PJT 100E131 PDF


    Abstract: ttl 74174 74LS 74LS174 74S174 N74174N N74LS174D N74LS174N N74S174D N74S174N
    Text: Signetics 7 4 1 7 4 , LS174 , S 174 Flip-Flops Hex D Flip-Flops Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Six edge-triggered D-type flip­ flops • Three speed-power ranges available • Buffered common clock • Buffered, asynchronous Master Reset

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    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74174 ttl 74174 74LS 74LS174 74S174 N74174N N74LS174D N74LS174N N74S174D N74S174N PDF


    Abstract: Di801 max5539 54S74
    Text: Signetics 54LS74A, 54S74 Flip-Flops Dual D-Type Flip-Flops Product Specification Military Logic Products DESCRIPTION The 54LS7 4 A , 5 4 S 7 4 is a dual positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop featuring individual Data, Clock, Set and R eset in­ puts; also com plem entary Q and O out­

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    54LS74A, 54S74 54LS7 54LSXXX 54SXXX 28Oil 500ns 500ns 54LS74A Di801 max5539 54S74 PDF

    TEXTOOL zif socket

    Abstract: MS-012-AB 74ALS 74ALS74A ALS74A N74ALS74AD N74ALS74AN Signetics T4020 26 SIGNETICS
    Text: NAPC/ SIGNETICS 1ÖE D ^{□53^54 0040170 4 • SIC3 74ALS74A Slgnetics T - 4 & - 0 7 - D 5 FLIP-FLOP 74ALS74A Dual D-Type Flip-Flops with Set and Reset Product Specification ALS Products DESCRIPTION The 'ALS74A s a dual edge-triggered Dtype flip-flop featuring individual data, Set

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    74ALS74A ALS74A int12-AB 5M-1982. TEXTOOL zif socket MS-012-AB 74ALS N74ALS74AD N74ALS74AN Signetics T4020 26 SIGNETICS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD74HCT374 HD74HCT534 These devices are positive # Octal D-type Flip-Flops with 3-state outputs # Octal D-type Flip-Flops (with inverted 3-state outputs) edge triggered flip-flops. The | I PIN ARRANGEMENT ^ »H D 74H C T 374 difference between H D 7 4 H C T 3 7 4 and H D 7 4 H C T 5 3 4 is only

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    HD74HCT374 HD74HCT534 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD74HC374 HD74HC534 • Octal D -type Flip-Flops with 3 -s ta te outputs • Octal D -type Flip-Flops (with inverted 3 -s ta te o u tp u ts ) These devices are positive edge triggered flip-flops. The d if­ ference between H D 7 4 H C 3 7 4 and H D 7 4 H C 5 3 4 is only that

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    HD74HC374 HD74HC534 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C74AC534 M C74ACT534 Product Preview O cta l D -Type Flip-Flop w ith 3 -S ta te O u tp u ts OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS The M C 7 4 A C 5 3 4 / 7 4 A C T 5 3 4 is a high-speed, lo w -p ow er octal D-type flip-flop fea­ turing separate D-type inputs for each flip-flop an d 3-state ou tpu ts for bus-oriented

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    C74AC534 C74ACT534 74ACT PDF

    74107 pin diagram

    Abstract: 74107 74LS107 74107 flip flop H/CI 74107 pin configuration 74LS107 1N3064 1N916 74LS LS107
    Text: 74107, LS107 Signetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION Th e '1 0 7 is a dual flip-flop with individual J, K, Clock and direct R eset inputs. The 7 4 1 0 7 Is a positive pulse-triggered flip­ flop. JK information is loaded into the

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    74LS107 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74107 pin diagram 74107 74107 flip flop H/CI 74107 pin configuration 74LS107 1N3064 1N916 74LS LS107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor May 1995 5 4 F /7 4 F 3 7 7 O ctal D Flip-Flop w ith Clock Enable General Description Features The ’F377 has eight edge-triggered, D-type flip-flops with individual D inputs and Q outputs. The common buffered Clock CP input loads all flip-flops simultaneously, when the

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    20-3A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A SN54LS74A SN54LS74A D E S C R I P T I O N - The S N 5 4 L S / 7 4 L S 7 4 A dual edge-triggered flip-flop utilizes Schottky TTL circuitry to produce high speed D-type flip-flops. Each flip-flop has individual clear and set inputs, and also complementary

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    SN54LS74A SN54LS74A SN54LS/74LS74A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GD54/74HC73, GD54/74HCT73 DUAL J-K FLIP-FLOPS WITH CLEAR General Description These devices are identical in pinout to the 5 4 /7 4 L S 7 3 . These flip-flops are edge sensitive to the clock input and change state on the negative go­ ing transition of the clock pulse. Each flip-flop has

    OCR Scan
    GD54/74HC73, GD54/74HCT73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA OCTAL D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; HEX D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; 4-BIT D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE The SN 54/74LS 377 is an 8-bit register built using advanced Low Power Schottky technology. This register consists of eight D-type flip-flops with a buffered common clock and a buffered common clock enable.

    OCR Scan
    54/74LS SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 SN54/74LS379 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: < 3 > MOTOROLA OCTAL D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; HEX D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE; 4-BIT D FLIP-FLOP WITH ENABLE The SN54/74LS377 is an 8-bit register built using advanced Low Power Schottky technology. This register consists of eight D-type flip-flops with a buffered common clock and a buffered common clock enable.

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 SN54/74LS174, SN54/74LS379 SN54/74LS175 Flop4LS378 SN54/74LS379 SN54/74LS377 SN54/74LS378 74ls379 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics 54LS377 Flip-Flop Octal D Flip-Flop With Clock Enable Product Specification Military Logic Products FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Ideal for addressable register applications The 5 4 L S 3 7 7 has eight edge-triggered, D-type flip-flops with individual D inputs

    OCR Scan
    54LS377 20-pin 54LSXXX 500ns 1N916 1N3064, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A SN54/74LS74A D E S C R I P T I O N - The S N 5 4 L S /7 4 L S 7 4 A dual edge-triggered flip-flop u tilizes Schottky TTL circu itry to produce high speed D-type flip-flops. Each flip-flop has individual cfear and set inputs, arid also com plem entary

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS74A 74LS74A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 4 H C /H C T 74 flip-flops D U A L D -TYPE FLIP-FLO P W IT H SET A N D RESET; PO SITIVE -E D G E T R IG G E R FEATURES • • TYPICAL Output capability : standard IcC category: flip-flops SYMBOL The 74HC/HCT74 are dual positiveedge triggered, D-type flip-flops with

    OCR Scan
    74HC/HCT74 PDF


    Abstract: SN54175 SN54LS174 SN54LS175 SN54S174 SN54S175 SN74174 SN74175 SN74LS174 SN74LS175
    Text: SN54174, SN54175, SN54LS174, SN54LS175, SN54S174, SN54S175, SN74174, SN74175, SN74LS174, SN74LS175, SN74S174, SN74S175 HEX/QUADRUPLE D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPS WITH CLEAR DECEMBER 1972-REVISED MARCH 1988 '1 7 4 f 'LS174, 'S I74 . . . H E X D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPS '175, 'LS175, 'S175 . . . QUADRUPLE D-TYPE FLIP-FLOPS

    OCR Scan
    SN54174, SN54175, SN54LS174, SN54LS175, SN54S174, SN54S175, SN74174, SN74175, SN74LS174, SN74LS175, SN54174 SN54175 SN54LS174 SN54LS175 SN54S174 SN54S175 SN74174 SN74175 SN74LS174 SN74LS175 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M C 74A C 175 M C74A CT175 M O TO R O LA Product Preview Quad D Flip-Flop Q U A D D FLIP-FLOP The M C 7 4 A C 1 7 5 / 7 4 A C T 1 7 5 is a h igh -sp e e d q u a d D flip-flop. The device is useful for general flip-flop requirem ents w here clock and clear inputs are co m m on . The

    OCR Scan
    CT175 atib4AC175 MC74ACT175 74ACT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA Military 10E531 4-Bit D Flip-Flop Product Preview ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 10E531 M R O The 10E531 is a quad m aster-slave D-type flip-flop with differential outputs. Each flip-flop may be clocked separately by holding Com mon Clock (C c ) LOW

    OCR Scan
    10E531 10E531 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MC54F374 MC74F374 OCTAL D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP With 3-S tate Outputs D E S C R IP T IO N — The M C 5 4 F /7 4 F 3 7 4 isa high-speed, low -pow er octal D -type flip -flo p fe a tu rin g separate D-type inputs for each flip flop and 3 -sta te o utp uts for bus oriented applications. A buffered

    OCR Scan
    MC54F374 MC74F374 PDF

    TTL 7474

    Abstract: 7474 pin out diagram 7474 D flip-flop circuit diagram 7474 7474 D flip-flop pin diagram of 7474 74LS74A pin out configuration 7474 j-k flip flop 7474 pin configuration pin configuration of d flip flip 7474
    Text: 7474, LS74A, S74 Signetics Flip-Flops Dual D-Type Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION Th e '7 4 is a dual positive edge-triggered D-type flip-flop featuring individual Data, Clock, S et and R eset inputs; also com ­ plem entary Q and Q outputs.

    OCR Scan
    LS74A, 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns TTL 7474 7474 pin out diagram 7474 D flip-flop circuit diagram 7474 7474 D flip-flop pin diagram of 7474 74LS74A pin out configuration 7474 j-k flip flop 7474 pin configuration pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 PDF