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    Knowles Corporation 2220YA250103KXTB16

    Safety Capacitors -0.01uF X7R 2220 10percent
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    Knowles Capacitors 2220YA250103KXTB16

    Safety Capacitors -0.01uF X7R 2220 10percent
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    TTI 2220YA250103KXTB16 Reel 500
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    Atmel 0342

    Abstract: CS5954AM SL11R CY4616 0XC014
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION CS5954AM CS5954AM USB Controller for NAND Flash Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document #: 38-08025 Rev. * • 3901 North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943-2600 Revised May 28, 2002 ADVANCE INFORMATION CS5954AM Table of Contents

    CS5954AM CS5954AM Atmel 0342 SL11R CY4616 0XC014 PDF

    Telephone Dialer Circuit SeiKo

    Abstract: TELEPHONE DIALER SEIKO circuit diagram of dtmf generator Telephone Dialer Circuit fire-prevention S-7292AF wireless telephone
    Text: Rev.1.1 S-7292AF 1-chip MICROCOMPUTER FOR TELEPHONE SET UC T The S-7292AF is a CMOS 4-bit microcomputer for telephone sets, which integrates ROM, RAM, timers, a serial I/O, I/O ports and a dialer circuit on one chip. It features low voltage operation and low current

    S-7292AF S-7292AF Telephone Dialer Circuit SeiKo TELEPHONE DIALER SEIKO circuit diagram of dtmf generator Telephone Dialer Circuit fire-prevention wireless telephone PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL610403-02 Issue Date: Oct.30, 2012 ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 8-bit Microcontroller with a Built-in LCD driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller into which peripheral circuits, such as UART,melody driver, RC oscillation type A/D converter, and LCD driver, are incorporated around LAPIS Semiconductor

    FEDL610403-02 ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 nX-U8/100. ML610401P/ ML610402P/ML610403P nX-U8/100) 16-bit LTBC PDF

    verilog code for dual port ram with axi interface

    Abstract: XC6SLX25T-2CSG324 UG473 verilog code for dual port ram with axi lite interface XC6VLX75T-2FF784 hamming code in vhdl axi wrapper blk_mem_gen verilog code for pseudo random sequence generator in state diagram of AMBA AXI protocol v 1.0
    Text: LogiCORE IP Block Memory Generator v7.1 DS512 April 24, 2012 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts The Xilinx LogiCORE IP Block Memory Generator BMG core is an advanced memory constructor that generates area and performance-optimized memories

    DS512 verilog code for dual port ram with axi interface XC6SLX25T-2CSG324 UG473 verilog code for dual port ram with axi lite interface XC6VLX75T-2FF784 hamming code in vhdl axi wrapper blk_mem_gen verilog code for pseudo random sequence generator in state diagram of AMBA AXI protocol v 1.0 PDF


    Abstract: uPD77016 uPD77111 uPD77115 uPD77115A uPD77115F1-CN6 uPD77115GK-9EU HD553
    Text: お客様各位 カタログ等資料中の旧社名の扱いについて 2010 年 4 月 1 日を以って NEC エレクトロニクス株式会社及び株式会社ルネサステクノロジ が合併し両社の全ての事業が当社に承継されております。従いまして、本資料中には旧社

    PD77115, 7115A 77115A16DSPDigital PD77115 PD77115Aµ PD77111 U14623J tvsdcr uPD77016 uPD77111 uPD77115 uPD77115A uPD77115F1-CN6 uPD77115GK-9EU HD553 PDF

    DL 0365

    Abstract: LC72322N NEC-PC98 ph044 LC72321 LC72321N LC72322 LC72323 LC72323N RN0011
    Text: 注文コード No. N5945 No. 三洋半導体ニューズ 5945 52298 新 LC72321N LC72322N LC72323N CMOS LSI LCDドライバ内蔵 1チップPLL+コントローラ LC72321N72322N72323N150MHzまで動作するPLL,LCDドライバを内蔵した電子同調用シングル

    N5945 LC72321N LC72322N LC72323N 72322N 72323N150MHzPLL LC72323NLC72321 DL 0365 LC72322N NEC-PC98 ph044 LC72321 LC72321N LC72322 LC72323 LC72323N RN0011 PDF


    Abstract: 1455b P30-P33
    Text: 目 次 特 長・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 用 途・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 仕 様・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

    54QFP) S-1455BF S-1455BFROM, 455kHz, 32kHz, 455kHz 455kHz) 32kHz) P20-P23 1455b P30-P33 PDF


    Abstract: HT48R002 HT66F002 HT16K33 HT46R002 HT12F application circuit HT66F018 HT46R004 HT46R0042 HT46R066B
    Text: Holtek Company Introduction Introduction Unrelenting growth and the release of a continuous stream of competitive and functionally rich new semiconductor devices onto the global market has been the hallmark of Holtek Semiconductor since the establishment of the company back in 1983 to the present

    32-bit HT95R24. HT95R25. HT95R33. HT95R34. HT95R35. HT98R068-1. HT9B92. HT9B92G. HT9B95. HT66F004 HT48R002 HT66F002 HT16K33 HT46R002 HT12F application circuit HT66F018 HT46R004 HT46R0042 HT46R066B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL610403-03 Issue Date: Apr.18, 2014 ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 8-bit Microcontroller with a Built-in LCD driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller into which peripheral circuits, such as UART,melody driver, RC oscillation type A/D converter, and LCD driver, are incorporated around LAPIS Semiconductor

    FEDL610403-03 ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 ML610401/ML610402/ML610403 nX-U8/100. ML610401P/ ML610402P/ML610403P nX-U8/100) 16hreat PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A/D Type Touch Key MCU BS84B08A-3/BS84C12A-3 Revision: V1.00 Date: May 02, 2013 BS84B08A-3/BS84C12A-3 A/D Type Touch Key MCU Table of Contents Features . 6

    BS84B08A-3/BS84C12A-3 PDF


    Abstract: LC723481W LC723482W s1827 LC723483W mvrd
    Text: 注文コード No. N 7 2 5 3 LC723481W LC723482W LC723483W CMOS LSI LCDドライバおよび DC-DCコンバータ内蔵 低電圧 ETR-C LC723481W,723482W,723483W 250MHz まで動作する PLL と 1/4duty、1/2 バイアス型の LCD ドライ バを内蔵した低電圧電子同調シングルチップマイクロコントローラである。

    LC723481W LC723482W LC723483W LC723481W 23482W 23483W 250MHz FM1256 LC723482W s1827 LC723483W mvrd PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN 6 Configuration SPARTAN-6 DS512 RAMB36 RAMB18 RAMB18SDP hamming decoder vhdl code spartan 3 multiprocessor 2Kx18
    Text: Block Memory Generator v3.3 DS512 September 16, 2009 Product Specification Introduction • The Xilinx LogiCORE IP Block Memory Generator core is an advanced memory constructor that generates area and performance-optimized memories using embedded block RAM resources in Xilinx FPGAs.

    DS512 XC6SL SPARTAN 6 Configuration SPARTAN-6 RAMB36 RAMB18 RAMB18SDP hamming decoder vhdl code spartan 3 multiprocessor 2Kx18 PDF


    Abstract: KL5KUSB110 LS120 ide pin functions
    Text: K Preliminary KAWASAKI LSI USB to ATAPI Description The KL5KUSB110from Kawasaki , is a low cost, high speed Universal Serial Bus USB to ATAPI/IDE Controller. It's 16 bit RISC processor and built in BIOS ROM translates USB ATAPI host commands to a wide variety IDE storage devices such as, HDD, FD, CD-ROM, CD-WR, ZIP Drives LS120 drives. The

    KL5KUSB110from LS120 KL5KUSB110 DD15 ide pin functions PDF


    Abstract: scanlogic SL11R x1 x2 eprom d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 LIN protocol basics using atmel uart low cost eeprom programmer circuit diagram SL11R 0xC00C
    Text: SL11R SL11R USB Controller/ 16-Bit RISC Processor Data Sheet Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document #: 38-08006 Rev. * • 3901 North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943-2600 Revised December 3, 2001 SL11R Table of Contents 1.0 DEFINITIONS . 8

    SL11R 16-Bit SL11R Controller/16-Bit W88AA scanlogic SL11R x1 x2 eprom d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 LIN protocol basics using atmel uart low cost eeprom programmer circuit diagram 0xC00C PDF


    Abstract: MD622 K1664 ROM80 uPD77016 uPD77111 uPD77210F1-DA2 uPD77210GJ-8EN uPD77213 INT31
    Text: データ・シート MOS 集積回路 MOS Integrated Circuit µ PD77210, 77213 16ビット固定小数点ディジタル・シグナル・プロセッサ µ PD77210, 77213は,16ビットの固定小数点DSP(Digital Signal Processor)です。 従来のµ PD77111ファミリと比べて消費電力性能を向上し,PDA,携帯電話など電池動作のモバイル端末の用途

    PD77210, 7721316DSPDigital PD77111PDA PD77111 PD77210µ PD77210 PD77016 uPD77210 MD622 K1664 ROM80 uPD77016 uPD77111 uPD77210F1-DA2 uPD77210GJ-8EN uPD77213 INT31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev.1.1 1-chip MICROCOMPUTER FOR TELEPHONE SET S-7292AF The S-7292AF is a CMOS 4-bit microcomputer for telephone sets, which integrates ROM, RAM, timers, a serial I/O, I/O ports and a dialer circuit on one chip. It features low voltage operation and low current

    S-7292AF S-7292AF PDF


    Abstract: vhdl code hamming ecc 8kx1 RAM XC6VLX365T-FF1759-1 Xilinx Virtex6 Design Kit vhdl code hamming DS512 RAMB36 verilog code hamming vhdl spartan 3a
    Text: Block Memory Generator v3.2 DS512 June 24, 2009 Product Specification Introduction • The Xilinx LogiCORE IP Block Memory Generator core is an advanced memory constructor that generates area and performance-optimized memories using embedded block RAM resources in Xilinx FPGAs.

    DS512 RAMB16BWER vhdl code hamming ecc 8kx1 RAM XC6VLX365T-FF1759-1 Xilinx Virtex6 Design Kit vhdl code hamming RAMB36 verilog code hamming vhdl spartan 3a PDF


    Abstract: Telephone Dialer Circuit SeiKo S-7292AF wireless switch diagram
    Text: Contents Features . 1 Applications . 1 Dimensions. 2 Pin Assignments. 2

    S-7292AF S-7292AF PIO11 TELEPHONE DIALER SEIKO Telephone Dialer Circuit SeiKo wireless switch diagram PDF

    scanlogic SL11R

    Abstract: 16 bit risc processor scanlogic sl11 SL11-R-USB digital joystick scanlogic development kit "embedded systems" firmware SL11R SL11-R working of digital watch
    Text: Product Information SL11-R-USB RISC Processor The SL11-R from ScanLogic Corporation, is a low cost, high speed Universal Serial Bus USB RISC based Controller. It contains a 16 bit RISC processor with built in BIOS ROM that greatly reduces firmware development time. It interfaces

    SL11-R-USB SL11-R SL11R scanlogic SL11R 16 bit risc processor scanlogic sl11 digital joystick scanlogic development kit "embedded systems" firmware working of digital watch PDF

    scanlogic SL11R

    Abstract: SL11R SL11-R 99 mfu
    Text: SL11R USB Controller/16-Bit RISC Proc essor Technical Reference Cypress Semiconductor 3901 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134 408-943-2600 Cypress Semiconductor SL11R Hardware Specification Definitions . 8

    SL11R Controller/16-Bit SL11R SL11R-IDE scanlogic SL11R SL11-R 99 mfu PDF


    Abstract: stk 4149 uPD77113A uPD77114 uPD77016 uPD77111
    Text: お客様各位 カタログ等資料中の旧社名の扱いについて 2010 年 4 月 1 日を以って NEC エレクトロニクス株式会社及び株式会社ルネサステクノロジ が合併し両社の全ての事業が当社に承継されております。従いまして、本資料中には旧社

    PD77113A 7711416DSPDigital PD77016PDA PD77111 U14623J PD77016 U13116J PD77113A13 PD7711413 OHD7 stk 4149 uPD77113A uPD77114 uPD77016 uPD77111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A/D Type Touch Key MCU BS84B08A-3/BS84C12A-3 Revision: V1.00 Date: ������������ May 02, 2013 BS84B08A-3/BS84C12A-3 A/D Type Touch Key MCU Table of Contents Features. 6

    BS84B08A-3/BS84C12A-3 PDF


    Abstract: stk 4149 uPD77016 uPD77111 uPD77113A uPD77114 0x3801
    Text: データ・シート MOS 集積回路 MOS Integrated Circuit µ PD77113A,77114 16ビット固定小数点ディジタル・シグナル・プロセッサ µ PD77113A,77114は,16ビットの固定小数点DSP(Digital Signal Processor)です。 従来のµ PD77016ファミリと比べて消費電力性能を向上し,PDA,携帯電話など電池動作のモバイル端末の用途

    PD77113A 7711416DSPDigital PD77016PDA PD77111 U14623J PD77016 U13116J PD77113A13 PD7711413 OHD7 stk 4149 uPD77016 uPD77111 uPD77113A uPD77114 0x3801 PDF


    Abstract: telephone set s7292af s72p
    Text: S-7292AF 1-chip MICROCOMPUTER FOR TELEPHONE SET The S-7292AF is a CMOS 4-bit microcomputer for telephone sets, which integrates ROM, RAM, timers, a serial I/O, I/O ports and a dialer circuit on one chip. It features low voltage operation and low current consumption.

    OCR Scan
    S-7292AF S-7292AF P04to P07/C8 PI04toPI06 PI08t0PI0n forS-72P92AF 12-bit telephone set s7292af s72p PDF