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    390 OHM 28VDC Search Results

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    390 OHM 28VDC

    Abstract: relay 112 Teledyne Relays 28vdc Teledyne TO5 relays teledyne relay 412 screening
    Text: TELEDYNE RELAYS CENTIGRID ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY RELAY SERIES 114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 114 DPDT basic relay 114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 114DD DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and

    114DD 390 OHM 28VDC relay 112 Teledyne Relays 28vdc Teledyne TO5 relays teledyne relay 412 screening PDF

    Teledyne 412D

    Abstract: 412DD-26 412D-26 ER412M4-26 412DD 412t 12 Volt DPDT Relay 400hz relay 9 Volt DPDT Relay 412D
    Text: TELEDYNE RELAYS SERIES 412 ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY TO-5 RELAYS DPDT Actual Size SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 412 DPDT basic relay 412D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 412DD DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    412DD Teledyne 412D 412DD-26 412D-26 ER412M4-26 412DD 412t 12 Volt DPDT Relay 400hz relay 9 Volt DPDT Relay 412D PDF

    S114 teledyne

    Abstract: s114
    Text: CENTIGRID SURFACE MOUNT COMMERCIAL RELAYS SERIES S114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE S114 DPDT basic relay S114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    S114D S114DD QQ-S-571. S114DD S114/1203/Q1 S114 teledyne s114 PDF

    390 OHM 28VDC

    Abstract: S114 S114-5 S114D-5 S114-26 Teledyne Relays 28vdc S1146
    Text: TELEDYNE RELAYS CENTIGRID SURFACE MOUNT AEROSPACE RELAY SERIES S114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE S114 DPDT basic relay S114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil suppression S114DD DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    S114D S114DD QQ-S-571. 390 OHM 28VDC S114 S114-5 S114D-5 S114-26 Teledyne Relays 28vdc S1146 PDF


    Abstract: 390 OHM 28VDC Teledyne Relays 28vdc dpdt relay
    Text: CENTIGRID ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY RELAYS SERIES 114 ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 114 DPDT basic relay 114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    114DD 114/1203/Q1 114DD-26 390 OHM 28VDC Teledyne Relays 28vdc dpdt relay PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CENTIGRID ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY RELAYS SERIES 114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 114 DPDT basic relay 114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity reversal protection

    114DD 114/0706/Q1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CII High Frequency, Low Signal Relays Table of Contents CII MW3 / MW4 / MW6 / MW3HP / MW4HP / MW6HP Series Relays Double Pole, Electrically Held, 1 Amp and Less Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2

    12VDC 18VDC PDF


    Abstract: 1N4006 EN50081-1 EN50082-2 spdt 12v 150 OHM relay eurotherm 131 5A240VAC G128-0001
    Text: ULTRA SLIMPAK G128-0001 Thermocouple Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset Temperature Input Level Description The Ultra Slim Pak G128 is a DIN rail mount, thermocouple input limit alarm with input terminal cold junction compensation cjc , dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field

    G128-0001 WV905 24VDC 741-F 721-0654-00-E LR42272 1N4006 EN50081-1 EN50082-2 spdt 12v 150 OHM relay eurotherm 131 5A240VAC G128-0001 PDF

    5vdc relay DPDT

    Abstract: MW6HP 5 pin relay 6vdc 9 Volt DPDT Relay
    Text: MW3 / MW4 / MW6 / MW3HP / MW4HP / MW6HP Series Relays Microwave Switching, Hermetically Sealed, DPDT Product Facts • Excellent signal isolation, stable insertion loss and low VSWR. ■ Provide repeatable RF performance at frequencies up to the 3 GHz. level



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CENTIGRID SURFACE MOUNT COMMERCIAL RELAYS SERIES S114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE S114 DPDT basic relay S114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    S114D S114DD ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, PDF

    Teledyne 412D

    Abstract: teledyne relay 412 screening dpdt relay power general 412 relay 5a dpdt 14 pin relay datasheet 412D 412DD teledyne 412 relay TO-5 reLAY DPDT
    Text: SERIES ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY TO-5 RELAYS 412 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 412 DPDT basic relay 412D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    412DD 412/1203/Q1 Teledyne 412D teledyne relay 412 screening dpdt relay power general 412 relay 5a dpdt 14 pin relay datasheet 412D 412DD teledyne 412 relay TO-5 reLAY DPDT PDF

    teledyne relay 412 screening

    Abstract: Teledyne Relays 412 Teledyne 412D 1203 transistor 412D-26 transistor 1203 412D TELEDYNE 412
    Text: SERIES ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY TO-5 RELAYS 412 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 412 DPDT basic relay 412D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    412DD 412/1203/Q1 ROP/1203/Q1 teledyne relay 412 screening Teledyne Relays 412 Teledyne 412D 1203 transistor 412D-26 transistor 1203 412D TELEDYNE 412 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CENTIGRID ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY RELAYS SERIES 114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 114 DPDT basic relay 114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity reversal protection

    114DD ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, PDF


    Abstract: rf311 Teledyne Relays 28vdc j114dd teledyne 114D1
    Text: CENTIGRID ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY RELAYS SERIES 114 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 114 DPDT basic relay 114D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity reversal protection

    114DD ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, J412 rf311 Teledyne Relays 28vdc j114dd teledyne 114D1 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR j412 Teledyne 412D Teledyne Relays 412 ER134D M4 J411 412D 412DD 412T-5 TELEDYNE RELAYS j412
    Text: SERIES ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY TO-5 RELAYS 412 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 412 DPDT basic relay 412D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    412DD ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, J412 TRANSISTOR j412 Teledyne 412D Teledyne Relays 412 ER134D M4 J411 412D 412DD 412T-5 TELEDYNE RELAYS j412 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY ESTABLISHED RELIABILITY TO-5 RELAYS 412 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 412 DPDT basic relay 412D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil suppression DPDT relay with internal diodes for coil transient suppression and polarity

    412DD ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, TELEDYNE 412T PDF


    Abstract: 712D-12 712D-5 teledyne discrete component Teledyne Relays 28vdc 7623k Teledyne TO5 relays 712tn-12 30 ampere relay DPDT transistor
    Text: TELEDYNE RELAYS SERIES 712 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL TO-5 RELAYS DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 712 DPDT basic relay 712D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 712TN DPDT relay with internal transistor driver and coil transient suppression diode

    712TN 712TN 712TN-5 712d-26 712D-12 712D-5 teledyne discrete component Teledyne Relays 28vdc 7623k Teledyne TO5 relays 712tn-12 30 ampere relay DPDT transistor PDF

    cold junction compensation 100 Ohm of K type thermocouple

    Abstract: LR 42272 LR 42272 relay 1N4006 Q106 001-to
    Text: ACTIONI/Q Q126 Thermocouple Input Limit Alarm Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset Temperature Input Level Description The ActionI/Q model Q126 is a DIN rail mount, thermocouple input limit alarm with input terminal cold junction compensation cjc , dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field

    741-F 721-0661-00-F cold junction compensation 100 Ohm of K type thermocouple LR 42272 LR 42272 relay 1N4006 Q106 001-to PDF

    RF300 motor

    Abstract: RF303-5 RF300-5 Teledyne rf300 RF300 RF300-12 motor RF300 TELEDYNE RELAYS esd RF303 RF303-12
    Text: RF & MICROWAVE SERIES HIGH REPEATABILITY BROADBAND TO-5 RELAYS DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RF300 RF303 RELAY TYPE RF300 Repeatable RF relay RF303 Sensitive, repeatable RF relay INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE FEATURES The ultraminiature RF300 and RF303 relays are designed to provide improved

    RF300 RF303 RF300 RF303 RF300-5 RF303-5 RF300-12 RF300 motor RF303-5 RF300-5 Teledyne rf300 RF300-12 motor RF300 TELEDYNE RELAYS esd RF303-12 PDF


    Abstract: 712D-5 J412 5 pin 30 amp relay 712-12 712D-26 TELEDYNE RELAYS j412 dpdt relay ER412D J411
    Text: SERIES COMMERCIAL TO-5 RELAYS 712 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION 712 RELAY TYPE DPDT basic relay 712D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 712TN DPDT relay with internal transistor driver and coil transient suppression diode INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION

    712TN ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, TRANSISTOR j412 712D-5 J412 5 pin 30 amp relay 712-12 712D-26 TELEDYNE RELAYS j412 dpdt relay ER412D J411 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES COMMERCIAL TO-5 RELAYS 712 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 712 DPDT basic relay 712D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 712TN DPDT relay with internal transistor driver and coil transient suppression diode INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION

    712TN ER116C ER136C RF180, ER116C, ER136C RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, TRANSISTOR j412 PDF

    712 transistor

    Abstract: 712D-5 712d-26 teledyne 712-12 teledyne 712d-26 teledyne 712 Teledyne TO5 relays 5 pin relay 28vdc 712tn-12 To5 transistor header
    Text: SERIES COMMERCIAL TO-5 RELAYS 712 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 712 DPDT basic relay 712D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 712TN DPDT relay with internal transistor driver and coil transient suppression diode INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION

    712TN 712/1203/Q1 712 transistor 712D-5 712d-26 teledyne 712-12 teledyne 712d-26 teledyne 712 Teledyne TO5 relays 5 pin relay 28vdc 712tn-12 To5 transistor header PDF

    712 transistor

    Abstract: 712D-5 712tn-5 Teledyne Semiconductor 712d-12 712-18
    Text: SERIES COMMERCIAL TO-5 RELAYS 712 DPDT SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE 712 DPDT basic relay 712D DPDT relay with internal diode for coil transient suppression 712TN DPDT relay with internal transistor driver and coil transient suppression diode INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION

    712TN 712/0909/Q3 712 transistor 712D-5 712tn-5 Teledyne Semiconductor 712d-12 712-18 PDF


    Abstract: mlwf-200 MLWS-805 MLWD-812F Lambda Hybrid MLWS-705 LAMBDA mil 600 mil std 1275 power supply 952F MLWS-705F
    Text: Part II - DC-to-DC Converters LAMBDA'S MLW SERIES High Density, High Reliability Converters for MIL-Environments Lambda's M LW Series isolated D C -to -D C converters and filters provide an idea! solution fo r the unique requirements o f m ilitary and civilian aerospace applications.

    OCR Scan
    28VDC MIL-STD-704D singlT-1000 15VDC) -15VDC) MLWF-300 MLWF-300F 1-800-LAMBDA-4 MLWS-815 mlwf-200 MLWS-805 MLWD-812F Lambda Hybrid MLWS-705 LAMBDA mil 600 mil std 1275 power supply 952F MLWS-705F PDF