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    38KHZ INFRARED EMITTER MODULE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828EVB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE EVALUATION KIT Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MYC0409-NA-EVM Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 72W, Charge Pump Module, non-isolated DC/DC Converter, Evaluation board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    Infrared sensor TSOP 1738

    Abstract: automatic door infrared sensor proximity sensor faucet tsop sensor infrared sensor TSOP 38 TSOP4P38 automatic faucet TSAL6100 application tsop4038 TSAL6100
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e r t e c h n o l o g y, I n c . With D igital or A nalog O utput o p t o e l e c t r o n i cs mid-range infrared sensors p r o d uc t o v e r v i e w w w w. v i s h a y. c o m Mid-Range Infrared Sensors With Digital or Analog Output Vishay’s mid-range sensors enable a wide variety of safety mechanisms and automatic fixtures in

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    Abstract: TSOP 38khz TSOP1738 PIN CONFIGURATION 3 pin ir receiver module 38khz IR TSOP1738 remote control FOR HOME APPLIANCES TSAL62xx ir tsop1738 ir emitter 36khz TSOP1738 features TSOP18XX
    Text: OPTO Electronics IR RC Receiver Module The Eye for Your Commands . . Thomas Scholl TM1D11 A Company of Daimler-Benz OPTO Electronics IR RC Receiver Module * High Performance PCM RC Receiver * World Wide Success * TV / Video / Industrial Application * High Volume Production

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    Abstract: RPM7100 block diagram of remote control RPM7200 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM for LED TUBE LIGHT FOR HOME infrared tv remote receiver RSIP RPM7237-H5 RPM7238-H13 RPM7240-H13
    Text: SERIES CATALOG Photo Link Modules Remote Control Receiver Module IrDA Infrared Communication Module Remote Control Receiver Module •Contents Remote Control Receiver Module Selection Guide . 1 RPM7200 Series .

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    Abstract: TSOP18XX TSOP17XX WORKING OF TSOP 38khz ir receiver 38Khz and 56Khz TSOP IR Telefunken ir receiver ir receiver 36khz ir active bandpass filter circuit diagram TSOP 38khz
    Text: Vishay Telefunken Circuit Description of the IR Receiving Modules Basically all IR receivers of Vishay Telefunken have the same circuit strategy. The function of the Vishay Telefunken TSOP IR receiver modules can be described using the block diagram in Figure 19. The



    Abstract: RS-781 ir sensor circuit 38khz RS-770 RS-470 RS-771 3 pin IR sensor circuit 38khz CPI-210 CL-170IR-X RS-50
    Text: 高感度光センサー High-sensitivity optical sensor ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●● あらゆる情報検出から赤外線データ通信まで幅広い 用途に使える、超小型&高感度・光センサー。 Ultra-compact, high-sensitivity optical sensors for various applications



    Abstract: pir schematic PIR D 203 S PIR 203 S ON LINE UPS MC68HC908 ds1307 interface to pic microcontroller infrared sensor with pic sharp lcd lm16a211 IC1 LM7808 lcd 11059
    Text: 68HC08M6 HC08M68HC 8M68HC08M DRM001/D Passive Infrared PIR Intruder Detection Using the MC68HC908JK1/3, Incorporating Remote Control Adjustment Using the MC68HC908GP32 Designer Reference Manual blank Passive Infrared (PIR) Intruder Detection Using the MC68HC908JK1/3,

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    Abstract: PIR 203 S ON LINE UPS MC68HC908 PIR D 203 S pir schematic LM16A21 LCD 11059 ds1307 interface to pic microcontroller sharp lcd lm16a211 LM16A211
    Text: 68HC08M6 HC08M68HC 8M68HC08M Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DRM001/D Passive Infrared PIR Intruder Detection Using the MC68HC908JK1/3, Incorporating Remote Control Adjustment Using the MC68HC908GP32 Designer Reference Manual Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVERLIGHT. THE SOURCE OF LIGHT. EVERLIGHT illuminates the way for many of the world’s brightest companies. Acclaimed as a premiere global solution provider in the opto-semiconductor industry and held in high regard as a reliable partner for many of the world’s leading electronics companies,


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    Abstract: HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
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    Abstract: ir led modulated at 38kHz 3 pin sharp ir receiver module 38khz NS16C550A-Compatible bi 72-727 LED IR for Tx, RX nec 10F scr NEC protocol LED IR RX ir 38khz receiver with 9600
    Text: CIrCC Consumer Infrared Communications Controller FEATURES • • • • • • Multi-Protocol Serial Communications Controller Full IrDA v1.0 Implementation: 2.4 kbps to 115.2 kbps Consumer Infrared Remote Control Interface SHARP Amplitude Shift Keyed Infrared

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    Abstract: 7028 SMD Transistor wh1604 WH1602B 94V0 200108 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE NM cree 3535 WH1602L WG24064A Kingbright 55-0197
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    Abstract: NS16C550A-Compatible ace dma hex tv
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    Abstract: CRC32 FDC37C669FR FDC37C93X FDC37C957FR NS16450 NS16550A infrared tv remote control IR led transmitter a0 g d0
    Text: IrCC Infrared Communications Controller FEATURES • • • • • Multi-Protocol Serial Communications Controller Full IrDA v1.1 Implementation: 2.4Kbps, 115.2Kbps, .576Mbps, 1.152Mbps and 4Mbps Consumer Infrared TV Remote Control Interface SHARP Amplitude Shift Keyed Infrared

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    Diode marking MFW

    Abstract: Diode marking MFW 16 marking code MFW Diode marking MFW 31 LED IR for Tx, RX LED IR RX marking MFW UNIVERSAL ir remote decoder CRC32 NS16450
    Text: IrCC 2.0 PRELIMINARY Infrared Communications Controller FEATURES • • • • • • Multi-Protocol Serial Communications Controller Full IrDA v1.1 Implementation: 2.4 kbps 115.2 kbps, 0.576 Mbps, 1.152 Mbps and 4 Mbps Consumer Infrared Remote Control

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    Abstract: lathe machine electric circuit CL-591S CL-194S LED WHITE hight efficiency CL-197HB Photointerrupter for pc mouse CL-503 toshiba car audio catalog CL-421S-G
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    Diode marking MFW 31

    Abstract: Diode marking MFW 16 Diode MFW 26
    Text: IrCC 2.0 PRELIMINARY Infrared Communications Controller FEATURES • • • • • • Multi-Protocol Serial Communications Controller Full IrDA v1.1 Implementation: 2.4 kbps 115.2 kbps, 0.576 Mbps, 1.152 Mbps and 4 Mbps Consumer Infrared Remote Control

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    Diode marking MFW

    Abstract: marking code MFW LED IR for Tx, RX CRC32 NS16450 3 pin sharp ir receiver module 38khz ir 38khz receiver with 9600 MFW diode ir 38khz emitter Diode MFW 26
    Text: IrCC 2.0 PRELIMINARY Infrared Communications Controller FEATURES • • • • • • Multi-Protocol Serial Communications Controller Full IrDA v1.1 Implementation: 2.4 kbps 115.2 kbps, 0.576 Mbps, 1.152 Mbps and 4 Mbps Consumer Infrared Remote Control

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DE1-SoC User Manual 1 March 14, 2014 CONTENTS Chapter 1 DE1-SoC Development Kit . 4 1.1 Package Contents. 4


    0119 Solar Lamp Controller

    Abstract: transistor SMD W06 78 NXP Semiconductors 70150 TYN225 WH1602A Matsua microswitch 250V AC IRF9520 Samsung iskra BT 200 MOTOR FM 270R 74HC00M
    Text: 24 Electronic Components pp751-856:Layout 1 24/1/14 16:12 Page 751 Electronic Components CAPACITORS OPTOELECTRONICS Ceramic Capacitors Tantalum Capacitors Variable Capacitors 752 759 759 DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Bridge Rectifier Diodes Diodes Transistors 766

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    Abstract: 71M6521BE 80515 timer1 interrupt 0x1034 80587 programmers reference manual electricity meters prepaid energy meter block diagram IEC62053 LQFP-64 ir emitter detector interface 8051
    Text: 71M6521BE Energy Meter IC DATA SHEET JANUARY 2008 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TERIDIAN 71M6521BE is a highly integrated SOC with an MPU core, FLASH and LCD driver. TERIDIAN’s patented Single Converter Technology with a 22-bit delta-sigma ADC, four analog inputs, digital temperature

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    prepaid energy meter

    Abstract: 71M6521DE 3 pin IR sensor circuit 38khz ir sensor circuit 38khz prepaid energy meter block diagram 71M6521 IEC62053 80515 timer1 interrupt 1000-11FF 7" LCD 800 x 600 with TCON
    Text: 71M6521DE/71M6521FE Energy Meter IC DATA SHEET JANUARY 2008 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TERIDIAN 71M6521DE/FE is a highly integrated SOC with an MPU core, RTC, FLASH and LCD driver. TERIDIAN’s patented Single Converter Technology with a 22-bit delta-sigma ADC, four analog inputs, digital

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    Abstract: 71M6521DE prepaid energy meter prepaid energy meter block diagram 3 pin IR sensor circuit 38khz correlation flow METER 8051 ir sensor circuit 38khz 71M6521 LQFP-64 teridian application notes metering software user
    Text: 19-5370; 10/10 71M6521DE/71M6521FE Energy Meter IC A Maxim Integrated Products Brand DATA SHEET OCTOBER 2010 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Teridian 71M6521DE/FE is a highly integrated system-on-chip SoC with an MPU core, RTC, flash, and LCD driver. Teridian’s Single Converter

    71M6521DE/71M6521FE 71M6521DE/FE 22-bit 32-bit 32kHz 100mV 100mV -100mV wattmeter 71M6521DE prepaid energy meter prepaid energy meter block diagram 3 pin IR sensor circuit 38khz correlation flow METER 8051 ir sensor circuit 38khz 71M6521 LQFP-64 teridian application notes metering software user PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE 71M6543FT/71M6543HT/ 71M6543GT/71M6543GHT General Description The 71M6543FT/71M6543HT/71M6543GT/71M6543GHT 71M654xT are 4th-generation three-phase metering systems-on-chips (SoCs) with a 5MHz, 8051-compatible MPU core, low-power RTC with digital temperature

    71M6543FT/71M6543HT/ 71M6543GT/71M6543GHT 71M6543FT/71M6543HT/71M6543GT/71M6543GHT 71M654xT) 8051-compatible 22-bit 32-bit 71M654xT 71M6x03 71M6543GT/71M6543GHT PDF