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    384XA Search Results

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    Abstract: 2n222a datasheet transistor 2n222a 2n222A TRANSISTOR UC384 1843A 2N2222 SG384 UC1842A UC1843A
    Text: LIN D O C #: 1840 UC184xA/284xA/384xA CURRENT MODE PWM CONTROLLER T H E I N F I N I T E P O W E R I O F P N N O VA T I O N R O D U C T I O N D DESCRIPTION The UC184xA family of control ICs provides all the necessary features to implement off-line fixed-frequency,

    UC184xA/284xA/384xA UC184xA 470pF 90VAC: 130VAC: 90VAC 130VAC 40KHz UC3844A 2n222a 2n222a datasheet transistor 2n222a 2n222A TRANSISTOR UC384 1843A 2N2222 SG384 UC1842A UC1843A PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2n222a 2n222a datasheet UCX84XA 2N222-A transformer 20kw 2n2222 transistor pin b c e 2n222A TRANSISTOR irf830 datasheet 2N2222
    Text: UC184xA / 284xA / 384xA CURRENT MODE PWM CONTROLLER T H E I N F I N I T E P O W E R O F I P N N O V A T I O N R O D U C T I O N D A T A „ LOW START-UP CURRENT. „ „ „ „ „ „ IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website:

    UC184xA 284xA 384xA 500KHz V470pF 90VAC: 130VAC: 90VAC 130VAC 40KHz 2n222a transistor 2n222a 2n222a datasheet UCX84XA 2N222-A transformer 20kw 2n2222 transistor pin b c e 2n222A TRANSISTOR irf830 datasheet 2N2222 PDF


    Abstract: 2843a CS-2841B CS-2842A CS-3842A rt68 CS-3842AD14 cd3842a 3843AN 2842AN
    Text: CS-2842A/CS-3842A CS-2843A/CS-3843A Off-Line Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with Undervoltage Lockout Features Description The CS-284XA, CS-384XA provides all the necessary features to implement off-line fixed frequency current-mode control with a minimum number of extemal components.

    CS-2842A/CS-3842A CS-2843A/CS-3843A CS-284XA, CS-384XA CS-2842AN8 CS-2843AN8 CS3842AN8 CS-3842AD8 CS-3842AD14 3842A 2843a CS-2841B CS-2842A CS-3842A rt68 CS-3842AD14 cd3842a 3843AN 2842AN PDF

    UC384xA microsemi

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UC184xA / 284xA / 384xA CU RREN T M O D E PW M CO N TRO LLER T H E I N F I N I T E P O W E R O F I PROD U CTI N N O V A T I O N The UC184xA family of control ICs provides all the necessary features to implement off-line fixed-frequency, current-mode switching power

    UC184xA 284xA 384xA exte70pF 90VAC: 130VAC: 90VAC 130VAC 40KHz UC384xA microsemi PDF


    Abstract: UC 3843a SMD 3843a 2842a 3843 3842AD 3843AN 3842a CS-3843AN 3842AN
    Text: Off-Line Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with Undervoltage Lockout Description Features the output stage is enabled. Ion implant resistors provide tighter control of undervoltage lockout. The CS-284XA, CS-384XA provides all the necessary features to implement

    CS-284XA, CS-384XA CS-2842AN8 CS-2843AN8 CS-3842AN8 CS-3842AD8 CS-3842AD14 CS-2843AD14 CS-3843AN8 2843a UC 3843a SMD 3843a 2842a 3843 3842AD 3843AN 3842a CS-3843AN 3842AN PDF

    LMI 34064

    Abstract: 12V 10A voltage regulators lmi 34164 inverter ic 3524 application MSC 34064 12V 5A adjustable regulator 8 pin ic 3842 ic 3842 pwm inverter 12v 10A regulator 2A 12v Low Dropout Regulator
    Text: Telefon: 089-660 2923 Telefax: 089-609 8170 e-mail: Power Management Audio ICs Backlight Controller AudioMAX Products CCFL Backlight Controller IC Backlight Inverters Backlight Cable Assembly CCFL Inverter Module - Dual Lamp

    100mA 350kHz SG1731 16-Pin MIL-STD-883 LMI 34064 12V 10A voltage regulators lmi 34164 inverter ic 3524 application MSC 34064 12V 5A adjustable regulator 8 pin ic 3842 ic 3842 pwm inverter 12v 10A regulator 2A 12v Low Dropout Regulator PDF

    dc pwm circuit diagram 30 to 50 amp

    Abstract: ka3843a 5v power supply 3842 PWM power supply application note KA3843A UM 3842 scr 1 am 3842A CURRENT MODE PWM CONTROLLER KA3843 KA3843AM
    Text: Current Mode PWM Controller KA3843A AM DESCRIPTION The KA3843AM are fixed frequency current mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for OFF−Line and DC to DC converter applications with a minimal external components. Internally implemented circuits include a trimmed

    KA3843A KA3843AM KA3843AM dc pwm circuit diagram 30 to 50 amp ka3843a 5v power supply 3842 PWM power supply application note UM 3842 scr 1 am 3842A CURRENT MODE PWM CONTROLLER KA3843 PDF

    transformer ei28

    Abstract: CT 5D-9 XL1225 transistor capacitor 100uf 25v AP4310 diode 5d9 resistor 10k xl1225 5d9 capacitor fuse 2a 250v
    Text: BCD Semi Ltd Co. AP384xG Demo Board Manual Content: 1. Description 2. Specifications 3. Schematics of the PCB 4. PCB Layout 5. Photo View of the Demo Board 6. PCB Dimensions 7. BOM 8. Test Result I. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL ADVANCED ANALOG CIRCUITS CORPORATION

    AP384xG 5V-265V AP3843G transformer ei28 CT 5D-9 XL1225 transistor capacitor 100uf 25v AP4310 diode 5d9 resistor 10k xl1225 5d9 capacitor fuse 2a 250v PDF


    Abstract: 31DQ10 equivalent 1N765B 31DQ10 equivalent diode 38c42 3845 ic PIN DIAGRAM 38C43 M17Z105 1N76 IC 3843 8 Pin
    Text: MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 Micrel MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller Advance Information General Description Features The MIC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar devices but feature several improvements. ‘HC’ versions support even faster rise and fall times than ‘C’ versions.

    MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x MIC38HC4x MIC5020, MIC5021, MIC5022 SMP60N06-14 MIC38C43 MIC5022 PWM IC 8-PIN DIP 31DQ10 equivalent 1N765B 31DQ10 equivalent diode 38c42 3845 ic PIN DIAGRAM 38C43 M17Z105 1N76 IC 3843 8 Pin PDF

    TL494 car charger schematic diagram

    Abstract: samsung galaxy s2 controller for PWM fan tl494 1A current to 0-5v voltage converter using LM317 SMD LD33 capacitor huang 2200uF 35V uc3843 flyback supply opto-coupler SMD MOSFET DRIVE 4606 schematic lcd inverter samsung sine wave inverter tl494 circuit diagram
    Text: Micrel Semiconductor 1997 Databook 1 _ General Information 2 _ Computer Peripherals 3 _ Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators 4 _ Switch-Mode Voltage Regulators 5 _ MOSFET Drivers 6 _

    accurat49565 TL494 car charger schematic diagram samsung galaxy s2 controller for PWM fan tl494 1A current to 0-5v voltage converter using LM317 SMD LD33 capacitor huang 2200uF 35V uc3843 flyback supply opto-coupler SMD MOSFET DRIVE 4606 schematic lcd inverter samsung sine wave inverter tl494 circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: flyback "gate 7" "dip-8" UC3842 pin-for-pin mosfet driver diagram for a 12v 25w power amplifier
    Text: MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 Micrel MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller General Description Features The MIC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar devices but feature several improvements. ‘HC’ versions support even faster rise and fall times than ‘C’ versions.

    MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x MIC38HC4x MIC5020, MIC5021, MIC5022 MIC38C43 SMP60N06-14 PWM IC 8-PIN DIP flyback "gate 7" "dip-8" UC3842 pin-for-pin mosfet driver diagram for a 12v 25w power amplifier PDF


    Abstract: ka3842 application circuits MIK3842 KA3842 mik3845 3844A MIK3843 3842 PWM power supply application note 3843a MIK3843A
    Text: Description The 3842A AM /43A(AM)/44A(AM)/45A(AM) are fixed frequency current mode PWM controller. They are specially designed for OFF−Line and DC to DC converter applications with a minimal external components. Internally implemented circuits include a trimmed

    MIK3842A MIK38 KA3842/ 6A06--6A07 ka3842 application circuits MIK3842 KA3842 mik3845 3844A MIK3843 3842 PWM power supply application note 3843a MIK3843A PDF


    Abstract: 813 8 pin uc3842 gate driver MIC38C43BM PWM IC 8-PIN DIP UC3842 mosfet driver data sheet SMP60N06 uc3842 half bridge MIC38C42BN MIC38C43
    Text: MIC38C42/3/4/5 Micrel, Inc. MIC38C42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controllers General Description Features The MIC38C4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar devices but feature several

    MIC38C42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x M9999-031805 T16C8 813 8 pin uc3842 gate driver MIC38C43BM PWM IC 8-PIN DIP UC3842 mosfet driver data sheet SMP60N06 uc3842 half bridge MIC38C42BN MIC38C43 PDF

    flyback "gate 7" "dip-8"

    Abstract: 31DQ10 equivalent mic38c42 APPLICATION NOTE 3845 PWM power supply application note 813 8 pin 3845 48V to 12V buck boost converter SMP60N06-14
    Text: MIC38C42/3/4/5 Micrel, Inc. MIC38C42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controllers General Description Features The MIC38C4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar devices but feature several

    MIC38C42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x M9999-061005 flyback "gate 7" "dip-8" 31DQ10 equivalent mic38c42 APPLICATION NOTE 3845 PWM power supply application note 813 8 pin 3845 48V to 12V buck boost converter SMP60N06-14 PDF

    coilcraft e-4140-b

    Abstract: E-4140-B e 4140 E414 E4140B
    Text: I l N M i t T I h e f K P n f i n i t e l N / F l\ ( ) o w e r I o f 7 N UC184xA/284xA/384xA 7 I ( S C urrent P n n o v a t i o n M ode P WM PRODUCT C o m p ariso n o f UC384 xA KEY at a FEATURES • TRIMMED OSCILLATOR DISCHARGE CURRENT. (See Product Highlight)

    OCR Scan
    UC184xA/284xA/384xA UC184xA 90VAC: 130VAC: 90VAC 130VAC 40KHz UC3844A coilcraft e-4140-b E-4140-B e 4140 E414 E4140B PDF


    Abstract: 3K43
    Text: D e sc r ip tio n T h e CS- 284 XA, CS-384XA p r o v i d e s all th e n e c e s s a r y f e a t u r e s to i m p l e m e n t of f-line fixed f r e q u e n c y c u r r e n t - m o d e co n t r o l w i t h a m i n i m u m n u m b e r of ex t e r n a l c o m p o n e n t s .

    OCR Scan
    CS-384XA CS-2K42ANK CS-2843AN8 CS-3842ANK CS-3842AD8 CS-3842A CS-3K43ANH CS-3843AD8 CS-3843A1 CS-3843A1 3K43 PDF


    Abstract: rj 47 2841B IC LM 258 smd
    Text: Off-Line Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with Undervoltage Lockout D escription The CS-284XA, CS-384XA provides all the necessary features to im plem ent off-line fixed frequency current-mode control w ith a m inim um num ber of external components. The CS-384XA family incorporates a

    OCR Scan
    CS-284XA, CS-384XA CS-2842AN8 CS-2843AN8 CS-3842AN8 CS-3842AD8 CS-3842AD14 CS-2843AD14 CS-3843AN8 K11S rj 47 2841B IC LM 258 smd PDF


    Abstract: UC1842A UC1843A UC1844A UC3842ADMT UC384XA
    Text: 5 U N Doc #; 1840 U C 1 8 4 x A /2 8 4 x A /3 8 4 x A C u rren t T h e I n f i n i t e P o w e r o f I n n o v a t i o n P PWM Mode D r o d u c t i o n PRODUCT C o m p a r is o n of U C 384xA SG 3 84 x D is c h a r g e FEATURES • TRIMMED OSCILLATOR DISCHARGE

    OCR Scan
    UC184xA/284xA/384xA UC184xA 90VAC: 130VAC: 90VAC 130VAC 40KHZ UC3844A 500KHZ UC1842A UC1843A UC1844A UC3842ADMT UC384XA PDF

    transistor 431A

    Abstract: 4925 B equivalent ic 38c45bm 38C45BN transistor 431b 38C43BN 38c43bm h a 431a transistor 38c42 38c44bm
    Text: MIC38 42/3/4/5, MIC18 42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode Pwivi Controller Preliminary Information General Description Features The M IC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high perform ance, current-m ode PWM controllers. M icrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar de­

    OCR Scan
    MIC38 MIC18 IC38C4x MIC38HC4x 50jiA MIC5020, MIC5021, MIC5022 MIC5022 SMP60N06-14 transistor 431A 4925 B equivalent ic 38c45bm 38C45BN transistor 431b 38C43BN 38c43bm h a 431a transistor 38c42 38c44bm PDF

    T3D zener DIODE

    Abstract: T3D 15 zener DIODE BM 3843 T3D 19 zener DIODE T3D 65 diode
    Text: MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller General Description Features The MIC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrei’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar de­

    OCR Scan
    MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x MIC38HC4x rise/30ns MIC38C42 rise/15ns MIC38HC42 UC284x 24-Pin T3D zener DIODE T3D 15 zener DIODE BM 3843 T3D 19 zener DIODE T3D 65 diode PDF

    3845 48V to 12V buck boost converter

    Abstract: ua 3843 38C44
    Text: MIC38C42/3/4/5 BMM BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller Preliminary Information General Description Features The MIC38C4x is a fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controller. This improved BiCMOS de­ vice is pin compatible with 384x bipolar devices but in the

    OCR Scan
    MIC38C42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x 60fiA MIC38C42/3/4/5BMM 3845 48V to 12V buck boost converter ua 3843 38C44 PDF


    Abstract: MIC18C45AJ MIC18C43AJ MIC18C45
    Text: MIC38 42/3/4/5, MICI 8 42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller Preliminary Information General Description Features The MIC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar de­

    OCR Scan
    MIC38 MIC38C4x MIC38HC4x rise/30ns MIC38C42 rise/15ns MIC38HC42 UC284x MIC5020, MIC5021, MIC18HC45AJ MIC18C45AJ MIC18C43AJ MIC18C45 PDF


    Abstract: buck uc3842 application note PWM IC 8 PIN DIP 3844 ic 3843 external
    Text: MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller Advance Information General Description Features The MIC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high performance, current-mode PWM controllers. Micrel’s BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar de­

    OCR Scan
    MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x MIC38HC4x MIC5020, MIC5021, MIC5022 SMP60N06-14 MJC38C43 470uF MIC38C43 PWM IC 8-PIN DIP buck uc3842 application note PWM IC 8 PIN DIP 3844 ic 3843 external PDF

    PWM IC 8 PIN DIP 3844

    Abstract: 38c43 38hc43 38c42 38c44 flyback "gate 7" "dip-8" 3845 n equivalent VALUE IC pin configuration of ic 3844 4925 B equivalent ic IC UC3842
    Text: MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5, MICI 8C42/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM Controller General Description Features The MIC38C4x and MIC38HC4x are fixed frequency, high perform ance, current-m ode PWM controllers. M icrel's BiCMOS devices are pin compatible with 384x bipolar de­

    OCR Scan
    MIC38C/HC42/3/4/5, 8C42/3/4/5 MIC38C4x MIC38HC4x MIC5020, MIC5021, MIC5022 100kHz, PWM IC 8 PIN DIP 3844 38c43 38hc43 38c42 38c44 flyback "gate 7" "dip-8" 3845 n equivalent VALUE IC pin configuration of ic 3844 4925 B equivalent ic IC UC3842 PDF