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    29152 WT

    Abstract: MIC29502 ADJ
    Text: Micrel, Inc. MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 High-Current Low-Dropout Regulators General Description Features The MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 are high current, high accuracy, low-dropout voltage regulators. Using Micrel's proprietary Super βeta PNP process with a PNP pass element, these regulators feature 300mV to 370mV full load

    MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 MIC29150/29300/29500/29750 300mV 370mV M9999-111005 29152 WT MIC29502 ADJ PDF


    Abstract: MIC2950 MIC2951-3.3YM LP2950 LP2951 MIC2950-05BZ MIC2950-06BZ MIC2951
    Text: MIC2950*/2951 150mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator General Description Features The MIC2950 and MIC2951 are “bulletproof” micropower • High accuracy 3.3, 4.85, or 5V, guaranteed 150mA voltage regulators with very low dropout voltage typically output

    MIC2950 150mA MIC2951 150mA 250mV 100mA) LP2950 LP2951, MIC2950/MIC2951 2951 MIC2951-3.3YM LP2951 MIC2950-05BZ MIC2950-06BZ PDF


    Abstract: CLM2950 CLM2950ACN-X CLM2950CN-X CLM2951 CLM2951ACP-X CLM2951ACS-X CLM2951CP-X CLM2951CS-X
    Text: 150mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators CORPORATION CLM2950 / CLM2951 FEATURES • 5V, 3.3V, and 3.0V Versions at 150mA Output • Very Low Quiescent Current Dropout Voltage • Low • Extremely Tight Load and Line Regulation • Very Low Temperature Coefficient

    150mA CLM2950 CLM2951 LP2950/LP2951 CLM2951 1E-28 in4577 CLM2950ACN-X CLM2950CN-X CLM2951ACP-X CLM2951ACS-X CLM2951CP-X CLM2951CS-X PDF

    LAMBDA alpha 400w service MANUAL

    Abstract: HWS150-24/A MTBF 1000w audio amplifier circuit diagram 2000w audio amplifier circuit diagram SWS300 CB report 700w audio amplifier circuit diagram 3000w audio amplifier CSS150 diagram alpha 400W 1200w power amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: Innovating Reliable Power The choice and application of the power supply is an important one. Working with TDK-Lambda can help you save time and money, from design concept to years after your system or product is first installed. Why TDK-Lambda? ‹ Over the last 60 years, TDK-Lambda has developed a

    1-800-LAMBDA-4 LAMBDA alpha 400w service MANUAL HWS150-24/A MTBF 1000w audio amplifier circuit diagram 2000w audio amplifier circuit diagram SWS300 CB report 700w audio amplifier circuit diagram 3000w audio amplifier CSS150 diagram alpha 400W 1200w power amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: SPX2975
    Text: SPX2975 180 mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 3.0V, 3.3V and 5.0V Fixed Output Voltages • Very Low Quiescent Current • Low Dropout Voltage • Extremely Tight Load And Line Regulation • Very Low Temperature Coefficient • Needs Only 1µF For Stability

    SPX2975 LP2950/LP2951 SPX2975 1N457 PDF

    ORing diode

    Abstract: RFE1000 nemic lambda
    Text: • 1U high • Optional Internal ORing Diodes • Current Share Key Market Segments & Applications RFE Series Test & Measurement Automated Service Factory Automation General Purpose LED Lighting & Display 1000W 1U Front End Power Supplies RFE Features and Benefits

    Prote29 Jan11 ORing diode RFE1000 nemic lambda PDF

    TS2950 5.0

    Abstract: 2951a 0017G TS2950-51
    Text: TS2950/TS2951 series 150mA Ultra Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator Pin assignment TO-92 1. Output 2. Ground 3. Input Pin assignment SOP-8 1. Output 2. Sense 3. Shutdown 4. Ground 5. Error 6. Voltage tap 7. Feedback 8. Input Input Voltage Range up to 30V

    TS2950/TS2951 150mA 150mA TS2950/A TS951/A TS2951/A TS2950-51 TS2950 5.0 2951a 0017G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LP2950/2951 Micrel LP2950/2951 100mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator General Description Features The LP2950 and LP2951 are micropower voltage regulators with very low dropout voltage typically 40mV at light loads and 380mV at 100mA , and very low quiescent current (75µA

    LP2950/2951 100mA LP2950 LP2951 380mV 100mA) LP2950/LP2951 PDF

    50hz to 60hz converter circuit diagram

    Abstract: max132 application kp1835 pt100 sensor interface WITH ADC Data Logger max132 50hz into 60hz circuit diagram SPRAGUE 715p pt100 interface WITH ADC DIN132 MAX132
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION U EET L H A S V A E S DAT W O L L FO ±18-Bit ADC with Serial Interface The MAX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, analog-to-digital converter ADC . Multi-slope integration provides high-resolution conversions in less time

    18-Bit MAX132 512mV MAX132 DIN132 DOUT132 50hz to 60hz converter circuit diagram max132 application kp1835 pt100 sensor interface WITH ADC Data Logger max132 50hz into 60hz circuit diagram SPRAGUE 715p pt100 interface WITH ADC PDF

    LM385/UCC3580-1/-2/-3/1N457 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC2950/2951 Micrel MIC2950/2951 150mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator General Description The MIC2950 and MIC2951 are “bulletproof” micropower voltage regulators with very low dropout voltage typically 40mV at light loads and 250mV at 100mA , and very low

    MIC2950/2951 150mA MIC2950 MIC2951 250mV 100mA) LP2950 LP2951, MIC2950/MIC2951 LM385/UCC3580-1/-2/-3/1N457 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: LP2950 DPAK LP2950 Low Battery Disconnect LP2951 NS 15V Regulator dpak LP2951A LP2951 national lp2951 regulator 2951 national semiconductor
    Text: • 出力電圧低下を警告するエラー・フラグ出力 ■ ロジック制御のシャットダウン入力 ■ 1.24V ~ 29V の間で出力電圧のプログラムが可能 LP2950/LP2951 は誤差を最小にするように細心の注意を払っ

    LP2950/LP2951 LP2950 LP2951 DS008546-19-JP 100mA LP2950-5 LP2951 LP2950 DPAK LP2950 Low Battery Disconnect LP2951 NS 15V Regulator dpak LP2951A LP2951 national lp2951 regulator 2951 national semiconductor PDF

    TL494 car charger schematic diagram

    Abstract: samsung galaxy s2 controller for PWM fan tl494 1A current to 0-5v voltage converter using LM317 SMD LD33 capacitor huang 2200uF 35V uc3843 flyback supply opto-coupler SMD MOSFET DRIVE 4606 schematic lcd inverter samsung sine wave inverter tl494 circuit diagram
    Text: Micrel Semiconductor 1997 Databook 1 _ General Information 2 _ Computer Peripherals 3 _ Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators 4 _ Switch-Mode Voltage Regulators 5 _ MOSFET Drivers 6 _

    accurat49565 TL494 car charger schematic diagram samsung galaxy s2 controller for PWM fan tl494 1A current to 0-5v voltage converter using LM317 SMD LD33 capacitor huang 2200uF 35V uc3843 flyback supply opto-coupler SMD MOSFET DRIVE 4606 schematic lcd inverter samsung sine wave inverter tl494 circuit diagram PDF

    computer smps circuit diagram

    Abstract: 24 volt output smps reference design datasheet capacitor 3.3UF TS2950 5.0 TS2951 marking c07 8pin LP2951 marking ultra stable voltage reference LP2950 LP2951
    Text: TS2950/TS2951 150mA Ultra Low Dropout Voltage Regulator SOP-8 Pin Definition: 1. Output 2. Sense 3. Shutdown 4. Ground TO-92 Pin Definition: 1. Output 2. Ground 3. Input 8. Input 7. Feedback 6. Voltage tap 5. Error flag TO-252 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground

    TS2950/TS2951 150mA O-252 TS2950/A TS2951/A computer smps circuit diagram 24 volt output smps reference design datasheet capacitor 3.3UF TS2950 5.0 TS2951 marking c07 8pin LP2951 marking ultra stable voltage reference LP2950 LP2951 PDF


    Abstract: 29152 LM29150-5.0 LM29152 29150 LM29150 29151 LM29152T LM29150R-3 29152 regulator
    Text: LM29150/29151/29152 1.5A Very L.D.O Voltage Regulator FEATURES TO-220 3L / 5L PKG High Current Capability 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage 350mV Low Ground Current Accurate 1% Guaranteed Initial Tolerance Extremely Fast Transient Response Reverse-Battery and "Load Dump" Protection

    LM29150/29151/29152 O-220 350mV O-263 O-252 LM29150T-X LM29151T-X LM29152T LM29150R-X LM29151R-X LM29152RS 29152 LM29150-5.0 LM29152 29150 LM29150 29151 LM29152T LM29150R-3 29152 regulator PDF

    12 VOLT 10 AMP smps

    Abstract: 2951 LP2950 LP2951 MIC2950 MIC2950-05BZ MIC2950-06BZ MIC2951 MIC2951-02BM 2951 regulator
    Text: MIC2950/2951 Micrel MIC2950/2951 150mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator General Description Features The MIC2950 and MIC2951 are “bulletproof” micropower voltage regulators with very low dropout voltage typically 40mV at light loads and 250mV at 100mA , and very low

    MIC2950/2951 150mA MIC2950 MIC2951 250mV 100mA) LP2950 LP2951, MIC2950/MIC2951 12 VOLT 10 AMP smps 2951 LP2951 MIC2950-05BZ MIC2950-06BZ MIC2951-02BM 2951 regulator PDF


    Abstract: LP2951 TS2951
    Text: TS2950/TS2951 150mA Ultra Low Dropout Voltage Regulator SOP-8 Pin Definition: 1. Output 2. Sense 3. Shutdown 4. Ground TO-92 8. Input 7. Feedback 6. Voltage tap 5. Error flag Pin Definition: 1. Output 2. Ground 3. Input TO-252 Pin Definition: 1. Input 2. Ground

    TS2950/TS2951 150mA O-252 TS2950/A TS2951/A LP2950 LP2951 TS2951 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LP2950 and LP2951 100mA Low Drop Out Voltage Regulator General Description Features The LP2950 and LP2951 are micropower voltage regulators with very low dropout voltage typically 40mV at light loads and 380mV at 100mA , and very low quiescent current (75(iA

    OCR Scan
    LP2950 LP2951 100mA LP2951 380mV 100mA) LP2950/LP2951 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LP2950/LP2951 150mA Low Drop Out Voltage Regulators Semiconductor pr o d u ct d e sc r ip t io n rT"' he Semiconductor LP2950 and A LP2951 .are a line regulation 0.05% typ. and very switched on and off. The LP2950 is low power low output temperature coefficient,

    OCR Scan
    LP2950/LP2951 150mA LP2950 LP2951 LP2951 PDF


    Abstract: ps-12-24 7.5a PS10-24 PS-12-24 PS 14-24 PS-10-24 PS1025 PS-Series ps113 lambda
    Text: PS-SERIES UMBDAA Single output 72W ~ 240W DENSEI-LAMBDA Unit Type Power Supply Model name PS-10-24 T Nominai output voltage I Shape of chassis _ _ - [o : 72W Name of series M 1 :1 20W M 2 : 180W M 4 : 240W • Features • Applicable to peak current load • Output peak current: Up to 2 times nominal current

    OCR Scan
    ps-10-24 PS-10-24 24V3A PS-14-24 24V10A 132VAC/170 265VAC 132VAC 440Hz) ps-12-24 7.5a PS10-24 PS-12-24 PS 14-24 PS1025 PS-Series ps113 lambda PDF


    Abstract: lm2951 2951C 2950c
    Text: calodic 150mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators CORPORATION CLM2950 / CLM2951 FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • C alogic’s CLM2950 and CLM2951 are low power voltage regulators. These devices are an excellent choice for use in battery-powered applications such as cordless telephones,

    OCR Scan
    150mA CLM2950 CLM2951 LP2950/LP2951 CLM2951 360KQ 2950AC lm2951 2951C 2950c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: calodic 100mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators C O R P O R A T IO N LP4950/LP4951 FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • C alogic’s LP4950 and LP4951 are low power voltage regulators. These devices are an excellent choice for use in battery-powered applications such as cordless telephones,

    OCR Scan
    100mA LP4950/LP4951 LP4950/LP4951 LP4950 LP4951 100mA. LP4951 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 250mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulator calodic CORPORATION CLM2954 FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • The Calogic CLM2954 is a low power voltage regulator. This device is an excellent choice for use in battery-powered applications such as cordless telephones, radio control

    OCR Scan
    250mA CLM2954 LP2954 CLM2954 400mV. 160mA. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC2950/2951 150mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator General Description Features High accuracy 3.3,4.85, or 5V, guaranteed 150mA output Extremely low quiescent current Low dropout voltage Extremely tight load and line regulation Very low temperature coefficient

    OCR Scan
    MIC2950/2951 150mA MIC2950 MIC2951 250mV 100mA) LP2950 LP2951, MIC2950/MIC2951 PDF

    smd transistor 5B1

    Abstract: MAX132ENG MAX132
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 ± 18-Bit ADC w ith S erial In te rfa c e The M AX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l co n ve rte r ADC . M ulti-slope in te g ra ­ tion p ro v id e s h ig h-resolution conversions in less tim e

    OCR Scan
    18-Bit AX132 768Hz Q012322 MAX132 smd transistor 5B1 MAX132ENG PDF