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    3650K Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R5F3650KCDFA#V0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcomputers (Non Promotion), QFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F3650KNFB#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcomputers (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F3650KNFB#V2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcomputers (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F3650KDFB#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcomputers (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F3650KNFA#U0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcomputers (Non Promotion), QFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    Texas Instruments 3650KG

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    DigiKey 3650KG Tube
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    Rochester Electronics LLC 3650KG

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    DigiKey 3650KG Tube 1
    • 1 $397.73
    • 10 $397.73
    • 100 $397.73
    • 1000 $397.73
    • 10000 $397.73
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    Renesas Electronics Corporation R5F3650KDFB-V2

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    Renesas Electronics Corporation R5F3650KDFA-U0

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    DigiKey R5F3650KDFA-U0 Tray 132
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    • 1000 $14.95735
    • 10000 $14.95735
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    Renesas Electronics Corporation R5F3650KDFB-3A

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    3650K Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    3650KG Burr-Brown Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIER Original PDF
    3650KG Texas Instruments Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIER Original PDF
    3650KG Texas Instruments Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS Original PDF
    3650KG Burr-Brown Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIER Scan PDF

    3650K Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: LTC-3650KD-J ltc-3650
    Text: LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Property of Lite-On Only LED DISPLAY LTC-3650KD-J DATASHEET Rev Description 01 UPDATED VERSION By WARIN Feb 13 .08 02 Change diameter pin from 0.5mm to 0.45mm KITTISAK Mar 10/2008 Above data for PD and Customer tracking only

    LTC-3650KD-J DS30-2008-0044 BNS-OD-C131/A4 15percentage ltc3650 LTC-3650KD-J ltc-3650 PDF

    emg amplifier

    Abstract: BB 3650HG bb 722 3650HG 3650JG 3650KG 3650MG 3652HG 3652JG 3652MG
    Text: 3650 3652 Optically-Coupled Linear ISOLATION AMPLIFIERS FEATURES APPLICATIONS ● BALANCED INPUT ● INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL ● LARGE COMMON-MODE VOLTAGES: ±2000V Continuous 140dB Rejection ● ULTRA LOW LEAKAGE: 0.35µA max at 240V/60Hz 1.8pF Leakage Capacitance

    140dB 40V/60Hz 15kHz emg amplifier BB 3650HG bb 722 3650HG 3650JG 3650KG 3650MG 3652HG 3652JG 3652MG PDF


    Abstract: PCM1701P Burr-Brown 3400B pcm65p pcm1701 4203SQ mp8316 DAC800-CBI-V MPC8S 4203j
    Text: Burr-Brown Corporation Discontinued Products August 2, 1999 Model 0025MK 0100AP 0100MS-1 0100MS-2 0100MS-3 0100MS-4 0145MC 01AA-A1030-00 01DSA00024A001 01DSA00080A001 01DSA00236A002 01DSA00236A010 01DSA01898A003 0211B 0245MC 0422MC 0501-3A 0503A 0506/16 0506/16A

    0025MK 0100AP 0100MS-1 0100MS-2 0100MS-3 0100MS-4 0145MC 01AA-A1030-00 01DSA00024A001 01DSA00080A001 1200ap PCM1701P Burr-Brown 3400B pcm65p pcm1701 4203SQ mp8316 DAC800-CBI-V MPC8S 4203j PDF


    Abstract: heraeus pc 3000 NCG18XH103 NCP15XH103D0SRC NCP18WF104D0SRB NCG18XH103F0SRB Senju M705-grn360-k2-v NXFS15XH103 PRF18BE471QS5RB BC 5609
    Text: !Note • Please read rating and !CAUTION for storage, operating, rating, soldering, mounting and handling in this catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, etc. • This catalog has only typical specifications because there is no space for detailed specifications. Therefore, please review our product specifications or consult the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering.

    R03E-6 NCP18XH103D0SRB heraeus pc 3000 NCG18XH103 NCP15XH103D0SRC NCP18WF104D0SRB NCG18XH103F0SRB Senju M705-grn360-k2-v NXFS15XH103 PRF18BE471QS5RB BC 5609 PDF

    NTC 15

    Abstract: NTCG164BH103J NTC 100 - 11 NTC 104 ntc 20 k NTC 15K NTC 20K NTC 5k ntc 10K 3435k NTC 103
    Text: NTCDS, NTCRS, NTCGP, NTCDP Series RoHS指令対応:EU Directive 2002/95/ECにもとづき免除さ れた用途を除いて、 鉛、 カドミウム、水銀、 六価クロム、 および特定臭素 系難燃剤のPBB、PBDEを使用していないことを表します。

    2002/95/EC NTCG164BH103J B25/85 4100K 300mm 500mm) B3/50 B0/25 B60/85 NTC 15 NTCG164BH103J NTC 100 - 11 NTC 104 ntc 20 k NTC 15K NTC 20K NTC 5k ntc 10K 3435k NTC 103 PDF


    Abstract: ic 4026 uc 3882 NTC 5,0 UC 3843 SMD NTCG063JF103 IC CD 4049 smd 4043 DVD D 5888 S K 3435 B
    Text: NTC 犯樗窮怦 SMD NTCG 狼双 Type: NTCG06 0603 NTCG10(1005) NTCG16(1608) NTCG20(2012) Issue date: May 2009 ●芝墮坪否,壓短嗤嚠御議秤趨和嗤辛嬬個序才延厚,萩嚠參疎盾。 ● RoHS 峺綜議斤哘:燕幣茅阻卆象 EU Directive 2002/95/EC 窒茅議喘余岻翌,隆聞喘忍,鑽,康,鎗勺候式蒙協粤狼佃伴質 PBB,PBDE 吉。

    NTCG06 NTCG10 NTCG16 NTCG20 2002/95/EC NTCG06/10/16/20 0603L0 NTCG1016 IC 4049 DATASHEET ic 4026 uc 3882 NTC 5,0 UC 3843 SMD NTCG063JF103 IC CD 4049 smd 4043 DVD D 5888 S K 3435 B PDF

    NTC 110 2,2k

    Abstract: ntc 470 15 NTC 100 - 11 NTC 15 0603 ntc 1.8k ntc 7.0 NTC 4.70 - 7 NTC 30K ntc 1.8K 25 NTC 4.7K
    Text: Multilayer NTC Chip Thermistors for Temperature Compensation / Control Circuits 1 半導体セラミック フェライト 圧電体セラミック フェライトマグネット 高分子材料 2 3 希土類マグネット 4 組成開発・組成制御 結晶構造解析・組成分析 高分散化・粉体制御 高精度シート多層 高精度厚膜印刷 薄膜形成 焼成 微細構造制御 電極形成 超微細加工

    50M100M NTCG103JF103F NTCG103JF103F 150pF NTC 110 2,2k ntc 470 15 NTC 100 - 11 NTC 15 0603 ntc 1.8k ntc 7.0 NTC 4.70 - 7 NTC 30K ntc 1.8K 25 NTC 4.7K PDF

    NTC 10D-9

    Abstract: smd zener diode color band Varistor 4D-22 ntc 5D-11 5d-11 power thermistor ntc 8D-13 varistor 5D-11 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1P NTC 16D-13 NTC 8D-11

    SA-01 NTC 10D-9 smd zener diode color band Varistor 4D-22 ntc 5D-11 5d-11 power thermistor ntc 8D-13 varistor 5D-11 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1P NTC 16D-13 NTC 8D-11 PDF


    Abstract: NTC 1k2 ntc 2k2
    Text: Sensors NTCCM Series NTCCM1005, 1608, 2012 Types Temperature Sensors NTC Thermistors NTCCM SERIES FEATURES • TDK’s proprietary multilayer construction technology results in lower resistance values, which are ideal for TCXO applications, as well as higher B constant values for general applications.

    solderabilitFH222KC NTCCM20123FH332KC NTCCM20123JH472KC NTCCM20123JH682KC NTCCM20123NH103KC NTCCM20123NH153KC NTCCM20123SH223KC NTCCM20123SH333KC NTCCM20124AH473KC NTCCM20124AH683KC NTCCM2012 NTC 1k2 ntc 2k2 PDF

    thermistor dsc 103

    Abstract: 10K NTC type L DVD CD 5888 IC 3843 SMD NTC 10 0226 SMD 4077 lm317 optical pickup unit dvd laser ntc 0613 thermistor 10k ntc smd 0603
    Text: 1/9 003-01 / 20011220 / Sensors NTCG Series(SMD, Pb Free) Temperature Sensors NTC Thermistors NTCG06/10/16/20 Types FEATURES • Small sized 0603 type (L0.6xW0.3×T0.3mm) series are available. • Lead (Pb) free product. By using lead-less terminal electrodes and electroplating (NiSn), this product realized excellent solderablity and soldering

    NTCG06/10/16/20 LM317 thermistor dsc 103 10K NTC type L DVD CD 5888 IC 3843 SMD NTC 10 0226 SMD 4077 lm317 optical pickup unit dvd laser ntc 0613 thermistor 10k ntc smd 0603 PDF

    DVD CD 5888

    Abstract: CD 5888 ic DVD D 5888 S NTCG104EF104F NTCG104EF cd 4558 smd 3407 IC 4026 internal structure NTC 10K 3435 table cd 4558 smd
    Text: 1/11 008-03 / 20040109 / NTCG Series(SMD, Pb Free) NTCG06/10/16/20 Types Sensors Temperature Sensors NTC Thermistors FEATURES • Small sized 0603 type (L0.6xW0.3×T0.3mm) series are available. • Lead (Pb) free product. By using lead-less terminal electrodes and electroplating (Ni-Sn), this product realized excellent solderablity and soldering heat

    NTCG06/10/16/20 B25/85 4100K LM317 DVD CD 5888 CD 5888 ic DVD D 5888 S NTCG104EF104F NTCG104EF cd 4558 smd 3407 IC 4026 internal structure NTC 10K 3435 table cd 4558 smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASMT-QYBE-Nxxxx Super 0.5W Warm White Power PLCC-4 Surface Mount LED Indicator Data Sheet Description Features The Super 0.5W Warm White Power PLCC-4 SMT LED is first Warm white mid-Power PLCC-4 SMT LEDs using InGaN chip technology. The package can be driven at

    4800K 3650K 150mA AV02-0742EN AN-1142 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASMT-QYBB-Nxxxx Super 0.5W Warm White Power PLCC-4 Surface Mount LED Indicator Data Sheet Description Features The Super 0.5W Warm White Power PLCC-4 SMT LED is Warm white mid-Power PLCC-4 SMT LEDs using InGaN chip technology. The package can be driven at high

    2800K 2500K 150mA AV02-1323EN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASMT-QYBE-Nxxxx Super 0.5W Warm White Power PLCC-4 Surface Mount LED Indicator Data Sheet Description Features The Super 0.5W Warm White Power PLCC-4 SMT LED is first Warm white mid-Power PLCC-4 SMT LEDs using InGaN chip technology. The package can be driven at

    2800K 2500K 150mA AV02-0742EN PDF


    Abstract: Sensor NTC 10K / 3435 ntc 100K 4085 thermistor 10k 25 3470 thermistor 10k 25 3435 3eh22 ic CD 4047 IC 4047 sensor 3414 cd 4061
    Text: B221_NTCCM 1/9 Sensors NTCCM Series NTCCM1005, 1608, 2012 Types Temperature Sensors NTC Thermistors PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NTC THERMISTORS INITIAL RESISTANCE Thermistor resistance is a function of absolute temperature as indicated by the following relationship:

    NTCCM1005, B25/85 4100K 2750k Sensor NTC 10K / 3435 ntc 100K 4085 thermistor 10k 25 3470 thermistor 10k 25 3435 3eh22 ic CD 4047 IC 4047 sensor 3414 cd 4061 PDF

    UP 5035 LCD METER

    Abstract: 2750k NCP18XH103D03RB NCP18WF104F12RB 100k rt 3950 NCP15XH103D03RC NCP21WB473J03RA thermistor NTC 50-11 R44E MURATA NXFT15
    Text: !Note • This PDF catalog is downloaded from the website of Murata Manufacturing co., ltd. Therefore, it’s specifications are subject to change or our products in it may be discontinued without advance notice. Please check with our sales representatives or product engineers before ordering.

    R44E-12 UP 5035 LCD METER 2750k NCP18XH103D03RB NCP18WF104F12RB 100k rt 3950 NCP15XH103D03RC NCP21WB473J03RA thermistor NTC 50-11 R44E MURATA NXFT15 PDF

    thermistor dsc 103

    Abstract: DVD CD 5888 ntc 0613 thermistor 10k 25 3435 NTCG063JF103 DVD D 5888 S NTCG104EF104 IC 3843 SMD 3906B NTCG203NH103J
    Text: 1/13 Conformity to RoHS Directive NTC Thermistors NTCG Series(SMD, Pb Free) NTCG06/10/16/20 Types NTC(Negative Temperature Coefficient) Thermistors are manufactured from sintered metal oxides. Each thermistor consists of a combination of two to four of the following materials: Manganese,

    NTCG06/10/16/20 B25/85 4100K LM317 thermistor dsc 103 DVD CD 5888 ntc 0613 thermistor 10k 25 3435 NTCG063JF103 DVD D 5888 S NTCG104EF104 IC 3843 SMD 3906B NTCG203NH103J PDF


    Abstract: THERMISTORS ntc 505-S NTCCM20123
    Text: y Thermistors I For Mobile Communication NTC CHIP NTC THERMISTORS Temperature compensation for crystal oscillator and general use NTCCM series NTCCM2012 TYPE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS 2± 0.2 0.2min. O perating temperature range - 4 0 to +125°C

    OCR Scan
    NTCCM2012 230mW NTCCM20123EH471KC NTCCM20123EH681KC NTCCM20123BH102KC NTCCM20123BH152KC NTCCM20123FH222KC NTCCM20123FH332KC NTCCM20123JH472KC NTCCM20123JH682KC NTCCM20124CH154KC THERMISTORS ntc 505-S NTCCM20123 PDF


    Abstract: NTCED
    Text: Sensors RADIAL LEAD RESIN COATED TYPE DISC TYPE 7 [276] max. Q 100 + 2 [3.937 ± 079 4 [157] max. 1.3 .051) max. 5± 1 {.197 ± .039] 3 5 íJ :|1 .3 7 8 !;S ] ETFE wire Epoxy resin Dimensions in mm [inches] CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS Operating temperature range

    OCR Scan
    B-3400K 100kfl 3520K NTCED PDF


    Abstract: 3850K NTCCF2012
    Text: Sensors SURFACE MOUNTABLE CHIP TYPE FEATURES • Reversible. • Automatic mounting possible with the use of bulks, magazines or tapes. • Cost reduction of circuits by high-density packaging is possible. NTCCS SÉRIES FOR REFLOW SOLDERING CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    NTCCS2012 NTCCF2012 NTCCS3216 NTCCF3216 140mW/25 NTCCF32164AH683KC NTCCF32164CH104KC NTCCF32164CH154KC 33kfl± 100kfi 3450K 3850K PDF

    ntc 10K B 3950

    Abstract: ntc 100K B 3950 of thermistor 4.7K ohms ntc NTC Thermistor 2.2k 100k 3950 NTC thermistor 100K 3950 of thermistor 47K ohms ntc 3950 thermistor 100K thermistor ntc 10k 3950 10k 4050
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS NTC THERMISTOR FOR TEMPERATURE SENSING A N D COMPENSATING m ufíntn A tH c m to r i * £ 7 e c frc *ic $ NTH5G Series NTH5G, reflow soldering type 0805 sized chip NTC Thermistor, offers high stability in environment and wide resistance range

    OCR Scan
    10Pand NTH5G16P NTH5G20P NTH5G10P 10mW/cC TH5G20P CG01-H ntc 10K B 3950 ntc 100K B 3950 of thermistor 4.7K ohms ntc NTC Thermistor 2.2k 100k 3950 NTC thermistor 100K 3950 of thermistor 47K ohms ntc 3950 thermistor 100K thermistor ntc 10k 3950 10k 4050 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For Mobile Communication CHIP NTC THERMISTORS Temperature compensation for crystal oscillator and general use NTCCM series NTCCM1005 TYPE FLOW AND REFLOW SOLDERINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS 1±0.05 0.15min. / Ag+Ni+Sn/Pb +l : o l_

    OCR Scan
    NTCCM1005 40MHz] 15min. 10053EH 10053EH400DC 10053EH101 10053EH131 10053EH151 470kQ 680kQ 1.5K22 PDF


    Abstract: 4550K 2023C is125-s2 NTCCM1608 22KQ
    Text: Therm isto rs For M obile C o m m u n ica tio n NTC CHIP NTC THERMISTORS Temperature compensation for crystal oscillator and general use NTCCM series NTCCM 1608TYPE SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1.610.1 For TCXO For General use Capacitance value

    OCR Scan
    1608TYPE 40MHz] 140mW 230mW NTCCM16083EH300D 16083EH400DC 16083EH101 16083EH131 NTCCM16083EH151 16084BH102DC 3250K 4550K 2023C is125-s2 NTCCM1608 22KQ PDF

    thermistor ntc 10k

    Abstract: thermistor ntc 5k NTC glass bead thermistor 100K of thermistor 47K ohms ntc NTC thermistor 5k ohm NTC 4.7K 47k thermistor ntc NTC thermistor 100K NTC thermistor 10k ohm thermistor 4.7k ohm
    Text: P r o d u c t U p d a t e F i l e Multilayer Chip NTC Thermistors for Temperature Compensating and Temperature Control Circuits NTCG Conforming to RoHS Directive Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means ttiat, in conform ity w itti EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadm ium , mercury,

    OCR Scan
    2002/95/EC, 05XW0 05XT0 NTCG103JF103F 3435K NTCG163JF103F puf-sa01ea2008 thermistor ntc 10k thermistor ntc 5k NTC glass bead thermistor 100K of thermistor 47K ohms ntc NTC thermistor 5k ohm NTC 4.7K 47k thermistor ntc NTC thermistor 100K NTC thermistor 10k ohm thermistor 4.7k ohm PDF