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    361 TRANSFORMER Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    WB1040-SML Coilcraft Inc Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
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    361 TRANSFORMER Price and Stock

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    Abstract: SDC-362 scott-t transformer
    Text: SDC-361/362 16-BIT, TWO SPEED SYNCHRO-TO-DIGITAL AND RESOLVER-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS • Accuracy: ±1 LSB = ±20 Seconds The SDC-361 is a low-cost, single module synchro-to-digital S/D and resolver-to-digital (R/D) tracking converter. A unique control transformer

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    Text: an47_3.fm4 Page 49 Saturday, August 3, 1996 1:23 PM APPLICATION NOTE 47 APRIL, 1996 LXT360/361 Line Protection Circuitry General Description 1 Protective Circuitry Discussion This application note provides guidelines for line protection circuitry required in typical LXT360/361 applications

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    Abstract: HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code fil-mag LXT361PE LXT360PE 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER 5.1 5 band equalizer DTH11 ask rf remote control encoder decoder E1 PCM encoder
    Text: 360_4.fm4 Page 55 Sunday, August 4, 1996 5:41 PM Preliminary Information APRIL, 1996 DATA SHEET LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceivers for DS1/DSX-1/CSU or NTU/ISDN PRI Applications General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully

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    Abstract: PTC T1 resistance "thermal fuse" ry LXT360 RY 227 RJ48C varistor k17 "Line Protection" datasheet raychem SEALING END ptc application note
    Text: LXT360/361 Line Protection Circuitry Design Guide Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249159-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN047. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

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    Abstract: vde 0636 800 kva power transformer NH3GTR250KVA E217078 NH2GTR50KVA VDE0636
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    Abstract: SDC-361 Resolvers and Synchros
    Text: QQQ SDC-361/362 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION!_ 16-BIT, TWO SPEED SYNCHRO-TO-DIGITAL AND RESOLVER-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The SDC-361 is a low-cost, single module synchro-to-digltal S/D and resolver-to-digilal (R/D) tracking con­

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    Abstract: ilc 150 eth
    Text: BBS SDC-361/362 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION«_ _ 16 BIT TWO-SPEED S /D AND R /D CONVERTER Single Module with Internal Transformers .f* y FEATURES • A C C U R A C Y : ±1 LSB = 2 0 seconds • DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS T he SDC-361 is a low -cost, single m odule

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □ O B SDC-361/362 ILC DATA DEVICE _ CORPORATION«_ 16 BIT TWO-SPEED S /D AND R /D CONVERTER Single Module with Internal Transformers FEATURES • A C C U R A C Y : ± 1 LSB = 2 0 seconds • S IG N A L A N D R EF IN PUTS: DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS T he SDC-361 is a low -cost, single m odule

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS-361 CS-361 2MHz Resonant-Mode Control Description T h e C S -3 6 1 ia a p o w e r s u p p l y con trol o n e s h o t a n d d u a l h i g h c u r r e n t 1.5 A 1C us ed in re s o n a n t an d q ua s i r e s on a nt pu ls e tot em p o le o ut pu ts .

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    Text: DATA S H E E T AUGUST 1998 Revision 3.0 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications _ General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for E l ISDN Primary

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AUGUST 1998 Revision 3.0 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for E l ISDN Primary Rate Interface and T1 long and short haul applications.

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    Abstract: bone density detector TPO displays corp Midcom CR 0090
    Text: M AY 1996 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceivers for DS1/DSX-1/CSU or NTU/ISDN PRl Applications General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for El ISDN Primary Rate Interface and Tl long- and short-haul applications.

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    Abstract: CS-361 CS-361DW16 CS-361N16 MC34067 cs361 CQ oscillator CSC
    Text: 2MHz Resonant-Mode Control Features Description T he CS-361 ia a pow er supply control IC used in resonant and qu asi resonant .mode topologies w hich operate in a C onstan t O ff Tim e M ode. The IC con ­ tains a program m able voltage con­ trolled oscillator VCO, 2% linearity

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    CS-361 200kHz MC34067. CS-361N16 CS-361DW16 cs360 MC34067 cs361 CQ oscillator CSC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 000 SDC-361/362 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION«. BIT TWO-SPEED S /D AND R /D CONVERTER Single Module with Internal Transformers FEATURES • AC CU R A CY : ±1 LSB = 2 0 seconds • SIG N A L A N D REF INPUTS: D E S C R IP T IO N A P P L IC A T IO N S T h e S D C -3 6 1 is a low-cost, single m odule

    OCR Scan
    SDC-361/362 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QQET SDC-361/362 ILC DATA DEVICE CO RPORATION_ _ _ 16 BIT T W O -S P E E D S / D A N D R / D CONVERTER Single M o d u le w ith Internal Transform ers FEATURES • A C C U R A C Y : ± 1 LSB = 2 0 seconds • DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS T h e S D C -3 6 1 is a lo w -c o s t, sin gle m o d u le

    OCR Scan
    SDC-361/362 PDF