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    35 VOLT 4 AMPERE BRIDGE RECTIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CRG09A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 1 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CMG03A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 600 V, 2 A , Rectifier Diode, M-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG11B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 0.4 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG10A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 600 V, 0.7 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG09B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 1 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    35 VOLT 4 AMPERE BRIDGE RECTIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: design drive circuit of IGBT IR2112 application note IGBT cross reference IRGP30B120KD-E AN-983a IR igbt gate driver ic IR2112 equivalent IR2112 an-990
    Text: “Positive Only” Gate Drive IGBTs Created by Cres Minimization By Richard Francis, Peter Wood and Arnold Alderman, International Rectifier Corporation As presented at PCIM 2001 +Vbus Previously, the general practice is to provide Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors IGBTs with

    AN983A, AN990, 7BR25SA120 design drive circuit of IGBT IR2112 application note IGBT cross reference IRGP30B120KD-E AN-983a IR igbt gate driver ic IR2112 equivalent IR2112 an-990 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGRELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.SA TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212) 227-6008 FAX: (973) 376-8980 3N246 MINIATURE INTEGRAL DIODE ASSEMBLIES SINGLE PHASE , FULL-WAVE BRIDGE . . . with silicon rectifier chips interconnected and cnca nulatcd into void I cis rectifier bridge circuits.

    3N246 PDF


    Abstract: SKHI 65 Semikron Skai 2 SKM75GB123D semikron IGBT semikron skai igbt trigger by opto skhi 64 Semikron skai mosfet single phase inverter IGBT driver
    Text: ✓ plug + play ✓ protection ✓ easy interface ✓ integrated DC-DC converter ✓ 4kV isolation IGBT and MOSFET SKHI - Drivers Integrated Components and Integrated Solutions SEMIKRON - IGBT/MOSFET Drivers SKHI SEMIKRON - Driver ASICs SKIC SKHI-DRIVER ✓ Protection

    D-90253 SEMIKRON SKHI 65 SKHI 65 Semikron Skai 2 SKM75GB123D semikron IGBT semikron skai igbt trigger by opto skhi 64 Semikron skai mosfet single phase inverter IGBT driver PDF

    diac kr 206

    Abstract: BAS70WT SMBJ11CA FR107 SOD-123 db1 diac EX 0045 bm diode zener 10A06 sources 812 6V8A Zener Diode pev LF marking PL 15Z DIODE
    Text: PRODUCT CATALOG 2015 MCC TM Micro Commercial Components COMPLETE DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS SOLUTIONS POWERED BY SERVICE MCCSEMI.COM MCC TM Micro Commercial Components TM Where to Buy Micro Commercial Components

    element14 diac kr 206 BAS70WT SMBJ11CA FR107 SOD-123 db1 diac EX 0045 bm diode zener 10A06 sources 812 6V8A Zener Diode pev LF marking PL 15Z DIODE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SR1020CS THRU SR10200CS SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RANGE 20 to 200 Volts CURRENT 10.0 Ampere FEATURES Low swit ching noise Low forward volt age drop Low t hermal resist ance High current capabilit y High swit ching capabilit y High surge capabit it y

    SR1020CS SR10200CS 069different SR1060CS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DI200~DI2010 DUAL-IN-LINE GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER VOLTAGE 50~1000 Volt CURRENT 2 Ampere FEATURES • Surge overload rating-50 amperes peak • Ideal for printed circuit board 0.255 6.5 0.245(6.2) 0.315(8.00) 0.285(7.24) • Low leakage

    DI200 DI2010 rating--50 MIL-S-19500/228 2011/65/EU IEC61249 2013-REV PDF

    sonar sensors

    Abstract: sonar 200khz AS-100 AS-101 AS-102 AS-103 AS-104 AS-105 AS-110 AS-111
    Text: AS Series • Current Sense Inductors & Transformers AS Series Current Sensors are designed as a low cost method of controlling, monitoring or measuring AC currents. The sensors serve as feedback elements between the output and pulse control circuitry providing

    20kHz 200kHz ISO-9001 TS-16949 ISO-14001 AS-404 AS-405 AS-406 sonar sensors sonar 200khz AS-100 AS-101 AS-102 AS-103 AS-104 AS-105 AS-110 AS-111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AS Series • Current Sense Inductors & Transformers AS Series Current Sensors are designed as a low cost method of controlling, monitoring or measuring AC currents. The sensors serve as feedback elements between the output and pulse control circuitry providing

    20kHz 200kHz ISO-9001 TS-16949 ISO-14001 AS-403 AS-404 AS-407 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AS Series • Current Sense Inductors & Transformers AS Series Current Sensors are designed as a low cost method of controlling, monitoring or measuring AC currents. The sensors serve as feedback elements between the output and pulse control circuitry providing

    20kHz 200kHz ISO-9001 TS-16949 ISO-14001 AS-403 AS-404 AS-407 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DI100S~DI1010S SURFACE MOUNT GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER VOLTAGE 50 to 1000 Volt CURRENT 1 Ampere Recongnized File #E111753 FEATURES • Plastic material used carries Underwriters Laboratory recognition 94V-O 406 10.3 • Low leakage

    DI100S DI1010S E111753 MIL-S-19500/228 IEC61249 MIL-STD-750, PDF


    Abstract: H569445 ED83127-30 G-D ED83127-30 H569 T-83150-30 Diode FAJ ED83019-50 schematic symbol circuit breaker panel ED83127
    Text: Secondary DC Power Distribution Bay H569-445 Product Manual Select Code 157-005-104 Comcode 108405283 Issue 5 May 2000 2000 Lucent Technologies Product Manual Select Code 157-005-104 Comcode 108405283 Issue 5 May 2000 Lucent Technologies Secondary DC Power Distribution Bay

    H569-445 H569-455 h569-445 H569445 ED83127-30 G-D ED83127-30 H569 T-83150-30 Diode FAJ ED83019-50 schematic symbol circuit breaker panel ED83127 PDF

    scr control circuit for welding

    Abstract: POW-R-BRIK SCR 131-6 SCR 2000 powerex R9G0 2100 scr welding 2200300 scr 209 3000 watt inverter SCR RECTIFIER
    Text: POW-R-BRIK Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 724 925-7272 Phase Control Modules 345-800 Amperes/400-3000 Volts OUTLINE DRAWING MARKING: DEVICE AND DIRECTION ACCORDING TO CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION CHART L TYP. 4 PLACES C

    Amperes/400-3000 9003DH 0803DH 1003DH 1203DH 08XX00 0903DH scr control circuit for welding POW-R-BRIK SCR 131-6 SCR 2000 powerex R9G0 2100 scr welding 2200300 scr 209 3000 watt inverter SCR RECTIFIER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IRMD2231Q International Rectifier • 233 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 IRMD22381Q Demo Board For 3-phase / 380V motor drives IR22381Q Demo Board without IGBT Power Module USA IRMD22381Q IRMD22381Q Demo Board For 3-phase / 380V motor drives

    IRMD2231Q IRMD22381Q IR22381Q IRMD22381Q PDF


    Abstract: IGBT desaturation Motor Driver Circuit schematic 10 ampere igbt based active filter circuit diagram IR22381Q 3phase GROUND Fault detection CIRCUIT Motor Driver Circuit schematic 20 ampere igbt desaturation driver schematic 3 phase rectifier circuit diagram igbt high power igbt AC 3 phase controller
    Text: IRMD2231Q International Rectifier • 233 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 IRMD22381Q Demo Board For 3-phase / 380V motor drives IR22381Q Demo Board without IGBT Power Module z USA IRMD22381Q IRMD22381Q Demo Board For 3-phase / 380V motor drives

    IRMD2231Q IRMD22381Q IR22381Q IRMD22381Q IGBT DRIVER SCHEMATIC 3 PHASE IGBT desaturation Motor Driver Circuit schematic 10 ampere igbt based active filter circuit diagram 3phase GROUND Fault detection CIRCUIT Motor Driver Circuit schematic 20 ampere igbt desaturation driver schematic 3 phase rectifier circuit diagram igbt high power igbt AC 3 phase controller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POülEREX W INC V t> E iiE 72* 141, 21 OOQMMôb S IPRX KMK245A1HB X Powerex, Inc., Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 7 ^ 1 3 ' 3 5 Diode Bridge Input,

    OCR Scan
    KMK245A1HB BP107, Amperes/600 BP107 KMK245A1HB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: murnEK ME501206 ME501606 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 T h r e 6 -P h 3 S B Diode Bridge Modules 60 Amperes/1200-1600 Volts Description: Powerex Three-Phase Diode Bridge Modules are designed for use in three-phase bridge applica­

    OCR Scan
    ME501206 ME501606 Amperes/1200-1600 ME501206, 000flS70 MES01606 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RS101 thru RS107 5YMSEMI SEMICONDUCTOR Singie-Phase Bridge Rectifiers Voltage Range 50 to 1000 Volts Forward Current 1.0 Ampere Features ♦ ♦ ♦ S u r g e o v e rlo a d ra tin g - 5 0 A m p e re s p e a k Id e a l fo r p rin te d c ir c u it b o a rd s

    OCR Scan
    RS101 RS107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ MB2M thru MB6M Miniature Glass Passivated Single-Phase Bridge Rectifiers Voltage Range 200 to 600 Volts Forward Current 0.5 Ampere 5YN5EMI SEMICONDUCTOR Features_ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ P la s tic pa cka g e has U n d e rw rite rs L a b o ra to ry F lam m a bility

    OCR Scan
    35Apeak MIL-STD-750, C13PF PDF

    k 2445 transistor

    Abstract: brushless dc motor
    Text: POülEREX INC m N 3*\E B W D WM TBTMbSl D O O M E D 7 mPRX KMK24502HB L Powerex, Inc., Hlllis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 1S697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107,72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 D /O C f B r id Q Q T - 3 3 -3

    OCR Scan
    KMK24502HB 1S697 BP107 Amperes/600 KMK24502HB peres/600 99STf) k 2445 transistor brushless dc motor PDF


    Abstract: DIODE 6AA
    Text: im 28 ,05î Preliminary Data Sheet No. PD-6.012 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER llO R IR8SOOB 3A, 5 5 V DMOS H-BRIDGE POWER INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 11-PIN MOLDED SIP General Description Features The IR8200B 3-Amp, 55 Volt DMOS H-Bridge is designed for motion control applications. The part

    OCR Scan
    11-PIN IR8200B IR8200B DIODE 6AA PDF


    Abstract: 1N3736 General electric A190 A190S 1N3735 1N3737 1N3738 1N3739 A190 A190B
    Text: FAST R EC O VER Y RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 2000 1500 1000 900 600 « 700 ! j 600 § 500 s 400 5 300 § 200 z H _l O > fOO 90 80 70 60 50 I 3 6 12 20 25 30 100 140 2 5 0 4 0 0 750 IK AVERAGE CURRENT-AMPERES S T A N D A R D RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 3000 V3

    OCR Scan
    1N3735-44 1N3735 G322L 1N3735-44 1N3736 General electric A190 A190S 1N3737 1N3738 1N3739 A190 A190B PDF


    Abstract: A137N 1N3261 1N3262 A170A A177 A180 A180A A187 A187A
    Text: FAST R EC O VER Y RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 2000 1500 1000 « 900 600 700 § 500 s 400 5 300 § 200 ! j 600 z H _l O > fOO 90 80 70 60 50 I 3 6 12 20 25 3 0 100 140 2 5 0 4 0 0 75 0 IK AVERAGE CURRENT-AMPERES S T A N D A R D RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 3000

    OCR Scan
    1N3289-96 IN3260-75 a1870 A137N 1N3261 1N3262 A170A A177 A180 A180A A187 A187A PDF


    Abstract: 1N3738 equivalent GE A390C Rectifier Diode 1N4053 GE 1N3736 a190d A197N 1N3735 1N4045 A190A
    Text: FAST R EC O VER Y RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 2000 1500 1000 900 600 « 700 !j 6 0 0 § 500 s 400 5 300 § 200 z H _l O > fOO 90 80 70 60 50 I 3 6 12 20 25 30 100 140 2 5 0 4 0 0 750 IK AVERAGE CURRENT-AMPERES S T A N D A R D RECTIFIERS SELECTOR GUIDE 3000 V3

    OCR Scan
    1N3735-44 1N4044-56 G322L G322 1N3738 equivalent GE A390C Rectifier Diode 1N4053 GE 1N3736 a190d A197N 1N3735 1N4045 A190A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 D U S l DlO d& P O W -R -B L O K M o d u le 600 Amperes/2400 Volts Description: OUTLINE DRAWING M lO T H D M 10TH D M10THD '.I TT • n LD41_ _60 Dual Diode POW-R-BLOK™ Module

    OCR Scan
    Amperes/2400 M10THD tai00 1016S PDF