Abstract: asus mainboard diagram ND R433 asus Audi b5 z0123 asus notebook 401 asus schematic diagram z0121 lg r560 circuit diagram
Text: ! " # Appendix B Circuit Diagrams * B This appendix has schematic circuit diagrams of the major parts of the notebookâs mainboard. Unless otherwise indicated, this reference has circuit diagrams for mainboard version 4.1. If the mainboard you are repairing is a different version, consult the manufacturer for the appropriate diagrams.
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Thi s Docum entcan notbe used wi thoutSamsung' s aut hori zati on. 11. Mai n System PartLi st CODE DESCRI PTI ON REFERENCE EA 3920501 j ack-usb-4p-mnt4,JACK-USB;-,-,-,-,- J505 J2501 J2502 3 0401-000191 di ode,DI ODE-SWI TCHI NG;MMBD4148,75V,200MA,SOT-23,TP