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    320MA LED DRIVER Search Results

    320MA LED DRIVER Result Highlights (5)

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    TB67B001BFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC78B011FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=30/Square, Sine Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67B001AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H451AFNG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushed Motor Driver/1ch/Vout(V)=50/Iout(A)=3.5 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H450AFNG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushed Motor Driver/1ch/Vout(V)=50/Iout(A)=3.5 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    320MA LED DRIVER Datasheets Context Search

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    3.6v led driver circuit

    Abstract: LT1618 LED with 3v forward voltage LXHL-BW02 CRL16-R100FOM LED driver INDUCTOR DC780 LT1618EDD PMEG2010EA SD25
    Text: QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 780 CONSTANT-CURRENT 1.4MHZ WHITE LED DRIVER LT1618 DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 780 is a constant-current 1.4MHz white LED driver featuring the LT1618. The board is optimized for 3.5V LED forward voltage output at 320mA

    LT1618 LT1618. 320mA LT1618 1/16W LT1618EDD 3.6v led driver circuit LED with 3v forward voltage LXHL-BW02 CRL16-R100FOM LED driver INDUCTOR DC780 LT1618EDD PMEG2010EA SD25 PDF


    Abstract: 1W LED 50ma 3.6v led driver circuit DC780 LXHL-BW02 LXHL
    Text: QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 780 CONSTANT-CURRENT 1.4MHZ WHITE LED DRIVER LT1618 DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 780 is a constant-current 1.4MHz white LED driver featuring the LT1618. The board is optimized for 3.5V LED forward voltage output at 320mA

    LT1618 LT1618. 320mA LT1618 DC780 50mA/10mV 100mA/10mV 1W LED 50ma 3.6v led driver circuit LXHL-BW02 LXHL PDF

    F 2601

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEW from Smart Force SFDK LED Driver Driver for LED Backlights • High Efficiency  Less Than 8mm in Height  Wide Input Voltage Design 10-20V ; (5V Available)  Maximum Current of 320mA  Maximum Output Voltage of 60V  Powers up to 8 LED Strings

    0-20V) 320mA F 2601 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet AS1119 144-LED Cross-Plexing Driver with 320mA Charge-Pump 2 Key Features 1 General Description 1MHz I²C-Compatible Interface The AS1119 is a compact LED driver for 144 90 single LEDs. The devices can be programmed via an I²C compatible interface.

    AS1119 144-LED 320mA AS1119 30LEDs) com/LED-Driver-ICs/AS1119 PDF


    Abstract: LED-Matrix led136 LED137 LED84 CS11A CS16 CS10 LED87 CS12
    Text: Datasheet AS1119 144-LED Cross-Plexing Driver with 320mA Charge-Pump 1 General Description 2 Key Features 1MHz I²C-Compatible Interface The AS1119 is a compact LED driver for 144 90 single LEDs. The devices can be programmed via an I²C compatible interface.

    AS1119 144-LED 320mA AS1119 30LEDs) com/LED-Driver-ICs/AS1119 LED-Matrix led136 LED137 LED84 CS11A CS16 CS10 LED87 CS12 PDF


    Abstract: rectifier diode 5V 320mA 1098AS-100M DE2812C MAX8830 MAX8830EWE MIPF2520 SD3114 VLF3012AT
    Text: 19-0782; Rev 1; 6/08 LED Light Management IC in 2.5mm x 2.5mm UCSP Features The MAX8830 light management IC integrates a 400mA guaranteed PWM DC-DC step-up converter, a 320mA white LED camera flash current sink, and four programmable LED current sinks. The internal 1MHz step-up

    MAX8830 400mA 320mA MAX8830 1098AS rectifier diode 5V 320mA 1098AS-100M DE2812C MAX8830EWE MIPF2520 SD3114 VLF3012AT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0782; Rev 1; 6/08 LED Light Management IC in 2.5mm x 2.5mm UCSP Features The MAX8830 light management IC integrates a 400mA guaranteed PWM DC-DC step-up converter, a 320mA white LED camera flash current sink, and four programmable LED current sinks. The internal 1MHz step-up

    MAX8830 400mA 320mA MAX8830 PDF

    230V AC to 12V DC ic

    Abstract: 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer 230V AC to 5V DC ic BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v 5A transformer from 230V AC to 5V DC 230v ac to 12v dc circuit without transformer for LED 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer circuit 3A, 50V BRIDGE-RECTIFIER BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v ,5A BRIDGE-RECTIFIER
    Text: 19-5978; Rev 0; 7/11 MAX16840L Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX16840 General Description Features The MAX16840L low-power 5W input evaluation kit (EV kit) demonstrates the MAX16840 HBLED driver IC used for Solid State Lighting (SSL) applications. The EV kit is

    MAX16840L MAX16840 MAX16840 230V AC to 12V DC ic 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer 230V AC to 5V DC ic BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v 5A transformer from 230V AC to 5V DC 230v ac to 12v dc circuit without transformer for LED 230v ac to 12v dc without transformer circuit 3A, 50V BRIDGE-RECTIFIER BRIDGE-RECTIFIER 12v ,5A BRIDGE-RECTIFIER PDF


    Abstract: AS3645B AS3645A AS364
    Text: Datasheet AS3645 1000/720mA Ultra Small High efficient single/dual LED Flash Driver with Safety Features 1 General Description 2 Key Features High efficiency 2MHz fixed frequency DCDC Boost converter with soft start allows small coils The AS3645 is an inductive high efficient DCDC step up

    AS3645 1000/720mA AS3645 AS3645B AS3645A AS364 PDF


    Abstract: AN141 APP141 MAX7219 7-segment display driver 8 digit display
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > DISPLAY DRIVERS Keywords: LED display drivers, LED drivers, SPI, serial, display drivers Mar 30, 1995 APPLICATION NOTE 141 Data Multiplexer Adds Cursor To MAX7219 or MAX7221 LED 7 Segment Display Driver Abstract: The MAX7219 or MAX7221 7-segment LED display driver can highlight any one digit of its 8 digit display by adding a data

    MAX7219 MAX7221 320mA, com/an141 MAX7219: MAX7221: AN141, APP141, AN141 APP141 7-segment display driver 8 digit display PDF


    Abstract: samsung datecode CAPACITOR samsung datecode schematic diagram samsung led ECJUNBPJ155K 516MA AS3644-ZWLT LXCL-PWF3 CL05A395MQ5NQKL samsung led monitor
    Text: Datasheet AS3644 Ultra Small 500mA Inductive White LED Flash Driver 1 General Description 2 Key Features 2 Total flash driver solution only 11mm The AS3644 is an inductive high efficient DCDC step up converter driving a current source. The DCDC step up converter operates at a fixed frequency of 4MHz and

    AS3644 500mA AS3644 320mA com/AS3644 samsung datecode CAPACITOR samsung datecode schematic diagram samsung led ECJUNBPJ155K 516MA AS3644-ZWLT LXCL-PWF3 CL05A395MQ5NQKL samsung led monitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTE2075 Integrated Circuit 5–Stage Transistor Array w/Strobe Description: The NTE2075, 5–channel sink driver, consists of 10 NPN transistors connected to form high current gain driver pairs. Features: D Output Sustaining Voltage to 20V D High Output Sink Current to 320mA

    NTE2075 NTE2075, 320mA NTE2075 300mA, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet AS3642 Ultra Small 500mA Inductive White LED Flash Driver 2 Key Features 1 General Description Total The AS3642 is an inductive high efficient DCDC step up converter driving a current source. The DCDC step up converter operates at a fixed frequency of 4MHz and

    AS3642 500mA AS3642 320mA com/AS3642 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IS31BL3230 8 CHANNELS CONSTANT CURRENT LED DRIVER WITH PWM BRIGHTNESS CONTROL February 2012 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The IS31BL3230 provides eight regulated current sources, each delivers up to 40mA of load current with careful selection of external sense resistors, all outputs

    IS31BL3230 IS31BL3230 320mA. QFN-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: austriamicrosystems AG is now ams AG The technical content of this austriamicrosystems datasheet is still valid. Contact information: Headquarters: ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 0 3136 500 0 e-Mail:

    AS3642 500mA AS3642 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD ULD3380 Preliminary LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT HIGH EFFICIENCY PWM BUCK LED DRIVER CONTROLLER  6 DESCRIPTION The UTC ULD3380 is a PWM mode step-down converter. By well controlling the external MOSFET and regulating a constant

    ULD3380 ULD3380 OT-26 OT-26 QW-R109-034 PDF


    Abstract: M54534
    Text: MITSUBISHI BIPOLAR DIGITAL ICs M54534P 6-UNIT 320mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE AND STROBE DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M54534P, 6-channel sink driver, consists of 12 NPN tran­ sistors connected to form high current gain driver pairs.

    OCR Scan
    M54534P 320mA M54534P, --25V M54534P M54534 PDF

    str 5453

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M I T S U B I S H I B IP O L A R D I G I T A L ICs M54533P 6-UNIT 320mA TR A N SISTO R ARRAY WITH CLA M P DIODE AND STR O B E DESCRIPTION The M54533P, 6-channel sink driver, consists of 12 NPN tran­ sistors to form high current gain driver pairs. PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW

    OCR Scan
    M54533P 320mA M54533P, str 5453 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    0015G M54534P 320mA M54534P, 320mA PDF

    320mA LED Driver

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I BIPOLAR D IG ITA L ICs M54529AP 5-UNIT 320mA TRANSISTOR ARRAY W ITH STROBE DESCRIPTION "he M54529AP, 5-channel sink driver, consists of 10 NPN Iransistors connected to form high current gain driver pairs. FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW

    OCR Scan
    M54529AP 320mA M54529AP, I-75TC) M54529AP 320mA LED Driver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b 2 4c,aE7 0D1SDDD 0 b 4 • H I T 3 b3E M IT S U B IS H I M .T S U B .S H . B .P O L A R D .G .T A L .Cs WI54523AP DGTL LOGIC S-UNIT 320mA TRAN SISTO R ARRAY WITH STR O B E DESCRIPTION The M54529AP, 5-channel sink driver, consists of 10 NPN PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)

    OCR Scan
    WI54523AP 320mA M54529AP, 320mA PDF


    Abstract: t 2148 transistor 24v 8 channel Relay driver
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I MS4529AP DGTL LOGIC 5 -U N IT 320m A TR A N S IS TO R ARRAY W IT H STROBE DESCRIPTION The M54529AP, 5-channel sink driver, consists of 10 NPN transistors connected to form high current gain driver pairs. FEATURES • • • • PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)

    OCR Scan
    M54529AP 320mA M54529AP, 320mA M54529AP 30kfi 300mA, t 2148 transistor 24v 8 channel Relay driver PDF

    si 13001 transistor

    Abstract: transistor x 13002 diagram transistor 13001 transistor di 13001 transistor te 13001 13001 HF transistor x 13001 TRANSISTOR si 13001 13001 TRANSISTOR transistor s 13001
    Text: BA13001 /BA13001F/BA13002/BA13002F B A 1 3 0 0 1 / B A 1 3 0 0 1 F B A 1 3 0 0 2 / B A 1 3 0 0 2 F • 7 -r -f □ - 7 i - X Interface Driver for Microcontroller Peripherals and Displays • i f E l / D i m e n t i o n s Unit : mm BA13001, B A 13002, BA13001F, B A 13002F IJ,

    OCR Scan
    BA13001 /BA13001F/BA13002/BA13002F BA13001, BA13001F, 13002F BA13002 BA13002F si 13001 transistor transistor x 13002 diagram transistor 13001 transistor di 13001 transistor te 13001 13001 HF transistor x 13001 TRANSISTOR si 13001 13001 TRANSISTOR transistor s 13001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I BIPO LAR D IG ITA L ICs M 54529P 5 -U N IT 320m A TR A N S ISTO R ARRAY W IT H STROBE DESCRIPTION The M54529P, 5-channel sink driver, consists of 10 NPN tran­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sistors connected to form high current gain driver pairs.

    OCR Scan
    54529P M54529P, 320mA M54529P PDF