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    3140 OP AMP Search Results

    3140 OP AMP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA1630S02LPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    3140 OP AMP Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REF3112 REF3120 REF3125 REF3130 REF3133 REF3140 SBVS046C – DECEMBER 2003 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2006 15ppm/°C Max, 100µA, SOT23-3 SERIES VOLTAGE REFERENCE FEATURES DESCRIPTION ● MicroSIZE PACKAGE: SOT23-3 The REF31xx is a family of precision, low power, low dropout,

    REF3112 REF3120 REF3125 REF3130 REF3133 REF3140 SBVS046C 15ppm/Â OT23-3 r31a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICs for CD/CD-ROM Player AN8818SB 3ch. Linear Driver IC for CD/CD-ROM • Overview Unit : mm The AN8818SB is a 3ch. driver using the power operational amplifier method. It employs the surface mounting type package superior in radiation characteristics. 15

    AN8818SB AN8818SB PDF

    ci 3860, 8 pin

    Abstract: T7503 53586 pcm codec Hz-7600
    Text: T7503 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Applications • +5 V only ■ Speakerphone ■ Automatic powerdown mode ■ Telephone answering device TAD ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology ■ POTS for ISDN ■ ■ On-chip sample and hold, autozero, and precision voltage reference

    T7503 ci 3860, 8 pin 53586 pcm codec Hz-7600 PDF

    cd-rom motor driver

    Abstract: AN8818SB
    Text: ICs for CD/CD-ROM Player AN8818SB 3ch. Linear Driver IC for CD/CD-ROM • Overview Unit : mm M Di ain sc te on na tin nc ue e/ d The AN8818SB is a 3ch. driver using the power operational amplifier method. It employs the surface mounting type package superior in radiation characteristics.

    AN8818SB AN8818SB cd-rom motor driver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CA3140, CA3140A h a r ® J S E M I C O N D U C T O R • M M ■ 4 .5 MHz, BiMOS Operational Amplifier November 1996 with M OSFET Input/Bipolar Output Features Description • MOSFET Input Stage The CA3140A and CA3140 are integrated circuit operational ampli­

    OCR Scan
    CA3140, CA3140A CA3140A CA3140 -10pA PDF


    Abstract: UGN3113 Allegro 3120 zt sot-89 UGN3113UA A ugs 3120
    Text: HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES These Hall-effect switches are highly temperature stable and stressresistant devices best utilized in applications that provide steep magnetic slopes and low residual levels of magnetic flux density. Each device includes a voltage regulator, quadratic Hall voltage

    OCR Scan
    PH-003A a1265 UGN3113 Allegro 3120 zt sot-89 UGN3113UA A ugs 3120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC blE D m DSD433B GODblB'ì 27S • ALCR 3113, 3120, 3130, a n d 3140 " T t S - o ' S HALL-KFFFCT SWITCHES These Hall-effect switches are highly temperature stable and stressresistant sensors best utilized in applications that provide steep magnetic

    OCR Scan
    DSD433B bipo120 GH-013 GH-014 D5G433Ã MH-006A MH-002-1A MH-011-1A 6-BT PDF


    Abstract: a3140 TL 555c AM TL 555c 741 LEM ca3140ab
    Text: {Sì h a r r is CA3140, CA3140A S E M I C O N D U C T O R w m w " ^ 7 m w 4.5MHz, B iM O S Operational Amplifier with M O S F E T I n p u t / B i p o l a r O u t p u t N ovem ber 1996 F e a tu re s D e s c rip tio n • M O S F E T I nput S ta ge The CA3140A and CA3140 are integrated circuit operational ampli­

    OCR Scan
    CA3140, CA3140A CA3140A CA3140 GA3140 a3140 TL 555c AM TL 555c 741 LEM ca3140ab PDF

    UGN 3140 sensor

    Abstract: U G N 3140 sensor Hall sensor 3120 UGN3113 UGN3113UA U G N 3140 sensor v UGN3113U
    Text: ,. , 3113 3120 3130 AND 3140 HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES These Hall-effect switches are highly temperature stable and stressresistant sensors best utilized in applications that provide steep magnetic slopes and low residual levels of magnetic flux density. Each device includes a voltage regulator, quadratic Hall voltage

    OCR Scan
    PH-003A UGN 3140 sensor U G N 3140 sensor Hall sensor 3120 UGN3113 UGN3113UA U G N 3140 sensor v UGN3113U PDF


    Abstract: ed 3b diod a 3140 12 diod full wave bridge rectifier ic BA 10B FULL WAVE RECTIFIER a3140 CA3130 ica ca3130 ca 3140a a3140 equivalent
    Text: CA3140, CA3140A Semiconductor September 1998 4.5MHz, BiMOS Operational Amplifier with MOSFET Input/Bipolar Output The CA3140A and CA3140 are integrated circuit operational am plifiers that com bine the advantages of high voltage PM O S transistors with high voltage bipolar transistors on a single

    OCR Scan
    CA3140, CA3140A CA3140A CA3140 CA3080T ed 3b diod a 3140 12 diod full wave bridge rectifier ic BA 10B FULL WAVE RECTIFIER a3140 CA3130 ica ca3130 ca 3140a a3140 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: PIN DIAGRAM OF IC CA3140 ca3140s 10vpp triangle wave generator CA3140E Wien Bridge Oscillator CA3140T ca3140 application circuit CA3140A baxandall
    Text: h a r r is S E M I C O N D U C T O R C A 3 1 4 0 ,C A 3 1 4 0 A J 4 .5 M H z, B iM O S O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r w ith M O S F E T In p u t/B ip o la r O u tp u t November 1996 Features Description • MOSFET Input Stage The CA3140A and CA3140 are integrated circuit operational ampli­

    OCR Scan
    CA3140j CA3140A -10pA GA3140 PIN DIAGRAM OF IC CA3140 ca3140s 10vpp triangle wave generator CA3140E Wien Bridge Oscillator CA3140T ca3140 application circuit baxandall PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C irs A v U I *I A tfA Corporation ▼ SP7514 and HS3140 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE 14-Bit Multiplying DACs Monolithic Construction 14-Bit Resolution 0.003% Non-Linearity Four-Quadrant Multiplication Latch-up Protected Low Power - 30mW Single +15V Power Supply

    OCR Scan
    SP7514 HS3140 14-Bit HS3140 20-pin PDF

    resistor 470ohm

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C ir \o v u i ^y Corporation y  ▼ SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE S P 7514and H S3140 14-Bit Multiplying D A C s • Monolithic Construction ■ 14-Bit Resolution ■ 0.003% Non-Linearity ■ Four-Quadrant Multiplication ■ Latch-up Protected ■ Low Power - 30mW

    OCR Scan
    14-Bit SP7514 HS3140 20-pin 20-pin, resistor 470ohm PDF

    lM 3130

    Abstract: 741 dual op amp LM 3140 ca 3130 CA 3080 E OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER LM 741 LM 741 CA 3140 OP AMP ICL 7611 "Op Amp" lm 741
    Text: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS PAGE SELECTION G U ID E . 3 -4 Externally Compensated, S in g le . 3 -9

    OCR Scan
    CA3015A lM 3130 741 dual op amp LM 3140 ca 3130 CA 3080 E OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER LM 741 LM 741 CA 3140 OP AMP ICL 7611 "Op Amp" lm 741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet May 1995 m -w ._ - r ^ = A T& T ^ Microelectronics T7502 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Applications • +5 V only ■ Speakerphone ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology: — 40 mW/channel typical operating power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    T7502 005002b 20-Pin S-26G7C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet i AT bT rMicroelectronics T7503 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Description • +5 V only The T7503 device is a single-chip, two-channel |i-law PCM codec with filters. This integrated circuit provides analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog

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    T7503 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2001C elantec high EL2001C Low Power, 70 MHz Buffer A mplifier F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • • • • • • • • • • The EL2001 is a low cost monolithic, high slew rate, buffer amplifier. B uilt using the Elantec monolithic Complementary

    OCR Scan
    EL2001C EL2001 EL2001C M2001 DDD31SG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet November 1996 m i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7503 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Applications • +5 V only ■ Speakerphone ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology: — 40 mW/channel typical operating power

    OCR Scan
    T7503 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet IAT&T ’ Microelectronics T7503 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Description • +5 V only The T7503 device is a single-chip, two-channel H-law PCM codec with filters. This integrated circuit provides analog-to-digital and dlgital-to-analog

    OCR Scan
    T7503 20-pin 5-3586C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: microelectronics Preliminary Data Sheet November 1996 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7502 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Applications • +5 V only ■ Speakerphone ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology: — 40 mW/channel typical operating power

    OCR Scan
    T7502 005002b 20-Pin 005002b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡AT&T Preliminary Data Sheet Microelectronics T7503-1 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Description • +5 V only For those applications where tight parametric performance is less critical, a spec relaxed T7503-1 dual codec is offered. This device is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    T7503-1 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet February 1998 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7503 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Applications • +5 V only ■ Speakerphone ■ Automatic powerdown mode ■ Telephone answering device TAD ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology

    OCR Scan
    T7503 DS98-097ALC S96-373A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Panasonic ICs for CD/CD-ROM Player AN8818SB 3ch. Linear Driver IC for CD/CD-ROM • Overview The A N 8818S B is a 3ch. driver using the pow er op e ra ­ tional am plifier m ethod. It em ploys the surface m ounting type package superior in radiation characteristics.

    OCR Scan
    AN8818SB 8818S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet April 1995 ^ AT&T Microelectronics T7503 Dual PCM Codec with Filters Features Description • +5 V only The T7503 device is a single-chip, two-channei |j.-law PCM codec with filters. This integrated circuit provides analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog

    OCR Scan
    T7503 20-pin 005002b 00n0b5 5-2667C 05GG2b PDF