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    3127 NC Search Results

    3127 NC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MSS5131-274MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 270uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2020, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7331-273MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, Ferrite-Core, 2929, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS5131-273MLC Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2020, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS5131-274MLC Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 270uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2020, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS5131-273 Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, shielded, 20% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    3127 NC Datasheets Context Search

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    UHF pnp transistor spice

    Abstract: 500E 800E HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 HFA3128 9700E spice model PNP UHF
    Text: HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 Transistor Array SPICE Models Application Note February 1994 MM3046.1 Introduction Package Models This application note describes the SPICE transistor models for the bipolar devices that comprise the HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, and HFA3128 Ultra High Frequency

    HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 MM3046 HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 UHF pnp transistor spice 500E 800E HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 9700E spice model PNP UHF PDF

    900mhz-1800mhz rf frequency amplifier circuit

    Abstract: uhf amplifier design Transistor PNP Transistor Arrays Intersil PNP transistor 263 HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 HFA3128 SOI series shunt
    Text: RF Amplifier Design Using HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 Transistor Arrays TM Application Note November 1996 Introduction AN9315.1 HFA3046 This application note is focused on exploiting the RF design capabilities of HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 transistor arrays.

    HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 AN9315 HFA3046 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 800MHz 2500MHz) 10MHz 900mhz-1800mhz rf frequency amplifier circuit uhf amplifier design Transistor PNP Transistor Arrays Intersil PNP transistor 263 HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 SOI series shunt PDF


    Abstract: SOI series shunt rf transistors amplifier design and matching network HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 HFA3128 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR noise figure measurements amplifier TRANSISTOR 12 GHZ
    Text: RF Amplifier Design Using HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 Transistor Arrays Application Note November 1996 Introduction AN9315.1 HFA3046 This application note is focused on exploiting the RF design capabilities of HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 transistor arrays.

    HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 AN9315 HFA3046 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 800MHz 2500MHz) 10MHz Q545 SOI series shunt rf transistors amplifier design and matching network HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR noise figure measurements amplifier TRANSISTOR 12 GHZ PDF

    900mhz-1800mhz rf frequency amplifier circuit

    Abstract: PNP UHF transistor HFA3046 uhf transistor amplifier complementary npn-pnp PNP transistor 263 NPN transistor mhz s-parameter silicon bipolar transistor rf power amplifier UHF pnp transistor HFA3096
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9315.1 Harris Linear November 1996 RF Amplifier Design Using HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 Transistor Arrays Author: Sang-Gug Lee Introduction HFA3046 This application note is focused on exploiting the RF design capabilities of HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 transistor arrays.

    AN9315 HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 HFA3046 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 800MHz 2500MHz) 10MHz 900mhz-1800mhz rf frequency amplifier circuit PNP UHF transistor HFA3046 uhf transistor amplifier complementary npn-pnp PNP transistor 263 NPN transistor mhz s-parameter silicon bipolar transistor rf power amplifier UHF pnp transistor HFA3096 PDF

    PNP Transistor Arrays Intersil

    Abstract: BJT IC Vce spice model PNP UHF
    Text: HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 Transistor Array SPICE Models Application Note [ /Title MM3 046 /Subject (HFA3 046/30 96/312 7/3128 TRAN SISTOR ARRA Y SPICE MODELS) /Autho r () /Keywords (Intersil Corporation, semiconductor, ) /Creator () /DOCI February 1994 MM3046.1

    HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 MM3046 HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 PNP Transistor Arrays Intersil BJT IC Vce spice model PNP UHF PDF

    spice model PNP UHF

    Abstract: pspice high frequency transistor UHF pnp transistor spice 500E 800E HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 HFA3128 9700E
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. MM3046.1 Harris Analog February 1994 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 TRANSISTOR ARRAY SPICE MODELS Author: Jeff Lies Introduction Package Models This application note describes the SPICE transistor models for the bipolar devices that comprise the HFA3046,

    MM3046 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 spice model PNP UHF pspice high frequency transistor UHF pnp transistor spice 500E 800E HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 9700E PDF

    UHF pnp transistor spice

    Abstract: spice model PNP UHF 500E HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 HFA3128 bjt 14 GHz npn MM3046 LB/13001 321 transistor
    Text: TM HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 Transistor Array SPICE Models Application Note February 1994 MM3046.1 Introduction Package Models This application note describes the SPICE transistor models for the bipolar devices that comprise the HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, and HFA3128 Ultra High Frequency

    HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 MM3046 HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 UHF pnp transistor spice spice model PNP UHF 500E HFA3046 HFA3096 HFA3127 bjt 14 GHz npn LB/13001 321 transistor PDF

    tms 374

    Abstract: tms 374 chip 3126 "pin compatible" 136 8PIN
    Text: MOS LSI TMS 3126, 3127, 31-28, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3132 LC, NC DUAL 96-, 100-, 128-, 132-, 133-, 136-, 144-81T STATIC SHIFT REGISTERS BULLETIN NO. DL•S 7512263, MAY 1975 • DC to 2.5-MHz Operation • Static Configuration • Single TTL-Compatible Clock TO·99 HERMETICALLY SEALED PACKAGE

    144-81T tms 374 tms 374 chip 3126 "pin compatible" 136 8PIN PDF


    Abstract: LTC3127EMSE 3127 xpl4020 supercap charge LTC3533 LTC3534 LPO2506 LPS4012 LTC3127EDD
    Text: LTC3127 1A Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter with Programmable Input Current Limit Description Features Programmable 0.2A to 1A ±4% Accurate Average Input Current Limit n Regulated Output with Input Voltages Above, Below or Equal to the Output n 1.8V to 5.5V (Input) and 1.8V to 5.25V (Output)

    LTC3127 10-Lead 12-Lead DFN-14 LTC3538 800mA LTC3534 500mA DFN-16 SSOP-16 LTC3127 LTC3127EMSE 3127 xpl4020 supercap charge LTC3533 LTC3534 LPO2506 LPS4012 LTC3127EDD PDF


    Abstract: LTC3533
    Text: LTC3127 1A Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter with Programmable Input Current Limit DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n Programmable 0.2A to 1A ±4% Accurate Average Input Current Limit Regulated Output with Input Voltages Above, Below or Equal to the Output

    LTC3127 10-Lead 12-Lead DFN-14 LTC3538 800mA LTC3534 500mA DFN-16 SSOP-16 LTC3101 LTC3533 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF Amplifier Design Using HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 Transistor Arrays Application Note November 1996 Introduction [ /Title AN93 15.1 /Subject (RF Amplifier Design Using HFA30 46, HFA30 96, HFA31 27, HFA31 28 Transistor Arrays ) /Autho r () /Keywords

    HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 AN9315 HFA30 HFA31 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yi/iyjxiyi/i 19-3127; Rev.O; 4/91 High-Speed 12-Bit A/D Converters With External Reference Input _ Features ♦ 12-Bit Resolution and Accuracy The MAX183/184/185 require an external -5V reference. A buffered reference input minimizes reference-current

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX183/184/185 MAX183 MAX184 AX185 -10ns MAX185BEWG MAX185AMRG MAX185BMRG LF400 PDF


    Abstract: TRK 1703 equivalent for transistor tt 2146 30-1703 dell 1703 hall effect s51 equivalent of transistor tt 2146 TT 2146 LC5805 transistor TT 2146
    Text: Ordering number: EN3127 F SANYO i N o.3127 C MOS LSI LC5805 SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH LCD DRIVER The LC5805 is a C-MOS 4-bit microcomputer that operates on low voltage, very low current and contains LCD drivers. It contains a 4-bit parallel processing ALU, many LCD segment outputs, many I/O ports, a 32.768kHz crystal oscillator,

    OCR Scan
    EN3127 LC5805 LC5805 768kHz X41X3 LC5805F/5899F) LC5805G/5899G) a4963 TRK 1703 equivalent for transistor tt 2146 30-1703 dell 1703 hall effect s51 equivalent of transistor tt 2146 TT 2146 transistor TT 2146 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    2SK3127 O-220FL 2SK3127 PDF


    Abstract: transistor arrays 5v uhf amplifier design Transistor
    Text: RF Amplifier Design Using HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 Transistor Arrays Sem iconductor A p p lic a t io n N o te N o v e m b e r 1996 Introduction This application note is focused on exploiting the FIF design capabilities of HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 transistor arrays.

    OCR Scan
    HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 HFA3046/3096/3127/3128 800MHz 2500MHz) 600MHz HFA3046 transistor arrays 5v uhf amplifier design Transistor PDF

    tms 374

    Abstract: 3131 tms 374 chip
    Text: TMS 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3132 LC. NC DUAL 96-, 100-, 128-, 132-, 133-, 136-, 144-BIT STATIC SHIFT REGISTERS MOS LSI B U L L E T IN • DC to 2 .5 -M H z Operation • Static Configuration • Single T TL -C o m p atib le Clock N O . D L -S 7 5 1 2 2 6 3 , M A Y

    OCR Scan
    144-BIT to-99 tms 374 3131 tms 374 chip PDF


    Abstract: tms 374 tms 374 chip 25CC
    Text: T M S 3126, 3127. 3128, 3129. 3130. 3132 NC DUAL 96-, 100-, 128-, 132-, 133-. 133-, 136-, 144-BIT STATIC SHIFT REGISTERS MOS LSI : O C T O B E R 19 77 B -PIN D U A L - IN L IN E P A C K A G E T O P V IE W ! DC to 2.5-M H z O peration S tatic C o n fig u ra tio n

    OCR Scan
    144-BIT HXAA tms 374 tms 374 chip 25CC PDF

    3126 "pin compatible"

    Abstract: tms 374 tms 374 chip 3129 3127 nc
    Text: MO S LSI T M S 3126, 3127. 3128. 3129. 3130. 3132 NC DUAL 96-, 100-, 128-, 132-, 133-, 133-, 136-, 144-BIT STATIC SHIFT R E G IS T E R S O C T O B E R 1977 • D C to 2.5-MHz Operation • Static Configuration • Single TTl-Com patibte Clock 8-PIN D U A L -IN -L IN E P A C K A G E

    OCR Scan
    144-BIT 3126 "pin compatible" tms 374 tms 374 chip 3129 3127 nc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-3127, Rev.O; 4/91 J V \J V X \J V \ H igh-S peed 12-B it A/D C o nverters W ith E x te rn a l R e fe re n c e In p u t _ F eatures ♦ 12-Bit Resolution and Accuracy The MAX183/184/185 require an external -5V reference. A buffered reference input minimizes reference-current

    OCR Scan
    MAX183 AX184- MAX183/184/185 MIL-STD-883. LF400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM S 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3132 LC. NC D U A L 96-, 100-, 128-, 132-, 133-, 136-, 144-BIT STATIC S H IFT R EG ISTER S M OS LSI B U L L E T I N N O . D L -S 7 5 1 2 2 6 3 , M A Y 1 9 7 5 D C to 2 .5 -M H z Operation TO -99 H E R M E T IC A L L Y S E A LE D PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    144-BIT PDF


    Abstract: MAX183 MAX183ACNG MAX183ACWG MAX183BCNG MAX183BCWG MAX184 MAX185 IN014 LS 1316
    Text: 19-3127; Rev.O; 4/91 H ig h -S p e e d 1 2 -B it A /D C o n v e rte rs W ith E x te rn a l R e fe re n c e In p u t _ F e a tu re s T h e M A X 1 8 3 /1 8 4 /1 8 5 a r e 1 2 - b i t , h i g h - s p e e d , B iC M O S , a n a lo g - to - d ig ita l c o n v e rte rs A D C s th a t

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX183/1 12-bit, MAX183 85AEWG MAX185BFWG MAX185AMRG MAX185BMRG -S1D-883 1N414R MAX183ACNG MAX183ACWG MAX183BCNG MAX183BCWG MAX184 MAX185 IN014 LS 1316 PDF

    AN 7145 M circuit power amplifier

    Abstract: LF400 MAX163 MAX183 MAX183ACNG MAX183BCNG MAX184 MAX185 10nf electrolytic capacitor IS51V
    Text: yi/iyjxjyi/i 19-3127: Rev.O; 4/91 H ig h -S p e e d 1 2 -B it A /D C o n v e rte rs W ith E x te r n a l R e fe r e n c e In p u t T h e M A X 1 8 3 /1 8 4 /1 8 5 a r e 1 2 - b it, h ig h - s p e e d , B iC M O S , a n a lo g - to -d ig ita l c o n v e rte rs A D C s th a t

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX183/1 12-bit, MAX183 MAX185 MAX183/184/185 MAX185BC/D MAX185AENG MAX185BENG MAX185AEWG AN 7145 M circuit power amplifier LF400 MAX163 MAX183ACNG MAX183BCNG MAX184 10nf electrolytic capacitor IS51V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AMP Specifications subject to change. Board-to-Board Connectors, Surface-Mount For latest design specifications. 1-800-522-6752 Dimensioning: Dim ensions are in inches and millimeters. Values in brackets are metric equivalents.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WEITEK Â VIDEO POWER DATA BOOK a PRELIMINARY DATA February 28, 1994_ W EITEK’s Video Power is a video copro­ cessor th at m akes TV-quality digital video possible on desktop PC’s running Video for W indow s, and in other GUI-based multim edia environm ents. Unlike unaccelerated

    OCR Scan
    D0D3L37 160-pin P9130-050-PFP PDF